Positive communication

Why should we think about communication, if we support North American Indians?

Is it you already happened that calculated persons, which so far never thought about their communication accuse to you: “You have probably problems with people?”

Who uses itself, should effectiv for North American Indians möche the following knowledge have:

We should think over the effect of our words and improve our discussion guidance. That cannot have nevertheless always desired success, even if not the communication partner thinks over the effect of its words.

In the last years increasingly one recognized, how importantly positive communication is also in the division and how discussion and conduct of the negotiations affect the success or failure of a business and with it the profit of a company. Therefore one trains the personnel more and more in positive communication, in order to exert consciously positive influence on discussion and conduct of the negotiations, in order to increase thereby the economic success of an enterprise.

We, who we support North American Indians actively and are much in contact with our fellow men, should be conscious us therefore that we can affect by the choice of our communication, whether we make ourselves someone the opponent or the friend.

It is thus important for everyone of us to make themselves the way of our communication conscious and improve these.

As already Professor Albert White has INDIANS” from the Site Gleska college in its article “LAKOTA LANGUAGE” in “ENCYCLOPEDIA the OF NORTH AMERICAN from the year 1996 wrote: “A language can destroy, but it can give also to lives” that is called, words can work negatively or positively.

President Bush uses the language destructively and animates with its words to the war. - Is at all well-known that president Bush has at least one communication coach, in order to be able to convince the people of the advantage of an Iraq war? - Many presidents and people in the public use communication coaches, in order to be able to speak convincingly.

Professor Albert White has from the Site Gleska college writes also that “words have power” and that we use “the language with responsibility” are.

Since years am I anxious to use the language positively in constructional communication to convince in order humans that peace and agreement for surviving mankind are important.

I will positively use also in the future the languages, which I used for communication, for peace and agreement between Indians and non--Indians.

We can positively use the language, in order to work against war, for peace and agreement of the peoples.

We can positively use the language, in order to solve conflicts.
We can positively use the language, in order to clarify disputes.
We can positively use the language, in order to win friends for the life.

There should be still questions for communication, it gives enough specialized books in libraries and bookshops. In addition one can visit courses at the people's highschool, in order to improve its communication.

Evelin Cervenkova
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