A = short A
á = long A
é = long e
í = long i
ó = long o
š = sch
ú = long u
z = be correctful s
Please considers the female idioms (w. R.) and the male idioms (M.R.) in the Lakotasprache!
Lakota | German |
Age data | |
Okó tóna he? | How much does it have weeks? How much does it have weeks? How much does it have weeks? How much weeks old is it? How much weeks old is it? How much weeks old is it? (w. R.) |
Okó tóna huwó? | How much does it have weeks? How much does it have weeks? How much does it have weeks? How much weeks old is it? How much weeks old is it? How much weeks old is it? (w. R.) |
Waníyetu nitóna he? | Are you how old? How do you have much winter? (w. R.) |
Waníyetu nitóna huwó? | Are you how old? How do you have much winter? (M.R.) |
Waníyetu nitóna pi he? | How old are you? How much winter have you? (w. R.) |
Waníyetu nitóna pi huwó? | How old are you? How much winter have you? (M.R.) |
Personal data(See also age data and family relationship) | |
bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.) | Baby (sing.,), baby (sing., of the) |
Boulder ektá wathí. | I live in Boulder. |
ehákela | the latter its, the latter its |
emáhakela | I am the latter… I am the latter. I am the latter. |
Eníhakela he? | Are you the latter? Are you the latter? (w. R.) |
Eníhakela huwó? | Are you the latter? Are you the latter? (M.R.) |
Há kisápe ke. | It has a dark skin. It has a dark skin. It has a dark skin. |
(Hená) iyé pi. | They are to be determined those. They are to be decided those. |
(Hená) niyáwa pi. | They count you (with). They count you (with). |
Hená Robert éna Wayne nearly nearly Horse é pi. | Robert and Wayne are nearly the Horse there. |
Hená táku he? | What are they (there)? (w. R.) |
Hená táku huwó? | What are they (there)? (M.R.) |
Hená táku pi he? | What are they (there)? (w. R.) |
Hená táku pi huwó? | What are they (there)? (M.R.) |
Hená tóna pi he? | How much (persons) is there? (w. R.) |
Hená tóna pi huwó? | How much (persons) is there? (M.R.) |
Hená tuwé pi he? | Who are they? (Pl., w. R.) |
Hená tuwé pi huwó? | Who are they? (Pl., M.R.) |
(Hená) wašténilaka pi. | They like you. They like you. |
(Hé) atéye. | It has it as a father. It has it as a father. It has it as a father. He is their father. He is its father. |
(Hé) é. | It is that. It is it. It is that. It is it. It is that. It is it. |
(Hé) iyé. | It is to be determined that. It is to be decided that. It is to be determined that. It is to be decided that. |
Hé lakhólkhota. | It accepted a indianische way. He took over a indianische way. It accepted a indianische way. She took over a indianische way. (By a Nichtindianer one reports |
Hé Lakhóta. | He is an Indian. It is Lakota (Indian). |
Hé Robert é. | That is Robert. He is Robert. |
Hé Robert nearly Horse é. | He is Robert nearly Horse. |
(Hé) thí. | It lives… it lives… it lives… it lives… you lives… you lives… |
Hé… ú. | He descends…. It descends…. She descends…. |
(Hé) wašténilaka pi. | It likes you. He likes you. It likes you. It likes you. It likes you. She likes you. |
(Hé) wašténilake. | It likes you. He likes you. It likes you. It likes you. It likes you. She likes you. |
Hiyá, malákhota šni. | No, I am not Lakota (Indian). |
homákšila | I am a boy. |
hóhe | Assiniboine, stone digester |
iyé | to determine, that its decide that its, that its that its to determine that its to decide that its |
Iyé | that its, that its, that its |
kholáwaye | I have it as a friend. (M.R.) |
kholáya | as a friend have (M.R.) |
kholáyaye | You have it as a friend. (M.R.) |
khoškálaka | young man (sing.,), young people (sing., of the) |
Lakhóta | Lakota (Indian) (Pl., those, sing., of the) |
Lená táku he? | What are they (here)? (w. R.) |
Lená táku huwó? | What are they (here)? (M.R.) |
Lél Oglála tuwéni thí pi šni. | No Oglala (Indian) lives here. No Oglala (Indian) lives here. |
malákhota | I am a Lakota (Indian). |
mašáhiyela | I am a Cheyenne (Indian). |
Matáku he? | What am I? (w. R.) |
Matáku huwó? | What am I? (M.R.) |
miyé | I am that. I am to be determined that. I am to be decided that. I am that. I am to be determined that. I am to be decided that. I am it. (Telephone call) I was it. |
Nihóhe he? | Are you a Assiniboine? Are you a stone digester? (w. R.) |
Nihóhe huwó? | Are you a Assiniboine? Are you a stone digester? (M.R.) |
Nilákhota he? | Are you a Lakota (Indian)? (w. R.) |
Nilákhota huwó? | Are you a Lakota (Indian)? (M.R.) |
Nitáku he? | What are you? (w. R.) |
Nitáku huwó? | What are you? (M.R.) |
Nitúwe he? | Who are you? (w. R.) |
Nitúwe huwó? | Who are you? (M.R.) |
niyé | You are that. You are that. |
Niyé pi. | You are those. |
Oglála | Oglala (Indian) (Pl., those, sing., of the) |
Oglála eyá hél thí pi. | Some Oglala (Indians) live there. |
Oglála Thípi ektá wathí. | I live in the Pine Ridge reservation. I live in the Pine Ridge reservation. |
Oglála Thípi ektá yathí. | You live in the Pine Ridge reservation. You live in the Pine Ridge reservation. |
Oglála Thípi ektá yathí pi. | You live in the Pine Ridge reservation. You live in the Pine Ridge reservation. |
okášpe | Group (Pl.,) |
otákuye | Relations (Pl.,), connections (Pl.,), used, relationship (EN) |
Robert tókha he? | What is the matter with Robert? (w. R.) |
Robert tókha huwó? | What is the matter with Robert? (M.R.) |
slolwáye | I know it. I know it. I know it. (Sing.) |
slolyáye | You know it. You know it. You know it. (Sing.) |
Šahíyela | Cheyenne (Indian) (sing., to that, Pl.,) |
Toníkha he? | What is the matter with you? (w. R.) |
Toníkha huwó? | What is the matter with you? (M.R.) |
Tukté él yathí he? | Where do you live? Where do you live? Where approximately do you live? Where do you live? Where do you live? Where approximately do you live? (w. R.) |
Tukté él yathí huwó? | Where do you live? Where do you live? Where approximately do you live? Where do you live? Where do you live? Where approximately do you live? (M.R.) |
Tuktél yathí he? | Where do you live? Where do you live? (w. R.) |
Tuktél yathí huwó? | Where do you live? Where do you live? (M.R.) |
Tuwá atéyaya he? | Whom do you have as a father? Whom do you have as an uncle (on the paternal side)? Who is your uncle (on the paternal side)? Who is your father? (w. R.) |
Tuwá atéyaya huwó? | Whom do you have as a father? Whom do you have as an uncle (on the paternal side)? Who is your uncle (on the paternal side)? Who is your father? (M.R.) |
tuwé | Who… its? |
wathí | I live… I live… |
wikhóškalaka | older girls (Pl.,), older girl (sing.,), young lady (sing.,), young ladies (Pl.,), young woman (sing.,), young Mrs. (Pl.,) |
yathí | You live… you live… |
Yathí pi. | You live… it live… |
Address | |
até | Father (the address is used also for the brothers of the father.), uncles (on the paternal side) |
Até, ómakiya ye! | Father, help me! Uncles (on the paternal side), help me! (w. R.) |
Até, ómakiya yo! | Father, help me! Uncles (on the paternal side), help me! (M.R.) |
iná | Nut/mother (address for the nut/mother and their sisters), my nut/mother, aunt (mütterlicherseits) |
kaká | Grandfather, Grandpa (informal address) |
kholá | Friend (M.R.) |
lekší | Uncle, (address, blood-related, the brother of the nut/mother), uncles (mütterlicherseits) |
Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka he? | , You travel to uncles (mütterlicherseits) gladly? Uncles (mütterlicherseits), you move gladly? (w. R.) |
Lekší, ománi awášteyalaka huwó? | , You travel to uncles (mütterlicherseits) gladly? Uncles (mütterlicherseits), you move gladly? (M.R.) |
Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni he? | Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who will not come here? Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who would not come here? (w. R.) |
Lekší, tuwá ú kte šni huwó? | Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who will not come here? Uncle (mütterlicherseits), who would not come here? (M.R.) |
lekšíla | Uncle (related by marriage) |
mamá | Nut/mother, mummy (informal address) |
phapá | Father, dad (informal address) |
thakóš | Son-in-law, daughter-in-law (this address one uses rarely.) |
thibló | older brother (address, w. R.) |
Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. | Older brother, it is mine. Older brother, it belongs to me. Older brother, it is mine. Older brother, it belongs to me. Older brother, her is my… older brother, her belongs to me. (w. R.) |
Thibló, ní KTA he? | Older brother, you will arrive there? Older brother, you will come? Older brother, you will come? Older brother, you would arrive there? Older brother, you would come? Older brother, you would come? (w. R.) |
thošká | Nephew |
Medicine | |
Proclaim | |
mA | Call in the meaning of “humans!” (w. R.) |
The condition and the health | |
Akhé osní olúspa he? | Are you again afflicted with a cold? (w. R.) |
Akhé osní olúspa huwó? | Are you again afflicted with a cold? (M.R.) |
Akhé osní olúspa pi he? | Are you again afflicted with a cold? (w. R.) |
Akhé osní olúspa pi huwó? | Are you again afflicted with a cold? (M.R.) |
akísni | become healthy recover |
amákisni | I became healthy. |
amáye | I become… |
áya | into a certain condition to be brought … become |
(Hená) tókha pi he? | What is the matter with them? (w. R.) |
(Hená) tókha pi huwó? | What is the matter with them? (M.R.) |
ištóthó | a “blue” eye have |
Khúš amáye. | It carried me forward in such a way that I am ill. I became ill. |
ksúyewaye | I did pain to him. I did its pain. I hurt it. I hurt it. I hurt it. (Sing.) I caused pain for it. I caused its hurting. I wounded it. I wounded it. I wounded it. (Sing.) |
ksúyeya | hurt, if pain cause, pain, cause, hurt, distort, pain do |
Osní olúspa pi. | You caught cold you. You are afflicted with a cold. |
Osní olúspe. | You caught cold. You are afflicted with a cold. |
osní oyúspa | catch cold, catch cold |
Paul, tákuwe ištónítho he? | Paul, why you have a “blue” eye? (w. R.) |
Paul, tákuwe ištónítho huwó? | Paul, why you have a “blue” eye? (M.R.) |
philáwaye | I am pleased. |
philáyaye | You are pleased. |
Robert tókha he? | What is the matter with Robert? (w. R.) |
Robert tókha huwó? | What is the matter with Robert? (M.R.) |
Toníkha he? | What is the matter with you? (w. R.) |
Toníkha huwó? | What is the matter with you? (M.R.) |
Toníkha pi he? | What is the matter with you? (w. R.) |
Toníkha pi huwó? | What is the matter with you? (M.R.) |
Tókha he? | What is the matter? (w. R.) |
Tókha huwó? | What is the matter? (M.R.) |
Tóna osní oyúspa pi he? | How much (persons) are afflicted with a cold? (w. R.) |
Tóna osní oyúspa pi huwó? | How much (persons) are afflicted with a cold? (M.R.) |
Tóna watúkha pi he? | How much (persons) are tired? (w. R.) |
Tóna watúkha pi huwó? | How much (persons) are tired? (M.R.) |
wamátukha | I am tired. |
Wanítukha he? | Are you tired? (w. R.) |
Wanítukha huwó? | Are you tired? (M.R.) |
Wanítukha pi he? | Are you tiredly? (w. R.) |
Wanítukha pi huwó? | Are you tiredly? (M.R.) |
Wanítukha pi šni he? | Are you not tiredly? (w. R.) |
Wanítukha pi šni huwó? | Are you not tiredly? (M.R.) |
Wanítukha šni he? | Aren't you tired? (w. R.) |
Wanítukha šni huwó? | Aren't you tired? (M.R.) |
watúkha | tiredly its |
Wilma osní oyúspa he? | Is Wilma afflicted with a cold? (w. R.) |
Wilma osní oyúspa huwó? | Is Wilma afflicted with a cold? (M.R.) |
Greetings | |
Háu | Hello (M.R.) |
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