Rules of Procedure of the
Functional Commissions of the Economic and Social
The rules
of procedure of the functional commissions were initially adopted by the
Economic and Social Council in resolution 100 (V) of 12 August 1947. After
a comprehensive review, they were revised by the Council in resolution 289
(X) of 6 March 1950. The present edition embodies all the amendments
adopted by the Council since the latter date and contained in the
following resolutions and decisions of the Council: resolution 481 (XV) of
1 April 1953; resolution 1231 (XLII) of 6 June 1967; decision of 2 August
1968 (1561st meeting); resolution 1393 (XLVI) of 3 June 1969; decision of
3 June 1969 (1596th meeting)-, decision of 17 November 1969 (1647th
meeting)-, decision 216 (LXII) of 26 April 1977, and decision 1982/ 147
of 15 April 1982. E/5975/Rev.1, UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION, Sales No.
E.83.1.10, 00300