I am Evelin Cervenkova, the Begründerin of the Lakota Oyate information in Germany.
Since summer 1997 I observe the behaviour of Indian supporters in German-language countries.
Unfortunately I found out that many Indian supporters do not have on the right of and communication knowledge. Many of them do not know, how one communicates, in order to avoid conflicts and/or to clarify conflicts and Misverständnisse peacefully and schachlich.
That is the reason, why I recommend such knowledge to the associations since 1999 for the support of North American Indians.
Unfortunately since then the situation did not change. I would know a quantity of such Indian supporters and - befriended call, who it lacks such knowledge. It unfortunately often happens that such Indian friends waste their time with controversy pure.
Fact is that each important door can call itself as Indian supporters and/or an Indian friend.
Unfortunately someone hardly asks whether such an Indian supporter has legal knowledge.
Unfortunately someone hardly asks whether such an Indian supporter is capable to avoid conflicts.
Unfortunately someone hardly asks whether such an Indian supporter is capable to clarify conflicts and Misverständnisse peacefully.
It unfortunately happens that Indian supporters attack themselves and insult mutually.
It unfortunately happens that Indian supporters spread lies (e.g. Rene Senenko and Martin Krueger).
It unfortunately happens that Indian supporters boycott themselves due to such lies.
Such negative illegal behaviour harms co-operation and harms also the Indians.
E.G. do I wish to know since summer 1997, when Milo Yellow Hair (Lakota) is in Germany, so that I can ask him, how we non-profit Indian projects effectively support can?
Sometimes the Milo is in Germany at the group of actions Indians and human rights or in Berlin with the association for the support of North American Indians.
Since 1997 please I to be informed. But each mark experience I it only if Milo is already no more in Germany.
In the last weeks I suggested Indians and human rights by email of the group of actions informing us if it is planned that such Lakotamänner such as Alex White Plum or Henry talk Cloud in Germany will be, so that we can worry about the fact that they can speak e.g. also in universities, so that their projects can be supported e.g. also by students.
In the expenditure for winter of the Coyote it was located that Henry talk Cloud in Grimma, a town in close proximity to Leipzig was. What uses it, if Lakotamänner in a town speak? - In a large city the effect would be nevertheless much larger!
A further reason, why I demand such knowledge, is that the Mr. Senenko and Krueger are believed unpunished to lies over me to spread and these also still by right-unaquainted persons. These right-unaquainted persons mean, me due to these L6uuml; towards by email permanently bleidigen, troubles and to boycott to be allowed.
It concerns thereby persons how: Sandra Scholz, Ute Bülow, Tanja Mueller Krueger, Holger Stiebritz, Maria and Richard Iyotte and some different.
In the “Encyclopedia OF North American Indians” writes Professor Albert White has from the Sinte Gleška college: ”… if the language younger humans is taught, is to be made certain that the positive and the negative effects of a language are obtained. Children should understand the fact that a language contains a large power, which can be used other humans to insult or whom with other humans can bring positive achievements and feelings out; the language can harm or honor and make lucky. Young people are to understand that a language power has lives to donate to terminate in addition, lives so that a language with respect must be used. “
In order to say it with own words: Words can be used in such way that they harm humans. In addition, words can be useful for peace and agreement. That is called words can conflicts cause. But words can be used also in positive way around conflicts to avoid and/or them peacefully clarify.
The associations for the support of North American Indians could invite themselves to the meetings communication coaches or an attorney. Or the members prepare lectures and/or information to individual on the right of and/or communication topics themselves?
Who over-joins in with me the fact that Indian supporters are to acquire themselves on the right of and coming university dock clay/tone knowledge writes please the following associations:
Group of actions of Indians and human rights in Munich - email: post@aktionsgruppe.de
Association for the support of North American Indians in Berlin - email: info@asnai.de
NAAoG (native American Association OF Germany) email: chairwoman@naaog.de
Working group Indian today registered association in the Vogtland in Saxonia - email: KOMINIK@t-online.de
Society for threatened peoples in Goettingen in Germany - email: info@gfbv.de
Indomindios in Switzerland email: incomindios@datacomm.ch
Society for threatened peoples in Switzerland - (email: info@gfbv.ch
Working group Indian of North America in Vienna in Austria - email: peter.schwarzbauer@boku.ac.at
Please you write email also in English Elsie Herten of KOLA in Belgium -: kolahq@skynet.be.
I would like to thank you quite cordially that you demand training for Indian supporters.
Words can harm humans. But words can be used also in positive way, over
To be created the training mentioned above is a network from supporters urgently necessarily around North American Indians more effectively to be supported and to.
Evelin Cervenkova
Begründerin of the Lakota Oyate information
Email: Lakotaoyateinfo@web.de
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