Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 27 | CHAP. 79 | CHAP. 87 | CHAP. 106 | CHAP. 107 | CHAP. 109 | CHAP. 111 | CHAP. 153 | CHAP. 177 | CHAP. 193 | CHAP. 199 | CHAP. 200 | CHAP. 216 | CHAP. 217 | CHAP. 218 | CHAP. 220 | CHAP. 237

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Chapter 111
Sections 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Margin Notes
Chap. 111 Menominee Indian Reservation, Wis. Cutting timber, etc., on, authorized.
Chap. 111 Provisos. Maximum.
Chap. 111 Exception.
Sec. 2 Sawmills, etc., to be built.
Sec. 2 Indian labor required.
Sec. 3 Sale of products.
Sec. 3 Proceeds to credit of Indians.
Sec. 3 Interest.
    35 Stat., 52.
Sec. 4 Expenses from tribal funds.
Sec. 5 Sale of mill, etc., on completion of work.
Sec. 5 Proceeds.
Sec. 6 Repeal.

{Page 317}

Chapter 111
    Mar. 28, 1908. [S. 4046.] | [Public, No. 74.] 35 Stat., 51.
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An act to authorize the cutting of timber, the manufacture and sale of lumber, and the preservation of the forests on the Menominee Indian Reservation in the State of Wisconsin.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe in executing the intent and purposes of this act, to cause to be cut and manufactured into lumber the dead and down timber, and such fully matured and ripened green timber as the Forestry Service shall designate, upon the Menominee Indian Reservation in the State of Wisconsin: Provided, That not more than twenty million feet of timber shall be cut in any one year: And provided further, That this limitation shall not include the dead and down timber on the north half of township numbered twenty-nine, range numbered thirteen east; the north half of township numbered twenty-nine, range numbered fourteen east, and the south half of township numbered thirty, range numbered thirteen east, on the Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin.

SEC. 2

That the Secretary of the Interior shall, as soon as practicable, cause to be built, equipped, and operated suitable sawmills, equipment and necessary buildings for manufacturing into lumber the timber cut under the provisions of this act, and there shall be employed such skilled foresters, superintendents, foremen, cruisers, rangers, guards, loggers, scalers, and such other labor, both in the woods and for operating sawmills, equipment and necessary buildings as may be necessary in cutting and manufacturing logs and lumber and in the protection of the forests upon said Indian reservation. The Secretary of the Interior in so far as practicable shall at all times employ none but Indians upon said reservation in forest protection, logging, driving, sawing, and manufacturing into lumber for the market such timber, and no contract for logging, driving, sawing timber, or conducting any lumber operations upon said reservations shall hereafter be let, sublet, or assigned to white men, nor shall any timber upon any such reservations be disposed of except under the provisions of this act. Whenever any Indian or Indians shall enter into any contract pursuant to this act, and shall seek by any agency, copartnership agreement, or otherwise to share in the same with any white man, or shall employ in its execution any labor or assistance other than the labor and assistance of Indians, such act or acts shall thereupon terminate such contract, and the same shall be annulled and canceled.

SEC. 3

That the lumber, lath, shingles, poles, posts, bolts, and pulp wood, and other marketable materials so manufactured from the timber cut upon such reservations shall be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash, after due advertisement inviting proposals and bids, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. The net proceeds of the sale of such lumber and other material shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the tribe entitled to the same. Such proceeds shall bear interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, and the interest shall be used for the benefit of such Indians in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe.

SEC. 4

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to pay, out of the funds of the tribe of Indians located upon said reservation, the necessary expenses of the lumber operations herein provided for, including the erection of sawmills, equipment, and necessary buildings, logging camps, logging equipment, the building of roads, improvement of streams, and all other necessary expenses, including those for the protection, preservation, and harvest of the forest upon such reservation.

{Page 318}

SEC. 5

That when the dead and down timber, and such fully matured and ripened green timber as the Forestry Service shall designate, shall have been converted into lumber, then the Secretary of the Interior is directed to make sale of such portions of the sawmill and manufacturing plant as will not, in his judgment, be needed for continuing operations on this reservation. The terms of these sales shall be fixed by the Secretary, and after the payment of the costs and charges of sale the net proceeds thereof shall be deposited in the same manner and for the same purposes as the net proceeds of the sale of the lumber aforesaid.

SEC. 6

That all acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

Approved, March 28, 1908.

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