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WHEREAS, the 58 th North Dakota Legislative Assembly authorized a new section to Chapter 1-03 of the North Dakota Century Code creating First Nations Day; and

WHEREAS, the forbearers of the indigenous peoples of the State of North Dakota played a unique role in the shaping of this state’s history and culture, and the history and culture of this nation; and

WHEREAS, the American Indian people continue to play a vital and integral role in shaping the future of North Dakota and the nation; and

WHEREAS, American Indian governments, colleges, and businesses play a critical role in strengthening their communities; and a vital, contributing role in the economic infrastructure of the State of North Dakota through education and business development; and

WHEREAS, all citizens of North Dakota are encouraged to learn about the history and heritage of the Native peoples of this great land; and

NOW THEREFORE, as the Governor of the State of North Dakota, I do hereby proclaim October 10, 2003, FIRST NATIONS DAY, and November 2003 as NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH in the State of North Dakota.

John Hoeven
Alvin A. Jaeger

Do your part, contact your state governor and Representative, ask them to bring about Native America Day the second weekend of October each year, Also honor
American Indian Heritage Month Of November.


Other states changing Columbus Day to Native America Day

Holidays - Wyoming (WY)

Information on Indian Nations

US Code : Title 25 - INDIANS


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