Language leader German Lakota (part of 4)

Evelin Cervenkova

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(See also meals, articles, fruit and a drinking)
Dollar (sing., of the) mázaská
Dollar (Pl.,) mázaská
You found something money. Hé mázaská eyá iyéyaye. Mázaská eyá iyéyaye.
You have something money. Mázaská eyá luhá.
You count it. lawá (for dead nouns)
ask for…
Don't you have money? Mázaská tákuni luhá šni he? (w. R.) Mázaská tákuni luhá šni huwó? (M.R.)
I found something money. Hé mázaská eyá iyéwaye. Mázaská eyá iyéwaye.
I have something money. Mázaská eyá bluhá.
I count it. blawá (for dead nouns)
To her found something money. Hé mázaská eyá iyéyaya pi. Mázaská eyá iyéyaya pi.
You have something money. Mázaská eyá luhá pi.
You count it. Lawá pi. (for dead nouns)
Paul found some dollar. Paul mázaská eyá iyéye.
Paul found something money. Paul mázaská eyá iyéye.
There what is? Hé táku he? (w. R.) Hé táku huwó? (M.R.)
What here is that? Lé táku he? (w. R.) Lé táku huwó? (M.R.)
How is much money it? Mázaská tóna he? (w. R.) Mázaská tóna huwó? (M.R.)
How much (persons) have money? Tóna mázaska yuhá pi he? (w. R.) Tóna mázaska yuhá pi huwó? (M.R.)
William has money. William mázaská yuhá.
count yawá


(See also fruit and plants)
up-eat thebyá use (with object)
to dissolve leave šloyá
warm up khalyá
Cooking fat (sing.,) wígli
Baking powder (sing.,) wínakapo
bitterly its phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (only for dead Substanitve)
Mash (sing., of the) wagmú
Café (sing.,) owóte thípi
to there-melt leave šloyá
Dörrfleisch pápa
Dose food maswógnaka
You eats… wayáte
You eats it. yáte
You eats something. wayáte
You eats it. yáte
You eats it. yáte
You cool… sniyáye
You cool down…. sniyáye
You lets… dissolve. šloyáye
You lets… there-melt. šloyáye
You leaves something meals. olápte
You leaves… to schmelzem. šloyáye
You lets… dissolve. šloyáye
You lets… zergehen. šoyáye
You lets… zerschmelzen. šloyáye
You agitate it. iyákahi
You agitate it. iyákahi
You agitate it. iyákahi
You agitate it. iyákahi
You agitate it. (Sing.) iyákahi
You agitate it. (Sing.) iyákahi
You cut up by Zerstossen. yakáški
You grind by Zerstossen. yakáški
You grind… yakáški
You zerstampfst… yakáški
You zerstösst… yakáški
a strongly spicy taste have phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (only for dead Substanitve)
He eats… (Hé) wóte.
He eats it. (Hé) yúte.
He eats something. (Hé) wóte.
It is sweet. (Hé) skúye.
heat up khalyá
It eats… (Hé) wóte.
It eats it. (Hé) yúte.
It eats something. (Hé) wóte.
It is meat. Hé thaló.
It is sweet. (Hé) skúye.
eat wóta, yúta use (with object)
Meal (Pl.,) wóyute
Meal (sing.,) wóyute
Dining corners (Pl.,) owóte
Dining corner (sing., of the) owóte
Eat! Yúta pi ye! (w. R.) Yúta po! (M.R. quick, manner of speaking) Yúta pi yo! (M.R.)
something eat wóta
something meals remain remaining oyápta
something meals leave remaining oyápta
Fat (sing.,) wígli
Meat (sing.,) thaló
dried meat pápa
Did they eat somewhat? Wóta pi he? (w. R.) Wóta pi huwó? (M.R.)
Did they eat? Wóta pi he? (w. R.) Wóta pi huwó? (M.R.)
Did you eat something? Wayáta he? (w. R.) Wayáta huwó? (M.R.)
Did you eat? Wayáta he? (w. R.) Wayáta huwó? (M.R.)
Do you like Indian meals? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.)
Do you like Lakota meals? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.)
Yeast (sing.,) wínakapo
become hot khalyá
harsh its phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve)
I ate it. wáte
I ate it. wáte
I ate it. (Sing.) wáte
I eat… wawáte
I eat it. wáte
I eat it up. thebwáye
I eat something. wawáte
I eat it. wáte
I eat it up. thebwáye
I eat corn. Wagmíza wáte.
I eat it. wáte
I eat it up. (Sing.) thebwáye
I ate corn. Wagmíza wáte.
I cook meat. owáhe
I cool… sniwáye
I cool down…. sniwáye
I let dissolve…. šlowáye
I let there-melt…. šlowáye
I leave… to schmelzem. šlowáye
I let dissolve…. šlowáye
I let zergehen…. šlowáye
I let zerschmelzen…. šlowáye
I left something meals. oblápte
I make Brühe. owáhe
I make beef-tea. owáhe
I agitate it. iwákahi
I agitate it. iwákahi
I agitate it. iwákahi
I agitate it. iwákahi
I agitate it. (Sing.) iwákahi
I agitate it. (Sing.) iwákahi
I cut up by Zerstossen. wakáški
I grind by Zerstossen. wakáški
I grind… wakáški
I zerstampfe… wakáški
I zerstosse… wakáški
You eat… Wayáta pi. Yáta pi.
You eat it. Yáta pi.
You eat something. Wayáta pi.
You eat it. Yáta pi.
You eat it. (Sing.) Yáta pi.
For it leave something meals. Olápta pi.
You agitate it. Iyákahi pi.
You agitate it. Iyákahi pi.
You agitate it. Iyákahi pi.
You agitate it. Iyákahi pi.
You agitate it. (Sing.) Iyákahi pi.
You agitate it. (Sing.) Iyákahi pi.
You cut up by Zerstossen. Yakáški pi.
You grind by Zerstossen. Yakáški pi.
You grind… Yakáški pi.
You zerstampft… Yakáški pi.
You zerstosst… Yakáški pi.
Eat! Yúta ye! (w. R.) Yúta yo! (M.R.)
Can maswógnaka
Can maswógnaka
Food (Pl., those, sing.,) wóyute
Do you like Indian meals? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.)
Do you like Lakota meals? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka huwó? (M.R.)
Like their Indian meal? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi huwó? (M.R.)
Like their Lakota meal? Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi he? (w. R.) Lakhóta wóyute waštéyalaka pi huwó? (M.R.)
Food (Pl.,) wóyute
Oil (sing.,) wígli
Pemmikan (sing., to that, no Plural) wasná
Restaurant (sing.,) owóte thípi
Salt (sing.,) mniskúya
sourly its phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve)
sharply its phaphá (Plural for dead nouns), phá (for dead Substanitve)
to melt leave šloyá
warm up khalyá
They eat… (Hená) wóta pi. (Hená) yúta pi.
They eat extremely much. Líglila wóta pi.
They eat Dörrfleisch. Hená pápa yúta pi.
They eat it. (Hená) yúta pi.
They eat something. (Hená) wóta pi.
They eat dried meat. Hená pápa yúta pi.
They eat it. (Hená) yúta pi.
They eat very much. Líglila wóta pi.
They eat it. (Sing.) (Hená) yúta pi.
They eat extremely much. Líglila wóta pi.
They ate Dörrfleisch. Hená pápa yúta pi.
They ate dried meat. Hená pápa yúta pi.
She eats… (Hé) wóte.
She eats it. (Hé) yúte.
She eats something. (Hé) wóte.
It is sweet. (Hé) skúye.
They are sour. (Hená) phaphá. (dead nouns)
They are sweet. skúye (dead Plural)
sweetly its skúya, skuskúya (Plural for dead nouns)
What do they eat? Táku hená yúta pi he? (w. R.) Táku hená yúta pi huwó? (M.R.)
What eat you? Táku yáta pi he? (w. R.) Táku yáta pi huwó? (M.R.)
What did they eat? Táku hená yúta pi he? (w. R.) Táku hená yúta pi huwó? (M.R.)
What ate you? Táku yáta pi he? (w. R.) Táku yáta pi huwó? (M.R.)
What did you eat? Táku yáta he? (w. R.) Táku yáta huwó? (M.R.)
What eats you?Táku yáta he? (w. R.) Táku yáta huwó? (M.R.)
to dissolve leave šloyá
to zergehen leave šloyá
cut up by Zerstossen kaškí
grind by Zerstossen kaškí
grind kaškí
zerschmelzen leave šoyá
zerstampfen kaškí
zerstossen kaškí

Family relationship

(See also address)
as an older brother have (w. R.) thiblóya
have as (a related by marriage) uncle lekšílaya
have as blood-related uncles lekšíya
as a nephew have (w. R.) thoškáya
have as uncles (mütterlicherseits) lekšíya
have as uncles (on the paternal side) atéya
have as a father atéya
Settlement of relatives thiyóšpaye
Baby (sing.,) bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.)
Gang thiyóšpaye
Relations (Pl.,) otákuye
Clan thiyóšpaye
You got a baby. hokšíluha
You got a baby. hokšíluha
You have it as an older brother. thiblóyaye (w. R.)
You have it as (a related by marriage) uncle. lekšílayaye
You have it as a nephew. thoškáyaye (w. R.)
You have it as an uncle (mütterlicherseits). lekšíyaye
You have it as an uncle (on the paternal side). atéyaye
You have it as a father. atéyaye
You have it as a nut/mother. ináyaye
You have it as an aunt (mütterlicherseits). ináyaye
You had a baby. hokšíluha
You had a baby. hokšíluha
a baby get hokšíyuha
a baby bear hokšíyuha
a baby have hokšíyuha
an uncle nephew have relationship atéya (applies to the uncles on the paternal side.)
uncle niece a relationship have atéya (applies to the uncles on the paternal side.)
a father child relationship have atéya
a baby get hokšíyuha
a baby bear hokšíyuha
a baby have hokšíyuha
He is my uncle on the paternal side. atéwaye
He is my father. atéwaye
Community of relatives (sing.,) thiyóšpaye
Group of relatives, which descend from a common living ancestor. thiyóšpaye
Do you have it as a nut/mother? Ináyaye he? (w. R.) Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.)
I got a baby. hokšíbluha
I got a baby. hokšíbluha
I am a boy. homákšila
I have it as an older brother. thiblówaye (w. R.)
I have it as (a related by marriage) uncle. lekšílawaye
I have it as a nephew. thoškáwaye (w. R.)
I have it as an uncle (mütterlicherseits). lekšíwaye
I have it as an uncle (on the paternal side). atéwaye
I have it as a father. atéwaye
I have it as a nut/mother. ináwaye
I have it as an aunt (mütterlicherseits). ináwaye
I had a baby. hokšíbluha
I had a baby. hokšíbluha
You got a baby. Hokšíluha pi.
You got a baby. Hokšíluha pi.
You had a baby. Hokšíluha pi.
You had a baby. Hokšíluha pi.
their uncle on the paternal side (Pl.) atkúku pi
their uncle on the paternal side (sing.) atkúku
its father (Pl.) atkúku pi
their father (sing.) atkúku
their uncles on the paternal side atkúku pi
their fathers atkúku pi
Is she your nut/mother? Ináyaye he? (w. R.) Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.)
Young one (sing., of the) hokšíla
Young one (Pl.,) hokšíla
Baby (sing., of the) bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.)
its uncle on the paternal side atkúku
its father atkúku
Connections (Pl.,) otákuye
Used otákuye
Relationship (EN) otákuye
Whom do you have as an uncle (on the paternal side)? Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.)
Whom do you have as a father? Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.)
Who are you? Nitúwe he? (w. R.) Nitúwe huwó? (M.R.)
Who is your uncle (on the paternal side)? Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.)
Who is your father? Tuwá atéyaya he? (w. R.) Tuwá atéyaya huwó? (M.R.)
Who… its? tuwé
Who are they? Hená tuwé pi he? (w. R.) Hená tuwé pi huwó? (M.R.)
How much (persons) is there? Hená tóna pi he? (w. R.) Hená tóna pi huwó? (M.R.)

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