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United Native America
Press Release

Oklahoma Republican Congressman Tom Cole will not support House Bill 167. Calling for a national Native American Day.

United Native America, a national group working to bring about a federal national holiday for American Indians has been informed that Oklahoma Republican Congressman Tom Cole will not support House Bill 167. calling for the national Native American Day. 

Congressman Tom Cole is a fifth generation Oklahoman and an enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation. He is one of only two Native Americans currently serving in the House of Representatives. Congressman Cole serves on the House Resources Committee that the national holiday bill is before at this time.  Also on the resources committee is Arizona Democrat Congressman J.D. Hayworth, who has stated he will not support the bill.

To date, not one republican congressman has signed on in support of the national holiday bill for Native Americans.  US Congressman J.D. Hayworth's State of Arizona is controlled by the Republican Party.

Political forces within the federal government are hell-bent on seeing House Bill 167 go down in defeat. Our federal government is not willing to reevaluate its national holiday list to have it include Native American Day.

The United States Government is telling the world that American Indians do not rate a national holiday in their true home land. It is a fact that our federal government is a blueprint of the American Indian's type of government; federalism, freedom of speech and separation of government powers were drafted from the American Indian nations, so stated by the US Senate.

American Indians helped bring about the United States in its fight for independence.  American Indians have served in every war the United States has waged since its beginning. Our federal government repaid the American Indians by taking their land, freedoms and right to practice their religion, then forced them to live on reservations.

Contributions American Indians have made in helping to form the United States we have today, are to numerous to mention in this report. It is a national disgrace for our federal government not to recognize the first true Americans with a national holiday of their own.

By not allowing a national holiday for American Indians, the United States Government stands behind its holocaust against the American Indians, and as long as the government has anything to say about it, it appears a day to honor the first people of this country will never become a reality.

Our federal government thanks the American Indian community for all they have done for the United States, for their sons and daughters giving their lives serving their county in time of need, but, do not consider them worthy of a national holiday in the United States.  Our national holidays are reserved for people like Columbus and our past presidents.

You, the American people can have a say on whether there will be a national Native American Day or not, contact your US Congressmen, ask if they support Hres. 167 and will sign on in support of the bill, if not, tell them you will not be voting for them, let them know you will join with other voters to take them out of office.

Seventeen States do not recognize Columbus Day
. The State of South Dakota and Wyoming has changed their State law renaming Columbus Day to Native American Day, on the 2nd Monday of October. 

Contact your Rep. Get them to sign on in support of HRES. 167

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Congressman Cole web site:

Congressman Hayworth web site:

Houes Resources Committee web site:

Chickasaw Nation Governor, Bill Anoatubby
Email address:

Mike L. Graham
Founder United Native America