Evelin Cervenkova
German | Lakota |
Buy(See also meals, articles, fruit and a drinking) | |
Dollar (sing., of the) | mázaská |
Dollar (Pl.,) | mázaská |
You found something money. | Hé mázaská eyá iyéyaye. Mázaská eyá iyéyaye. |
You have something money. | Mázaská eyá luhá. |
You count it. | lawá (for dead nouns) |
ask for… | lá |
Don't you have money? | Mázaská tákuni luhá šni he? (w. R.) Mázaská tákuni luhá šni huwó? (M.R.) |
I found something money. | Hé mázaská eyá iyéwaye. Mázaská eyá iyéwaye. |
I have something money. | Mázaská eyá bluhá. |
I count it. | blawá (for dead nouns) |
To her found something money. | Hé mázaská eyá iyéyaya pi. Mázaská eyá iyéyaya pi. |
You have something money. | Mázaská eyá luhá pi. |
You count it. | Lawá pi. (for dead nouns) |
Paul found some dollar. | Paul mázaská eyá iyéye. |
Paul found something money. | Paul mázaská eyá iyéye. |
require | lá |
There what is? | Hé táku he? (w. R.) Hé táku huwó? (M.R.) |
What here is that? | Lé táku he? (w. R.) Lé táku huwó? (M.R.) |
How is much money it? | Mázaská tóna he? (w. R.) Mázaská tóna huwó? (M.R.) |
How much (persons) have money? | Tóna mázaska yuhá pi he? (w. R.) Tóna mázaska yuhá pi huwó? (M.R.) |
William has money. | William mázaská yuhá. |
count | yawá |
Meal(See also fruit and plants) | |
up-eat | thebyá use (with object) |
to dissolve leave | šloyá |
warm up | khalyá |
Cooking fat (sing.,) | wígli |
Baking powder (sing.,) | wínakapo |
bitterly its | phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (only for dead Substanitve) |
Mash (sing., of the) | wagmú |
Café (sing.,) | owóte thípi |
to there-melt leave | šloyá |
Dörrfleisch | pápa |
Dose food | maswógnaka |
You eats… | wayáte |
You eats it. | yáte |
You eats something. | wayáte |
You eats it. | yáte |
You eats it. | yáte |
You cool… | sniyáye |
You cool down…. | sniyáye |
You lets… dissolve. | šloyáye |
You lets… there-melt. | šloyáye |
You leaves something meals. | olápte |
You leaves… to schmelzem. | šloyáye |
You lets… dissolve. | šloyáye |
You lets… zergehen. | šoyáye |
You lets… zerschmelzen. | šloyáye |
You agitate it. | iyákahi |
You agitate it. | iyákahi |
You agitate it. | iyákahi |
You agitate it. | iyákahi |
You agitate it. (Sing.) | iyákahi |
You agitate it. (Sing.) | iyákahi |
You cut up by Zerstossen. | yakáški |
You grind by Zerstossen. | yakáški |
You grind… | yakáški |
You zerstampfst… | yakáški |
You zerstösst… | yakáški |
a strongly spicy taste have | phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (only for dead Substanitve) |
He eats… | (Hé) wóte. |
He eats it. | (Hé) yúte. |
He eats something. | (Hé) wóte. |
It is sweet. | (Hé) skúye. |
heat up | khalyá |
It eats… | (Hé) wóte. |
It eats it. | (Hé) yúte. |
It eats something. | (Hé) wóte. |
It is meat. | Hé thaló. |
It is sweet. | (Hé) skúye. |
eat | wóta, yúta use (with object) |
Meal (Pl.,) | wóyute |
Meal (sing.,) | wóyute |
Dining corners (Pl.,) | owóte |
Dining corner (sing., of the) | owóte |
Eat! | Yúta pi ye! (w. R.) Yúta po! (M.R. quick, manner of speaking) Yúta pi yo! (M.R.) |
something eat | wóta |
something meals remain remaining | oyápta |
something meals leave remaining | oyápta |
Fat (sing.,) | wígli |
Meat (sing.,) | thaló |
dried meat | pápa |
Did they eat somewhat? | Wóta pi he? (w. R.) Wóta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
Did they eat? | Wóta pi he? (w. R.) Wóta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
Did you eat something? | Wayáta he? (w. R.) Wayáta huwó? (M.R.) |
Did you eat? | Wayáta he? (w. R.) Wayáta huwó? (M.R.) |
Do you like Indian meals? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.) |
Do you like Lakota meals? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.) |
Yeast (sing.,) | wínakapo |
become hot | khalyá |
harsh its | phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve) |
I ate it. | wáte |
I ate it. | wáte |
I ate it. (Sing.) | wáte |
I eat… | wawáte |
I eat it. | wáte |
I eat it up. | thebwáye |
I eat something. | wawáte |
I eat it. | wáte |
I eat it up. | thebwáye |
I eat corn. | Wagmíza wáte. |
I eat it. | wáte |
I eat it up. (Sing.) | thebwáye |
I ate corn. | Wagmíza wáte. |
I cook meat. | owáhe |
I cool… | sniwáye |
I cool down…. | sniwáye |
I let dissolve…. | šlowáye |
I let there-melt…. | šlowáye |
I leave… to schmelzem. | šlowáye |
I let dissolve…. | šlowáye |
I let zergehen…. | šlowáye |
I let zerschmelzen…. | šlowáye |
I left something meals. | oblápte |
I make Brühe. | owáhe |
I make beef-tea. | owáhe |
I agitate it. | iwákahi |
I agitate it. | iwákahi |
I agitate it. | iwákahi |
I agitate it. | iwákahi |
I agitate it. (Sing.) | iwákahi |
I agitate it. (Sing.) | iwákahi |
I cut up by Zerstossen. | wakáški |
I grind by Zerstossen. | wakáški |
I grind… | wakáški |
I zerstampfe… | wakáški |
I zerstosse… | wakáški |
You eat… | Wayáta pi. Yáta pi. |
You eat it. | Yáta pi. |
You eat something. | Wayáta pi. |
You eat it. | Yáta pi. |
You eat it. (Sing.) | Yáta pi. |
For it leave something meals. | Olápta pi. |
You agitate it. | Iyákahi pi. |
You agitate it. | Iyákahi pi. |
You agitate it. | Iyákahi pi. |
You agitate it. | Iyákahi pi. |
You agitate it. (Sing.) | Iyákahi pi. |
You agitate it. (Sing.) | Iyákahi pi. |
You cut up by Zerstossen. | Yakáški pi. |
You grind by Zerstossen. | Yakáški pi. |
You grind… | Yakáški pi. |
You zerstampft… | Yakáški pi. |
You zerstosst… | Yakáški pi. |
Eat! | Yúta ye! (w. R.) Yúta yo! (M.R.) |
Can | maswógnaka |
Can | maswógnaka |
Food (Pl., those, sing.,) | wóyute |
Do you like Indian meals? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.) |
Do you like Lakota meals? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.) |
Like their Indian meal? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi huwó? (M.R.) |
Like their Lakota meal? | Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi huwó? (M.R.) |
Food (Pl.,) | wóyute |
Oil (sing.,) | wígli |
Pemmikan (sing., to that, no Plural) | wasná |
Restaurant (sing.,) | owóte thípi |
Salt (sing.,) | mniskúya |
sourly its | phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve) |
sharply its | phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve) |
to melt leave | šloyá |
warm up | khalyá |
They eat… | (Hená) wóta pi. (Hená) yúta pi. |
They eat extremely much. | Líglila wóta pi. |
They eat Dörrfleisch. | Hená pápa yúta pi. |
They eat it. | (Hená) yúta pi. |
They eat something. | (Hená) wóta pi. |
They eat dried meat. | Hená pápa yúta pi. |
They eat it. | (Hená) yúta pi. |
They eat very much. | Líglila wóta pi. |
They eat it. (Sing.) | (Hená) yúta pi. |
They eat extremely much. | Líglila wóta pi. |
They ate Dörrfleisch. | Hená pápa yúta pi. |
They ate dried meat. | Hená pápa yúta pi. |
She eats… | (Hé) wóte. |
She eats it. | (Hé) yúte. |
She eats something. | (Hé) wóte. |
It is sweet. | (Hé) skúye. |
They are sour. | (Hená) phaphá. (dead nouns) |
They are sweet. | skúye (dead Plural) |
sweetly its | skúya, skuskúya (Plural for dead nouns) |
What do they eat? | Táku hená yúta pi he? (w. R.) Táku hená yúta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
What eat you? | Táku yáta pi he? (w. R.) Táku yáta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
What did they eat? | Táku hená yúta pi he? (w. R.) Táku hená yúta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
What ate you? | Táku yáta pi he? (w. R.) Táku yáta pi huwó? (M.R.) |
What did you eat? | Táku yáta he? (w. R.) Táku yáta huwó? (M.R.) |
What eats you? | Táku yáta he? (w. R.) Táku yáta huwó? (M.R.) |
to dissolve leave | šloyá |
to zergehen leave | šloyá |
cut up by Zerstossen | kaškí |
grind by Zerstossen | kaškí |
grind | kaškí |
zerschmelzen leave | šoyá |
zerstampfen | kaškí |
zerstossen | kaškí |
Family relationship(See also address) | |
as an older brother have (w. R.) | thiblóya |
have as (a related by marriage) uncle | lekšílaya |
have as blood-related uncles | lekšíya |
as a nephew have (w. R.) | thoškáya |
have as uncles (mütterlicherseits) | lekšíya |
have as uncles (on the paternal side) | atéya |
have as a father | atéya |
Settlement of relatives | thiyóšpaye |
Baby (sing.,) | bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.) |
Gang | thiyóšpaye |
Relations (Pl.,) | otákuye |
Clan | thiyóšpaye |
You got a baby. | hokšíluha |
You got a baby. | hokšíluha |
You have it as an older brother. | thiblóyaye (w. R.) |
You have it as (a related by marriage) uncle. | lekšílayaye |
You have it as a nephew. | thoškáyaye (w. R.) |
You have it as an uncle (mütterlicherseits). | lekšíyaye |
You have it as an uncle (on the paternal side). | atéyaye |
You have it as a father. | atéyaye |
You have it as a nut/mother. | ináyaye |
You have it as an aunt (mütterlicherseits). | ináyaye |
You had a baby. | hokšíluha |
You had a baby. | hokšíluha |
a baby get | hokšíyuha |
a baby bear | hokšíyuha |
a baby have | hokšíyuha |
an uncle nephew have relationship | atéya (applies to the uncles on the paternal side.) |
uncle niece a relationship have | atéya (applies to the uncles on the paternal side.) |
a father child relationship have | atéya |
a baby get | hokšíyuha |
a baby bear | hokšíyuha |
a baby have | hokšíyuha |
He is my uncle on the paternal side. | atéwaye |
He is my father. | atéwaye |
Community of relatives (sing.,) | thiyóšpaye |
Group of relatives, which descend from a common living ancestor. | thiyóšpaye |
Do you have it as a nut/mother? | Ináyaye he? (w. R.) Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.) |
I got a baby. | hokšíbluha |
I got a baby. | hokšíbluha |
I am a boy. | homákšila |
I have it as an older brother. | thiblówaye (w. R.) |
I have it as (a related by marriage) uncle. | lekšílawaye |
I have it as a nephew. | thoškáwaye (w. R.) |
I have it as an uncle (mütterlicherseits). | lekšíwaye |
I have it as an uncle (on the paternal side). | atéwaye |
I have it as a father. | atéwaye |
I have it as a nut/mother. | ináwaye |
I have it as an aunt (mütterlicherseits). | ináwaye |
I had a baby. | hokšíbluha |
I had a baby. | hokšíbluha |
You got a baby. | Hokšíluha pi. |
You got a baby. | Hokšíluha pi. |
You had a baby. | Hokšíluha pi. |
You had a baby. | Hokšíluha pi. |
their uncle on the paternal side (Pl.) | atkúku pi |
their uncle on the paternal side (sing.) | atkúku |
its father (Pl.) | atkúku pi |
their father (sing.) | atkúku |
their uncles on the paternal side | atkúku pi |
their fathers | atkúku pi |
Is she your nut/mother? | Ináyaye he? (w. R.) Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.) |
Young one (sing., of the) | hokšíla |
Young one (Pl.,) | hokšíla |
Baby (sing., of the) | bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.) |
its uncle on the paternal side | atkúku |
its father | atkúku |
Connections (Pl.,) | otákuye |
Used | otákuye |
Relationship (EN) | otákuye |
Whom do you have as an uncle (on the paternal side)? | Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.) |
Whom do you have as a father? | Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.) |
Who are you? | Nitúwe he? (w. R.) Nitúwe huwó? (M.R.) |
Who is your uncle (on the paternal side)? | Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.) |
Who is your father? | Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.) |
Who… its? | tuwé |
Who are they? | Hená tuwé pi he? (w. R.) Hená tuwé pi huwó? (M.R.) |
How much (persons) is there? | Hená tóna pi he? (w. R.) Hená tóna pi huwó? (M.R.) |