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Volume 58—1978

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Albert P. Blair

Natural Sciences Faculty, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma

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The following plants are believed to be new, to extend the range, or to enlarge our knowledge of the present distribution in Oklahoma. Unless otherwise indicated they are represented by specimens in the herbarium of the University of Tulsa.

Batrachospermum crouanianum Sirod. Sequoyah Co.: Lee Creek, 6 miles s of Short, collected by Pat Graham and Colin Yeary, March 15, 1976. Cherokee Co.: abundant in cut-off of Spring Creek 3½ miles n of Peggs, April 5, 1975; observed at the same locality spring of 1976. I had not seen this red alga for 12 years since the severe drouth of 1963 reduced Spring Creek to a few small potholes and was under the impression that it may have been extirpated. This locality, the first Oklahoma site for B. crouanianum, was reported by Vinyard (1) as Mayes Co., but it is actually in the extreme nw corner of Cherokee Co.

Azolla caroliniana Willd. Wagoner Co.: present in barrow ditch on s side of Okla. Hwy. 33 w of Verdigris River for at least 8 years and especially abundant summer of 1974; greatly reduced summers of 1975 and 1976. Abundant in borrow ditch e of Caney River at U. S. Hwy. 169 crossing, Tulsa Co., fall of 1974. Introduced in a pond in Mohawk Park, Tulsa, where very abundant the summer of 1975 but subsequently replaced by duckweed. First collected in Oklahoma by Stevens at Verdigris, Rogers Co., in 1913, not far from the localities, in Tulsa and Wagoner Cos., and subsequently published by Bush (2).

Camptosorus rhizophyllus (L.) Link. McCurtain Co.: abundant on limestone ledges near Little River, 2½ miles n of Goodwater, April 1, 1975; Johnston Co., old limestone quarry 2 miles n and 2 miles w of Wapanucka, collected June 7, 1976, by John Taylor who has kindly allowed me to report his finding.

Chaenorrhinum minus (L.) Lange. Tulsa Co.: abundant and in bloom on ballast along railroad tracks at s edge of Mohawk Park, Tulsa, May 12, 1975. Present spring of 1976 but less abundant. Previously unreported in Oklahoma.

Ribes curvatum Small. LeFlore Co.: in bloom April 21, 1975, on rocky outcrop on Kiamichi Mt. along U. S. Hwy. 259 2 miles s of Big Cedar. Jeffs and Little (3) listed this species but Waterfall (4) dropped it from the Oklahoma list.

Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. Pushmataha Co.: abundant and in bloom on north-facing hillside along Cloudy Creek at its junction with Little River, 6 miles ne of Cloudy, April 1, 1975.

Cassia roemeriana Scheele. McCurtain Co.: in bloom August 30, 1975, on limestone prairie 2 miles n of Goodwater.

Baccharis halimifolia L. Haskell Co.: in bloom October 20, 1972, in swampy ground along creek tributary to Sanbois Creek, 6 miles sse of Stigler. This extends the known range one county north.

Podostemon ceratophyllum Michx. Sequoyah Co.: abundant in Lee Creek near Short and 6 miles s of Short, July 8, 1967. Pushmataha Co.: Little River 6 miles ne of Cloudy, October 16, 1965. McCurtain Co.: Little River 2½ miles n of Goodwater, August 3, 1976.

Verbena brasiliensis Vell. McCurtain Co.: in bloom at edge of gravel pit along Little River 2½ miles n of Goodwater, August 3, 1976.

Polygonella americana (Fisch. & Mey.) McCurtain Co.: in bloom August 3, 1976, on gravel bar along Little River 2½ miles n of Goodwater; gravel bar along Mountain Fork River at the narrows sw of Smithville, November 7, 1976. Pushmataha Co.: on rocky outcrop along Little River 6 miles ne of Cloudy. This incon-

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spicuous shrub is apparently extirpated at the Oklahoma Hwy. 7 crossing of Pine Creek Reservoir between Antlers and Broken Bow in McCurtain Co.

Zizaniopsis miliacea (Michx.) Doell & Aschers. Wagoner Co.: swampy area 5 miles n of Porter, July 14, 1964.


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1.   W. C. VINYARD, Southwestern Nat. 11 (2): 196-204 (1966).

2.   B. F. BUSH, Am. Midl. Nat. 12: 110 (1930).

3.   R. E. JEFFS and E. L. LITTLE, JR., Publ. Univ. Okla. Biol. Surv. 2(2): 39-101 (1930).

4.   U. T. WATERFALL, Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 33: 168-171 (1952).