Dictionary German Lakota (part of 1)

Copyright Evelin Cervenkova all rights reserve

The desire was often expressed by prospective customers that I leave you at the growth of my manuscript of the Lakotabücher sharings.

These manuscripts are compiled by me after the original Lakota books by Professor David S. Rood of the university in Boulder, Colorado.

This homepage corresponds only about 10% to my original manuscript!

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Description of discussion:

A = short A
á = long A
é = long e
í = long i
ó = long o
š = sch
ú = long u
z = be correctful s

Please considers the female idioms (w. R.) and the male idioms (M.R.) in the Lakotasprache!

Table of contents

  1. but - to there-melt leave
  2. Thanks! - You attacked it.
  3. You have it imprisoned. - a quarter
  4. an eddy tower its - it found me.
  5. It found it. - Frog
  6. Spring - I am gladly active.
  7. I am green. - it… it
  8. their country - bronchial tube
  9. Draft of air - lubricant
  10. dirtily its - it likes you.
  11. She likes it. - Used
  12. Relationship (EN) - to zergehen leave
  13. cut up by Zerstossen - twelve


but éyaš

descend ú it descends…. Hé… ú. It descends…. Hé… ú. She descends…. Hé… ú.

older girls (Pl.,) wikhóškalaka

older brother (address, w. R.) thibló older brother, it belongs to me. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. Older brother, it is mine. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. Older brother, it belongs to me. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. Older brother, it belongs to me. Thibló, hé mitháwa kištó. Older brother, you will come there? Thibló, ní KTA he? Older brother, you would come there? Thibló, ní KTA he?

older girl (sing.,) wikhóškalaka

Offices (Pl.,) owákpamni

extremely líglila you eat extremely much. Líglila wóta pi.

Agency (sing.,) owákpamni

Agencies (Pl.,) owákpamni

everything iyúha

everything iyúha

everything that whirls and falls down woblú

as an older brother have (w. R.) thiblóya you has it as an older brother. thiblóyaye he is your older brother. thiblóyaye he is my older brother. thiblówaye I has it as an older brother. thiblówaye

as (a related by marriage) uncle have lekšílaya you have it as (a related by marriage) uncle. lekšílayaye he is your (related by marriage) uncle. lekšílayaye he is my (related by marriage) uncle. lekšílawaye I has it as (a related by marriage) uncle. lekšílawaye

as blood-related uncles have lekšíya

as first thokéya

first thokéya

first thokéya

as a friend have kholáya (M.R.) you have it as a friend. kholáyaye he is your friend. kholáyaye he is my friend. kholáwaye I has it as a friend. kholáwaye

as a nut/mother have ináya you have it as a nut/mother. ináyaye haste you it as a nut/mother? A) Ináyaye he? (w. R.) b Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.) I have it as a nut/mother. ináwaye is it your nut/mother? A) Ináyaye he? (w. R.) b) Ináyaye huwó? (M.R.) you is your nut/mother. ináyaye you is my nut/mother. ináwaye

as a nephew have thoškáya (w. R.) you has it as a nephew. thoškáyaye he is your nephew. thoškáyaye he is my nephew. thoškáwaye I has it as a nephew. thoškáwaye

as uncles (mütterlicherseits) have lekšíya you have it as uncles (mütterlicherseits). lekšíyaye he is your uncle (mütterlicherseits). lekšíyaye he is my uncle (mütterlicherseits). lekšíwaye I has it as an uncle (mütterlicherseits). lekšíwaye

as uncles (on the paternal side) have atéya you have it as uncles (on the paternal side). atéyaye he is your uncle (on the paternal side). atéyaye he is my uncle (on the paternal side). atéwaye I has it as an uncle (on the paternal side). atéwaye

as private property have gluhá you have as private property… yaglúha I have as private property… waglúha

as a father have atéya you have it as a father. atéyaye it has it as a father. (Hé) atéye. He is your father. atéyaye he is my father. atéwaye he is their father. (Hé) atéye. He is its father. (Hé) atéye. It has it as a father. (Hé) atéye. I have it as a father. atéwaye you has it as a father. (Hé) atéye.

thus eyá

to él (one uses, if the speaker at the place is.)

to… along aglágla

Office (sing.,) owákpamni

at the inside opháya

in the first place thokéya

to somewhat pass hiyáya you passed to somewhat. A) yahílale b) yahíyaye it passed to somewhat. (Hé) hiyáye. It passed to somewhat. (Hé) hiyáye. I passed to somewhat. A) wahíblable b) wahíyaye you passed to somewhat. A) Yahílala pi. b) Yahíyaya pi. It passed to somewhat. (Hé) hiyáye. Who passed to somewhat? A) Tuwá hiyáya he? (w. R.) b) Tuwá hiyáya huwó? (M.R.)

someone pass hiyáya you passed to someone. A) yahílale b) yahíyaye it passed someone. (Hé) hiyáye. It passed someone. (Hé) hiyáye. I passed someone. A) wahíblable b) wahíyaye you passed someone. A) Yahílala pi. b) Yahíyaya pi. It passed someone. (Hé) hiyáye. Who passed someone? A) Tuwá hiyáya he? (w. R.) b) Tuwá hiyáya huwó? (M.R.)

begin iyáya who has begun? A) Tuwá iyáya he? (w. R.) b) Tuwá iyáya huwó? (M.R.)

attack khíza you it attacked. yakhíze you attacked it. yakhíze you attacked it. yakhíze (sing.) I attacked it. wakhíze I attacked it. wakhíze I attacked it. wakhíze (sing.) you attacked it. Yakhíza pi. You attacked it. Yakhíza pi. You attacked it. Yakhíza pi. (Sing.)

arrive (at another place) í older brother, do you will arrive there? Thibló, ní KTA he? (w. R.) older brother, you would arrive there? Thibló, ní KTA he? (w. R.) you arrives.you will arrive there. Ní kte. You would arrive there. Ní kte.

Settlement of related (sing.,) thiyóšpaye

Antilope (sing.,) thathókala

Antilopen (Pl.,) thathókala

Work (sing.,) wówaši

Work (sing.,) wówaši

Poor (sing.,) istó

Poor one (Pl.,) istó

Assiniboine (sing.,) hóhe you are a Assiniboine? A) Nióhe he? (w. R.) b) Nióhe huwó? (M.R.)

also khó


  1. akán
  2. él

at the first place thokéya

on the way there itsyou are on the way there.you will be on the way there. Ní kte. You would be on the way there. Ní kte. It is on the way there. (Hé) yé. It is on the way after Denver. Denver ektá yé. It is on the way there. (Hé) yé. I am on the way there. blé I will be on the way there. Mní kte. I would be on the way there. Mní kte. You are on the way there. Lá pi. You will be on the way there. Lá pi kte. You would be on the way there. Lá pi kte. It is on the way there. (Hé) yé. They are on the way there. (Hená) yá pi. (Individuals) you are on the way there. áye (collective) you will be on the way there. (Hená) yá pi kte. (Individuals) you would be on the way there. (Hená) yá pi kte. (Individuals)

on the way here its ú

on the way home its glá

on… scattered its hiyéya

At which special place…? tukté él

On which determined place…? tukté él

At which place…? tukté él

break open (to something) iyáya you are broken open (to something). ilále it applied (to something). (Hé) iyáye. It applied (to something). (Hé) iyáye. I applied (to something). ibláble you are broken open (to something). Ilála pi. You (to something) will break open. Ilála pi kte. You (to something) would break open. Ilála pi kte. It applied (to something). (Hé) iyáye. They applied (to something). (Hená) iyáya pi. (Individuals) you applied (to something). éyaye (collective) you will break open (to something). (Hená) iyáya pi kte. (Individuals) you would break open (to something). (Hená) iyáya pi kte. (Individuals) who is (to something) broken open? A) Tuwá iyáya he? (w. R.) b) Tuwá iyáya huwó? (M.R.) to which place are they broken open? A) Tókhiya iyáya pi he? (w. R.) b) Tókhiya iyáya pi huwó? (M.R.)

up-eat thebyá (with object use) I eat it up. thebwáye I eats it up. thebwáye I eats it up. (Sing.) thebwáye

stop akísni

to dissolve leave šloyá I let… dissolve. šlowáye

place upright

  1. égle
  2. glé

warm up khalyá

Eye (sing.,) ištá

Eyes (Pl.,) ištá

in addition khó (in connection with nouns)

promisingly its (stands at the end of record) itéka

out-divide kpamní you divide… out. yakpámni I divide… out. wakpámni

B b

Baby (sing.,) bébela (many Lakota (Indians) regard it as a French foreign word and to use it not.)

Brook (sing.,) wakpála

Cooking fat (sing.,) wígli

Baking powder (sing.,) wínakapo

Balls (Pl.,) thápa

Bear (sing.,) mathó

Bear (Pl.,) mathó

soon tókša

Ball (sing.,) thápa

Ball play (sing.,) thabškátapi

Volume (sing.,) iphíyaka

Gang (sing.,) thiyóšpaye

Basketball play (sing.,) thabškátapi

Belly (sing.,) thezí

Cup (sing.,) wíyatke see here, here are some cups! Málená wíyatke eyá (hé). (w. R.)

Command form:

  1. KTA (Befehslform, if the speaker is with included)
  2. … ná! (Command form, friendly request, w. R.) help me please! Ómakiya ná!
  3. … nithó! (friendly request, w. R.) come once here! Hiyú nithó! Come once into the house! Thimá hiyú nithó!
  4. … po! (M.R., quick manner of speaking compound from pi and yo!) Comes! Hiyú po! Run there! Yá po! Carry forward…! Áya po! Craze me! Omáyale po!
  5. … incoming goods! (w. R.) comes! Hiyú incoming goods! Come here! Ú incoming goods!
  6. … where! (M.R.) come! Hiyú where! Come here! Ú where!
  7. … ye! (w. R.) finds it! Iyéya ye! Go loosely! Iyáya ye! Mach you on the way! Iyáya ye! Uncles (on the paternal side), help me! Até, ómakiya ye!
  8. … yethó! (friendly request, M.R.)
  9. … yo! (M.R.) find it! Iyéya yo! Goes there! Yá pi yo! Comes! Hiyú pi yo! Take something to the Mary (here) home over there! Lé Mary thí ektá áya yo!

satisfy philáya you me satisfied. philámayaye

begin iyáya it began. (Hé) iyáye. It began. (Hé) iyáye. It began. (Hé) iyáye. Who began? A) Tuwá iyáya he? (w. R.) b) Tuwá iyáya huwó? (M.R.)

kept yuhá it will keep me. Hé mayúha kte. It would keep me. Hé mayúha kte. It will keep me. Hé mayúha kte. It would keep me. Hé mayúha kte.

Dwelling (sing.,) thípi

Dwellings (Pl.,) thípi

with somewhat bark phápha

with someone bark phápha it barked with me. (Hé) maphápha.

Leg (sing.,) hú

Legs (Pl.,) hú

fight khíza you fought it. yakhíze you fought it. yakhíze you fought it. yakhíze (sing.) I fought it. wakhíze I fought it. wakhíze I fought it. wakhíze (sing.) their most fighting it. Yakhíza pi. Their most fighting it. Yahíza pi. Their most fighting it. Yakhíza pi. (Sing.)

bark phápha it barked with me. (Hé) maphápha.

Gasoline (sing.,) wígli

already waná


  1. eyá you reported. ehé it reported. eyé it reported. eyé I reported. ephé you reported. eyé
  2. kéya


  1. itháwa
  2. yuhá it possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. They possess it. (Hená) yuhá pi. They possess it. (Hená) yuhá pi. They possess it. (Hená) yuhá pi. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá. It possesses it. (Hé) yuhá.

best thokéya

better thokéya

retain yuhá

Movement in air (sing.,) okáluze easy movement of air okálusluze

Relations (Pl.,) otákuye

bend škópa

up to a certain degree watókhelkheltuya

up to a certain stage watókhelkheltuya

ask! … ná! (friendly request, w. R.) help me please! Ómakiya ná!

ask overit asks over… (Hé) lá. It asks over… (Hé) lá. I asked over… walá you ask over… (Hé) lá.

bitterly its

  1. phaphá (Plural for dead subjects)
  2. phá


  1. thaté the wind blows and is hot. Thaté well okháte.
  2. thatéte

palely its

  1. zizí (dead Plural)
  2. you are pale. nizí I am pale. mazí you are pale. Nizí pi. You are pale. A) Nizí pi kištó. (w. R.) b) Nizí peló. (M.R. quick, manner of speaking) C) Nizí pi yeló. (M.R.) you are pale. Hená zí pi. Are they pale? A) Hená zí pi he? (w. R.) b) Hená zí pi huwó? (M.R.) like much (persons) are pale? A) Tóna zí pi he? (w. R.) b) Tóna zí pi huwó? (M.R.)

blue its thó I am blue. mathó

Embankment (sing.,) mayá

Mash (sing.,) wagmú

broadly its blaská

Letter (sing.,) wówapi

Letters (Pl.,) wówapi

Brise (sing.,)

  1. okálusluza easy Brise okálusluze
  2. okáluza
  3. okáluze

Chest (sing.,) azé

Book (sing.,) wówapi

Letter (sing.,) wówapi

Letter (Pl.,) wówapi

Books (Pl.,) wówapi you do not find books? A) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni he? (w. R.) b) Wówapi tákuni iyéyaye šni huwó? (M.R.) I found some books. Wówapi eyá iyéwaye.

Bundle (sing.,) ophíye

Bosom (sing.,) azé


Café (sing.,) owóte thípi

Cheyenne (sing., to that, Pl.,) Šahíyela I is a Cheyenne. mašáhiyela

Cheyenneindianer (sing., to that, Pl.,) Šahíyela I is a Cheyenneindianer. mašáhiyela

Clan (sing.,) thiyóšpaye


there hél some Olgala (Indians) live there. Oglála eyá hél thí pi.

to there-melt leave šloyá you lets… there-melt. šloyáye I lets there-melt…. šlowáye

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