The Dakota Lakotasprachliteratur

The German text comes from Evelin Cervenkova, the Begründerin of the Lakota Oyate Foundation.

The following literature mentioned is the usually published in the USA over the Lakota and the Dakota language with a short evaluation of January Ullrich, a linguist to the Universit¨t in Indiana, the USA.

Grammar books
Text books


Riggs dictionary (1890, 1992)

A Dakota English Dictionary. (An Dakota English dictionary)
Government Printing Office. 1992 A Dakota English Dictionary. Pc. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society press.


Williamson Dictionary (1886, 1992)

Williamson, John P: 1886 English Dakota School Dictionary.
(English Dakota school dictionary)
Yankton Agency, Dakota Territory: Iape Oaye press

This concerns a English Dakota dictionary. The words were collected independently of Riggs literature and it are not not so extensive.

Buechel Dictionary (1970)

(Buchel dictionary)

Buechel, Eugene: 1970 Lakota English Dictionary

(Lakota English dictionary)
Paul Manhart, S.J. OD. Pine Ridge, S.D.: Holy Rosary mission.
Second edition (second edition) (2003 by University OF Nebraska press)


Colorado Lakhota Project Dictionary (1976)

Rood, David, and Alan Taylor: 1976 Elementary Bilingual Dictionary,
English Lakhota,
Lakhota English.
Boulder: (Bilingual dictionaries for beginners: English Lakota, Lakota English
Boulder: University OF Colorado Lakhota Project.


Everyday Lakota Dictionary (1974)

Karol, S.J., Joseph S., Stephen L Rozman, and Rosebud Educational Society: 1974 Everyday Lakota: at English Sioux dictionary for beginners.
(A English Sioux dictionary for beginners)
Rev. . OD. Pc. Francis S.D.: Rosebud Educational Society


Dictionary OF decaying Lakota (1994)

Rigidly, Edward: 1994 A Dictionary OF decaying Lakota
(A dictionary of the modern Lakotasprache)
Kendall park, N.J.: Lakota Books

Evaluation: Contains terms of the new life of the Lakota.

Problem: No phonetic description of discussion.

Paul WarCloud Dakota dictionary (1971)

Grant, Paul WarCloud: 1971 Sioux Dictionary: (Sioux dictionary - over 4.000 entries)
Pierre: State Publication company.


Bruce Ingham Dictionary (2001)

2001 English Lakota Dictionary.
(2001 English Lakota dictionary)
London, England Curzon press


Grammar books

Riggs (1893)

1893 Dakota Grammar, text and Ethnography.
(The Dakota grammar, texts)
Contributions ton of North American Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.


Boas and Deloria - Lakhota grammar (1941)

Boas, Franz, and Ella Deloria: Dakota Grammar

(Lakota grammar)
Note IR, national Academy OF Science 23 (2): 1-183.


Buechel's Lakhota grammar (1939)

Buechel, Eugene: A Grammar OF Lakota: The LANGUAGE OF the Teton Sioux Indians
(A grammar book of the Lakotasprache. The language of the Teton Sioux Indian.
Pc. Louis: John S. Swift. 1939


Sketch OF Lakhota by Rood and Taylor (1996)

Handbook OF North American Indians, Vol.17 (LANGUAGEs)
(Manual of the North American Indians - languages)
pp.440-482., 1996


Text books

Lakota Woonspe Wowapi (1973)

Hairy Shirt, LeRoy, et al.: Lakota Woonspe Wowapi.
Aberdeen, S.D.: Northern Plains press.


Colorado University Lakhota Project textbook (1976)

Rood, David, and Alan Taylor: Beginning Lakhota. 2 vols.
(Lakota for beginners - 2 parts)
Boulder: University OF Colorado Lakhota Project.


The text books are intended and for children not thought younger age for adults.

White has (1999)

White has, Albert: Reading and writing the Lakota LANGUAGE
(Vintages and letters of the Lakotasprache)
Lakota iyapi un wowapi nahan yawapi.
Salt Lake town center: University OF Utah press.


David Little Elk (2001)

The evaluation is the same as with Albert White has. It contains a larger number of meaningful idioms. The orthography is the same one. The quantity of the vocabulary and the grammar is probably alike.

Lakhótiya Wóglaka Po! - Talc Lakhota

(Speak Lakota - publication probably 2004)
(Volume 1) (coming 2004)

A planned goal:

The book is suitable for basic pupils. It contains therefore only a certain quantity of vocabulary and grammar. Nevertheless it can be used even for older students and for the self-instruction.


Riggs' Dakhota of text (1893)

Dakota Grammar, text and Ethnography. Volume. 9,
(Dakota grammar, texts)
Contributions ton of North American Ethnology. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.


Deloria's Lakhota of text (1932)

Deloria, Ella, C.: Dakota of text.
(Dakota of texts)
New York: G.E. Stechert.

It is a collection of texts of myths and legends.


Deloria's of text edited by Julian Rice (1993, 1994)

Ella Deloria's Iron Hawk.
(Ella Deliorias iron falcon)
J. Rice, trans. Albuquerque: University OF new Mexico press. 1993

Ella Deloria's The Buffalo People.
(Ella Delorias buffalo people)
J. Rice, trans. Albuquerque: University OF new Mexico press. 1994

Problem: The publisher Julian Rice 6uuml; bertrug Delorias carefully and exactly with the typewriter of written texts into an unreliable and non-phonetic way of writing.

Lakota of valley and of text (1978, 1998)

Buechel Eugene: 1978 Lakota of valley and of text.
(Lakota narrations and texts)
Pine Ridge, SD: Talk Cloud Indian School.
Lakota of valley and of text in translation. 2 vols.
(Lakota narrations and texts - in translation)
Paul Manhardt, S.J., trans. Chamberlain, SD: Tipi press. 1998


Bible in Dakhota (1879)

Holy Bible in Dakota LANGUAGE.
(The holy Bible in the Dakota language)
New York: Bible Society.


Bible in Lakhota (1924)

Buechel, Eugene: Bible history into the LANGUAGE OF the Teton Sioux Indians
(The history of the Bible in the language of the Teton Sioux Indian)
New York: Benziger. 1924


Colorado University Lakhota Readings (1976)

Rood, David, and Alan Taylor: Lakhota Wayawapi [Lakhota Readings].
Boulder: University OF Colorado Lakhota Project. 1976


Theisz, Ron D: Lakota Songs and Dances

Lakota of songs and dances


Lakhota Myths (2002)

(Lakota myths)

January Ullrich: Lakhota Myth or when Iktomi quietly roamed the world;
(Lakota myths or as Iktomi still in the world around touched.)
Argo 2002


George Bushotter of text (1887)


Ivan Starr's essay in Lakhota

Rigidly, Ivan: Lakota Eyapaha.
