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September 16, 2000

United Native America
America Indian Made

The Congressional Indian Caucus in Washington DC. has announced they will start the process of drafting a holiday bill to take before congress. They will circulate this bill around the country to Tribal Nations, allowing them the opportunity to have an input on the wording of the bill.

Kimberly Teehee of the Indian Caucus is asking for all Tribal Nations to pass resolutions in support of this holiday or official letters of support to be sent to her office. Her address is:
2187 Rayburn House, Office Building,
Washington DC. 20515
Phone # 202-225-3611

Also a copy should be sent to:
United Native America
Rt. 6 box 243
Muldrow, Okla. 74948.

It is important for each and every one of us to contact a Tribal council member and ask that they present this issue to the full council to consider drafting letters of support for the national holiday issue. The Indian Caucus has heard us loud and clear, they are fully aware that the people want this holiday to become a reality! They need Tribal support to show congress that the Indian Nations are behind this issue too. With this support congress will have to acknowledge that the majority of Americans are for this holiday.

With the support of the people on the Internet United Native America has posted an online petition calling for a national holiday for Native Americans. The petition was posted on August 1st, 2000 and out of one thousand petitions online it has been in the top ten from day one. There has been over eight thousand people sign the petition as of September 15th. The URL to the holiday petition is:


There is also an online email petition at the following host web site:
With this petition your comments are sent directly to the White House along with the pre written body of the petition.

Part two of the petition online deals with the racial exclusion of Native Americans in television, movies, music, and sports industries. It is apparent that these industries are excluding Native Americans in our society. In viewing television in this country today you would be hard pressed to say there were Indians in this country at all, this includes the national news media!

United Native America at this time is working with the Native American sports council in Colorado Springs headed by Mauris Smith, On the exclusion of Native Americans in the national sports industries. On May 16th, 2000 We conducted a demonstration in Atlanta, Georgia against the Atlanta Braves and CNN owned by Ted Turner. There is not one Indian playing for the Braves, Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins and Kansas City Chiefs to mention a few of the entire sports industries.

United Native America is in the process of negotiations with Senator Don Nickles of Oklahoma, Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado and Senator John McCain of Arizona on how to best handle this issue. We are calling for Senate hearings, These Industries have gotten away with this for decades. They have made promise after promise to include Native Americans but have not carried it through. In time we will bring this issue before other Senators.

With the understanding American Indians have endured the worlds longest holocaust and most costly in human lives, and once owned all the land in this country, there is no reason for their demise to continue today. America will only come full circle when she elects an American Indian as president of this nation. This is not Europe, Africa, Middle East or Asia ... America's true roots can only be found in THE AMERICAN INDIANS!

Founder of United Native America
Mike L. Graham
Rt. 6 box # 243
Muldrow, Okla 74948

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