BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Geological Sciences |Physical Sciences |Social Sciences |Home
Natural Vegitaion in Relation to the Mound Builders and Later Indians P. B. Sears; 8 (1928); pp. 12-15 |
Odorous Constituents of the Corn Plant in Their Relationship to the European Corn-Borer R. H. Moore; 8 (1928); pp. 16-18 |
Furthur Stusies in the Aquisition of Human Hypersensitiveness Ray M. Balyeat; 8 (1928); pp. 19-24 |
Observations on the Activity and Fertility of White Leghorn Males Robert Penquite; 8 (1928); pp. 25-27 |
Preferential Mating of Fowls Charles W. Upp; 8 (1928); pp. 28-33 |
Grasses of Oklahoma H. I. Featherly; 8 (1928); pp. 34-37 |
Mosses of Tulsa and Osage Counties Olive Neville; 8 (1928); pp. 38-41 |
Preliminary Report on Native Oklahoma Plants Suitable for Ornamental Planting B. F. Wolfe; 8 (1928); pp. 42-48 |
Plant Collections Representative of Some Typical Comunities of Western Oklahoma A. I. Ortenburger; 8 (1928); pp. 49-52 |
Plant Collections Representative of Some Typical Comunities of Eastern Oklahoma A. I. Ortenburger; 8 (1928); pp. 53-57 |
Some Observations on the Spread of Mesquite to the North in Cimarron County, Oklahoma R. C. Tate; 8 (1928); p.58 |
Notes on the Phenology of Middle Western Spring Flowers Lois Gould; 8 (1928); pp. 59-62 |
A Demonstration of the Technique of Pollen Analysis Phillis Draper; 8 (1928); pp. 63-64 |
A Preliminary Note on Inheritance in Cotton Fred Griffee and James A. Fairchild; 8 (1928); pp. 65-69 |
Waste in Feeding Whole Grains to Cattle R. B. Beckerand Willis D. Gallup; 8 (1928); pp. 70-72 |
Studies on the Nitrogen Conten of Weeds and their Relationship to Soil Fertility Horace J. Harper and Henry F. Murphy; 8 (1928); pp. 73-77 |
A Preliminary Checklist of Amphibians and Reptiles of Tulsa County Edith R. Force; 8 (1928); pp. 78-79 |
Autumnal Animal Communities of a Prairie Vera G. Smith and Martha W. Shackleford; 8 (1928); pp. 80-83 |
Hibernation Studies I.
Behavior of Rana during the Hibernation PeriodAnna Elizabeth Rennie and A. O. Weese; 8 (1928); pp. 84-90 |
Hibernation Studies II.
Histology of the Kidney during HibernationAnna Elizabeth Rennie and A. O. Weese; 8 (1928); pp. 91-100 |
The Development of the Eye and Optic Tract in Drosophilia Melanogaster and its "Eyeless" Mutant Grace Ethel Derrick; 8 (1928); pp. 100-105 |
Observations on Variation Among Inbred and Outbred Strains of Guinea Pigs W. A. Craft; 8 (1928); pp. 106-107 |
GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Biological Sciences |Physical Sciences |Social Sciences |Home
Some Data on Subsurfacing Contouring A. W. Lauer; 8 (1928); pp. 108-114 |
Meteorology and Aviation O. F. Evans; 8 (1928); pp. 115-116 |
Field Conferences Chas N. Gould; 8 (1928); pp. 117-120 |
An Unexplained Form from the Red Beds O. F. Evans; 8 (1928); p. 120 |
Indian Writing from a Cave in the Wichita Mountains O. F. Evans; 8 (1928); p. 121 |
Old Beach Markings in the Western Wichita Mountains O. F. Evans; 8 (1928); pp. 122-124 |
A Granite "Mushroom" Rock John S. Redfield; 8 (1928); pp. 125-126 |
Some Notes on the Location of Fossil Leaves from the Dakota Sandstone in Cimmaron County R. C. Tate; 8 (1928); p. 127 |
Sampling and Coring in Prospecting of Oil and Gas W. F. Cloud; 8 (1928); pp. 128-134 |
Oolic Horizons in the Arbuckle Formation J. A. Stone; 8 (1928); pp. 135-136 |
Sampling and Coring in Prospecting for Metalliferous Deposits H. C. George; 8 (1928); pp. 137-140 |
The Benton Cretaceous in Oklahoma Chas. N. Gould; 8 (1928); pp. 141-143 |
Johns Valley Boulders Chas. N. Gould; 8 (1928); pp. 144-146 |
Experimental Results on the Structural Reltions of Beds that are Separated by Converging Strata H. Andrew Ireland; 8 (1928); p. 147 |
The Fossil Glyptodon in the Frederick Gravel Beds Chas. N. Gould; 8 (1928); pp. 148-150 |
PHYSICAL SCIENCES |Biological Sciences | Geological Sciences |Social Sciences |Home
The Economic Theory of Rural Line Design Edwin Kurtz; 8 (1928); pp. 151-155 |
Some Aspects of Street and Highway Safety N. E. Wolfard; 8 (1928); pp. 156-162 |
SOCIAL SCIENCES |Biological Sciences | Geological Sciences |Physical Sciences |Home
Economic Aspects of the Monroe Doctrine During the Period 1792-1823 T. H. Reynolds; 8 (1928); pp. 163-167 |
The Intelligence of the School Child with Uneven Abilities M. O. Wilson; 8 (1928); pp. 168-176 |