Sprachführer Deutsch - Lakota (Teil 2)

Evelin Cervenkova

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älterer Bruder thibló (Anrede, w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, er gehört mir. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, er ist mein. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, es gehört mir. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, es ist mein. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, sie gehört mir. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, sie ist meine ... Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, werdet ihr dort ankommen? Thibló, lá pi kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, werdet ihr dorthin kommen? Thibló, lá pi kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, wirst du dort ankommen? Thibló, ní kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, wirst du dorthin kommen? Thibló, ní kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, würdest du dort ankommen? Thibló, ní kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, würdest du dorthin kommen? Thibló, ní kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, würdet ihr dort ankommen? Thibló, lá pi kta he? (w. R.)
Älterer Bruder, würdet ihr dorthin kommen? Thibló, lá pi kta he? (w. R.)
Freund kholá (m. R.)
Großvater (informelle Anrede) kaká
meine Mutter iná (Anrede für die Mutter und deren Schwestern)
Mutter iná (Anrede für die Mutter und deren Schwestern)
Mutter (informelle Anrede) mamá
Mutti (informelle Anrede) mamá
Neffe thošká (w. R.)
Onkel (angeheirateter) lekšíla
Onkel (Blutsverwandter, der Bruder der Mutter) lekší
Onkel (mütterlicherseits) lekší
Onkel (mütterlicherseits), verreist du gern? Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka he? (w. R.) Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka huwó? (m. R.)
Onkel (mütterlicherseits), wanderst du gern? Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka he? (w. R.) Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka huwó? (M.R.)
Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who will not come here? Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni he? (w. R.) Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni huwó? (M.R.)
Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who would not come here? Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni he? (w. R.) Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni huwó? (M.R.)
Uncle (on the paternal side) até
Uncles (on the paternal side), help me! Até, ómakiya ye! (w. R.) Até, ómakiya yo! (M.R.)
Grandpa kaká
Son-in-law thakóš (this address is used rarely.)
Daughter-in-law thakóš (this address is used rarely.)
Aunt (mütterlicherseits) iná
Father até (the address is used also for the brothers of the father.)
Father phapá (informal address)
Father, help me! Até, ómakiya ye! (w. R.) Até, ómakiya yo! (M.R.)
Dad phapá (informal address)

The condition and the health

satisfy philáya
Am I pale? Mazí he? (w. R.) Mazí huwó? (M.R.)
Are you tired? Wanítukha he? (w. R.) Wanítukha huwó? (M.R.)
Aren't you tired? Wanítukha šni he? (w. R.) Wanítukha šni huwó? (M.R.)
Are you again afflicted with a cold? Akhé osní olúspa he? (w. R.) Akhé osní olúspa huwó? (M.R.)
palely its
You are pale. nizí
You are afflicted with a cold. Osní olúspe.
You are tired. wanítukha
You are very pale. Líla nizí.
You caught cold. Osní olúspe.
You pleased me. philámayaye
You sweats. oníluluta
a “blue” eye have ištóthó
It is afflicted with a cold. (Hé) osní oyúspe.
It is tired. (Hé) watúkha.
please philáya
catch cold osní oyúspa
It carried me forward in such a way that I am ill. khúš amáye
It is afflicted with a cold. (Hé) osní oyúspe.
It is tired. (Hé) watúkha.
Joy make philáya
become healthy akísni
make lucky philáya
I am pale. mazí
I am pleased. philáwaye
I am tired. húmastáke, wamátukha
I sweat. omáluluta
I did pain to him. ksúyewaye
I did its pain. ksúyewaye
I hurt it. ksúyewaye
I hurt it. ksúyewaye
I hurt it. (Sing.) ksúyewaye
I caused pain for it. ksúyewaye
I caused its hurting. ksúyewaye
I wounded it. ksúyewaye
I wounded it. ksúyewaye
I wounded it. (Sing.) ksúyewaye
I become… amáye
I became healthy. amákisni
I became ill. khúš amáye
You caught cold you. Osní olúspa pi.
You sweat. Oníluluta pi.
You are pale. Nizí pi.
You are pale. Nizí pi kištó. (w. R.) Nizí peló. (M.R. quick, manner of speaking) Nizí pi yeló. (M.R.)
You are afflicted with a cold. Osní olúspa pi.
You are tired. Wanítukha pi.
You are very pale. Líla nizí pi.
into a certain condition to be brought áya
Is Wilma afflicted with a cold? Wilma osní oyúspa he? (w. R.) Wilma osní oyúspa huwó? (M.R.)
tiredly its hústaka, watúkha
Paul, why you have a “blue” eye? Paul, tákuwe ištónítho he? (w. R.) Paul, tákuwe ištónítho huwó? (M.R.)
hurt ksúyeya
Pain cause ksúyeya
Pain cause ksúyeya
sweat olúluta
Sweat doesn't you? Oníluluta šni he? (w. R.) Oníluluta šni huwó? (M.R.)
Don't you sweat? Oníluluta pi šni he? (w. R.) Oníluluta pi šni huwó? (M.R.)
Are you palely? Nizí pi he? (w. R.) Nizí pi huwó? (M.R.)
Are you tiredly? Wanítukha pi he? (w. R.) Wanítukha pi huwó? (M.R.)
Are you not tiredly? Wanítukha pi šni he? (w. R.) Wanítukha pi šni huwó? (M.R.)
Are you again afflicted with a cold? Akhé osní olúspa pi he? (w. R.) Akhé osní olúspa pi huwó? (M.R.)
recover akísni
It is afflicted with a cold. (Hé) osní oyúspe.
It is tired. (Hé) watúkha.
They sweat. (Hená) olúluta pi. (Individuals)
She sweats. (Hé) olúluta.
They are pale. Hená zí pi.
They are pale. Hená zí pi kištó. (w. R.) Hená zí peló. (M.R. quick, manner of speaking) Hená zí pi yeló. (M.R.)
They are afflicted with a cold. (Hená) osní oyúspa pi.
They are tired. (Hená) watúkha pi.
Are they pale? Hená zí pi he? (w. R.) Hená zí pi huwó? (M.R.)
hurt ksúyeya
distort ksúyeya
What is the matter? Tókha he? (w. R.) Tókha huwó? (M.R.)
What is the matter with you? Toníkha he? (w. R.) Toníkha huwó? (M.R.)
What is the matter with you? Toníkha pi he? (w. R.) Toníkha pi huwó? (M.R.)
What is the matter with them? (Hená) tókha pi he? (w. R.) (Hená) tókha pi huwó? (M.R.)
What is the matter with Robert? Robert tókha he? (w. R.) Robert tókha huwó? (M.R.)
pain do ksúyeya
… become áya
How much (persons) are pale? Tóna zí pi he? (w. R.) Tóna zí pi huwó? (M.R.)
How much (persons) are afflicted with a cold? Tóna osní oyúspa pi he? (w. R.) Tóna osní oyúspa pi huwó? (M.R.)
How much (persons) are tired? Tóna watúkha pi he? (w. R.) Tóna watúkha pi huwó? (M.R.)
place contently philáya


Hello Háu (M.R.)


You are gladly active. awášteyalake
You are capable. oyákihi
You found some books. Wówapi eyá iyéyaye.
You caught it. olúspe
You caught it. olúspe
You caught it. (Sing.) olúspe
You give an indication. yakóze
You helped them. (Hená) óyakiye.
You help… óyakiye
You reads it. lawá (for dead nouns)
You reads it. lawá (for dead nouns)
You reads it. (Sing.) lawá (for dead nouns)
You make it gladly. awášteyalake
You make bead work. wayákšú
You arrested it. olúspe
You arrested it. (Sing.) olúspe
You stickst with beads. wayákšú
You do it gladly. awášteyalake
You will carry it forward. Áni kte.
You will carry it forward. Áni kte.
You will carry it forward. (Sing.) Áni kte.
You would carry it forward. Áni kte.
You would carry it forward. Áni kte.
You would carry it forward. (Sing.) Áni kte.
You count it. lawá (for dead nouns)
It seized you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
It seized you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
It helped it. (Hé) ókiye.
It helped her. (Hé) ókiye.
It arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
It arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
He arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
He arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
It helped it. (Hé) ókiye.
It helped her. (Hé) ókiye.
able its okíhi
drive ománi
catch oyúspa
arrest oyúspa
Don't you find books? Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni he? (w. R.) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni huwó? (M.R.)
Don't you find books? Wówapi tákuni iyéyaya pi šni he? (w. R.) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaya pi šni huwó? (M.R.)
No books to her found? Wówapi tákuni iyéyaya pi šni he? (w. R.) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaya pi šni huwó? (M.R.)
Did you find no books? Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni he? (w. R.) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni huwó? (M.R.)
help ókiya
Help me please! Ómakiya ná! (w. R.)
I am gladly active. awáštewalake
I am capable. owákihi
I drive. omáwani
I drive gladly. Ománi awáštewalake.
I found some books. Wówapi eyá iyéwaye.
I caught it. oblúspe
I caught it. oblúspe
I caught it. (Sing.) oblúspe
I give an indication. wakóze
I help… ówakiye
I read it. blawá (for dead nouns)
I read it. blawá (for dead nouns)
I read it. (Sing.) blawá (for dead nouns)
I make it gladly. awáštewalake
I arrested it. oblúspe
I arrested it. (Sing.) oblúspe
I do it gladly. awáštewalake
I will carry it forward. Ámni kte.
I will carry it forward. Ámni kte.
I will carry it forward. (Sing.) Ámni kte.
I would carry it forward. Ámni kte.
I would carry it forward. Ámni kte.
I would carry it forward. (Sing.) Ámni kte.
I count it. blawá (for dead nouns)
To her found some books. Wówapi eyá iyéyaya pi.
You caught it. Olúspa pi.
You caught it. Olúspa pi.
You caught it. (Sing.) Olúspa pi.
Her give an indication. Yakóza pi.
Her help… Óyakiya pi.
You help me. Ómayakiya pi.
You can help me. Ómayakiya pi oyákiya pi.
You read it. Lawá pi. (for dead nouns)
You read it. Lawá pi. (for dead nouns)
You read it. (Sing.) Lawá pi. (for dead nouns)
You make it gladly. Awášteyalaka pi.
You arrested it. Olúspa pi.
You arrested it. (Sing.) Olúspa pi.
You are gladly active. Awášteyalaka pi.
You are capable. Oyákihi pi.
You do it gladly. Awášteyalaka pi.
You will carry it forward. Áni pi kte.
You will help it. Óyakiya pi kte.
You will carry it forward. Áni pi kte.
You will help her. Óyakiya pi kte.
You will carry it forward. (Sing.) Áni pi kte.
You would carry it forward. Áni pi kte.
You would help it. Óyakiya pi kte.
You would carry it forward. Áni pi kte.
You would help her. Óyakiya pi kte.
You would carry it forward. (Sing.) Áni pi kte.
You count it. Lawá pi. (for dead nouns)
capable its okíhi
someone seize oyúspa
someone catch oyúspa
help someone ókiya
mark wówa
read yawá
Do you make bead work? Wayákšú he? (w. R.) Way6aacute; kšú huwó? (M.R.)
paint wówa
mark wówa
Metal (sing.,) máza
with beads sticken wakšú
carry forward áya
note wówa
Bead work (sing.,) wakšúpi
Bead work make wakšú
Bead embroidery (sing.,) wakšúpi
Lubricant (sing.,) wígli
dirtily its šoše
It seized you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
It seized you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
They seized you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They seized you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They caught you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They caught you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
It helped it. (Hé) ókiye.
It helped her. (Hé) ókiye.
It arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
It arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
They arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
She arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspe.
She arrested you. (Hé) oníyuspa pi.
They arrested you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They arrested you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi.
They will catch you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They will arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They will arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They will catch you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They will arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They will arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would catch you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would catch you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They would arrest you. (Hená) oníyuspa pi kte.
They count you (with). (Hená) niyáwa pi.
They count you (with). (Hená) niyáwa pi.
Silver (sing.,) mázaská
Stickst you with beads? Wayákšú he? (w. R.) Wayákšú huwó? (M.R.)
paint wówa
Table (sing., of the) wáglotapi
Tables (Pl.,) wáglotapi
arrest oyúspa
note wówa
What am I? Matáku he? (w. R.) Matáku huwó? (M.R.)
What are you? Nitáku he? (w. R.) Nitáku huwó? (M.R.)
There what is? Hé táku he? (w. R.) Hé táku huwó? (M.R.)
What here is that? Lé táku he? (w. R.) Lé táku hú? (M.R.)
resume áya
continue áya
continue áya
importantly its tókha
How much books have you? Wówapi tóna luhá pi he? (w. R.) Wówapi tóna luhá pi huwó? (M.R.)
How much do you have books? Wówapi tóna luhá he? (w. R.) Wówapi tóna luhá huwó? (M.R.)
count yawá
Indications leave wówa
place contently philáya

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