Suicide Prevention OF native Americans

Native Americans - Suicide Prevention and depression

My name is Evelin Cervenkova. I to the of founder OF the Lakota Oyate information in Germany. Already for 19 years I to interested in psychology, healing and cause OF neurosis and depression. Into the association OF psychiatry experienced people I to working ton improve health care for psychological ill people.

Depression, A psychological disease, appears very often into high industrialized countries. In Germany every third or fourth person of does more suffer from depression sometime into his life.

Here in Germany is suicide on the second place OF cause OF death RK of dte rodent. RK young adults is suicide on the third place OF cause OF death.

Incidence OF suicide among native American young people, ages 15-24, is nearly three times than OF the U.S. national guesses/advises (Indian and Alaskan native one guesses/advises is 37,5 by 100,000 vs. to 13,2 by 100,000 And S. of all races according ton the Indian Health service trend 1989-91).

Incoming goods of acres very concerned, knowing that Montana State prison is A facility where the Suicide rate is one OF the highest into the nation. In addition ton this, there have been documented cases OF severe mistreatment, abuse and neglect OF mentally ill prisoners.

What of acres the reasons for existence OF depression?

The sum OF negative experiences OF life causes depression. Look for negative life experience begins often into the childhood.

Constantly strain on of nerve into the DAILY life acres the most reasons for existence OF depression.

To How you CAN find, if A person out is depressed?

When depression comes into existence in connection with social problem and social disadvantages, thus incoming goods should talc ton politicians about it.

The native Americans of themselves of acres interested ton take action against the high suicide guesses/advises to OF their people.

Reservation of communities of acres usually dependent upon the Indian Health service (IHS) and the office OF Indian Affairs (BIA) ton provide support in term OF crisis. IHS of does emergency more offer any services that acres focused on suicide prevention or intervention. The BIA of does emergency of offer thesis services more either.

The suicide prevention OF native Americans needs financial support.

Perhaps you know native Americans who acres interested on working on suicide prevention projects? I would like ton introduce visits suicide prevention projects OF native Americans in German spoken states the it CAN supported.

My email ADDRESS is: Email:

Evelin Cervenkova
Founder OF the Lakota Oyate information

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