The depression, a psychological illness, arises particularly frequently in hochindustriealisierten countries. In Germany sometime each third at depression suffers in its life.
Self selbsttötungen are in this country with young person the second largest and with young adult the third-most frequent cause of death. With the North American Indians Suizid is higher around a three-way than during the remaining population of USA. What are the causes for it? Isn't our “prosperity” world point? - Unfortunately only the material well-being being issued is meant. The mental prosperity is many worse. More Mitmenschlichkeit and love would surely be the best means against depression. What are the causes of depression? The sum of the negative life experiences leads to the depression, which can already begin in the childhood.Not all causes for depressions have their origin in the childhood.
Constant load in the everyday life are the most frequent cause.
Naive people believe that psychologically patient like depressive criminals are and do not know, what it do? The opposite is the case. Depressive patients are noticeable straight by the fact that they are not criminal!
How does depression express itself?
A depression is not always immediately recognizable also among specialists, since it can hide itself behind other disease symptoms. One calls that a larvierte, therefore depression masked.
If the depression appears as illness so frequently in connection with social problems, it is finite at the time to help the concerning and address also politicians on it.
Together with representatives of different groups of self-helps from Saxonia I will go on 29 June 2005 to the Dresdener federal state parliament and will call there.
We as Indian supporters should us also for the fact began and to interest that one helps to Indians concerned.
Evelin Cervenkova
Begründerin of the Lakota Oyate information
Reference work:
Aljoscha A. Schwarz and Ronald P. Schweppe
Depressive? Deprimiert?
Ways out of the crisis
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