Hello, your loving,
The following indianischen pointingnesses is meant for all from you, which courage, Kraft, human warmth, energy, comfort and new knowledge search.
Evelin Cervenkova
The pointingnesses originates from the book “the wind is my nut/mother” from Bear Heart.
Everything is part of the holy circle, and everything is connected. Our existence is with so vielem verwoben, therefore our surviving depends on the fact that between everything within the holy circle a balance prevails.
With our efforts we have perhaps the feeling, we can no more further, and we do not notice that we concerned only at a turning point in our life. We can create everything. One can be lives umkrempeln, live full hope and this hope maintained.
The drum impact is pulsating, it is the pulse of the life. If someone suffers after a heart accumulation under strong pain and one does not have anything that one can give the person, one strikes evenly on a drum, until assistance arrives. The spirit one, which gave us the life, which will adapt itself way of life of all ways of life, in such a way called, and with the time the heart impact of the concerning the Rhytmus of the drum. One must be for it no experienced physician. One needs only much love in the heart, much helpfulness for its fellow men. Therefore the drum for us is a holy instrument.
The west is the direction of the gratitude. If the sun goes down regarding the west, this means the Segnung of a further daily. Turn at the end of the daily towards the west and say yourselves you: “Thanks for everything that happened today, for property just like for the bad.” Why is one for the bad to thank you? Because teachings are into it. One should try to recognize this teachings therein and grow.
The Indians did not eat in complete silence, but if one spoke, then easy and cheerful. Once a man from from far away traveled, in order to meet its friends to the meal. Instead of asking for it that one him the salt rich, it leaned over the table, in order to take it. Another Indian at the board said: “Rather far way… however you created it.” That had an ambiguous meaning, and the others began to laugh. So one can enjoy a meal in cheerful atmosphere.
The love heals, which makes love things than it was a little better. Why does my people feel drawn to entire mankind? Because love is universal.
The power of the love, presupposed it is honest and sincere, is the only power, which can soften the human heart.
The Navajo believes that only one man and a woman can together form a balanced opinion, because women and men have different viewpoints.
The masteroldest taught us: “A at home creates you, before it executive functions take over. This at home is your base, and humans know, where they can come and please you for assistance. If it only temporarily here, then suddenly completely elsewhere are and already finds you at a third place, if the people try to follow you then are also your words, thought, prayers and your power like that - everywhere scatters. Then perhaps you call you leaders, but that is already everything - it is not only one title, which does not contain anything, of you a character and your behavior is reliable.”
A song, which we sing in the morning, reads in such a way: “I thank you for this new day. I ask you to lend to me Kraft so that I meaningfully use and to bed go in the evening can this day, without me to be ashamed.”
It is very often possible to make from one a negative positive situation. Never believe, a situation is thoroughly negative. It has also always a positive side. Who sees itself surrounded from negative one, that should positives look for and make itself.
It will time to put out and point the thing in common out, how similar we are. Perhaps we place surprised firmly that we are actually all brothers and sisters in this universe, and which is still more important: that we must maintain this relationship, if we want to survive.
Indifferently whether one is a physician or not, if one supplies patients is it very importantly to radiate something positive and to wake also in the patient a positive attitude.
Did you observe ever that two ants collided? Did you experience ever that a ant stopped, in order to fight with another, and that others interfered into the fight? Although large activity prevails, a certain order, a goal-directedness, a community feeling exists. … Only because they are, do not sit around ants them not simply and it waits that somewhat happens. They co-operate, in order to be able to survive.
“I will eat, which for my body is good”.” Concentrate on positive thoughts, and you become further probably-feel. Prepare your meals with love and verzehren you them with love. That also our ancestors - every time they cooked somewhat, did did it with love.
Sometimes their life may appear to you like a Irrgarten, but gives after to way always outside, a way out.
In difficult times us our own internal strengths become again conscious, and therein we find peace. The absence of conflicts does not mean peace. The ability means peace to get along with these conflicts.
In our culture say we, it extend our life, if someone gives to eat us something. , It does not play a role whether us someone buys to food, makes breakfast or us the meal in-loaded. While we accept this food, we speak secretly a short prayer, so that the value of this gift in multiplied form decreases/goes back to the giving.
Live in harmony me all things, who is most important one however, live in harmony me you. You in your life will experience much, property like bad - it to become humans against you to place itself, and some will try to determine over your life -, but the word, the harmony, will overcome all difficulties and will help you to a beautiful life.
Live your life, as if you could die tomorrow. Do, what you would like to do and give gladly you to each day your best.
Live hopeful. No matter, which happens and happens under which circumstances it, you have always something, that you can hold on. If you cannot solve a problem alone, there is always someone, which helps you.
One taught us also leave always a little meals remaining as victims - that is to be said our kind: “This meal may find its way to someone, which has it necessarily, to someone, which we not.” … We do that, because all humans live together on this planet, the same air breathe - we are related with one another all. We leave a gift as thanks for what we were allowed to enjoy, and we would like to divide with others, which do not have perhaps so much. We wish ourselves that this meal finds its way to humans of other nationality, young like old, so that this enough may receive, in order to be able to lead a healthy life.
One must pay attention its stomach to, on whom, what one in-plugs, and as one does it, because the stomach is an important organ - it is the place, in which the energy, which maintains the vital functions, crosses into the body. One believes to save a quantity time if one works during the meal, and then understands one not, why one feels tired and digesting problems has.
Some children come measure in an educated manner to the world, perhaps without arms and legs or with verunstaltetem face. … Our teachings forbid it, someone anzustarren, which has a deformation, and therein are very strict we. Look to the side and attempt, in addition-see not continuous. … Accept this child. Even if they look differently, these children have exactly like you a heart, them have exactly like you feelings. Play with them. Bring it to the laughter, if you can.
Sometimes the courage leaves us, if we are into difficulties, but such a situation is not yet the end of the life. It is a challenge, and we hold out, make us strong.
After our indianischen tradition we, if we were tired, slept rose, if we had out-slept, and ate, if we were hungry. … Nowadays one must go early in the morning to the work, therefore one gulps down fast something and goes loosely. Gulping down is not good. Their stomach is perhaps full, but nothing is useful, because the understanding and gulping down did not stand with one another in agreement.
You are grateful for all situations in the life, because you learn from each something.
As soon as you must master difficulties, your crust, your egoism is away-burned and shows up your true I. A lemon must be pressed only, before one can win the juice. Either the best or the worst is brought in you to the appearance. It is because of you.
Above all one should learn to hold its house - in the literal and transferred sense - in order and in its environment the call of conscious humans to acquire itself, so that the others are glad that one is their neighbour.
What means it, if a rock with Moos bewachsen is? Moos grows with us generally at the north side - which side, from which the wind comes. If a rock or a tree on the north side bewachsen strongly with Moos is, refers to a hard winter. … That were references, which said to our people, which preparations it for the winter to meet had.
If someone is unfriendly or attacks you with words, does this person have a problem - why do you make it also your problem?
If one speaks before an Indian community, play gesturing and Mimik, the kind of the lecture and the Intonation absolutely no role. The people sit with closed eyes there and listen on contents, on the truthfulness and honesty of the speaker. Indifferently whether one only talks or really says something, they ask themselves: “What for a life leads this humans? Is it someone, which takes good heed of what he says, also in its own life, or impresses it only gladly the people? is he a conscious man, that with a group of humans like these to deal can?” At the end of the speech they know more about the speaker than these about its listeners.
If you arrive somewhere, examine whether your heart probably-feels. If not, change the direction. Follow so long your heart, until you find the correct place…
If our medicine people had a patient, who had a suffering on a side of the body, they treated the other side. They received this realization from above. Today one knows that the left brain half steers the right half of the body and in reverse.
If we liked to take something from the earth, were herbs, a stone or a little Krume, bring we today still another victim as return, usually tobacco. Then we take ourselves carefully the plant or the stone - the article is the face of our nut/mother earth, which we pray affecting, and we that we may use it in good way.
If we went over the grass on the levels and fields, it was us like a carpet, and we respected it.
How do we get along with difficulties? Do we reject it, or do accept we them? Accept each situation. There is always a reason, why certain things happen. Don't you judge rashly… as can you something bad in something property turn? How can you transform negatives into something Postives? If you react in such a way to it, you will master each situation in your life.
We are always grateful for food. No matter, whether it is plentiful or is enough in such a way straight for all, we are grateful. And we always strive to leave the table before we feel correctly full. That does not only strengthen the will power; also the organs, which must split up and by the entire body transport the food, do not have enough place for working, if one ate too much. Beyond the Sättigungsgrenze to eat loads the organs additionally with its work, therefore one should always leave the table a little hungry and eat not all dishes empty.
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