United Nations
Sub-Commission on the Promotion
and Protection of Human Rights
United Nations
Geneva, Switzerland
Human Rights

Français l Español

Rules of Procedure of the Functional Commissions
of the Economic and Social Council


The rules of procedure of the functional commissions were initially adopted by the Economic and Social Council in resolution 100 (V) of 12 August 1947. After a comprehensive review, they were revised by the Council in resolution 289 (X) of 6 March 1950. The present edition embodies all the amendments adopted by
the Council since the latter date and contained in the following resolutions and decisions of the Council: resolution 481 (XV) of 1 April 1953; resolution 1231 (XLII) of 6 June 1967; decision of 2 August 1968 (1561st meeting); resolution 1393 (XLVI) of 3 June 1969; decision of 3 June 1969 (1596th meeting)-, decision of 17 November 1969 (1647th meeting)-, decision 216 (LXII) of 26
April 1977, and decision 1982/ 147 of 15 April 1982. E/5975/Rev.1, UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION, Sales No. E.83.1.10, 00300



I. Sessions

1. Number of sessions
2. Date of opening
3. Place of sessions
4. Notification of opening date of sessions

II. Agenda

5. Drawing up of the provisional agenda
6. Communication of the provisional agenda
7. Adoption of the agenda
8. Revision of the agenda
9. Draft provisional agenda for subsequent session

III. Representation

10. Terms of office of members
11. Representatives
12. Rights of representatives pending confirmation
13. Alternates
14. Advisers

IV. Officers

15. Election of officers
16. Term of office
17. Acting Chairman
18. Powers of the Acting Chairman
19. Replacement of the Chairman or other officers
20. Voting rights of the Chairman

V. Subsidiary organs

21. Establishment of committees and working groups
22. Establishment of sub-commissions
23. Officers
24. Rules of procedure

VI. Secretariat

25. Duties of the Secretary-General
26. Duties of the Secretariat
27. Statements by the Secretariat
28. Estimates of expenditure

VII. Languages

29. Official and working languages
30. Interpretation
31. Languages of records
32. Languages of resolutions and other formal decisions

VIII. Records and reports

33. Sound recordings of meetings
34. Summary records of meetings
35. Records of public meetings
36. Records of private meetings
37. Reports of the Council
38. Communication of formal decisions and reports

IX. Public or private meetings

39. General principle

X. Conduct of business

40. Quorum
41. General powers of the Chairman
42. Points of order
43. Speeches
44. Closing of list of speakers
45. Right of reply
46. Congratulations
47. Condolences
48. Suspension or adjournment of the meeting
49. Adjournment of debate
50. Closure of debate
51. Order of motions
52. Submission of proposals and substantive amendments
53. Withdrawal of proposals and motions
54. Decisions on competence
55. Reconsideration of proposals

XI. Voting and elections

56. Voting rights
57. Request for a vote
58. Majority required
59. Method of voting
60. Explanation of vote
61. Conduct during voting
62. Division of proposals and amendments
63. Amendments
64. Order of voting on amendments
65. Order of voting on proposals
66-67. Elections
68. Equally divided votes

XII. Participation of non-members of the commission

69. Participation of non-Member States
70. Participation of national liberation movements
71-73. Participation of and consultation with specialized agencies
74. Participation of other intergovernmental organizations

XIII. Consultation with and representation of
non-governmental organizations

75. Representation
76. Consultation

XIV. Amendment and suspension of rules of procedure

77. Method of amendment
78. Method of suspension

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