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NATIVE AMERICAN EMBASSY: Canadian Holocaust (Ongoing)

                The Canadian Holocaust

Welcome to the Native American Embassy's
Canadian Holocaust Room.



The Combined Holocaust That Taught Hitler & Hitler's German Nazis!

The American Holocaust, which includes Canada's Holocaust against the North American First Nations Indigenous Peoples, without even considering the related Holocaust against the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico (Messo-America) & South America, or even Hawaii, is the greatest and longest, ongoing Holocaust of recorded human history!.
When the American & Canadian Holocaust began, Hitler was not yet born, nor did the German Nazis yet exist.
By the time Hitler was in power in Germany and the Nazis and German SS were created, the American & Canadian Holocaust was well underway, many American & Canadian Indigenous Peoples Exterminated, burried in mass graves and those remaining alive, forcfully driven into American and Canadian Prisoner of War Camps (Prison Camps to this day) called Reservations in the United States and Reserves in Canada.
Over 600 North American First Nations Indigenous Peoples, their traditions and cultures decimated, their lands and resources confiscated, their food sources destroyed or driven away and their very lives altered and /or destroyed forever.



Reproduced From the Website of:
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,
1500-360 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3Z3
Toll Free: 1-888-872-5554 (1-888-TRC-5554) Telephone: (204) 984-5885 Fax: (204) 984-5915 Email:

TRC Chair Talks to "The Agenda with Steve Paiken" April 14, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the TRC, sat down with Steve Paiken of TV Ontario to discuss the Commission, its mandate and the work being done. If you missed it, here's the link to the interview. Share Your Truth- TRC Northern Hearings in NWT April 11, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In preparation for the Northern National Event in June, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) will host its first of seven NWT hearings at the Multiplex in Yellowknife on Thursday April 14, 2011. The Commission will travel to 6 more communities throughout the Northwest Territories from April 15-May 12, 2011. Read more Schedule of NWT Nothern Hearings HR News April 7, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TRC is currently seeking applications from qualified candidates for an Audio-Video Editor (GT - 02) position. The successful candidate would work in the Winnipeg office. For more information and/or to apply, click here. Commemoration Update April 7, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TRC has received over 200 Commemoration proposals from across the country, with over $30 million in funding requested. Letters of acknowledgment will be sent out next week and the review of the proposals will begin April 15. Thank you to all individuals, communities and organizations who submitted a funding request. Charlie Hunter is Finally Going Home March 24, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie Hunter was 13 when he drowned in 1974 while attending residential school. One of many First Nations children who went missing during their time at the schools, he was buried in Moonsonee- far from his home community of Peawanuk. The Toronto Star wrote a recent article that focused attention on Charlie’s death and his family’s struggle to have his remains returned to them. Further to the article, the National Residential Schools Survivors Society and readers of The Star piece collaborated to help bring Charlie home. Thanks to these efforts "enough money has been deposited in a trust fund to have the young boy’s remains sent home to his tiny Cree community near Hudson Bay." Read more The TRC Hears From Nunavimmiut March 17, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Northern Hearings commenced on March 14, 2011 in Inukjuak, a community located in the region of Nunavik, Québec. In honour of the TRC and the Inuit Sub-Commission’s arrival, the community built a special iglu to welcome the visitors. It was a first for Commissioner Littlechild, who had never been inside an iglu before! The hearings in Inukjuak began with the lighting of the qulliq by Elder Elisapee Inukpuk. After opening remarks the Commission received dozens of Nunavimmiut Survivors who have had the courage to speak publicly, and often for the first time, about their experience in Residential School. Read more HR News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER OF INTEREST- NORTHERN NATIONAL EVENT OPPORTUNITIES The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is accepting applications for Contract Coordinators for the Northern National Event in Inuvik, NWT June 28 – July 1, 2011. National Events are an important part of the TRC mandate and are intended to share and record the truth of those people affected by the Residential School System. Read more Commemoration Call for Proposals is now CLOSED March 18, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2011 Call for Commemoration Proposals is now CLOSED. This call provided for $10 million in 2011-2012. All proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the TRC, who will then make its recommendations to the Government of Canada, which will administer the funds. A second Call for Commemoration Proposals is expected to be launched in the Fall. Updates will be available on the website. Northern Hearings Update- Revised Schedule! February 21, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On January 12, the TRC Commissioners anounced plans for Northern Hearings in the lead-up to the Northern National Event taking place in Inuvik, June 28 to July 1. To read the original Media release about the Northern Hearings, click here. The Northern Hearings Schedule has the most up-to-date information on the Northern Hearings locations, dates and activities. National Research Centre Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharing Truth - Creating a National Research Centre on Residential Schools - The three-day Forum has wrapped up and was a great success! The TRC wishes to thank all participants, speakers, survivors and organizers for contributing so much to the event and ensuring that the proceedings were engaging and enlightening. Finding Forgiveness and Healing in Thunder Bay November 26, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survivors of the Residential Schools experience who came forward to share their often painful, emotional truths with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission at a community gathering in Thunder Bay, Ontario took another important step this week on the journey of healing and finding forgiveness. “Tapachimoda - Lets Tell Our Stories” was organized in part by the Nishnawbe Aski Nation that focused on hearing from survivors and their families who are coming to terms with their experiences. As many as 200 participants gathered for the three day event. Read more TRC at Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples September 23, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Tuesday, September 28, Chair of the TRC Justice Murray Sinclair, and Commissioners Marie Wilson and Wilton Littlechild appeared before the committee to provide an update on the progress toward commitments made in the Government’s 2008 Apology to survivors of the Residential School System.


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  Copyright(s) © 1991-2012: Lenni Lenape Phoenix,   Native American Embassy,   Mandy & NATIVE ENIT,   Native American Holocaust Museum, Inc.,   Minister Jessie Renee (Von Noaker) ThunderWolfe,   Priscylla Belle Venticello,   Von Noaker Family Publishing Group International   North American Homeless Ombudsman Council
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