PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS | Invited Addresses | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | Home
The Cavalcade of Botanists in Oklahoma H. I. Featherly; 23 (1943); pp. 9- 13 |
INVITED ADDRESSES | President's Address | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | Home
Title Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2 |
Address of Welcome Henry G. Bennett, President of Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Address: Report of Research Award Recipient for 1942 William H. Irwin, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Address: The Trends in Modern Chemistry Samuel Gladstone, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
SECTION A, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Title Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2 |
An Ecological Study of toxoptera graminum in Payne County F. A. Fenton, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 14- 20 |
The Effectiveness of Colchicine in Glycerine Base as Compared wit Colchicine in a Water Base in the INduction of Polyploidy in Vince rosea O. J. Eigsti and Leona Schnell, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Self- Sterility in VInca rosea Leona Schnell, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); p. 21 |
American Smoketree (Cotinus obovatus Raf.), One of Oklahoma's Rarest Tree Species Elbert L. Little, Jr., U. S. Forest Service, Wadshington D. C.; 23 (1943); pp. 21- 23 |
Composition of Several Varieties of Peanut Plants and their Parts in Relation to Feeding Value and Oil Yield Willis D. Gallup and Hi W. Staten, Oklahoma A. and M.College; 23 (1943); pp. 23- 27 |
Analysis of Fresh Excreta in the Determination of Apparent Digestibility Coefficients Willis D. Gallup and C. S. Hobbs, Oklaoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 28- 29 |
Speciation in the Small- Fruited Walnuts of Oklahoma Milton Hopkins, Univerity of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
New Plants for the Oklahoma Flora Milton Hopkins, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 29- 30 |
Comparative Permeability of Living Cells to Cations and Anions Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); p. 31 |
A Quantitative Method for Microinjecting Controlled Quantities of Aqueous Solutions into Living Cells Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); pp. 31- 32 |
An Optical Torson Microlever for Measuring Cell Permeability Samuel A. Corson, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 23 (1943); pp. 32- 33 |
Amount of Feather on the Dometic Fowl, Gallus domesticus R. George Jaap and K. B. Turner; Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 33- 34 |
Preliminary Rport on a Sudy of the Algae Found on the Campus of the Catholic College, Guthrie, Oklahoma Sister Marian Maloney, Caholic College, Guthrie; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A Study of the Wing Structure Mechanism of Insects and Birds as a Safety Aid in Aeronautics Merle M. Boyer, Enid High School; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Pollen Storage and Mitosis of the Generative Cell O. J. Eigsti, University of Oklahoma, 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Amateurs and Scientific Experiments O. J. Eigsti and Barbara Tenney, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 34- 36 |
Recent Developments in the Conrol of Water Itch Donald B. McMulen, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Phylogeny of the Spadefoot Toads (Scaphiopus) Arthur N. Bragg, Universiy of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
On the Economic Value of Oklahoma Toads Arthur N. Bragg, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 37- 39 |
Common Names for Frogs and Toads in Oklahoma Arthur N. Bragg, University of Oklahoma; 23 (1943); pp. 39- 40 |
Wildlife Occurrence and Habitat Conditions in Roger Mills and Custer Counties, Oklahoma Ben Osborn and W. H. Kellog, U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Glen Rose, Texas; 23 (1943); pp. 41- 46 |
The Occurrence of Black Grub in Certain Fishes of the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey Collection Mildred Pool and Katherine Davis, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Spermatogenic Cycle in the Goat Elmo Bonifield, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Origin of XY Chromosome Complex in the Goat Elmo Bonifield, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A Study of the Retinae of Two North American Teleosts with Special Reference to Their Tapeta George A. Moore, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Physiogenic Brooming in Chinese Elm K. Starr Chester, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 46- 49 |
SECTION B, GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Title Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2 |
Oklahoma's First Scientist Charles N. Gould; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Lateral Variation in Pennsylvania Sediments of Northeastern Oklahoma Malcolm C. Oakes, Oklahoma Geological Survey; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Factors Affecting Soil Color (Progress Report) Max J. Plice, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 49- 51 |
SECTION C, PHYSICAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section D, Social Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Title Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2 |
Gasometric Studies of Carbohydrate Oxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide Louis E. Diamond, Mark R. Everett, and Fay Sheppard, University of Oklahoma Medical School; 43 (1943); pp. 51- 52 |
Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Carbohydrates by Iron and Cooper Salts Clifford F. Gastineau, Fay Sheppard, and Mark R. Everett; 43 (1943); pp. 53- 54 |
The Qualitative Separation of Copper from Cadmium in Alkaline solution by Alyminum F. B. Moore, Phillips University, Enid; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Industrial Plant Biochemical Utilization of Oklahoma Flora A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); pp. 54- 55
Yield of Gum from the Ornamental Russian Olive A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A Brown Dye from Sassafras Root Bark A. C. Shead, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Hydroxilation of Aromatic Nitro Compounds by Alkalies O. C. Dermer and L. J. Druker, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 55- 59 |
Derivatives for the Identifiacation of Nitroparaffins O. C. Dermer and John W. Hutcheson, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 60- 63 |
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rayless Goldenrod (Aplopappus heterophyllus) O. C. Dermer and Robert Cleverdon, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 63- 66 |
The Reaction of Alkoxide Ions with Carbon Dioxide B. O. Heston, O.C. Dermer, and J. A. Woodside, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 67- 68 |
Analysis of Nitroparaffin Mixtures by Their Infrared Aborption Spectra Don Smith and J. Reed Nielson, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Infrared Absorption Spectra of Pure Hydrocarbons Elmer C. Miller and Annette E. Herald, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Raman and Infrared Absorption Spectra of Pure Hydrocarbons Elmer C. Miller and Annette E. Herald, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
On Circles of Antisimilitude N. A. Court, Unversity of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Analyses of the Waters of Oklahoma Otto M. Smith, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Chemical Composition of Castor Bean Oil from Seed Grown in Oklahoma J. E. Webster, H. Fellows, and H. F. Murphy, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station; 23 (1943); pp. 69- 73 |
The Constitution of the Hydrogen Atom I. M. Rulisen, Eugene, Oregon; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Sulfur Content of Oklahoma Rainfall Horace J. Harper, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 73- 82 |
A Simple Method of calibrating Plates for Spectrographic Analysis Edwin Fast, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Spectrographic and Polarographic Analysis of Industrial Dusts R. C. Mcreynolds, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Significance of Dust Analysis for Industrial Hygiene E. C. Warkentin, Oklahoma State Health Department; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
SECTION D, SOCIAL SCIENCES | Section A, Biological Sciences | Section B, Geological Sciences | Section C, Physical Sciences | President's Address | Invited Addresses | Home
Title Author; volume (year); pp. 1-2 |
Homogeneity of Parental Traits and Size of Oklahoma Fram Families William H. Sewell, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); pp. 83- 84 |
A Statistical Study of a Selected Group of Transferred College Students Herbert Patterson, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A Suggested Plan of Organization for the Solution of Economic and Relief Problems Paul V. Beck, Tulsa; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Preschool Education- a Problem of Distribution Sophie R. A. Court, Norman; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A New Method of Analyzing the Age and Sex Composition of a Population Leo A. Haak, University of Tulsa; 23 (1943); pp. 84- 86 |
Historical Sociology with Special Reference to Revolution and Class Behavior as Related to the Social Structure of Germany William A. Kolb, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 86 |
Residential Stability in Selected Areas of Tulsa for Selected Years John B. Holland, University of Tulsa; 23 (1943); pp. 87- 89 |
A Challenge to Political Sciences William F. Whyte, University of Oklahoma; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
The Gypsum Hills Escarpment as a Significant Geographic Boundary Kenneth Bertrand, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Geographical Reconnaissance in the Matanuska Valley Paul F. Martin, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
A New Type of Testing Question Clarence M. Pruitt, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 89 |
The Present Practices of Adolescent Education for Retarded Children J. J. Frisch, University of Tulsa; pp. 89- 90 |
Characteristics of Population Migrating Between Rural and Urban Communities Robert McMillan, Oklahoma agricultural Experiment Station; 23 (1943); pp. 91- 92 |
A Preliminary Statistical Survey of the Relationship of Size of Home Community, High School Record, and Native Ability to Success in Several College Curricula Schiller Scroggs, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 43 (1943); *
*Paper not included in this volume of the Proceedings |
Teaching of Graduate Courses to Undergraduate Students Nicholas M. Oboukhoff, Oklahoma A. and M. College; 23 (1943); p. 92 |