My name is Evelin Cervenkova and I is the Begründerin of the Lakota Oyate information. For 8 years I exert myself actively for Indians, particularly for Lakota.
In the course of the years I could determine unwritten behavior rules among Indian friends. In order to recognize these unwritten behaviour rules is it necessarily to divide Indian friends into aggressive and peaceful Indian friends.
With the peaceful Indianerfeunden primarily the reliable helpfulness and mutual consideration count.
With the aggressive Indian friends it counts primarily who best into the foreground pushes itself. Mutual consideration plays at all no role.
The peaceful Indian friends show mutual interest in good ideas and also for private problems. Peaceful Indian friends pay attention at meetings to a pleasant atmosphere and are interested also in relatives.
Aggressive Indian friends show inconsiderately their authority and a their being able. Private problems are dismissed as weaknesses, 6uuml; more ber those is not spoken.
Peaceful Indian friends praise mutually their good achievements and will stimulus themselves mutually.
With aggressive Indian friends there are repeatedly to diversities of opinion, differences and quarrels, in order to specify the rank position in the group.
The peaceful Indian friends take their errors with humor. The aggressive against it set persons with alleged errors down because of the rank position.
Peaceful Indian friends make themselves mutual with setbacks courage. Aggressive ones finish mutually because of the rank position in the group.
Peaceful Indian friends take their feelings seriously and analyze them. Aggressive ones make the feelings ridiculous for other one.
Peaceful Indian friends pay attention to community feeling, praise good achievements and unterst6uuml; tzen themselves mutually. With aggressive Indian friends competition thinking prevails. With the aggressive ones rises the one over the other one without consideration. Aggressive ones often exaggerate with the Selbstanpreisung their K6ouml; nnens.
Peaceful Indianeruntersützer is considered on equal treatment and inclusion of all persons. Peaceful ones show Mitgef6uuml; hl and allowance.
Find further unwritten behavior rules out for aggressive and peaceful Indian friends!
Determine, in which group you feel best.
Who wants to reach really effectively something for Indians, must be able to get along probably with both groups.
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