Defense of verbal aggressiveness

Defense of verbal aggressiveness - particularly of men

What does one recognize verbal aggressiveness and as can one resist?

Men, who become verbal ever more aggressive, mean, it is the debt of the woman!

What thus are the true causes for verbal aggressive behavior of men? - Mean verbal aggressive men, if one recommends a therapy to them, it do not want not to go there, since psychologists make only their money thereby, by making themselves important. It displeases such men that Mrs. Fachbücher concerning psychology read. These men mean: “These people write nevertheless only to make over thereby money.”

Psychologists know that with verbal aggressive men nothing helps speeches. - If thus hilff, woman does not have to do speeches somewhat. - However which? What should do woman?

In the book “verbal abuse or word, which is like impacts” of the authoress Evans becomes verbal aggressive men described and like woman it resist can.

It is extremely amazing that there are men, who use systematically methods in order a woman to make gefügig with the goal of controlling it.

The goal of such a man is it that the woman subordinates herself to the will of the man in each way. No consideration to the feelings, the characteristics and the abilities of the woman is given. - On the contrary - each possibility is used of making the positive abilities and specialized knowledge of the woman ridiculous. And the worst, which woman explained, it is moved. - Strangely enough want itself such men of their “moved” woman not to separate. - The woman is to change, according to the desires of the man, because she is moved.

In specialized books one can reread thus, that one recognizes verbal aggressive men. It is to be reread, what verbal aggressive men aim at.

Sense and purpose of verbal aggressiveness from men are:

Further sense and purpose of the verbal Aggresivität of men opposite women are to be maintained, the woman would have earned the bad treatment.

Verbal aggressive men are often well-known as “decent respectable” persons in the public. If such men mean that a woman is defenseless, like e.g. ill, handicapped, unemployed persons and small women, then these men often show their true face.

How can one resist in accordance with the advice of psychology experts verbal aggressiveness?

There are references in the technical literature, how one can resist as a woman verbal Agressivität of men.

Type No. 1 is to separate as fast as possible from so a man to and/or interrupt the contact.

Type No. 2 is to go to the police and/or confer with an attorney.

Type No. 3 is to undertake everything so that this verbal aggressive man thereby stops. That means, one can inform teammates, neighbours, acquaintance and also the public.

Type No. 4: in no case to intimidate or isolate leave themselves!

Type No. 5: Turn to a woman house and/or the woman emergency call in your proximity. There you are advised by PsychologInnen and woman barristers.

Evelin Cervenkova
Lakota Oyate Foundation

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