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Volume 81—2001

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Oklahoma's Forest Ecosystems:
Their Current Condition and Potential Contribution

David K. Lewis

Department of Forestry, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078

In 1999, Oklahoma Governor Keating and Oklahoma Agriculture Commissioner Howard convened a conference to discuss the future of Oklahoma's forest ecosystems. This paper is based on a presentation prepared for that conference to (a) describe Oklahoma's forest ecosystems, (b) the environment in which they exist, and (c) their current and potential contributions to the lives of Oklahoma's people. Oklahoma's forest ecosystems exist in an environment of increasing global demand for forest products. They are part of a region of the United States that includes almost a third of the nations forest inventory and 2/3 of the primary processing capacity of the forest products industry. Oklahoma's timber resources are underutilized with annual removals and mortality equal to half of annual growth. Timber ranks third, behind winter wheat and hay, in value of agricultural crops produced in Oklahoma. Timber-based manufacturing contributes 2% of manufacturing's contribution to gross state product. Estimates of the value of forage products and recreational services produced by Oklahoma's forests are presented. The contributions of forest ecosystems to wildlife habitat and an array of environmental elements are noted. These environmental benefits include human habitats in urban environments. Opportunities to increase the contributions of the State's forest ecosystems are identified. © 2001 Oklahoma Academy of Science


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In 1999 Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating and Oklahoma Agriculture Commissioner Dennis Howard convened a conference to discuss the future of Oklahoma's forest ecosystems (1). This paper is based on a presentation prepared for that conference to describe (a) Oklahoma's forest ecosystems, (b) the environment in which they exist, (c) their current and potential contributions to lives of Oklahoma's people. These objectives will be met by presenting information on (a) the context within which Oklahoma's forest ecosystems exist, (b) a description of Oklahoma's forest resources, (c) the estimated value of the timber harvest, (d) the contribution of timber-based manufacturing to Oklahoma's economy, (e) descriptions of non-timber outputs and services, and (f) potential contributions.

Context of Oklahoma's Forest Resource

Global: The forest and woodland resources of the world are not distributed equally. They range from a minimum of 0.2 ha per capita in Asia to a maximum of 6.8 ha/capita in Oceania (Table 1; 2). The world average is 0.7 ha per capita. The United States average is 1.1 ha/capita. Oklahoma has slightly


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less than the National average area of forest and woodland at 0.9 ha/capita (3,4).

The average annual consumption of roundwood forest products from the world's forest and woodland ecosystems for timber, fiber, and fuel also varies greatly. During the 1993-1995 period, per capita consumption of roundwood forest products ranged from 0.3 m3/yr. in Asia to 2.3 m3/yr. in North America (Table 2; 2). The world average is 0.6 m3/capita/year. Fifty six percent (1.9 x 103 m3) of this consumption is used for fuel. During this period, the United States consumed an average of 1.9 m3/capita/year.

The world's forest and woodland ecosystems are under increasing pressure as a result of economic development in addition to population growth. If developing countries achieve the current average annual per capita level of global consumption by the year 2025, the world's forests will have to increase their annual output by 55% (1.8 x 109 m3).

National: Assessments of the United States forest resource conducted by the U. S. Forest Service place Oklahoma in the Southern Region (Fig. 1). Almost 1/3 of the growing stock inventory of the United States is in this region. The Southern Region is followed in order of importance by the Pacific Coast, North, and Rocky Mountain regions (Table 3; 3).

During the period from 1991 to 1998 the United State's growing stock inventory was increasing at a rate of 612 million m3/yr. (3).


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During the same period the drain (mortality + removals) on this inventory was 617 million m3/yr.

During the same period the primary processing segment of the forest products industry in the United States had a capacity of 700 million m3/yr. (Table 4) ((Personal communication from P. J. Ince, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, Oct. 1999; 5,6). However, this estimate of capacity includes facilities whose raw material needs are met by residuals from other primary processing facilities.

For the decade of the 90's the U S Forest Service adopted a long-term strategic plan for the United States' forest and rangeland resources that identified four major goals to be pursued (7): (a) enhancing the production of outdoor recreation, wildlife and fisheries outputs, and the value of forest and range resources; (b) increasing the environmental sensitivity with which commodities are produced; (c) expanding the scientific knowledge that is the basis for management and protection of forest and range ecosystems; and (d) responding to global resource issues by expanding scientific exchange and technology transfer.

Regional: The forest inventory of the Southern Region is controlled by non-industrial private owners (Table 5; 3). These owners control almost 3/4 of the regions growing stock inventory.

The Region's forests grew at an average rate of 278 million m3/yr. during the period from 1991 to 1998 (3). During this same period the losses from mortality and removal of trees from the inventory averaged 317 m3/yr.


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From 1992 to 1999 the annual roundwood capacity of the primary processing segment of the forest industry in the Region averaged 448 million m3 (Table 4) (Personal communication from P. J. Ince, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, Oct. 1999; 5,6). This represents 64% of the national capacity of the primary processing segment of the forest products industry. As is the case for national statistics, some of the raw material needs for this capacity are being met by residuals from other primary processing facilities. The Region's industrial capacity is substantially in excess of the annual growth of its forests.


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Land use: Forest ecosystems occupy 3.5 million ha, one ha in five of the land in Oklahoma. Three/fourths of this area is classified as timberland (Table 6; 8,11). The remaining 870 thousand ha are classified as woodland.


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Two/thirds of Oklahoma's forest ecosystems are in the Eastern Region (Fig. 2). Two million ha of Oklahoma's timberlands are part of the Eastern Region's forest ecosystems (8,11).

Inventory: Two/thirds of Oklahoma's growing stock inventory is controlled by non-industrial private owners (Table 7; 8,9). This landowner class controls a smaller portion of the forest inventory in Oklahoma than in the Southern Region as a whole. In the Eastern Region, almost half of the State's growing stock inventory is controlled by non-industrial private owners. An additional 20% of the State's growing stock inventory is controlled by forest industry. In total, private owners control 86% of Okla-homa's growing stock inventory, and 82% of this inventory is in the Eastern Region (8,9).

During the 1989-1998 period Oklahoma's forests grew at the rate of 5.5 million m3/yr. During the same period drain (the sum of removals and mortality) averaged 2.8 million m3/yr. As a result the forest inventory of the State increased at an average rate of 2.8 million m3/yr. This resulted in an increase in Oklahoma's growing stock inventory of 28 million m3 during the 10-yr. period (8,9).

During the 1997-1998 period the annual roundwood capacity of the primary processing segment of the forest products industry averaged 10 million m3 (Table 8; Personal communication from P. J. Ince, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, Oct. 1999; 5,6). As in the cases of the national and regional estimates of capacity, this capacity estimate includes facilities whose raw material needs are met by mill residuals. In this case, the capacity requirements that are being met by mill residuals are 8.6 million m3, 86% of total capacity. The remaining annual capacity, 1.4 million m3 is 25% of the average annual growth during the 1989-1998 period.

In summary, one ha in five in Oklahoma is occupied by forest ecosystems. Two/thirds of the State's forest inventory is controlled by non-industrial private landowners. The current levels of forest growth and drain are sustainable. Sustaining the raw material requirements of the existing industry requires the importation of the equivalent of 4.4 million m3/yr. as mill residuals.

Value of Harvest

In 1998, Oklahoma's timber harvest had a delivered value of $187 million (Table 9; 12,13). Sixty-six percent of this value was in sawlogs. Pulpwood was the second most


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important element of the timber harvest, accounting for 20% of the harvest value. At $187 million, timber ranked third, behind winter wheat and hay in value of agricultural crops grown in Oklahoma and accounted for 16% of the total value of agricultural crops (14).

In 1996 roundwood exports and imports for the State were almost equal (12). Roundwood equivalent exports totaled 0.6 million m3 while imports totaled 0.5 million m3.

Contribution of Timber-Based Manufacturing

In 1992 timber-based manufacturing was responsible for 2% of manufacturing's contribution to gross state product (Table 10; 15). During the same period manufacturing based on agricultural crops contributed 3% to gross state product. Each dollar of agricultural crop harvested produces $0.43 of manufacturing value added while $1 of timber harvest produces $1.63 of manufacturing value added.

Non-Timber Uses and Services

Forage production: The area of forest land currently under grazing leases is not known. However, Lewis and Goodier (16) estimated the 1984 annual rental value of forage produced on forest land in Oklahoma at $29.9 million.

Recreation: A current estimate of the value of recreation produced by Oklahoma's forest ecosystems is also not available. However, Lewis and Goodier (16) reported a value for outdoor recreation in Oklahoma for 1985 at $1.5 million. They also reported that the potential revenue, at that time, to landowners for hunting leases at $26 million/yr.

Additional uses and services: In addition to the outputs and services that are used by individuals, there are a number of additional services provided by forests for all of society. These include the maintenance and improvement of water quality. The improvement in water quality is largely through the stabilization of soils and soil nutrients and the maintenance and enhancement of aquatic ecosystems.

Forest ecosystems are also major carbon sinks and play an important role in climate

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regulation. In addition to their role in the global carbon cycle forest ecosystems play an important role sequestering a broad array of pollutants (17).

Potential Contributions

In 1982, an analysis of the potential of Oklahoma's forests was undertaken as part of an analysis of the potential of the forests in the Southern Region (16,18). One element of this analysis, which was based on Okla-homa's 1986 forest inventory, was the estimation of areas of timberland in Eastern Oklahoma that would benefit from investments in forest management. This analysis identified 1.2 million ha of timberland that would generate an economically attractive return to investments to improve timber growth (16).

Lewis and Goodier (16) also identified economically attractive opportunities for conversion of marginal crop and pastureland. This analysis identified 108 thousand ha for conversion to forest ecosystems. In addition to these economic investment opportunities the analysis examined opportunities to achieve environmental goals associated with reduced soil erosion by conversion of highly erodible cropland into forests. This analysis identified 90 thousand ha that would benefit from conversion to forest.

If implemented, these forest management investments and land use conversions would increase the growth of Eastern Oklahoma's forests by 70% (16). Three million m3/yr. of timber growth would result from investments in forest management. An additional 0.6 and 0.7 million m3 of timber growth per year would be created by conversion of marginal crop- and pastureland, and erodible cropland.

In Central and Western Oklahoma a preliminary analysis indicates that it would be beneficial to convert 1.1 million ha of marginal crop and pastureland and highly erodible cropland to range and forest. These conversions would result in reduced costs and increased margins for agricultural producers, increased wildlife habitat, and assist in the maintenance and improvement of water

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quality. As in the case of Eastern Oklahoma, the maintenance and improvement of water quality would be achieved through reduced soil erosion and enhancement of aquatic ecosystems. Before land use conversion of this magnitude can be undertaken there will need to be an examination of the potential impacts on rural communities in Central and Western Oklahoma, and if appropriate, programs designed to mitigate the impacts of changes in land use.

In addition to the opportunities for forests to improve the quality of life for Oklahoma's people through the improved management of existing forests and expansion of the forest resource, there is an opportunity to improve the habitat in urban areas. Over two million Oklahoma citizens live in the standard metropolitan areas defined by the United States Census (19). The habitat for these people can be improved through better management and expansion of State's urban forests.


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Oklahoma forests will continue to supply an expanding global demand for the products and services of forest ecosystems. The current emphasis of the Federal Government's forest policy is on the output of services. The forests of Oklahoma are part of the Southern Region that is a dominant forest region in the United States. However, the Southern Region cannot sustain its current levels of growth, drain, and industrial capacity. All of these conditions indicate an increasing demand for the products and services provided by Oklahoma's forest ecosystems. These demands will be influenced by conditions beyond the borders of Oklahoma and the United States.

Oklahoma's Forest Resource

Twenty percent of Oklahoma is occupied by forest ecosystems, and two/thirds of the forest inventory is controlled by non-industrial private owners. The current levels of growth, drain, and harvest are sustainable. However, the State's forest products industry requires the importation of mill residuals to meet its raw material requirements. The forest inventory's level of growth and drain, with the capacity of the existing industry are important considerations in the use of the forest resource in economic development.

Timber ranks third in annual value of agricultural crops produced in Oklahoma. The primary processing segment of the forest products industry contributes 2% of the manufacturing's contribution to gross state product. The harvest from Oklahoma's forests make a relatively larger contribution to manufacturing value added than other agricultural crops.

In addition to timber products the forest ecosystems of Oklahoma provide a number of services that are important to the State's economy and the quality of life enjoyed by its citizens. These include forage for domestic animals and wildlife. In addition, forests provide habitat for a number of game as well as non-game wildlife species. The State's forest ecosystems provide a place to enjoy a number of outdoor recreational pursuits including hunting. These ecosystems also provide a number of environmental benefits. The most important of these are; the maintenance and improvement of water quality, acting as sinks for atmospheric carbon, regulation of climate, and functioning as agents in sequestration of pollutants.

Potential: In Eastern Oklahoma the opportunity exists to substantially increase timber production. This will provide raw material for a significant increase in the forest products industry. Through conversion of marginal crop and pastureland there is an opportunity to increase the net income for traditional agriculture. The conversion of highly erodible cropland offers an opportunity to reduce soil erosion.

In Central and Western Oklahoma the conversion of marginal crop and pas-tureland, and highly erodible cropland to forest and range is an opportunity to increase the net income for agriculture. The conversion will also increase the available wildlife habitat and potential for outdoor recreation while reducing soil erosion. Im-

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proved management and expansion of Oklahoma's urban forests will enhance the habitat for 60% of the State's people.


The challenge for the people of Oklahoma, their political leaders, and forestry professionals is to develop a vision for the forests of the State. This vision must recognize the needs and desires of the world's people while it improves the quality of life for the people of Oklahoma. The people and their political and professional leaders must also initiate the processes necessary to achieve this vision for the State's forest ecosystems.


The research described in this paper was supported by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station at Oklahoma State University through McIntire-Stennis project OKLO/2273. The paper is approved for publication by the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. The author thanks Larry Sanders, Arthur Stoecker, and Jona-than Yoder of the Agricultural Economics Faculty and Gordon Holley, Thomas Lynch, and Robert Wittwer of the Forestry Faculty at Oklahoma State University, two anonymous reviewers for their constructive reviews, and Carrie McDowell for editorial suggestions.


Introduction Oklahoma's Forest Resource Summary References Top of Page Table of Contents Home

1.   The governors conference on forestry: Oklahoma forests in the 21st century, conference report. Oklahoma City (OK): Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Forestry Services; 2000. 32 pp. (Available from Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Forestry Services)

2.   World Resource Institute; World resources 1998-99. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press; 1998.

3.   Powell DS, Faulkner JL, Darr DR, Zhu Z, MacCleery DW. 1992. Forest resources of the United States. Fort Collins (CO): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report RM-234; 1993.

4.   Oklahoma Department of Commerce, (http://www.odoc.state.ok.us/index.html); 2000.

5.   Rice RW, Howe JL, Boone RS, Tschernitz JL. Kiln drying lumber in the United States: a survey of volume, species, kiln capacity, equipment, and procedures; 1992-1993. Madison (WI): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. General Technical Report FL-GTR-81; 1994.

6.   Spelter H, McKeever D, Durbak I. Review of wood based panel sector in United States and Canada. Madison (WI): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. General Technical Report FL-GTR-99; 1997.

7.   The forest service program for forest and rangeland resources: a long term strategic plan. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; 1990.

8.   Miller PE, Hartsell AJ, London JD. Forest statistics for east Oklahoma counties — 1993. Starkville (MS): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. Resource Bulletin SO-177; 1993.

9.   Rosson JF Jr. The timberland and woodland resources of central and west Oklahoma. Starkville (MS): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. Resource Bulletin SO-193; 1995.

10.   Natural Resource Conservation Service Resource Inventory. (http://ok.nrcs.usda.gov/gis/text/); 2000.

11.   Wickham P. Statistical abstract of Oklahoma 1994. Oklahoma City (OK): Center for Economic and Management Research, College of Business Administration, The University of Oklahoma, and Oklahoma Department of Commerce; 1994.

12.   Howell M, Johnson TG. Oklahoma's timber industry - an assessment of timber product output and use, 1996.

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Starkville (MS): United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Resource Bulletin SRS-30; 1998.

13.   Timber mart-south-1998 yearly summary. Athens (GA): University of Georgia, Daniel B. Warnell School of Forest Resources; 1998.

14.   Oklahoma agricultural statistics 1998. Oklahoma City (OK): Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Oklahoma Agricultural Statistics Service; 1999.

15.   1992 census of manufactures-geographic area seriesñOklahoma. Washington (DC): United States Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, MC92-A-37; 1996.

16.   Lewis DK, Goodier JP. The south's fourth forest: Oklahoma. Stillwater (OK): Oklahoma State University, Division of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, MP-130; 1990.

17.   Waring RH, Schlesinger WH. Forest ecosystems: concepts and management. Orlando (FL): Academic Press; 1985.

18.   The south's fourth forest: alternatives for the future. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Resource Report No. 24; 1988.

19.   1990 census of population and housing, population and housing unit counts: Oklahoma. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census, 1990, CPH-2-38; 1993.

Received: January 17, 2001; Accepted: August 28, 2001