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Department of Botany, The University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
We have surveyed the distribution of cyanogenic compounds in plants from Oklahoma and Texas. Approximately 135 species of plants from 46 families are known to contain compounds capable of liberating hydrogen cyanide upon hydrolysis. These are primarily found in the Gramineae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Polypodiaceae, and Euphorbiaceae. The chemical structures of the cyanogens have been studied in only a small number of the species included and investigation of the biology and chemistry of these plants should prove profitable.
Introduction | Table 1 | References | Table of Contents | Home |
A study of the distribution of cyanogenic plants of Oklahoma and Texas was begun for several reasons. Our principal interest in this study arose because we felt these compounds could be useful as taxonomic characters for the study of plant groups found in North America. The literature of cyanogenic plants from the northeastern United States has previously been surveyed (1). Several reports in the literature point to the utility of these compounds for this purpose (2-16). Although their chemotaxonomic value is considerable, perusal of the literature reveals that structures of specific compounds responsible for this activity are known in but a small percentage of the plants listed (see Table 1). Thus, at the present time we do not have adequate data to utilize these chemical characters for taxonomic study except in a few cases.
A second reason for making this investigation may be even more important to the average reader these compounds and plants which contain them are poisonous to both humans and livestock. Kingsbury (17) has discussed the toxic nature of cyanogenic glycosides. Generally, plants which contain more than 20 mg HCN/100 grams of fresh plant material may be considered potentially dangerous, but several factors determine whether poisoning will actually take place (17).
Plants which are capable of producing cyanogenic compounds are distributed widely in the plant kingdom and are known from at least 1000 species in 90 families. The known chemical types have recently been reviewed (18). Although plants containing these compounds are widespread, the structures of only about 30 compounds have appeared in the literature and specific compounds have been isolated from fewer than 100 species. Most literature accounts are based on the color test using paper impregnated with sodium picrate solution, suspended in a vial over plant material to which a b-glucosidase has been added. A change from yellow to a brick-red color constitutes a positive test (19).
In this study I have considered only the states of Oklahoma and Texas, which because of their large and diverse flora will add a major section to the contemplated goal of preparing a listing of cyanogenic plants of the entire United States. For information concerning the distribution of certain plant species, I have consulted Correll and Johnston (20), Waterfall (21), Vines (22), Bailey (23), and Warnock (24). Of the records of cyanogenic nature included, many are doubtful and should be verified. Among these are: Nerium oleander, Impatiens balsamina, Borago officinalis, Heliotropium indicum, Campanula rotundifolia, Cleome hassleriana, Carica papaya, Beta vulgaris, Ipomoea spp., members of the Cruciferae, Ricinus communis, Zea mays, Cinnamomum camphorum, Pisum sativum, Medicago sativa, Cassia alata, Cicer arietinum, Glycine max, Arachis hypogaea, Dolichos lablab, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Melia azedarach, Psidium guajava, Oenothera biennis, Guara biennis, Oxalis corniculatus, Dryopteris filix-max, Reseda alba, Rhamnus frangula, Solanum melongena, and Lycium halmifolium.
Considerable changes in cyanogenic properties occur with diurnal, seasonal, and ecological variations. Many plants appear
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[Pages 96, 97 and 98 consists entirely of Table 1.]
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to respond to stress conditions by increased synthesis of these compounds; Sorghum halepense is known to be especially poisonous to livestock after a light frost or during drought (17). Often some plant parts are cyanogenic whereas others may be completely devoid of any cyanogens. Because of these variations, it is clear that positive records are more important than negative reports. Most workers, with the exception of Gibbs (16) and Seigler (1, 18), have examined materials from continents other than North America and the occurrence of cyanide-producing materials should be confirmed in material from this continent. A tabulation of plants which have been reported as cyanogenic or have been found so in our laboratory (as indicated by the sodium picrate method) is given below (Table 1). This is not a complete list and, no doubt, additions will be made. Several species, as suggested above, should probably be deleted if the presence of cyanide cannot be confirmed. In most cases, the reference cited represents the most complete chemical work on characterized compounds. It usually represents the first record in plants with uncharacterized cyanogens.
Introduction | Table 1 | References | Table of Contents | Home |
TABLE 1. Plants of Oklahoma and Texas known to be capable of producing cyanogenic compounds.
Family and species | Compound | Reference |
Apocynaceae | ||
Nerium oleander L.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Araceae | ||
Colocasia esculenta Schott.a,b | unknown | 25 |
Araliaceae | ||
Aralia spinosa L. | unknown | 1 |
Balsaminaceae | ||
Impatiens balsamina L.a | unknown | 16 |
Berberidaceae | ||
Nandina domestica Thunb.a,b | p (glucosyloxy) mandelonitrile | 26,27 |
Boraginaceae | ||
Borago officinalis L.a | unknown | 3,4 |
Heliotropium indicum L.b | unknown | 16 |
Calycanthaceae | ||
Calycanthus floridus L.a | unknown | 3, 4 |
Campanulaceae | ||
Campanula rotundifolia L. | unknown | 16 |
Capparidaceae | ||
Cleome hassleriana Chod.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Caricaceae | ||
Carica papaya L.a | unknown | 16 |
Chenopodiaceae | ||
Atriplex semibaccata R.Br.a,b | unknown | 6 |
Beta vulgaris L.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Chenopodium album L.b | unknown | 16 |
Suckleya suckleyana (Torr.) Rydb. | unknown | 6 |
Convolvulaceae | ||
Ipomoea batatas (L,) Lam.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweeta,b | unknown | 16 |
Ipomoea quamoclit L.a | unknown | 16 |
Ipomoea sinuata Ort. | unknown | 26 |
Compositae | ||
Achillea millefolium L.b | unknown | 3, 4 |
Centaurea americana Nutt. | unknown | 28 |
Dimorphotheca ecklonis D.C.a | linamarin and lotaustralin | 29 |
Dimorphotheca pluvialis Moench.a | linamarin and lotaustralin | 29 |
Cruciferae | ||
Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib.a,b | unknown | 30 |
Brassica oleracea L. | unknown | 16 |
Eruca sativa Mill.b | unknown | 30 |
Nasturtium officinale R.Br.b | unknown | 16 |
Thlaspi arvense L.b | unknown | 30 |
Stanleya pinnata (Pursh.) Britt.? | unknown | 16 |
Cycadaccae | ||
Cycas revoluta Thunb.a | The pseudocyanogenic compounds, cycasin and neocycasin A |
31,32 |
Droseraceae | ||
Drosera intermedia Hayne. | unknown | 29 |
Euphorbiaceae | ||
Cnidoscolus texanus (Muell. Arg.) | linamarin | 16,33 |
Small | ||
Codiaeum variegatum Blumea | unknown | 16 |
Euphorbia hirta L. | unknown | 16 |
Manihot walkerae Croizat. | unknown | 20, 34 this study |
Phyllanthus niruri L. | unknown | 16 |
Ricinus communis L.a,b | unknown | 26 |
Sapium sebiferum (L.). Roxb.a,b | unknown | this study |
Stillingia texana I.M. Johnst. | unknown | 28 |
(or S. dentata) | ||
Garryaceae | ||
Garrya wrightii Torr. | unknown | 16 |
Gramineae | ||
Agrostis stolonifera L.b | unknown | 35 |
Bambusa arundinacea Willd.a | unknown | 36 |
Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.)a,b | unknown | 37 |
A. Camus | ||
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng.a,b | unknown | 37 |
Bouteloua gracilis (HBK.) Griffiths | unknown | 37 |
Briza minor L.b | unknown | 37 |
Cortaderia argentea Stapf.a | unknown | 37 |
Dactylotaenium, aegypticu m (L.) Beauv.b | unknown | 37 |
Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.b | unknown | 37 |
Festuca elatior L. | unknown | 35 |
Glyceria septentrionalis Hitch. | unknown | 28 |
Holcus lanatus L. | unknown | 37 |
Leptochloa dubia (HBK.) Nees | unknown | 37 |
Lolium perenne L.b | unknown | 37 |
Panicum maximum Jacq.b? | unknown | 37 |
Poa pratensis L. | unknown | 51 |
Sorghum almum Parodia,b | unknown | 17 |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.a,b,c | dhurrin | 37, 38 |
Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.a | dhurrin | 17,38,39 |
Tridens flavus (L.) Hitch. | unknown | 37 |
Zea mays L.a | unknown | 40 |
Avena, Hordeum, Triticum, Oryza, Saccharum and Secale have also been reported as cyanogenic (43). The cyanogenic principles are all unknown.
Grossularicaeae | ||
Ribes odoratum Wendl. | unknown | 41 |
Haloragaceae | ||
Myriophyllum brasiliense Camb.b | unknown | 3, 4 |
Hydrocharitaceae | ||
Vallisneria americana Michx. | unknown | 16 |
Hydrophyllaceae | ||
Phacelia congesta Hood | unknown | 16, this study |
Iteaceae | ||
Itea virginica L. | unknown | 42 |
Lauraceae | ||
Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Leguminosae | ||
Acacia berlandieri Benth. | unknown | this study |
Acacia constricta Gray | acacipetalin | 44 |
Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. | linamarin and lotaustralin (?) | 45 |
Acacia greggii Gray | unknown | 17 |
Acacia roemeriana Scheele | unknown | this study |
Arachis hypogaea L. | unknown | 16 |
Cassia alata L. | unknown | 16 |
Cicer arietinum L. | unknown | 6 |
Dolichos lablab L.a | unknown | 6,26 |
Glycine max Merr. | unknown | 16 |
Lotus corniculatus L.a,b | linamarin and lotaustralin | 46 |
Lupinus texensis Hook. | unknown | this study |
Medicago sativa L.a,b | unknown | 6 |
Phaseolus lunatus L.a | linamarin and lotaustratin | 25 |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. | linamarin and lotaustralin ? | 50 |
Pisum sativu L.a | unknown | 16 |
Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (juliflora) |
unknown | 3,4,6 |
Trifolium repens L.a,b | linamarin and lotaustralin | 47,48 |
Trifolium pratense L. | unknown | 35 |
Vicia angustifolia L.b | vicianin | 49 |
Vicia sativa L.b | unknown | 26 |
Linaceae | ||
Linum lewisii Pursh. | unknown | 28 |
Linum usitatissimum | linamarin and lotaustralin | 46,52 |
Lythraccae | ||
Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers.a | unknown | 16 |
Magnoliaccae | ||
Liriodendron tulipifera L. | unknown | 3,29 |
Meliaceae | ||
Melia azedarach L.b | unknown | 16 |
Menispermaceae | ||
Menispermum canadense L. | unknown | 16 |
Myrtaccae | ||
Psidium guajava L.a | unknown | 16 |
Onagraceae | ||
Guara biennis L. | unknown | 16 |
Oenothera biennis L. | unknown | 4,5 |
Oxalidaceae | ||
Oxalis corniculata L.b | unknown | 16 |
Papaveraceae | ||
Eschscholtzia californica Cham.a | unknown | 4, 5, 30 |
Eschscholtzia mexicana Greene | unknown | this study |
Papaver nudicaule L.a | linamarin and lotaustralin | 53 |
Passifloraceae | ||
Passiflora foetida L. | unknown | 16 |
Passiflora incarnata L. | unknown | 16 |
Passiflora lutea L. | unknown | 54 |
Passiflora suberosa L. | unknown | 55 |
Platanaceae | ||
Platanus acerifolia Willd.a,b | unknown | 29 |
Platanus occidentalis L. | unknown | 29 |
Polypodiaceae | ||
Asplenium septentrionale (L). Hoffm. | unknown | 38 |
Cheilanthes aemula Maxon. | unknown | this study |
Cheilanthes alabamensis (Buckl.) Kunze | unknown | 1 |
Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.) D.C. Eat. | unknown | 1 |
Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh. | unknown | 1 |
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. | prunasin | 1, 29, 56 |
Davallia braziliensis Hook.a | unknown | 26 |
Davallia fijeensis Hook.a | vicianin | 56 |
Dryopteris filix-max (L.) Schott. | unknown | 4, 5 |
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn | prunasin | 57,58 |
Ranunculacea | ||
Aquilegia canadensis L. | unknown | 1 |
Aquilegia vulgaris L.a | unknown | 26 |
Isopyrum biternatum (Raf.) T. & G. | unknown | 1 |
Myosurus minimus L. | unknown | 16 |
Ranunculus repens L. | unknown | 4,5 |
Thalictrum aquilegifolium L.a | proteacin, triglochinin methyl ester, p-(glucosyloxy)mandelonitrile | 26,59,60 |
Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. and All. | unknown | 16 |
Resedaceae | ||
Reseda alba L.a | unknown | 16 |
Rhamnaceae | ||
Rhamnus frangula L.a | unknown | 16,26 |
Rosaceae | ||
Amelanchier arborea (Michx. F.) Fern. | unknown | 6 |
Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Ell. | unknown | 16 |
Cotoneaster spp.a | prunasin and amygdalin | 61 |
Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.a | amygdatin | 16,26 |
Malus angustifolia (Ait.) Michx. | unknown | 16 |
Photinia serrulata Lind.a | unknown | 16 |
Photinia villosa D.C.a | unknown | 16 |
Prunus armeniaca L.a | prunasin and amygdalin | 17 |
Prunus caroliniana (Mill.) Ait. | unknown | 16 |
Prunus cerasus L. | prunasin and amygdalin | 16 |
Prunus laurocerasus Lind.a,b | prunasin and amygdalin | 62,63 |
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.a | prunasin and amygdalin | 62 |
Prunus serotina Ehrh. | prunasin | 64 |
Prunus virginiana L. | unknown | 1,17 |
Pyracantha coccinea Roem.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Sorbus aucuparia L. | prunasin and amygdalin | 1, 9 |
Spiraea prunifolia Sieb. & Zucc.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Spiraea japonica L.f.a,b | unknown | 16 |
Sapindaceae | ||
Cardiospermum halicacabum L. | cyanolipids and an unknown glycoside | 65,66 |
Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.a | cyanolipids | 68 |
Sapindus drummondii H. & A. | cyanolipids | 66,67 |
Ungnadia speciosa Endl. | cyanolipids and two unknown glycosides | 5,6,69 |
Urvillea ulmacea HBK. | cyanolipids | 70 |
Solanaceae | ||
Datura stramonium L. | unknown | 16 |
Lycium halimifolium Mill.a,b | unknown | 6 |
Solanum, nigrum L.b | unknown | 16 |
Solanum melongenaa | unknown | 72 |
Taxaceae | ||
Taxus cuspidata Sieb. & Zucc.a | taxiphyllin | 6,71 |
Turneraceae | ||
Turnera diffuse Willd. | unknown | 55, this study |
Typhaceae | ||
Typha angustifolia L. | unknown | 16 |
a=cultivated b=introduced c=Sorghum vulgare and Sorghun sudanense are considered conspecific with or synonymous to Sorghum bicolor. |
I wish to acknowledge the financial support of NSF Grant BMS 75-02323 and Biomedical Research Funds HEW PHS RR 07030 toward the completion of this work.
Introduction | Table 1 | References | Table of Contents | Home |
1. D. S. SEIGLER, Economic Botany, in press.
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