Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 421 | CHAP. 891 | CHAP. 915 | CHAP. 916 | CHAP. 942

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Chapter 942

Margin Notes
Chap. 942 S. W. Peel. Claim for legal services to Choctaw Nation referred to Court of Claims.
Chap. 942 Payment.
Chap. 942 Title of suit.
Chap. 942 Provisos. Limit.
Chap. 942 Prompt trial.

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Chapter 942
    Feb. 18, 1907. [H. R. 19930.] | [Private, No. 849.] 34 Stat., part 2, p. 987.
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An act referring the claim of S. W. Peel for legal services rendered the Choctaw Nation of Indians to the Court of Claims for adjudication.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the claim of S. W. Peel, of Bentonville, Arkansas, for legal services rendered and expenditures had for the Choctaw Nation of Indians, of the Indian Territory, in an action in said Court of Claims wherein Yvon Pike and Lillian Pike, and Yvon Pike as the administrator of the estate of Luther S. Pike deceased, were plaintiffs, and said nation was defendant, be and the

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same is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims with full jurisdication, equitable and legal, to render judgment or decree therein as to the very right of the matter; and in case the said court finds any sum or amount due the claimant for his services and disbursements as aforesaid, it shall thereupon direct the same to be paid with interest from the funds of said nation now in the Treasury of the United States, and a transcript of such decree or judgment shall be authority for the Secretary of the Interior to make the payment therewith, and to make the proper charge against the funds of said nation; and sufficient of the funds of said nation shall be retained in the Treasury of the United States to meet any judgment or decree for payment to said S. W. Peel that may finally be rendered. The suit herein provided for shall be entitled S. W. Peel versus The Choctaw Nation and the United States; the petition and other proceedings therein shall be in accordance with the ordinary rules and requirements of said court, with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court by either party: Provided, That no suit shall be brought under the provisions of this act after six months from the date of the passage thereof: And provided further, That such suit shall be advanced and promptly tried in any court where it may be pending.1

1  S. W. Peel v. The Choctaw Nation and the United States, 45 Court of Claims, 154.

Approved, February 18, 1907.

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