Therapy center for suicide-endangered and alhoholabhänige Indians

I am Evelin Cervenkova and Begründerin of the Freundschaftskrieses Lakota.

A project is to be developed and supported to a therapy center for suicide-endangered and alcohol-dependent Indians.

For 8 years I exert myself for North American Indians, particularly for Lakota. With the fact I could state that there is not one group of supporters, which is concerned with such a topic in the German-speaking countries.

Up to now I am the only one in German-language countries, which in the fact it is interested that it suicide-endangered and alhoholabhängige Indians are treated by indianischen therapists in consideration of their culture.

The suicide rate of the Indians in the USA is higher around a multiple than those the remaining population of USA. There is thus acute action need!

The following notes originate from the thesis “psychiatric morbidity with the Indians of North America”.

From the psychiatric hospital with health center of the University of attaining Nuremberg
Director: Professor Dr. E. Lungerhausen

Psychiatric morbidity with the Indians of North America

A contribution to the cultural psychiatry

To the acquisition the medical faculty of the Friedrich Alexander university Erlangen-N6uuml; rnberg submitted of Maria Stöckl from Tirschenreuth

Day of the m6uuml; ndlichen examination: 12.05.1987
Dekan: Professor Dr. M. Hofmann
Adviser: Professor Dr. E. Lungerhausen

P. 2)

P. 4)

P. 6)

P. 7)

P. 8)

Objective orientation without prejudices

P. 10)


P. 16)

Indian and Schamanen

P. 17)

P. 18)

Maturing to the Schamanen

P. 19)

Function of the Schamanen

P. 20)

P. 21)

Position of the Schamanen

Schamane and psychiatrist

P. 22)

P. 23)

Indian and psychiatrist

The beginnings

P. 25)

Psychiatric supply in the reservations

P. 26)

The Indian is not surrounded in the psychiatric hospital by humans of its daily life, so that the therapeutic effect is quite doubtful.

Is it desirably and ethicalally justifiablely a people with other traditions and another conception world, the own, only in the own culture area tested “and even there disputed” medical and psychiatric model to force upon?

Is the “western” L6ouml; sungsvorschläge at all transferably to Indians and promisingly?

P. 27)

Psychiatric supply in the cities

Problems of the integration are:

P. 28)

Property term:

P. 29)

The psychiatrist from the view of the Indian

“The white one has two ways OF getting rid OF Indians who larva trouble for him:
He PUT them in prison or in mentally hospital.
Stay away from the mentally hospital!
If you go tons prison you always know-how much time you have tons of DO;
but you more never know when they wants let you out OF the mentally hospital! “

P. 30)

To new goals

P. 31)

Psychiatric morbidity and Akkulturation

Definition and description of the term Akkulturation

P. 32)

Forms of the Akkulturation

P. 33)

Indian in the Akkulturationsprozess

P. 34)

General consequences of the Akkulturation

P. 35)

Psychological consequences of the Akkulturation

P. 36)

P. 38)

The future of the Akkulturation

“Incoming goods Indians have A more human philosophy OF life.”

Don Rodgers, psychiatrist in Winnipeg

Group, which falls back to indianische values and traditions, has smaller psychological difficulties.

P. 46)

Systematic representation of the psychiatric morbidity

Emotionelle disturbances

The notes are incomplete!

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