Abandonment of tribal relations not to forfeit right to tribal property | 23 |
to entitle Indians to enter homestead lands | 23 |
Absentee Shawnee, agreement of June 26, 1890 | 411 |
allotments confirmed | 412 |
allotments to be made | 413 |
time for selection restricted | 413 |
cession of lands in Indian Territory | 411 |
payment for cession | 413 |
school lands reserved | 413 |
allotments confirmed and additional allotments to be made | 412,413 |
excess of 80 acres may be sold by allottees | 520 |
sale by allottees, actual residents of other States | 701 |
sale by heirs of deceased allottees | 701 |
cession of lands by, payment for | 413 |
lands in Indian Territory, cession of | 411 |
lands in Oklahoma, proclamation opening to settlement | 951 |
settlers may commute homestead entries | 505 |
settlers granted extension of time for payment | 505,565 |
legislation relating to, note | 414 |
statistics | 1042 |
Absentee Wyandot, purchase of land in Indian Territory for use of | 522 |
allotments in severalty | 522 |
if in one of Five Civilized Tribes, allotments in severalty not to be made until provided for that tribe | 567 |
lands in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations to be purchased | 600 |
lands in Indian Territory not available for, Secretary of Interior to provide other lands | 621 |
Accounts of officers of Indian service | |
agents, books to be kept and not to be removed from agencies | 25 |
itemized statements to be kept | 25 |
penalty for failure to make entries | 25 |
transcripts of entries to be forwarded quarterly to Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 25 |
Commissioner of Indian Affairs to examine | 1 |
false entries, penalty for agents making | 25 |
false vouchers, forfeiture of entire item claimed | 32 |
knowledge of officers to be presumed | 32 |
vouchers correctly presented not affected | 32 |
settlement of accounts | |
before advances on succeeding year | 10 |
employees intrusted with money and goods for distribution to settle accounts annually | 9 |
delinquents to be reported to Congress | 10 |
regulations for settlement to be prescribed by President | 1 |
Treasury Department to have charge of settlements | 1 |
traveling expenses, actual expenses only to be allowed | 26 |
marshals, clerks of court, and district attorneys excepted | 26 |
special agents allowed $3 per diem when in the field | 31 |
Actions, burden of proof in suits between Indians and whites to be on whites | 15 |
Five Civilized Tribes, for lands held by intruders claiming citizenship | 91,92 |
appeals to United States Supreme Court | 101 |
forcible entry and detainer, in Five Civilized Tribes | 49,92 |
for allotments by persons denied citizenship | 68,109,121 |
goods seized, actions against as under revenue laws | 15 |
intoxicating liquor seized, actions against | 18 |
qui tam action for penalties | 18 |
Oklahoma, district courts of, jurisdiction in actions between Indians of different tribes | 46 |
penalties, jurisdiction of actions for | 15,18 |
tribal property, tribe to be party to suits affecting | 90,654 |
United States district attorneys to represent Indians in all suits | 66 |
Acknowledgement of deeds may be taken before agents | 6 |
Acts of Cherokee council, President of United States to approve | 112,727 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw council, President of United States to approve | 654 |
Creek council, President of United States to approve | 112,661,739 |
Ada, term of court at | 121 |
Adoption of members, Stockbridge and Munsee, adoption of persons not of Indian descent to be void | 130 |
tribes in Indian Territory, judgment against adopted members, execution may be made on improvements upon certain lands | 50 |
Advances to officers of Indian service, not made until accounts of previous year are settled | 10 |
Advertisement, irrigation contracts need not be advertised | 113 |
supplies for Indian service | 8,112 |
may be before appropriations are made, on basis of prior year | 69 |
Agencies, appropriations for, estimates to show what amounts are required by respective agencies | 27 |
boundaries to be established by Secretary of Interior | 6 |
consolidation of agencies by the President | 29 |
expenditure for employees at such agencies not to exceed $15,000 per annum | 89 |
employees, expenditure for not to exceed $10,000 per annum, except at consolidated agencies | 24,89 |
Indian labor to be preferred | 29 |
interpreting not to be paid extra | 67 |
number and kind of employees to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior | 24,89 |
increase in number, how obtained | 24 |
services of, agents' accounts to contain sworn statement of | 24 |
expenses for employees at, not to exceed $10,000 per annum | 24,89 |
except at consolidated agencies | 89 |
for Southern Ute in Colorado | 157 |
inspection by Indian inspectors | 4 |
alternate visits by inspectors | 5 |
inspectors need not visit twice a year | 23 |
interpreters at agencies | 6 |
employees not to be paid extra as | 67 |
location to be within or near territory of tribe | 6 |
place to be designated by the President | 6 |
number of Indians to be reported annually | 25 |
President may consolidated and abolish unnecessary agencies | 25 |
may discontinne or transfer agencies | 6 |
statistics and information relating to | 1027 |
Agency buildings, sale when not required, section of land to be sold with | 15 |
Agent at Cherokee, N. C., superintendent of industrial school to perform duties of | 65,446 |
Agent of State may assist in negotiating treaty for cession of lands | 14 |
Agents, account of expenditures to be kept | 25 |
books to be open to inspection | 25 |
not to be removed from agency | 25 |
false entries, penalty for making | 25 |
necessity for employment of labor to be stated under oath | 24 |
certificate may be substituted | 24 |
penalty for failing to keep accounts | 25 |
settlement of accounts to be made before advances on succeeding year | 10 |
transcript of entries to be forwarded quarterly to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 25 |
acknowledgments of deeds, etc., may be taken before | 6 |
allotments under general allotment act may be made by | 33 |
reports in duplicate to be submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 33 |
annual reports of, to include census of Indians, operations of schools, and statistics of teachers | 32 |
appointment to be made by the President | 5 |
army officers may be detailed for duty as | 100 |
appropriations not available for | 100 |
Secretary of the Interior to have supervision | 100 |
arrest and trial of Indian criminals and of fugitives from justice in the Indian country to be secured by | 19 |
bonds to be furnished | 5 |
liability to be for funds received from any source | 101 |
sureties to file a statement of their property | 25 |
California, residence to be at agencies | 6 |
visits to Washington only on order of Commissioner, violations to be reported to the President | 6 |
census of Indians to be reported annually | 32 |
contracts, record of, to be kept | 25 |
damages by trespass of tribal Indians upon lands of allottees to be ascertained by | 14 |
delivery of goods and money to be witnessed and certified by | 9 |
depositions relative to depredation claims to be taken | 20 |
discontinuation of services when unnecessary | 7 |
distilleries within agencies to be destroyed by | 18 |
duties of agents | 6 |
extra services, compensation allowed for actual expenses only | 6 |
Agents, interpreters, nomination and suspension by agents | 6 |
intruders in Indian country to be removed by | 18 |
licenses to trade to be issued by | 16 |
may perform duties of two agencies | 5 |
not to leave agency without permission | 6 |
not to leave agency without permission | 6 |
passports to Indian country may be issued by | 17 |
pensiona claims, declarations may be made before | 21,64 |
proofs may be made before | 22 |
President may dispense with services of | 5 |
protection of Indians adopting habits of civilized life | 14 |
reports to Commissioners of Indian Affairs | 5 |
residence to be near or within territory of tribe | 6 |
salary and compensation | 5,67 |
extra services, actual expenses only to be paid | 6 |
extra services, actual expenses only to be paid | 67,79 |
bond to be same as other agents | 67,79 |
Cherokee, N. C | 65,446 |
supplies, number of Indians present and receiving, to be reported | 13 |
rolls of Indians entitled to, to be annually reported | 24 |
suspension temporarily by inspectors | 4 |
term of office to be four years | 5 |
to hold over until successor qualifies | 5,29 |
Agriculture, Indians to be instructed in | 7 |
annual report of | 1 |
Agricultural lands, Five Civilized Tribes, leases of tribal lands prohibited, termination of existing leases | 99 |
on ceded parts of reservations allotted under act of 1887 to be disposed of to actual settlers only | 34 |
Alaska, sale of intoxicants and firearms to Indians prohibited | 105 |
term Indian defined | 105 |
Albany and Astoria Railroad Company, right of way through Grande Ronde Reservation, Oreg | 512 |
Ale, introduction into Indian country prohibited | 63 |
Alienation of allotments by heirs of deceased allottees | 120 |
homestead not to be sold in certain cases | 120 |
land to become subject to taxes | 120 |
minors to sell by guardian | 120 |
Indian homesteads forbidden for five years from patent | 23 |
Alleghany Reservation, cemetery lands may be granted to Wildwood Cemetery Association | 215 |
leases of land in certain villages | 155 |
renewals not to exceed ninety-nine years | 368 |
Allotments in severalty | |
Absentee Shawnee, provisions relating to | 412,413 |
sale by allottees actual residents of other States | 701 |
by heirs of deceased allottees | 701 |
of land in excess of 80 acres | 520 |
Absentee Wyandot in Indian Territory | 522,621 |
when to be made if reservation is purchased in one of the Five Civilized Tribes | 567 |
Apache, under agreement of October 21, 1892 | 709,710,711 |
Arickaree, Fort Berthold Reservation | 425 |
Assiniboine, in Montana | 263 |
Bannock, on Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho | 314,705 |
Blackfeet, in Montana | 263 |
on reservation in Montana, not to be made | 606 |
Bloods, in Montana | 263 |
Cayuse on Umatilla Reservation | 224,225, 226 |
Cherokee Nation, general provisions relating to | 498 |
area to be 100 acres | 120 |
cattle grazing on, not to be taxed | 798 |
certificates of allotment | 789 |
contests to be filed in nine months from selection | 797 |
decease of claimant, executor to select for heirs | 789 |
Delawares to receive allotments | 718,789 |
excessive holdings, penalty for | 788 |
homesteads to be selected on | 788 |
incompetents, selections for | 797 |
improvements on lands, certain, to be paid for | 797 |
intruders to be ejected | 789 |
lands reserved from | 724,790 |
leases for grazing and agricultural purposes | 798 |
minors, selections for | 797 |
in Cherokee Outlet | 490 |
possession to be delivered by United States Indian agent | 789 |
reserved lands | 724,790 |
selection, area to be not less than legal subdivisions | 788 |
selection, default of allottees, may be by commissioners to Five Civilized Tribes | 788 |
under agreement of April 9, 1900 | 716,717, 718 |
under agreement of July 1, 1902 | 788 |
Cheyenne in Indian Territory, under agreement of October, 1890 | 416,417 |
Chickasaw Nation, general provisions for | 498 |
area to be 320 acres | 120 |
coal and asphalt lands reserved | 775,784 |
contests to be filed in nine months from selection | 786 |
freedmen | 684,772,780 |
minors and incompetents | 786 |
eserved lands | 775 |
under agreement of April 23, 1897 | 647,648,649 |
under agreement of March 21, 1902 | 772 |
Chippewa, Grand Portage Reservation, timber on, may be cut and sold | 713 |
in Michigan | 158,161 |
in Minnesota, on Red Lake and White Earth reservations | 302,303 |
to be completed | 761 |
of Lake Superior, on La Pointe or Bad River Reservation | 713 |
Chippewa and Christian reservations, Kans., deceased allottees without heirs, sale of allotment | 624 |
patents to be issued for allotments | 623 |
Choctaw Nation, general provisions relating to | 498 |
area to be 320 acres | 120 |
coal and asphalt lands reserved and to be sold | 775,784 |
contests to be filed in nine months from selection | 786 |
freedmen | 684,772 |
minors and incompetents | 786 |
Mississippi band | 106 |
reserved lands | 775 |
under agreement of March 21,1902 | 772 |
April 23, 1897 | 647,648,649 |
Citizens' Band of Potawatomi | 410,520 |
sale by allottees, actual residents of other States | 701 |
heirs of deceased allottees | 701 |
Colville Reservation, Wash | 441,667 |
schedule of lands allotted | 1002 |
Comanche, under agreement of October 21, 1892 | 709,710,711 |
Creek Nation, provisions relating to | 498 |
area to be 160 acres | 120 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to settle controversies | 762 |
deeds for allotments | 735 |
incumbrance prohibited for five years | 764 |
in Seminole Nation | 738 |
lands reserved from | 735 |
under agreement of September 27, 1897 | 657,658,661 |
of March 8, 1900 | 730,731 |
ratified June 30, 1902 | 761 |
Crows in Montana | 195,196,434 |
deficiencies to be compensated for | 559 |
mining and other bona fide claims not to be selected | 447 |
under agreement of August 27,1892 | 451 |
Eastern Shawnee, minor children to receive | 752 |
Five Civilized Tribes, commission to allot lands | 92,499 |
action for recovery of allotments when citizenship is denied | 93 |
burial grounds reserved | 93 |
church lands reserved | 93 |
confirmation of allotments | 93 |
improvements to be included in allotment | 93 |
mineral lands not to be allotted | 93 |
Mississippi Choctaw to receive on proof of identity and settlement in Choctaw and Chickasaw country | 406 |
report of allotments | 93 |
residence on lands of other tribe, allotment may be received there | 99 |
school lands reserved | 93 |
timber on allotments may be sold | 97 |
town sites reserved | 93 |
transfer of allotments forbidden | 93 |
Flandreau Sioux | 330 |
Flatheads in Bitter Root Valley, allotments may be sold and allottees removed to Jocko Reservation, Mont | 327 |
general provisions for allotment | 33 |
actions for, in United States circuit courts | 68,109 |
not applicable to Five Civilized Tribes or Quapaw Agency | 68,109 |
statutes of limitation to be applicable | 121,122 |
agents to allot and certify allotments to Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 33 |
to select for orphans | 33 |
agents and special agents to select when person entitled to select fails for four years | 33 |
alienation by heirs of deceased allottees | 120 |
area, pro rata when lands are insufficient | 57 |
citizenship accorded allottees | 35 |
condemnation of allotted lands for public uses | 113 |
Congress has authority to make provisions for | 1058 |
descent and partition, law of State or Territory to govern | 34,58 |
double allotments made by mistake, correction of | 70 |
educational funds, allottees not to be excluded from | 68 |
errors in allotments may be corrected during trust period | 70 |
fees to be paid from United States Treasury | 58 |
Five Civilized Tribes excepted from general provisions | 35 |
grazing land to be allotted in double quantities | 57 |
heads of families to select for minors | 33 |
heirs of deceased allottees may alienate | 120 |
homesteads not to be sold in certain cases | 120 |
land to become subject to taxation | 120 |
minors to sell by guardian | 120 |
highways may be granted through | 114 |
improvements to be embraced in selections | 33 |
when two Indians have improvements on the same legal subdivision | 33 |
intoxicants not to be brought upon while title is held in trust by United States | 84 |
leases by allottees under disability | 57,81,82,105,620 |
lieu selections upon surrender of patent | 39 |
Miami and Peoria excepted from general provisions | 35 |
minor children, heads of families to select for | 33 |
nonreservation Indians to receive allotments as if on reservation | 33 |
fees to be paid Land Office from United States Treasury | 34 |
orphans, agents to select for | 33 |
Osage excepted from general provisions | 35 |
outside of Indian Territory, to be under act of 1887 | 800 |
patents to issue to allottee and his heirs in trust for twenty-five years | 34 |
conveyance during trust period to be void | 34 |
President may extend trust period | 34 |
recordation and delivery to be free of charge | 35 |
President to survey and allot reservations | 56 |
pro rata allotments where land is insufficient for full area | 57 |
railroads through. (See title Railroad rights of way) | |
religious organizations, lands not exceeding 160 acres may be patended to | 35 |
report of allotting agents | 33 |
revision of allotments made prior to February 28, 1891 | 57 |
Sauk and Fox excepted from general provisions | 35 |
Seneca of New York excepted from general provisions | 35 |
selections to be made by Indians | 33 |
size of allotment to be one-eighth of a section | 57 |
treaty stipulations as to, not affected by general allotment act | 57 |
special agents may be appointed to make allotments | 33 |
trespasses upon, by Indians, compensation for | 14,15 |
suspension of chiefs for | 15 |
unallotted lands may be purchased by United States | 34 |
agricultural lands to be disposed of to actual settlers only | 34 |
unsurveyed lands, adjustment of lines on survey | 33 |
Great Sioux Reservation, Dakota | 330,331 |
Grosventres in Montana | 263,425 |
Iowa on reservation in Indian Territory | 393 |
Kansas and Nebraska | 230,245 |
Oklahoma | 566 |
Kansa, under agreement ratified July 1, 1902 | 766 |
in Indian Territory | 344 |
Kickapoo in Indian Territory | 480,481 |
Kickapoo in Kansas, absentees and children | 681 |
children to receive | 568 |
deceased allottees' estates to be settled | 242 |
Kiowa, under agreement of October 21, 1892 | 708,709,710,711 |
Klamath Reservation, Oreg., to children born since completion of allotments | 751 |
Klamath River Reservation, Cal. | 439 |
Lower Brule Sioux, South Dakota | 599 |
reallotment of lands | 688 |
Mandan of Fort Berthold Reservation | 425 |
Miami Indian Territory | 344 |
sale by heirs of deceased allottees | 701,702 |
of 100 acres of, in certain cases | 620 |
Mission Indians in California | 384,750 |
Mississppi Choctaw, on identification and settlement in Choctaw and Chickasaw country | 106 |
incumbrance or sale void | 106 |
Munsee in Kansas, patents to issue | 623 |
sale of abandoned lands and land of deceased allottees without heirs | 624 |
Nez Percés of Lapwai Reservation, Idaho | 538,539 |
Omaha in Nebraska | 213 |
additional allotments to women and children born subsequent to former allotments | 486 |
Oto and Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska | 510 |
Pawnee in Indian Territory | 161,497 |
area to be 160 acres | 161 |
inalienable for fifteen years | 161 |
patents to issue after five years | 161 |
Peoria in Indian Territory | 344 |
sale by heirs of deceased allottees | 701,702 |
of 100 acres in certain cases | 620 |
Piankashaw in Indian Territory | 344 |
Piegan in Montana | 263 |
Ponca on Great Sioux Reservation | 332 |
Potawatomi, Citizens Band | 410 |
sale when allottee does not reside within State or Territory | 520,521,701 |
of land in excess of 80 acres | 520,701 |
Potawatomi, lands in Kansas | 567,568 |
Potawatomi, Prairie Band, absentees and children | 681 |
Puyallup Reservation, Wash., sale of parts not required for homes and alienation of balance after ten years from March 3, 1893 | 487,488 |
Quapaw, in Indian Territory | 566 |
Quapaw Agency, lease by allottees | 619 |
Red Cliff Reservation, Wis., Chippewa on | 569 |
Red Lake Reservation, Minn., to Chippewa on | 303 |
River Crow, in Montana | 263 |
Santee Sioux | 330,666 |
Sauk and Fox, reservation in Kansas and Nebraska | 230,245 |
Sauk and Fox in Indian Territory | 390 |
Sauk and Fox of the Missouri, additional allotments to children born since first allotment | 521 |
Seminole, general provisions relating to | 498 |
in Creek Nation | 738 |
provisions for, in agreement of December 16, 1897 | 663,664 |
Seneca, minor children | 752 |
Sheepeaters, on Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho | 314 |
Shoshoni, on Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho | 314 |
Shoshoni and Bannock, on Fort Hall Reservation | 705,706,707 |
Siletz Reservation, Oreg., excess of 80 acres may be patented without restriction upon sale | 743 |
Sioux Reservation in Nebraska, houses to be erected by the Government | 170 |
part of reservation excepted from act of 1887 | 35 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux in Dakota under agreement of 1889 | 430 |
Southern Ute in Colorado | 556 |
irrigation ditches through lands | 754 |
special provisions for allotments, note | 33 |
Stockbridge and Munsee | 130 |
Tonkawa in Okalahoma | 495 |
Uintah Ute Reservation, Utah | 642 |
Umatilla on Umatilla Reservation, Oreg | 224,225, 226 |
Uncompahgre Ute | 621,686,800 |
agricultural lands only to be allotted | 800 |
United Peoria and Miami in Indian Territory | 344 |
Upper and Middle Spokan | 453 |
Ute in Colorado | 184,185 |
area of allotments | 181,182 |
commission to have charge of | 182 |
Ute on Uintah and White River reservations, Utah | 753 |
Walker River Reservation, Nev | 751 |
Wallawalla on Umatilla Reservation | 224,225, 226 |
Wea in Indian Territory | 344 |
Wenatshapam Indians, branch of Yakima Nation | 530 |
Western Miami in Indian Territory | 344 |
White Earth Reservation, Minn., to Chippewa on | 303 |
Whichita and affiliated bands in Okalahoma | 561 |
Winnebago in Minnesota | 125,133 |
alienation authorized | 557 |
Wyandot Reservation, Ind. T., allottees may sell and convey part | 600 |
Yakima Reservation, leases not to exceed ten years | 701 |
Yankton Sioux in South Dakota | 525 |
Yuma in California | 42 |
Allottees in severalty to be protected | 14 |
Alsea,and Siletz Reservation, Oreg., agreement of October 31, 1892 | 533 |
Alsea and Siletz reservations, Oreg., new reservation established | 157 |
boundaries of reservation | 57 |
consent of tribes | 157 |
old reserve restored to public domain | 157 |
removal of Indians | 157 |
American Baptist Home Mission Society's university, lands in Creek Nation reserved for | 735 |
American Island, Dakota, granted for public park and Sioux Indians to be removed from | 337,338 |
lease of for quasi-public purposes by city of Chamberlain, Dakota | 570 |
American Missionary Association, cemetery lands may be bought from Alexander Redwing on Santee Sioux lands, Nebr | 485 |
Amity, in depredation claims | 58 |
Animals, injuries to in Indian Territory, penalty for | 44 |
Annual report of agents, contents of | 32 |
Annual report of Commissioner of Indian Affairsawards on contracts | 27 |
bids and proposals | 27 |
disbursements in the Indian service | 1 |
distribution of supplies, number of Indians present and receiving same | 2,13 |
employees at schools | 63,69,108 |
employees of Indian bureau | 62 |
employed at Washington | 63,69 |
forwarded to Congress on first day of session | 25 |
reports of agents distributing supplies to be included | 2 |
Annual report of employees entrusted with distribution of money and goods | 9 |
those delinquent in settlement of accounts to be indicated | 10 |
Annual report of Secretary of the Interior | |
accounts of proceeds of sales of natural products of reservations | 31,36 |
disbursement of appropriations | 25 |
educational fund, expenditure of | 36 |
employees entrusted with property and money | 9 |
forwarded to Congress on first day of session | 25 |
number of Indians at each agency | 25 |
property not required on reservations, removal and sale of | 101 |
purchase of supplies under exigency in open market | 112 |
school statistics | 36 |
traveling expenses of inspectors | 4 |
Annual report of teaching of agriculture, etc | 7 |
Annuities. (See also Trust funds and funds of tribes) | |
captives of tribe to be surrendered before delivery of | 11,23 |
chiefs violating treaties, delivery to forbidden | 11 |
hostility of tribe a cause for forfeiture | 11 |
labor on reservations required of able-bodied Indians to the value of amount delivered | 24 |
Secretary of Interior may except tribes from requirement | 24 |
nonattendance at school, annuities may be withheld from parents | 66 |
payable in money, may be paid in goods | 8 |
payment of (see also Distribution of annuities) | |
by person designated by the President | 8,76,79 |
coin to be used where required by treaty | 8 |
persons over 18 years may receipt for | 102 |
persons to be present and certify to | 9 |
persons under influence of liquor not to receive | 9 |
to Five Civilized Tribes to be per capita | 97 |
rations may be commuted to money where tribe is civilized | 63,101 |
statement of tribal annuities | 1023 |
to what persons payable | 9 |
trespasses on allotments, deductions for | 14 |
tribes for which special provisions are made | |
Arapaho and Shoshoni, from cession of April 21, 1896 | 624,625 |
Arikara, Fort Berthold Reservation, from cession of 1891 | 425 |
Assiniboin, for cession of Montana lands | 262,601 |
how to be expended | 602 |
Bannock, for cession of parts of Fort Hall and Lemhi Reservation | 314 |
Blackfeet, for cession of Montana lands | 262 |
Blackfeet Reservation Indians | 605,606 |
Bloods, for cession of Montana lands | 262 |
Cherokee, permanent annuity to Eastern Band | 20 |
Chickasaw, permanent annuity commuted to $60,000 cash | 740 |
Choctaw, permanent appropriation for interest on judgment of the Court of Claims | 285 |
Cur d'Alene, from cession of March 26, 1887 | 421 |
September 9, 1889 | 423 |
Creeks, permanent annuities funded added to Creek general fund | 750 |
proceeds of cession of January 19, 1889 | 322,324 |
use of, for education purposes | 323 |
Crows of Montana | 196 |
irrigation system to be completed with | 687,701 |
Eastern Shawnee, permanent annuities funded | 742 |
interest to be paid | 752 |
Flandreau Sioux | 335,598 |
Grosventres, for cession of December 28, 1886 | 262 |
December 14, 1886 | 425 |
October 9, 1895 | 601 |
how to be expended | 602 |
Iowa, proceeds of cession of 1890 | 395 |
reservations ceded | 229 |
to Wm. Tohee, chief | 396 |
Mandan, Fort Berthold Reservation from cession of 1891 | 425 |
Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne, place of delivery | 169 |
Pawnee, proceeds of cession of November 23, 1892 | 496,498 |
sale of reservation under act of 1876 | 160 |
treaty of September 24, 1857, amended | 498 |
Piegan, from cession of December 28, 1886 | 262 |
Ponca, in Nebraska and Dakota, woolen clothing to be delivered by November 1 | 620 |
to be paid in money | 599 |
River Crow, from cession of December 28, 1886 | 262 |
Sauk and Fox, life annuity of $500 to Pushetenekeque | 701 |
proceeds of cession June 12, 1890 | 391 |
reservation ceded | 229 |
Seneca, permanent annuities funded | 741 |
Sheepeaters, for cession of parts of Fort Hall and Lemhi reservations | 314 |
Shoshoni, for cession of parts of Fort Hall and Lemhi reservations | 314 |
Shoshoni and Arapaho, for cession of April 21, 1896 | 625 |
Shoshoni and Bannock, Fort Hall Reservation, for cession October 7, 1898 | 705 |
from fund of $6,000 | 200 |
Sioux, permanent fund for | 335 |
under act of March 3, 1889, part to be paid in money | 559 |
where to be delivered | 169 |
woolen clothing for Nebraska and Dakota bands to be delivered by November 1 | 620 |
Sioux, Flandreau band | 598 |
in Montana, cession of December 28, 1886 | 262 |
Santee band in Nebraska | 598 |
Southern Ute in Colorado, proceeds from sales under act of February 20, 1895 | 556,557 |
Upper and Middle Spokan, under agreement of March 11, 1887 | 454 |
Ute in Colorado | 180,182,185 |
Yankton Sioux | 524,525,528 |
Antlers, term of court at | 71 |
Apache (see also Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache and White Mountain Apache) | |
agreement of October 21, 1892 | 708 |
February 25, 1896, on San Carlos Reservation | 609 |
cession and sale coal lands | 609 |
statistics | 1035,1041 |
Apache of Arizona and New Mexico, removal to Indian Territory prohibited | 176 |
Apache on White Mountain Reservation, Ariz., part of lands to be sold under the mining laws and proceeds held in trust for Indians | 740 |
Apache on San Carlos Reservation, agreement of February 25, 1896 | 609 |
Appeals, from United States commissioners in Indian Territory | 53,73 |
courts in Indian Territory | 41,54,58, 75,77 |
to Supreme Court in citizenship cases | 101 |
depredation claims | 61 |
Application of funds to be in manner directed by law | 10 |
Appropriations | |
act for 1903, provisions to take effect July 1, 1902 | 799 |
annual report of items disbursed to be made on November 1 | 25 |
depredation claims only paid on special appropriations | 10 |
estimates to be classified by agencies and States | 27 |
for education to be expended in the Indian country | 10 |
for executing treaties not to be misapplied or transferred | 10 |
for investment of trust funds | 10 |
for supplies, advertisement and contracts before | 69 |
distribution to prevent deficiencies | 24 |
general, may be taken to supplement special | 89 |
liabilities not to be incurred in excess of | 24 |
specific, may be increased by general appropriations | 89 |
tribes at war not to be paid from | 23,24 |
Arapaho (see also Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne) | |
agreement of October, 1890, with Cheyenne and | 415 |
allotments to be taken on ceded lands | 415,416 |
prior to October, 1890, may be approved | 417 |
restrictions upon alienation, etc., for twenty-five years | 417 |
time within which to select | 417 |
cession of lands in Indian Territory | 415 |
payment for cession | 417 |
fund of $1,000,000 to be held in trust at 5 per cent interest | 417 |
schools and religious societies may have land reserved | 416 |
allotments to be taken on lands ceded in October, 1890 | 415,416 |
patents to issue at end of twenty-five years | 417 |
restrictions upon alienation or incumbrance | 417 |
time for selection | 417 |
cession of lands in Indian Territory | 415 |
payment for | 417 |
funds, proceeds of cession of 1890, $1,000,000, to be held in trust at 5 per cent interest | 417,418 |
in Wyoming, agreement of April 21, 1896, with Shoshoni and | 624 |
cession of lands, proceeds, how expended | 624,625 |
lands in Indian Territory, schools and religious organizations may have reserve | 416 |
school sections may be leased | 419 |
settlement of | 419 |
Oklahoma, settlers granted extension of time for payment | 565 |
legislation relating to, note | 168 |
statistics | 1030,1042 |
Archives, relating to Indians, Smithsonian Institution to have charge of | 27 |
Ardmore, term of court at | 71 |
Arickaree.( See Arikara.) | |
Arikara, Fort Berthold Reservation | |
agreement of December 14, 1886 | 425 |
allotments of diminished reservation | 426 |
restriction on alienation, etc., for twenty-five years | 426 |
annuities, $80,000 annually for ten years | 425 |
how to be expended | 427 |
cession of land to United States | 425 |
laws of Dakota extended over reservation | 426 |
subsistence not to be furnished adult males not working orchildren not attending school | 427 |
unallotted lands to be held in trust for twenty-five years | 426 |
statistics | 1033 |
Arizona, Executive orders relating to reservations in | 801 |
expenses of certain counties in Indian prosecutions to be ascertained | 552 |
Indians of, removal to Indian Territory forbidden | 176 |
Arizona Southern Railroad Company, right of way through Papago Reservation, Ariz | 211 |
Arizona Water Company, electric power plant may be constructed by, on Pima Reservation, Ariz | 714 |
Arkansas, laws extended over Indian Territory | 48 |
county equivalent to judicial district | 50 |
court of appeals | 75 |
criminal laws applicable, unless conflicting with United States laws | 51 |
descent and distribution in Creek Nation | 120,762 |
incorporation of cities and towns | 94,95 |
State equivalent to Territory | 51 |
pleading and practice in United States courts | 41 |
Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Company, right of way through Choctaw Nation | 572 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 669 |
Arkansas Northwestern Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 589 |
amended provisions relative to | 687 |
Arkansas River, bridge to be constructed by Campbell-Lynch Bridge Company | 640 |
bridge to be constructed by Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway Company | 347 |
Arkansas, Texas and Mexican Central Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 517 |
amended provisions relating to | 639 |
Arms and ammunition, sale to hostile Indians prohibited | 1 |
Armstrong Orphan Academy, lands reserved for | 775 |
Army, Nez Perces to be paid for services as scouts | 540 |
offices of, detail as agents | 100 |
appropriations not available for | 100 |
Secretary of the Interior to have direction of | 100 |
Sioux, serving as scouts during civil war and Sioux outbreak, payment to certain | 485,559 |
to include 1,000 Indian scouts | 2 |
officers to be appointed | 26 |
pay to be as cavalry soldiers | 3 |
when using their own horses | 27 |
Yankton Sioux employed during civil war, payment to | 526 |
Arrests, by marshal in Indian country | 19 |
by military force, detention of prisoner | 19 |
humane treatment to be required | 19 |
for introducing intoxicants into Indian country | 64 |
selling intoxicants to reservation Indians | 64 |
of Indians and fugitives from justice in the Indian country | 19 |
Arson, Indians committing crime of, against property of Indian or other person,State law to govern | 32 |
penalty for committing, in Indian country | 18 |
Asphalt lands, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | |
leasing and operation of | 652,653 |
reserved from allotment | 775,784 |
sale of | 783,784 |
Asphalt lands in Indian Territory, lease of, by Secretary of the Interior | 93 |
Assault, in Indian country, penalty for | 18 |
with deadly weapon in Indian Territory | 44 |
intent to kill, Indian committing against Indian or other person, State laws applicable | 32 |
kill or maim, penalty for | 18 |
rob, in Indian Territory, penalty for | 44 |
Assiniboin | |
agreement of December 31, 1886 | 261 |
allotments | 263 |
area | 263 |
descent by laws of Montana | 263 |
patents, contents of | 263 |
title to be held in trust for twenty-five years | 263 |
allottees not to lose tribal rights | 263 |
annuities | 262 |
preference to industrious Indians | 263 |
surplus not required to be retained for benefit of tribe | 263 |
boundaries of reservation | 265 |
marking of | 264 |
cattle, brand of Indian department to be on, sale prohibited | 262 |
cession of lands | 262 |
employees at agency, Indians preferred | 262 |
purpose of agreement | 262 |
reservation, boundaries | 264 |
marking of | 264 |
rights of way through | 264 |
to be separate from other tribes | 262 |
right of way through reservation | 264 |
Assiniboin, Fort Belknap Reservation | |
agreement of October 9, 1895 | 601 |
annuities to be paid | 601,602 |
cattle delivered to Indians, not to be sold | 602 |
cession of lands | 601 |
depredation claims not to be deducted from payment here directed | 603 |
employment of Indians on agency | 602 |
mixed bloods included in term Indian | 603 |
payment for cession, distribution of | 601,602 |
stock raising on reservation | 602 |
survey of reservation | 603 |
Fort Peck Reservation, Mont., boundaries defined | 264 |
timber on adjoining lands may be used | 264 |
statistics | 1033 |
Assistant Attorney-General to defend depredation claims | 59,61 |
compensation increased to $5,000 per annum | 63,66 |
Assistant district attorneys, Indian Territory | 85 |
appointment | 85 |
place of residence | 85 |
salary | 85 |
Atchison and Nebraska Railway Company, right of way through Iowa and Sauk and Fox reservation in Kansas and Nebraska | 594 |
Atoka, term of court at | 71 |
Atoka agreement (Choctaw and Chickasaw, April 23, 1897) | 647 |
Attachment of improvements on tribal lands in Indian Territory forbidden | 50 |
Attendance at school, rations may be withheld from parents | 66 |
Attorney-General, accounts of Cherokee to be stated by | 558 |
actions for allotments by persons denied citizenship, copy of petition to be served on | 109 |
bonds of marshals in Indian Territory may be increased | 83 |
depredation claims to be defended by assistant | 59,61 |
deputy marshals in Indian Territory, certain accounts to be approved | 83 |
district attorneys in Indian Territory, residence to be fixed by | 85 |
Attorneys, provisions with reference to depredation claims | 61 |
Santee Sioux of Nebraska and certain South Dakota bands of Sioux, not to exceed $1,000 per annum may be appropriated for | 447 |
Automatic signals at railroad crossings in Indian Territory and Oklahoma | 117 |
Awards of contracts to be annually reported by Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 27 |