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Volume 81—2001

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Teacher, biologist, and creator of the modern Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science, Jimmie Pigg had a most distinctive way of motivating students. Emphasizing the classical steps of the scientific method, he tirelessly involved his students in original scientific research. His legacy comprises the numerous students who have become science teachers and/or scientists. These individuals attribute their love of science to the example that he set when they were his students. They characterize his teaching style as rigorous, caring, and innovative. The Jimmie Pigg Memorial Award for Outstanding Science Teaching at the pre-collegiate level commemorates the dedication of this extraordinary teacher to scientific endeavor and student learning. The award is given annually to an Oklahoma teacher who is judged to exemplify the same qualities as Jimmie.

Endowment of the Award: The Oklahoma Academy of Science has established an endowment fund in honor of Jimmie. Its annual income will be used to provide the award.


• Any teacher with at least six years of science teaching in Grades 6-12 may be nominated to receive the award.

• A nomination will comprise: (1) a nominating letter from one or more individuals which succinctly summarizes the nominee's efforts to encourage his or her students to conduct original scientific research or to involve them in science activities beyond those offered in most classrooms; (2) the nominee's curriculum vitae; and (3) supporting documentation.

Supporting documentation should include, but is not limited to:

• A list of the nominee's students who have participated in regional and/or state activities of the Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science (OJAS), including their paper titles, awards received, and years of participation.

• Course syllabi, abstracts or synopses of student projects, and/or examples of student papers.

• Letters from other teachers, administrators, students, and/or parents.

• Completed nominations must be submitted to the Director of the Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science by January 3lst of each year.

Evaluation: The credentials of each nominee will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the Director of the Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science, the Director of the OJAS State Meeting, the Chair of the Science Education Section of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, and two pre-collegiate teachers who are past recipients of the award.

The Award:

• The recipient will receive $1,000.

• The recipient will receive an engraved plaque commemorating the award.

• The recipient will receive a one-year membership in the Oklahoma Academy of Science.

• Presentation of the award will be made during the awards banquet at the annual state meeting of the Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science .

• The recipient's accomplishments also will be recognized during the awards banquet at the annual technical meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science.

• A biographical sketch of the recipient and his or her accomplishments will be published in the Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science.

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