Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 76 | CHAP. 126 | CHAP. 138 | CHAP. 145 | CHAP. 147 | CHAP. 178 | CHAP. 197 | CHAP. 253 | CHAP. 256 | CHAP. 263 | CHAP. 298 | CHAP. 321 | J. R. No. 18 | J. R. No. 19

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Chapter 263

Margin Notes
Chap. 263 Indian Department appropriations.
Chap. 263 General provisions
Chap. 263 Under the President
Chap. 263 Allotments in severalty.
    24 Stat., 388, vol. 1, p. p. 33.
Chap. 263 Under the Secretary
Chap. 263 Grant of lands to railroads in Indian reservations for reservoirs, etc.
Chap. 263 Conveyance of lands.
    35 Stat., 782.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Restriction.
Chap. 263 Land for tree planting. Restriction.
Chap. 263 Use of proceeds.
Chap. 263 Allotments to Indians.
Chap. 263 Limit of acreage.
    Repealed, post, 479.
    24 Stat., 388, vol. 1, p. 33.
Chap. 263 Under the Commissioner
Chap. 263 Irrigation.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Superintendents.
Chap. 263 Surveying and allotting.
Chap. 263 Suppressing liquor traffic.
Chap. 263 Support of schools.
Chap. 263 Construction of buildings, etc.
    35 Stat., 783
Chap. 263 Transporting pupils.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Positions for pupils
Chap. 263 Young children.
Chap. 263 White children admitted to Indian boarding schools
Chap. 263 Use of tuition fees.
Chap. 263 Special investigations.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Per diem.
Chap. 263 Experimental test of soils, etc.
Chap. 263 Care of the forests.
Chap. 263 Immediately available.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Restriction.
Chap. 263 Designation of employee to sign letters, authorized.
Chap. 263 Allotments in severalty.
Chap. 263 Lease of mineral lands.
Chap. 263 Regulations.
Chap. 263 Exchange of lands unsuitable for allotment, etc.
    35 Stat., 784.
Chap. 263 Restriction.
Chap. 263 Regulations.
Chap. 263 Miscellaneous.
Chap. 263 Supplies.
Chap. 263 All expenses.
Chap. 263 Agency buildings.
Chap. 263 Vaccination.
Chap. 263 Court costs, etc., in suits involving allotted lands.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Attorney’s fees.
Chap. 263 Agent’s records, etc.
    18 Stat., 451, vol. 1, p. 25.
Chap. 263 Annual report.
Chap. 263 Proviso. False entries in transcripts, etc.
Chap. 263 Penalty.
Chap. 263 Use of appropriation for incidental expenses, etc.
Chap. 263 Fort Lapwai School.
Chap. 263 Reimbursement of Indians for loss by burglary.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Evidence of loss.
    35 Stat., 785.
Chap. 263 General officers and employees.
Chap. 263 Citizen commission.
    16 Stat., 40.
Chap. 263 Inspectors.
Chap. 263 Irrigation engineers.
Chap. 263 Expenses.
Chap. 263 Superintendent of schools.
Chap. 263 Expenses.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Per diem.
Chap. 263 Interpreters.
Chap. 263 Police.
Chap. 263 Matrons.
    35 Stat., 786.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Additional.
    30 Stat., 90.
Chap. 263 Farmers and stockmen.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Additional clerks at agencies, etc.
Chap. 263 Additional.
    30 Stat., 90, vol. 1, 86.
Chap. 263 Judges, Indian courts.
Chap. 263 Contingencies.
Chap. 263 Joseph W. Howell and Joseph R. Webster. Payment to.
Chap. 263 Arizona.
Chap. 263 San Carlos Agency, agent.
Chap. 263 Apaches, etc. Support, etc.
Chap. 263 Pima Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Fort Mojave school.
    35 Stat., 787.
Chap. 263 Phoenix school.
Chap. 263 Truxton Canyon school.
Chap. 263 James H. Owen. Payment to.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Navajo Indians, Ariz. and N. Mex. Purchase of lands, etc., for.
Chap. 263 Appropriation immediately available.
Chap. 263 California
Chap. 263 Mission Indians. Support, etc
Chap. 263 Purchase of land for certain Indians.
Chap. 263 Sherman Institute.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Colorado.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
    35 Stat., 788.
Chap. 263 Fort Lewis school. Grant of, to State.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Indian pupils, etc.
Chap. 263 Acceptance of grant.
Chap. 263 Support, etc., of Indian pupils.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Pro rata share of appropriation.
Chap. 263 Grand Junction School. Grant of, to State.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Indian pupils.
Chap. 263 Acceptance of grant.
Chap. 263 Support, etc., of pupils.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Pro rata share of appropriation.
Chap. 263 Southern Ute Indian Reservation. Purchase of water right, etc.
Chap. 263 Confederated Bands of Ute Indians.
    35 Stat., 789.
Chap. 263 Court of Claims to determine, etc., claims, etc., of.
    21 Stat., 199, vol. 1, p. 180.
Chap. 263 Perpetual trust fund.
    21 Stat., 204, vol. 1, p. 185.
Chap. 263 Termination of, etc.
Chap. 263 Attorney’s compensation.
Chap. 263 Payment.
Chap. 263 Annual distribution of interest.
Chap. 263 Idaho.
Chap. 263 Coeur d’Alene Reservation. Superintendent.
Chap. 263 Fort Hall Reservation. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
    35 Stat., 790.
Chap. 263 Fort Hall Reservation. Irrigation.
    34 Stat., 1024, ante, p. 275.
Chap. 263 Neils Anderson and William Winchell. Investigation, etc., of claims of.
Chap. 263 Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho. Survey, etc.
Chap. 263 Bannocks. Fulfilling treaty.
    15 Stat., 676, vol. 2, 1023.
Chap. 263 Coeur d’Alenes. Blacksmith, etc.
    26 Stat., 1029, vol. 1, p. 421.
Chap. 263 Fulfilling treaty with Indians formerly of.
    25 Stat., 688, vol. 1, 314.
Chap. 263 Iowa.
Chap. 263 Sac and Fox school.
Chap. 263 Kansas.
Chap. 263 Haskell Institute, Lawrence.
    35 Stat., 791.
Chap. 263 Kickapoo Reservation school.
Chap. 263 Pottawatomies. Annuities.
    7 Stat., 51, vol. 2, 41.
    7 Stat., 114, vol. 2, 101.
    7 Stat., 185, vol. 2, 168.
    7 Stat., 317, vol. 2, 294.
    7 Stat., 320, vol. 2, 298.
    7 Stat., 317, vol. 2, 294.
    7 Stat., 318, vol. 2, 294.
    9 Stat., 855, vol. 2, 559.
    7 Stat., 296, vol. 2, 274.
    7 Stat., 318, vol. 2. 294.
    7 Stat., 321, vol. 2, 298.
    7 Stat., 320, vol. 2, 298.
Chap. 263 Wah-qua-bas-kuk, band. Sale of Kansas lands of.
    12 Stat., 1191, vol. 2, 824.
Chap. 263 Expenses.
Chap. 263 Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri. School.
    35 Stat., 792.
    12 Stat., 1173, vol. 2, 812.
Chap. 263 John K. Heyl. Payment to, etc.
Chap. 263 Michigan.
Chap. 263 Mount Pleasant school.
Chap. 263 Minnesota
Chap. 263 Agents. Leech Lake Agency.
Chap. 263 White Earth Agency.
Chap. 263 Morris school. Grant of, to State.
Chap. 263 Description.
    35 Stat., 793.
Chap. 263 Exception.
Chap. 263 Total acreage.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Indian pupils, etc.
Chap. 263 Acceptance of grant.
Chap. 263 Effect.
Chap. 263 Support, etc., of Indian pupils.
    35 Stat., 794.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Pro rata share of appropriation, etc.
Chap. 263 Pipestone school.
Chap. 263 Chippewas of the Mississippi. Schools.
    16 Stat., 720, vol. 2, 975.
Chap. 263 Chippewas of Minnesota. Advance interest.
    25 Stat., 645, vol. 1, p. 305.
Chap. 263 Civilization, etc.
    25 Stat., 642, vol. 1, p. 303.
Chap. 263 White Earth band of Chippewas. Fund for annual celebration.
Chap. 263 Montana.
    35 Stat., 795.
Chap. 263 Agents.
Chap. 263 Crow Agency.
Chap. 263 Flathead Agency.
Chap. 263 Fort Belknap Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Purchase of implements, etc.
Chap. 263 Available for reexpenditure, etc.
    Ante, p. 331.
Chap. 263 Crow Indians. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Flathead Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Fort Peck Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Surveys, etc., Blackfeet Reservation.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Fort Belknap Reservation. Irrigation.
Chap. 263 Flathead Reservation. Irrigation.
    33 Stat., 305, ante, p. 79.
Chap. 263 Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Allotments, etc.
    33 Stat., 302, ante, p. 79.
    34 Stat., 354, ante, p. 221.
    Ante, p. 361.
Chap. 263 Sale of intoxicants prohibited. Prohibition term, 25 years.
Chap. 263 Indian allottees.
Chap. 263 Power and reservoir sites to be reserved.
    35 Stat., 796.
Chap. 263 Report to Congress.
Chap. 263 Timber lands.
    33 Stat., 304, ante, p. 79.
Chap. 263 Sale of merchantable timber.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Sale of land.
Chap. 263 Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Allotment, etc., of lands in.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Great Northern Railway Company. Sale of land to.
Chap. 263 Damages, etc.
Chap. 263 Reallotment.
Chap. 263 Sale of intoxicants.
    Ante, p. 377.
Chap. 263 Prohibition term, 25 years.
Chap. 263 Indian allottees.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Crows.
    35 Stat., 797.
Chap. 263 Fulfilling treaty.
    15 Stat., 652, vol. 2 1010.
Chap. 263 Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes. Subsistence, etc.
    19 Stat., 256.
Chap. 263 Physician, etc.
    15 Stat., 658, vol. 2, 1014.
Chap. 263 Crow Reservation. Lands reserved for irrigation.
    33 Stat., 360, ante, p. 87.
Chap. 263 Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Employment of “Line Riders.”
Chap. 263 Nebraska.
Chap. 263 Genoa school.
Chap. 263 Winnebagoes. Support, etc.
    7 Stat., 545, vol. 2, 498.
Chap. 263 Civilization, etc.
Chap. 263 Interest.
    35 Stat., 798.
Chap. 263 Principal sum to credit of tribe.
    7 Stat., 544, vol. 2, 498.
    16 Stat., 355.
Chap. 263 New enrollment.
Chap. 263 Per capita distribution.
    33 Stat., 201, ante, p. 47; post, 485, 524.
Chap. 263 Exception.
Chap. 263 Nevada.
Chap. 263 Western Shoshone Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Carson school.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Irrigation.
    32 Stat., 388.
    35 Stat., 799.
    24 Stat., 389, vol. 1, p. 33.
Chap. 263 Provisos. No lien, etc., against reserved lands.
Chap. 263 Amount of cost.
Chap. 263 New Mexico.
Chap. 263 Albuquerque school.
Chap. 263 Santa Fe school.
Chap. 263 Pueblo Indians. Attorney.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 San Juan River. Construction of bridge.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Investigation, etc.
Chap. 263 Zuni irrigation project.
Chap. 263 New York.
Chap. 263 New York Agency. Agent, etc.
Chap. 263 Senecas. Annuity.
    4 Stat., 442.
Chap. 263 Interest.
    35 Stat., 800.
    9 Stat., 35.
Chap. 263 Six Nations. Annuity.
    7 Stat., 46, vol. 2, 36.
Chap. 263 Seneca Indians. Principal sum to credit of tribe.
Chap. 263 Per capita distribution.
    9 Stat., 35.
    33 Stat., 201, ante, p. 47.
Chap. 263 North Carolina.
Chap. 263 Cherokee school.
Chap. 263 North Dakota.
Chap. 263 Agent, Standing Rock Agency.
Chap. 263 Devils Lake Sioux. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Fort Berthold Agency. Support, etc., of Indians.
Chap. 263 Payment for horses condemned, etc.
Chap. 263 Turtle Mountain Band.
Chap. 263 Patents to allottees.
    35 Stat., 801.
    33 Stat., 189, 194, ante, p. 39.
Chap. 263 Trust patents.
    24 Stat., 389, vol. 1, p. 33.
Chap. 263 Fort Totten school.
Chap. 263 Wahpeton school.
Chap. 263 Purchase of live stock. Use of unexpended balance.
    Ante, p. 335.
Chap. 263 Concrete walk, etc.
Chap. 263 Bismarck school.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Oklahoma.
Chap. 263 Agents.
Chap. 263 Kiowa Agency.
Chap. 263 Osage Agency.
Chap. 263 Apaches, etc. Support, etc.
    35 Stat., 802.
Chap. 263 Proceeds of town-lot sales in Anadarko, etc. Use of unexpended balances for county improvements.
    31 Stat., 1904, vol. 1, 743.
    32 Stat., 506, vol. 1, 761.
    34 Stat., 62.
Chap. 263 Cynthia Ann Parker. Monument for.
Chap. 263 Arapahoes and Cheyennes.
Chap. 263 Kansas Indians.
Chap. 263 Kickapoos.
Chap. 263 Poncas.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Chilocco school.
Chap. 263 Pawnees. Annuity.
    11 Stat., 729, vol. 2, 764.
    27 Stat., 644, vol. 1, 496.
Chap. 263 Schools.
    11 Stat., 730, vol. 2, 764.
Chap. 263 Farmer, etc.
    11 Stat., 730, vol. 2, 765.
Chap. 263 Physician.
Chap. 263 Iron, steel, etc.
    35 Stat., 803.
    11 Stat., 730, vol. 2, 765.
Chap. 263 Quapaws. Education. Unexpended balance immediately available.
    7 Stat., 425, vol. 2, 396.
Chap. 263 Blacksmiths, etc.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Certificate of President.
Chap. 263 Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi. Annuity.
    7 Stat., 85, vol. 2, 74.
Chap. 263 Interest.
    7 Stat., 541, vol. 2, 497.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Physician, etc.
Chap. 263 Principal sum to credit of tribe.
    7 Stat., 541, vol. 2, 495.
    7 Stat., 596, vol. 2, 546.
Chap. 263 Per capita payment.
Chap. 263 Five Civilized Tribes.
Chap. 263 Union Agency. Superintendent.
Chap. 263 Special clerks, etc.
    35 Stat., 804.
Chap. 263 Leases, etc.
    34 Stat., 145, ante, p. 177.
Chap. 263 Sales of restricted lands.
Chap. 263 Removal of intruders.
Chap. 263 Removal of alienation restrictions.
    33 Stat., 204, ante, p. 50.
    35 Stat., 312, ante, p. 351.
Chap. 263 District Agents. Salaries, etc.
Chap. 263 Immediately available.
Chap. 263 Powers continued.
    Ante, p. 352.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Assignment, etc.
Chap. 263 Tribal schools. Maintenance, etc.
Chap. 263 Completing work of Commission.
Chap. 263 Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians. Payment to allottees from tribal fund.
    35 Stat., 805.
Chap. 263 Creeks. Equalization of allotments.
Chap. 263 Payment to allottees.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Tribal settlement.
Chap. 263 Acknowledgment of.
Chap. 263 Compensation of tribal councils.
Chap. 263 Time extended for town-lot payments, etc.
Chap. 263 Rights of freedmen.
Chap. 263 Condemning segregated coal, etc., lands.
    Amended, post, 515.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reversion.
Chap. 263 Eastern Cherokees.
Chap. 263 Council meetings. Per diem allowances for attending.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Maximum.
Chap. 263 G. W. Harkins. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Choctaws. Annuity.
    7 Stat., 99, vol. 2, 87.
    11 Stat., 614, vol. 2, 709.
Chap. 263 Light horsemen.
    35 Stat., 805.
    7 Stat., 213, vol. 2, 193.
    11 Stat., 614, vol. 2, 709.
Chap. 263 Blacksmith.
    7 Stat., 212, 236, vol. 2, 192, 213.
Chap. 263 Education.
    7 Stat., 235, vol. 2, 212.
    11 Stat., 614, vol. 2, 709.
Chap. 263 Iron and steel.
    7 Stat., 236, vol. 2, 213.
    11 Stat., 614, vol. 2, 709.
Chap. 263 Seminoles. Interest.
    11 Stat., 702, vol. 2, 760.
    14 Stat., 757, vol. 2, 911.
Chap. 263 Credit to tribal fund.
Chap. 263 Interest.
    11 Stat., 702, vol. 2, 760.
    14 Stat., 756, vol. 2, 911.
Chap. 263 Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians. Payments from tribal funds to.
Chap. 263 Goodland Indian Orphan Industrial School. Choctaw lands to be conveyed to.
Chap. 263 Benedictine Fathers of Sacred Heart Abbey, Okla. Patent in fee to.
    35 Stat., 807.
Chap. 263 Fleming v. McCurtain. Advancement of case in Supreme Court.
Chap. 263 Oregon.
Chap. 263 Support, etc., of Indians. Klamath Agency.
Chap. 263 Warm Springs Agency.
Chap. 263 Walla Walla, Cayuse and Umatilla tribes.
Chap. 263 Salem school.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Siletz Reservation. Sale of lands on, to religious societies.
Chap. 263 Price per acre.
Chap. 263 Molels. Schools.
    12 Stat., 981, vol. 2, 740.
Chap. 263 Pennsylvania.
Chap. 263 Carlisle school.
    35 Stat., 808.
Chap. 263 South Dakota.
Chap. 263 Agents at agencies.
Chap. 263 Crow Creek.
Chap. 263 Pine Ridge.
Chap. 263 Rosebud.
Chap. 263 Sisseton.
Chap. 263 Yankton.
Chap. 263 Chamberlain school. Grant of, to State.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Indian pupils, etc.
Chap. 263 Acceptance of grant.
Chap. 263 Sale in case of nonacceptance.
Chap. 263 Minimum price.
Chap. 263 Requirements.
Chap. 263 Sale, etc., of residue of property.
Chap. 263 Indian pupils, etc.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Pro rata share of appropriation, etc.
Chap. 263 Edward N. Vandall. Land on former Yankton Reservation allotted to, etc.
Chap. 263 Flandreau school.
    35 Stat., 809.
Chap. 263 Pierre school.
Chap. 263 Rapid City school.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. Patents in fee to.
Chap. 263 Rosebud Reservation. Saint Francis Mission.
Chap. 263 Red Leaf Camp.
Chap. 263 Oak Creek.
Chap. 263 Antelope Creek.
Chap. 263 Little White River.
Chap. 263 Ponca Creek.
    35 Stat., 810.
Chap. 263 Saint Francis Mission. Cemetery.
Chap. 263 Little White River. Cemetery.
Chap. 263 Pine Ridge Reservation.
Chap. 263 Crow Creek Reservation.
Chap. 263 Lower Brule Reservation.
Chap. 263 Sioux of different tribes.
Chap. 263 Teachers, etc.
    15 Stat., 640, vol. 2, 1002.
Chap. 263 Employees.
Chap. 263 Subsistence, etc.
    19 Stat., 256, vol. 1, 170.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Transportation.
Chap. 263 Schools.
    15 Stat., 637, vol. 2, 1000.
    25 Stat., 894, vol. 1, 335.
Chap. 263 Sioux, Yankton tribe. Subsistence, etc.
    35 Stat., 811.
    19 Stat., 287.
Chap. 263 Canton. Expenses of insane asylum.
Chap. 263 Survey and allotment.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Allotments in Sioux Reservation.
    25 Stat., 888, vol. 1, 328.
Chap. 263 Flandreau tribe. Per capita payment.
    25 Stat., 888, vol. 1, 328.
Chap. 263 Standing Rock Reservation. Land reserved for cemetery.
Chap. 263 Utah.
Chap. 263 Uintah and Ouray Agency. Agent.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Irrigation. Lands of Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Utes.
    34 Stat., 375, ante, p. 243.
Chap. 263 Panguitch School. Grant of, to State.
Chap. 263 Provisos. Indian pupils, etc.
Chap. 263 Acceptance of grant.
Chap. 263 Protecting, etc., water rights.
    35 Stat., 812.
    34 Stat., 375, ante, p. 243.
Chap. 263 Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Restriction.
Chap. 263 Carpenters, etc.
    13 Stat., 675, vol. 2, 858.
    15 Stat., 622, vol. 2, 993.
Chap. 263 Food.
    15 Stat., 622, vol. 2, 992.
Chap. 263 Employees.
Chap. 263 Virginia.
Chap. 263 Hampton school.
Chap. 263 Washington.
Chap. 263 Colville Agency. Agent.
Chap. 263 Support, etc., D’Wamish, etc., Indians.
Chap. 263 Makahs.
Chap. 263 Qui-nai-elts and Quilleh-utes.
Chap. 263 Yakimas.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Spokanes. Blacksmith, etc.
    27 Stat., 139, vol. 1, 449.
    35 Stat., 813.
Chap. 263 Joseph’s Band, Nez Perces.
Chap. 263 Yakimas. Irrigating allotments.
    33 Stat., 597, ante, p. 110.
Chap. 263 Colville Reservation. Survey, etc.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Spokane Reservation. Survey, etc.
Chap. 263 Proviso. Reimbursement.
Chap. 263 Colville Reservation. Third payment to Indians.
    27 Stat., 62, vol. 1, p. 441.
    34 Stat., 377, ante, p. 245.
Chap. 263 Wisconsin. La Pointe Agency. Agent.
Chap. 263 Hayward school.
Chap. 263 Tomah school.
Chap. 263 Chippewas of Lake Superior. Support, etc.
    35 Stat., 814.
Chap. 263 Oneida Indian Reservation. Patents in fee to Diocese of Fond du Lac.
Chap. 263 Description.
Chap. 263 Religious organizations. Patents in fee may issue to.
Chap. 263 Menominee Indians. Adjudication of certain claims against. Jurisdiction extended.
    Ante, p. 357.
Chap. 263 Appropriation immediately available.
Chap. 263 Wyoming. Shoshone Indians. Support, etc.
Chap. 263 Shoshone Indians. Support, etc.
Chap. 263 Shoshone school.
Chap. 263 Incidentals.
Chap. 263 Irrigation system.
    35 Stat., 815.
    33 Stat., 1016, ante, p. 117
Chap. 263 Shoshones. Fulfilling treaty.
    15 Stat., 676, vol. 2, 1023.

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Chapter 263
    Mar. 3, 1909. [H. R. 26916.] | [Public, No. 316.] 35 Stat., 781.
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An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and in full compensation for all offices the salaries for which are specially provided for herein for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, namely:



To enable the President to cause, under the provisions of the act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled “An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians,” such Indian reservations as in his judgment are advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes to be surveyed or resurveyed, for the purposes of said act, and to complete the allotment of the same, including the necessary clerical work incident thereto in the field

{Page 389}

and in the Office of Indian Affairs, and delivery of trust patents, so far as allotments shall have been selected under said act, ninety thousand dollars.


That when, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, it is necessary for any railway company owning or operating a line of railway in any Indian reservation to acquire lands in such Indian reservation for reservoirs, material, or ballast pits for the construction, repair, and maintenance of its railway, or for the purpose of planting and growing thereon trees to protect its line of railway, the said Secretary be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant such lands to any such railway company under such terms and conditions and such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the said Secretary.

That when any railway company desiring to secure the benefits of this provision shall file with the Secretary of the Interior an application describing the lands which it desires to purchase, and upon the payment of the price agreed upon the said Secretary shall cause such lands to be conveyed to the railway company applying therefor upon such terms and conditions as he may deem proper: Provided, That no lands shall be acquired under the terms of this provision in greater quantities than forty acres for any one reservoir, and one hundred and sixty acres for any material or ballast pit, to the extent of not more than one reservior and one material or gravel pit in any one section of ten miles of any such railway in any Indian reservation: And provided further, That the lands acquired for tree planting shall be taken only at such places along the line of the railway company applying therefor as in the judgment of the said Secretary may be necessary and shall be taken in strips adjoining and parallel with the right of way of the railway company taking the same, and shall not exceed one hundred and fifty feet in width.

That all moneys paid for such lands shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the tribe or tribes, and the moneys received by said Secretary as damages sustained by individual members of the Indian tribe, which damages shall be ascertained by the Secretary of the Interior and paid by the railway company taking such lands, shall be paid by said Secretary to the Indian or Indians sustaining such damages.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized, under the direction of the President, to allot any Indian on the public domain who has not heretofore received an allotment, in such areas as he may deem proper, not to exceed, however, eighty acres of agricultural or one hundred and sixty acres of grazing land to any one Indian, such allotment to be made and patent therefor issued in accordance with the provisions of the act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes at Large, three hundred and eighty-eight).1

1 L. D., 14


For construction of ditches and reservoirs, purchase and use of irrigating tools and appliances, and water rights, including lands necesary for canals, pipe lines, and reservoirs, for Indian reservations and allotments, and for drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior and subject to his control, two hundred thousand dollars, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended: Provided, That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, may employ superintendents of irrigation, who

{Page 390}

shall be skilled irrigation engineers, not to exceed five, as in his judgment may be necessary to secure the construction of ditches and other irrigation works in a substantial and workmanlike manner.

For survey and subdivision of Indian reservations and of lands to be allotted to Indians, and to make allotments in severalty, to be expended by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy-five thousand dollars.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to suppress the traffic in intoxicating liquors among Indians, fifty thousand dollars;

For support of Indian day and industrial schools, and for other educational purposes, not herein provided for, one million four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars;

For construction, purchase, lease, and repair of school buildings, and for sewerage, water supply, and lighting plants and purchase of school sites, and improvement of buildings and grounds, three hundred thousand dollars;

In all, one million seven hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars.

For collection and transportation of pupils to and from Indian schools, and also for the transportation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools and placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white families as may in all respects be qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That not exceeding five thousand dollars of this amount may be used, under direction of the commissioner of Indian Affairs, in the transportation and placing of Indian pupils in positions where remunerative employment can be found for them in industrial pursuits. The provisions of this section shall apply to native pupils brought from Alaska: Provided, That no Indian pupil under the age of fourteen years shall be transported at Government expense to any Indian school beyond the limits of the State or Territory in which the parents of such child reside or of the adjoining State or Territory: Provided further, That hereafter white children may, under rules prescribed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, be admitted to Indian boarding schools on the payment of tuition fees at a rate to be fixed in said rules: Provided further, That all tuition fees paid for white children so enrolled shall be deposited in the United States Treasury to reimburse the fund out of which the school is supported.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from time to time as he may deem necessary, to detail clerks from his office to make special investigations in the field: Provided, That while thus absent from Washington under such detail they shall receive a per diem of three dollars to cover all expenses, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fares, three thousand dollars.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to conduct experiments on Indian school or agency farms, designed to test the possibilities of soil and climate, in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, and fruits not hitherto raised in those neighborhoods, using Indian labor in the process, five thousand dollars.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to make investigations on Indian reservations and take measures for the purpose of preserving living and growing timber, and removing dead timber, standing or fallen; to advise the Indians as to the proper care of forests, and to conduct such timber operations and sales of timber as may be deemed advisable and provided for by law, one hundred thousand dollars, of which ten thousand dollars shall be immediately available: Provided, That this section shall not apply to the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin.

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That hereafter the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, may designate an employee of the Indian Office to sign letters of that office requiring the signature of the commissioner or assistant commissioner, and all signatures of such employee while acting under such designation shall have the same force and effect as if made by said commissioner or assistant commissioner.

That all lands allotted to Indians in severalty, except allotments made to members of the Five Civilized Tribes and Osage Indians in Oklahoma, may by said allottee be leased for mining purposes for any term of years as may be deemed advisable by the Secretary of the Interior; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perform any and all acts and make such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this paragraph into full force and effect.

That if any Indian of a tribe whose surplus lands have been or shall be ceded or opened to disposal has received or shall receive an allotment embracing lands unsuitable for allotment purposes, such allotment may be canceled and other unappropriated, unoccupied, and unreserved land of equal area, within the ceded portions of the reservation upon which such Indian belongs, allotted to him upon the same terms and with the same restrictions as the original allotment, and lands described in any such canceled allotment shall be disposed of as other ceded lands of such reservation. This provision shall not apply to the lands formerly comprising Indian Territory. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations to carry this law into effect.


Telegraphing, telephoning, and purchase of Indian supplies: To pay the expense of purchasing goods and supplies for the Indian Service, including inspection, pay of necessary employees, and all other expenses connected therewith; advertising at rates not exceeding regular commercial rates; telegraphing and telephoning; and transporting Indian goods and supplies, including expenses of transportation agents and rent of warehouses, three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars.

For buildings and repairs of buildings at agencies, and for rent of buildings for agency purposes, and for water supply at agencies, seventy-five thousand dollars.

For pure vaccine matter and vaccination of Indians, five thousand dollars.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to pay court costs, witness fees, and other legal expenses incurred in suits instituted in behalf of or against Indians involving lands allotted to them, two thousand five hundred dollars, five hundred dollars thereof to be immediately available: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in the payment of attorney’s fees.

That section ten of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-five (Eighteenth Statutes at Large, four hundred and fifty-one), be amended so as to read as follows: “Each Indian agent shall keep a book of itemized expenditures of every kind, with a record of all contracts, together with the receipts of moneys from all sources, and the books thus kept shall always be open to inspection; and the said books shall remain in the office at the respective reservations, not to be removed from said reservation by said agent, but shall be safely kept and handed over to his successor, and he shall report annually to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs all material on hand and not required for his use: Provided, That should any agent knowingly make any false entry in said books, or shall knowingly fail to keep a perfect

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entry in said books as herein prescribed, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction before any United States court having jurisdiction of such offense, shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, at the discretion of the court, and shall be rendered incompetent to hold said office of Indian agent after conviction under said act.

That any moneys appropriated in this act for the general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in certain States and Territories, including traveling expenses of agents, which are not needed in the particular States or Territories of which provided may be used for the same kind of expenses elsewhere, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior.

To pay certain individual Indians of the Fort Lapwai School the sum of five hundred and sixteen dollars and eighty-eight cents, to reimburse them for moneys said to have been deposited in the safe at said school and stolen therefrom by burglars on the night of October eleventh, nineteen hundred six: Provided, That said Indians, before being paid, shall be required to furnish evidence of their respective losses satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior.



For expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without compensation, appointed by the President under the provisions of the fourth section of the act of April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, four thousand dollars, of which amount not to exceed three hundred dollars may be used by the commission for office rent.


For pay of two Indian inspectors, who shall be engineers, one to be designated as chief, competent in the location, construction, and maintenance of irrigation works, one at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum and one at three thousand five hundred dollars per annum; in all, six thousand dollars. For traveling expenses of two Indian inspectors, at three dollars per day when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law, for incidental expenses of negotiation, inspection, and investigation, including telegraphing and expense of going to and coming from the seat of government, and while remaining there under orders and direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for a period not to exceed twenty days, three thousand eight hundred dollars.


For pay of one superintendent of Indian schools, three thousand dollars.

For necessary traveling expenses of one superintendent of Indian schools, including telegraphing and incidental expenses of inspection and investigation, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That he shall be allowed three dollars per day for traveling expenses when actually on duty in the field, exclusive of cost of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now allowed by law.


For payment of necessary interpreters, to be distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand dollars; but no person employed by the United States and paid for any other service shall be paid for interpreting.

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For pay of officers at twenty-five dollars per month each, and privates at twenty dollars per month each, of Indian police, to be employed in maintaining order and prohibiting illegal traffic in liquor on the several Indian reservations and within the Territory of Alaska, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the purchase of equipments, and for the purchase of rations for policemen at non-ration agencies, two hundred thousand dollars.


To enable the Secretary of the Interior to employ suitable persons as matrons to teach Indian girls in housekeeping and other household duties, at a rate not to exceed sixty dollars per month, and for furnishing necessary equipments, and renting quarters where necessary, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the amount paid said matrons shall not come within the limit for employees fixed by the act of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven.


To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to employ practical farmers and practical stockmen, subject only to such examination as to qualifications as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, in addition to the agency and school farmers now employed, at wages not exceeding seventy-five dollars each per month, to superintend and direct farming and stock raising among such Indians as are making effort for self-support, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs may use not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars of the said amount in the employment of additional clerical assistance at such agencies and schools as may be necessary in connection with the leasing and appraisal of Indian lands and for sundry purposes: Provided further, That the amounts paid such farmers and stockmen shall not come within the limit for employees fixed by the act of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven.


For compensation of judges of Indian courts, twelve thousand dollars.


For contingencies of the Indian service, including traveling and incidental expenses of Indian agents and of their offices, and of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; also traveling and incidental expenses of special agents, at three dollars per day when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law, and expenses of going to and from the seat of government, and while remaining there under orders and directon of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for a period not to exceed twenty days; for pay of employees not otherwise provided for, and for pay of special agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each, eighty-five thousand dollars.

And the Secretary of the Treasury in hereby authorized to pay from the appropriation for contingencies of the Indian Service, nineteen hundred and nine, for expenses incurred under the orders of the Secretary of the Interior, to Joseph W. Howell one hundred and thirty-five dollars and to Joseph R. Webster two hundred and ten dollars.

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For pay of Indian agent at the San Carlos Agency, Arizona, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For support and civilization of the Apache and other Indians in Arizona and New Mexico who have been or may be collected on reservations in Arizona and New Mexico, three hundred thousand dollars; and the commissioner is authorized to use the unexpended balance for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, which is hereby appropriated and made available for nineteen hundred and ten.

For support and civilization of the Indians of Pima Agency, Arizona, forty thousand dollars, to be expended for their benefit in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, may deem best.


For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Fort Mojave, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent of said school, thirty-five thousand one hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars;

For deep well, one thousand dollars;

In all, thirty-eight thousand one hundred dollars.


For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, eight thousand dollars;

In all, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred dollars.


For support and education of one hundred pupils at the Indian school at Truxton Canyon, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars;

For payment to James H. Owen, of Los Angeles, California, the amount found to be due him by the Secretary of the Interior under contract of May thirty-first, nineteen hundred and six, for the construction of buildings and irrigation works at the Truxton Canyon Indian School, Arizona, nine hundred and thirty dollars.

General repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-one thousand two hundred dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Arizona, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five hundred dollars.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase lands and water rights for the use of Navajo Indians who have lost title to their homes on the public domain in Arizona and New Mexico the sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be immediately available.


For support and civilization of the Mission Indians in California, including pay of employees, and for the purchase of small tracts of land situated adjacent to lands heretofore purchased, twenty thousand dollars, part of which may be used for making improvements for the use and occupany of Indians in southern California.

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For support and civilization of the Indians in California, twenty thousand dollars, part of which may be used for the purchase of small tracts of land adjacent to lands now owned by the Indians and for improvements on lands for the use and occupancy of Indians.


For support and education of five hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Sherman Institute, Riverside, California, and for pay of superintendent, ninety-four thousand three hundred and fifty-nine dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars;

In all, one hundred and four thousand three hundred and fifty-nine dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in California, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians at the Round Valley, Hoopa Valley, and Tule River agencies, four thousand dollars;

And pay of employees at same agencies, seven thousand dollars:

In all, eleven thousand dollars.


For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Colorado, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars.


There is hereby granted to the State of Colorado, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter named, the property, known as the Fort Lewis School, including the lands, buildings, and fixtures pertaining to said school: Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and maintained by the State of Colorado as an institution of learning, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils: Provided further, That this grant shall be effective at any time before July first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of Colorado files an acceptance thereof with the Secretary of the Interior accepting for said State said property, upon the terms and conditions herein prescribed.

For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Fort Lewis, Colorado, thirty-five thousand dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars;

Provided, That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United States shall be available.


There is hereby granted to the State of Colorado, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter named, the property, known as the Grand Junction School, including the lands, buildings, and fixtures pertaining to said school: Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and maintained by the State of Colorado as an institution of learning, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils: Provided further, That this grant shall be effective at any time before July first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of Colorado files an acceptance thereof with the Secre-

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tary of the Interior accepting for said State said property, upon the terms and conditions herein prescribed.

For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Grand Junction, Colorado, thirty-three thousand four hundred dollars, and pay of superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars;

Provided, That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United States shall be available.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to expend from the funds of the Southern Ute Indians in the Treasury of the United States sufficient moneys, not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to purchase a perpetual water right for the purpose of irrigating not less than ten thousand acres of land in the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in Colorado.

That to carry into effect the agreement between the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians of Colorado and the United States, ratified by the act of Congress approved June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, being “An act to accept and ratify the agreement submitted by the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians in Colorado for the sale of their reservation in said State, and for other purposes, and to make the necessary appropriations for carrying out the same” (Twenty-first Statutes, page one hundred and ninety-nine), jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render final judgment with right of appeal as in other cases, on the claims and rights of said Indians under said agreement, including the value of all lands ceded by the said Indians which have been set apart and reserved from the public lands as public reservations or for other public uses under existing laws and proclamations of the President, as if disposed of under the public-land laws of the United States, as provided by said agreement, and the money due therefor; and the court shall set off against any sum ground due said Indians the amount paid to them under the fifth section of said act of June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, being fifty thousand dollars per annum up to the date of rendition of final judgment in this case, also any other sum or sums that shall be found to be properly chargeable under the terms of said agreement and also any sum or sums paid by the United States to or for the benefit of said Indians, whether as a gratuity or otherwise, except such sums as have been paid for a specific purpose and an adequate consideration; and the credit of one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars set apart in the Treasury by the terms of said agreement, upon which said annuity has been estimated, shall, upon the rendition of final judgment in this case, cease to exist as a trust fund, and from and after the date of said judgment no annuity shall be estimated or paid therefrom; and the action herein authorized shall be consolidated with cause congressional numbered eleven thousand two hundred and forty-eight, now pending in said court, for the purpose of using at the trial thereof all evidence which has been adduced in said pending cause, and shall be commenced by petition under the title of said pending cause and shall be conducted by the attorney of record now appearing therein, or by any attorney by him specifically authorized to appear; and the Attorney General shall continue to appear and represent the United States; and in rendering judgment herein the court shall fix upon a quantum meruit and set apart just and reasonable compensation to the attorneys on behalf of plaintiffs who have rendered actual services in prosecuting said claim before the committees of Congress

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and in conducting the said cause before the courts in the name of the attorney of record in said pending cause, or any attorney by him specifically authorized, and said compensation shall be paid to such attorney by the Secretary of the Treasury out of any money in the Treasury arising from the sale of said ceded lands or from the proceeds of said judgment, and the balance of said judgment shall be held in the Treasury for the benefit of said Indians as a trust fund, and the interest thereon shall be distributed annually to them in accordance with the terms of said act of June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty; and the said cause shall be advanced in hearing by the Court of Claims, and by the Supreme Court of the United States if the same shall be appealed.1

1The Ute Indians v. The United States, 45 Court of Claims, 440.


For a superintendent in charge of agency and educational matters on the Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho, one thousand two hundred dollars.

For support and civilization of the Shoshones and Bannocks, Sheepeaters, and other Indians of the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, including pay of employees, thirty thousand dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Idaho, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars.

For carrying out the provisions of the act of March first, nineteen hundred and seven (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page one thousand and twenty-four), authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to acquire lands and other property necessary in constructing a reservoir for storing water for the purpose of irrigating lands on the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho and those ceded by the Indians of said reservation, and for construction of the system determined on, one hundred thousand dollars, reimbursable.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to investigate and settle the equitable claims of Neils Anderson, William Winchell, and others whose lands or improvements, held under possessory claims, have been or will be damaged by reason of the construction of said reservoir, for which purpose the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands in the Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are made.

SHOSHONES AND BANNOCKS. (Treaty.) (For Shoshones, see Wyoming.)

BANNOCKS: For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars.


For pay of blacksmith, carpenter, and physician, and purchase of medicines, as per the eleventh article of agreement, ratified by act of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, three thousand dollars.


For the third to the eleventh, inclusive, of the twenty installments, as provided in the agreement with the Indians of Fort Hall and Lemhi Agencies, Idaho, approved February twenty-third, eighteen hundred

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and eighty-nine, to be used by the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of the Indians removed to Fort Hall Reservation from Lemhi Agency, Idaho, in such manner as the President may direct, thirty-six thousand dollars.



For support and education of eighty Indian pupils at the Indian school on the Sac and Fox Reservation, Iowa, and for pay of superintendent, fourteen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars;

In all, seventeen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.



For support and education of seven hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, for transportation of pupils to and from said school, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars;

For hay barn, three thousand dollars;

For ventilation system, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For equipment of manual training school, two thousand five hundred dollars;

In all, one hundred and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.


For support and education of eighty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Kickapoo Reservation, Kansas, and for pay of superintendent, fourteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;

General repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars;

In all, sixteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars.


For permanent annuity, in silver, per fourth article of treaty of August third, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eighty cents;

For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ninety cents;

For permanent annuity, in silver, per third article of treaty of October second, eighteen hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and ninety-four dollars and fifty cents;

For permanent annuity, in money, per second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, seven hundred and fifteen dollars and sixty cents;

For permanent annuity, in specie, per second article of treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, five thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars and seventy-seven cents;

For permanent provision for payment of money in lieu of tobacco, iron, and steel, per second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight,

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and tenth article of treaties of June fifth and seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred and seven dollars and thirty-four cents;

For permanent provision for three blacksmiths and assistants, and for iron and steel for shops, per third article of treaty of October sixteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six; second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and second article of treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, one thousand and eight dollars and ninety-nine cents;

For permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per second article of treaty of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, fifty dollars;

In all, nine thousand and thirty-seven dollars and ninety cents.

For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the treaty with the Pottawatomie Indians proclaimed April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized, upon application therefor, to sell the lands in Kansas allotted to those Indians styling themselves the Wah-qua-bas-kuk Band, and purchase satisfactory lands for them in Wisconsin or elsewhere and locate them thereon. All expenses to be paid out of the receipts from the Kansas lands.


For support of a school, per fifth article of treaty of March sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, two hundred dollars.

That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to John K. Heyl upon surrender of the certificates herein referred to, from the funds of the Kaw Indians in his possession, which have been set aside for the payment of certain claims, now in his possession, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars the same to be accepted in full payment and discharge of seven hundred and fifty dollars of Kaw scrip and the interest thereon.



For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand eight hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, four thousand dollars;

In all, fifty-five thousand eight hundred dollars.


For pay of Indian agent at the Leech Lake Agency, Minnesota, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For pay of Indian agent at White Earth, one thousand eight hundred dollars.


That there is hereby granted to the State of Minnesota, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter named, the following-described property, known as the Indian school at Morris, Minnesota, and more particularly described as follows, to wit:

All those several tracts and parcels of land situate, lying, and being in the county of Stevens and State of Minnesota, and described as follows: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter

56773°—S. Doc. 719, 62–2——26

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the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range forty-two west, containing eighty acres.

Beginning at the quarter post, being the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range forty-one west of the fifth principal meridian; running along the county road (Morris, Minnesota, to Glenwood, Minnesota), or along the established line of the said county road, running from said quarter post north sixty-three degrees and thirty minutes east one and fifty-six one-hundredths chains; thence north sixty-one degrees east eight and thirteen one-hundredths chains; thence north eighty-seven degrees and twenty-five minutes east seven and seven one-hundredths chains; thence north sixty-nine degrees and thirty minutes east fourteen and eighty-five one-hundredths chains; thence north seventy-seven degrees east twenty-seven chains; thence leaving the said county road and running north twenty-five chains to a point on the north boundary line of said section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one, fifteen chains east of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one; thence west along the said north boundary line of said section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one, to the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one; thence south along the west boundary line of said section thirty-one, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-one, to the place of beginning, except twelve and nine-tenths acres of land owned by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, being used for railroad right of way and special snow-fence purposes.

Also all that part of the east half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range forty-two west of the fifth principal meridian, in Stevens County, Minnesota, lying south of the county road from Morris to Cyrus, Minnesota, containing fifteen acres.

And beginning at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-two; thence south eleven and five one-hundredths chains, east three and sixteen one-hundredths chains, south two and fifty-seven one-hundredths chains, to the Cyrus and Morris public road; thence easterly along the north line of said road to a point on the east line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-six, seven and twenty-five one-hundredths chains south of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-six; thence north seven and twenty-five one-hundredths chains to said northeast corner; thence west to the place of beginning, containing twenty-two and one-half acres.

And the south half of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-six, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-two, containing two and one-half acres.

And lot numbered three of county subdivision of unplatted part of east half of section thirty-five, township one hundred and twenty-five, range forty-two, containing eight and seventy-five one-hundredths acres, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the north side of the county road leading from Morris to Cyrus, Minnesota, six hundred and eighty-eight feet from the southeast corner of section thirty-five, township one hundred and twenty-five north, range forty-two west; thence north eight hundred and eighty-seven feet, west four hundred and forty feet, south six hundred and forty-

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six feet; thence southeast three hundred and ninety-one feet to said county road; thence northeast along said county road two hundred and thirty-two feet to the place of beginning.

Aggregating two hundred and ninety acres, with buildings, improvements, and other appurtenances thereon.

Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and maintained by the State of Minnesota as an agricultural school, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils.

Provided further, That this grant shall be effective on July first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the State of Minnesota, by its legislature, shall, by a bill or joint resolution, accept the terms of this grant, and in said event the said State of Minnesota shall file with the Secretary of the Interior a certified copy of said act or joint resolution, whereupon this grant shall take effect without further act; and the indorsement of the Secretary of the Interior upon a certified copy of said act or joint resolution of the legislature of the State of Minnesota, showing the date of the filing thereof with the said Secretary of the Interior, and showing said date to be prior to July first, nineteen hundred and ten, shall be competent proof in all courts of record of the filing of such certified copy of such act or joint resolution.

For support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Morris, Minnesota, twenty-five thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, one thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

Provided, That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United States shall be available.


For support and education of two hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Pipestone, Minnesota, and for pay of superintendent, thirty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For removing obstructions at the falls and improving the highway to the cemetery, four thousand dollars;

In all, forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars.


For support of a school or schools upon said reservation, during the pleasure of the President, in accordance with third article of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four thousand dollars.


Advance interest to the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, as required by section seven of “An act for the relief of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota,” approved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to be expended under the direction of the

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Secretary of the Interior, in the manner required by said act (reimbursable), ninety thousand dollars.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to carry out an act entitled “An act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota,” approved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, namely, the purchase of material and employment of labor for the erection of houses for Indians; for the purchase of agricultural implements, stock, and seeds, breaking and fencing land; for payment of expenses of delegations of Chippewa Indians to visit the White Earth Reservation; for the erection and maintenance of day and industrial schools; for subsistence and for pay of employees; for pay of commissioners and their expenses, and for removal of Indians and for their allotments, to be reimbursed to the United States out of the proceeds of sale of their lands; one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to advance to the executive committee of the White Earth band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended in the annual celebration of said band to be held June fourteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, out of the funds belonging to said band.


For pay of Indian agents in Montana at the following-named agencies at the rates respectively indicated, namely:

At the Crow Agency, Montana, two thousand dollars.

At the Flathead Agency, Montana, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belknap Agency, Montana, including pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars.

That any moneys repaid by Indians to the United States under the provisions of the section of the Indian appropriation act approved April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, appropriating the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purchase of implements and other equipment for the Indians of the Fort Belknap Reservation in the State of Montana (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, page eighty-three), shall be available for reexpenditure for the same purposes and under the same conditions until June first, nineteen hundred and fifteen.

For support and civilization of the Crow Indians in Montana, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of Indians at Flathead Agency, Montana, including pay of employees, nine thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Peck Agency, Montana, including pay of employees, fifty thousand dollars.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands in the Blackfeet Reservation, in the State of Montana, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are made.

For completion and extension of the Milk River Irrigation System on the Fort Belknap Reservation in Montana, twenty-five thousand dollars, reimbursable.

For construction of irrigation systems to irrigate the allotted lands of the Indians of the Flathead Reservation in Montana and the unallotted irrigable lands to be disposed of under the act of April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and four, entitled “An act for the

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survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment,” including the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, one hundred thousand dollars thereof to be immediately available, the cost of said entire work to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of the lands and timber within said reservation.

That the act of April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page three hundred and two), entitled “An act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment,” as amended by the act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, and the act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, be amended by adding thereto the following sections:

“SEC. 21. That the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, and the surplus lands sold or otherwise disposed of shall be subject for a period of twenty-five years to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country, and that the Indian allottees, whether under the care of an Indian agent or not, shall for a like period be subject to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the sale or other disposition of intoxicants to Indians.

“SEC. 22. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to reserve from location, entry, sale, or other appropriation all lands within said Flathead Indian Reservation chiefly valuable for power sites or reservoir sites, and he shall report to Congress such reservations.

That section eleven of the act of April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page three hundred and two), entitled “An act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment,” be amended to read as follows:

“SEC. 11. That all merchantable timber on said lands returned and classified by said commission as timber lands shall be sold and disposed of by the Secretary of the Interior, for cash, under sealed bids or at public auction, as the Secretary of the Interior may determine, and under such regulations as he may prescribe: Provided, That after the sale and removal of the timber such of said lands as are valuable for agricultural purposes shall be sold and disposed of by the Secretary of the Interior in such manner and under such regulations as he may prescribe.”

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands in the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are made.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be appraised the south half of southwest quarter of northeast quarter and south half of south half of northwest quarter; the north half of southwest quarter of section twenty-eight the south half of south half of northeast quarter and the north half of north half of southeast quarter of section twenty-nine, in township twenty-seven north, range forty-four east, Montana meridian, in the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, for the purpose of granting the same to the Great Northern Railway Company for a ballast pit for ballasting its railway, and upon appraising said land the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to convey the same to said railway upon such

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terms as he may deem advisable. If the sale of said land shall interfere with any improvements of an individual Indian, provision shall be made for the payment of damages, and the amount of damages awarded shall be paid to such Indian, subject to the control of the Secretary of the Interior as to the funds of incompetent Indians, and if the sale of said land interferes with any allotment, such allottee shall be entitled to reallotment.

That the act of Congress approved May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, entitled “An act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all the surplus lands after allotment,” be, and it is hereby, amended by adding thereto section seventeen, as follows:

“SEC. 17. That the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, and the surplus lands sold or otherwise disposed of shall be subject for a period of twenty-five years to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country, and that the Indian allottees, whether under the care of an Indian agent or not, shall for a like period be subject to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the sale or other disposition of intoxicants to Indians.”

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Montana, including traveling expenses of agents, two thousand five hundred dollars;

CROWS. (Treaty.)

For pay of physician, as per tenth article of the treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of same treaty, three thousand six hundred dollars;

For pay of second blacksmith, as per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand two hundred dollars;

In all, six thousand dollars.


For subsistence and civilization, as per agreement with the Sioux Indians approved February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, including subsistence and civilization of Northern Cheyennes removed from Pine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, Montana, ninety thousand dollars;

For pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, one miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and engineer, per seventh article of the treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, nine thousand dollars;

In all, ninety-nine thousand dollars.

That any of the lands withdrawn under the reclamation act in pursuance of the provisions of section five of the act of Congress approved April twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and four, entitled “An act to ratify and amend an agreement with the Indians of the Crow Reservation, in Montana, and making appropriations to carry the same into effect,” which are not disposed of within five years from the date of the passage of said act shall remain subject to disposal under the provisions of the reclamation act until otherwise directed by the Secretary of the Interior.

For the employment of “Line Riders” along the southern and eastern boundary of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, one thousand five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior.

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For the support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school of Genoa, Nebraska, fifty thousand four hundred dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

For general repairs and improvements, one thousand dollars.

To replace brick barn destroyed by fire, five thousand dollars.

In all, fifty-eight thousand one hundred dollars.


For interest on eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents, at five per centum per annum, per fourth article of treaty of November first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, forty thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-five cents; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to expend said interest for the support, education, and civilization of said Indians, to be expended in such manner and to whatever extent that he may judge to be necessary and expedient for their welfare and best interest;

For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-one cents, at five per centum per annum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the erection of houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, agricultural implements, seeds, and other beneficial objects, three thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars and two cents;

In all, forty-four thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-seven cents.

That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to place upon the books of the Treasury to the credit of the Winnebago tribe of Indians the sum of eight hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty-eight cents, and such sum shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum until withdrawn from the Treasury for payment to the Indians as hereinafter provided, being the balance of the unappropriated amounts due said tribe under the fourth article of the treaty of November first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, to wit, eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents (Seventh Statutes at Large, page five hundred and forty-four) and the act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, seventy-eight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty-one cents (Sixteenth Statutes at Large, page three hundred and fifty-five), and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause a new enrollment to be made of all Winnebago Indians entitled to share in said fund other than those enrolled at the Winnebago agency in Nebraska, and until the completion of such enrollment no part of said sum shall be distributed. Upon the completion of such roll the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to pay per capita to the members of the tribe, except those resident in Wisconsin, their proportionate share of said sum, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in the same manner as provided by the act of April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page two hundred and one.) The proportionate share to the credit of the Winnebago Indians resident in Wisconsin shall be held in the Treasury of the United States, pending further legislation.

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For support and civilization of the Indians of the Western Shoshone Agency, Nevada, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars.


For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Carson City, Nevada, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars;

In all, fifty-six thousand nine hundred dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Nevada, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians located on the Piute, Walker River, and Pyramid Lake reservations, five thousand dollars;

And pay of employees, including physician at the Walker River Reservation, four thousand dollars;

In all, nine thousand dollars.

That in carrying out any irrigation project which may be undertaken under the provisions of the act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty-second Statutes, page three hundred and eighty-eight), known as “The Reclamation act,” and which may make possible, and provide for in connection with the reclamation of other lands, the irrigation of all or any part of the irrigable lands heretofore included in allotments made to Indians under the fourth section of the general allotment act, the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized to make such arrangement and agreement in reference thereto as said Secretary deems for the best interest of the Indians: Provided, That no lien or charge for construction, operation, or maintenance shall thereby by created against any such lands: Provided further, That to meet the necessary cost of carrying out this legislation the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to expend, out of the sum appropriated in this act for irrigation, an amount not exceeding thirteen thousand dollars.


(See Arizona for “Support and civilization of the Apache, and so forth,” in Arizona and New Mexico.)


For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars;

General repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars;

In all, fifty-six thousand nine hundred dollars.


For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars;

For water supply, one thousand six hundred dollars;

In all, fifty-eight thousand five hundred dollars.

For pay of one special attorney for the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, one thousand five hundred dollars;

And for necessary traveling and incidental expenses of said attorney, five hundred dollars;

In all, two thousand dollars.

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For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in New Mexico, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For the construction of a bridge across the San Juan River, near Shiprock School, in the Navajo Indian Reservation, in the Territory of New Mexico, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be available until the proper officer of the Indian Bureau shall investigate and report that the work contemplated can be completed for the amount herein appropriated.

For completion of the irrigation system on the Zuni Reservation in New Mexico, twenty-five thousand dollars, to be immediately available.


For pay of Indian agent at the New York Agency, New York, one thousand dollars.

For pay of physician, New York Agency, six hundred dollars.


For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on stock, per act of February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thousand dollars;

For interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-five thousand dollars, at five per centum, per act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;

For interest, at five per centum, on forty-three thousand and fifty dollars transferred from the Ontario Bank to the United States Treasury, per act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents;

In all, eleven thousand nine hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.


For permanent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles, per sixth article of treaty of November eleventh, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars.

That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to place on the books of the Treasury to the credit of the Seneca Indians of New York the sum of one hundred and eighteen thousand and fifty dollars, and such sum shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum until withdrawn from the Treasury for payment to the Indians as hereinafter provided, being the value of stocks held in trust for the Indians and taken by the United States, and canceled under authority of the act of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six (Ninth Statutes at Large, page thirty-five), and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to pay per capita to the members of the tribe entitled thereto the said sum under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in the same manner as provided by the act of April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page two hundred and one).

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For support and education of two hundred pupils at the Indian school at Cherokee, North Carolina, and for pay of superintendent, thirty-four thousand two hundred and twenty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, one thousand five hundred dollars;

In all, twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.


For pay of the Indian agent at the Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota, two thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, five thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of Indians at Fort Berthold Agency, in North Dakota, including pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars.

For payment to such Indians of the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota as the Secretary of the Interior shall determine to be entitled thereto the value of certain horses condemned and destroyed by the Bureau of Animal Industry in nineteen hundred and six and nineteen hundred and seven, the said value to be ascertained and determined by the said Secretary, thirteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For support and civilization of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas, North Dakota, including seeds, thirteen thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, on the approval of any allotment or homestead made to an Indian of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians under the act of April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, pages one hundred and eighty-nine and one hundred and ninety-four), to cause patent to issue therefor in the name of the allottee in accordance with section five of the act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled “An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians of the various reservations and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes,” and amendments thereto.


For support and education of three hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Fort Totten, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars;

In all, sixty thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars.


For the support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Wahpeton, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars;

For improving the heating and lighting plant, five thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-five thousand two hundred dollars.

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is hereby authorized to expend in behalf of said Indian school at Wahpeton, North Dakota, the unexpended balance of the item of five thousand dollars appropriated by the act of April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, for the purchase

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of live stock, seed, equipment of farm, and machinery; and also to expend for said school the unappropriated balance of the appropriation of two thousand five hundred dollars made in said act of April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, for the construction of concrete walk, driveways and grading, and the unexpended balance of said two appropriations is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.


For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Bismarck, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars;

For brick barn, five thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-five thousand two hundred dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian service in North Dakota, including traveling expenses of agents at three agencies, one thousand dollars.


For pay of Indian agents in Oklahoma at the following-named agencies at the rates respectively indicated, namely:

At the Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma, two thousand dollars.

At the Osage Agency, Oklahoma, two thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of the Apaches, Kiowas, Comanches, Wichitas, and affiliated bands who have been collected in the reservations set apart for their use and occupation, twenty-five thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to turn over to the proper officers, respectively, of the counties now forming a part of the area covered by the counties of Caddo, Kiowa, and Comanche, State of Oklahoma, upon such equitable basis as may be satisfactory to and approved by the Secretary of the Interior, the respective unexpended balances of the funds derived from the sale of town lots in the towns of Anadarko, Hobart, and Lawton, Oklahoma, under the act of March third, nineteen hundred and one, and by that act and the acts of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and March fourteenth, nineteen hundred and six, set apart for the construction of public improvements in the said counties, as a trust fund, to be by them, or under their supervision, expended solely for the construction and completion of public improvements in the counties aforesaid, as provided by the enactments of Congress creating and regulating the disposition of said funds, and for expenses necessary in connection with the construction and completion of such improvements.

For a monument to Cynthia Ann Parker, mother of Quanna Parker, chief of the Comanches, one thousand dollars, to be expended under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.

For support and civilization of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes who have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation thirty-five thousand dollars.

For support and civilization at the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma, including agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, two thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of employees, nine thousand dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Oklahoma, and for pay of employees, twenty-two thousand dollars.

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For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Chilocco, Oklahoma, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred dollars.

For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars;

In all, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars;

PAWNEES. (Treaty.)

For perpetual annuity, which is to be paid in cash to them, per second article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and agreement of November twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, article three, thirty thousand dollars;

For support of two manual-labor schools, per third article of same treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ten thousand dollars;

For pay of one farmer, two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer and apprentices, and two teachers, as per fourth article of same treaty, five thousand four hundred dollars;

For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, as per fourth article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, five hundred dollars;

In all, forty-seven thousand one hundred dollars.

QUAPAWS. (Treaty.)

For education, per third article of treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand dollars; and the unexpended balance of the appropriation for education per said article of said treaty for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven is hereby reappropriated and made immediately available for payment for the care and support of Quapaw Indian children at the mission school on the Quapaw Reservation during the said fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, in accordance with a resolution of the Quapaw national council adopted December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and seven, on file in the office of Indian Affairs.

For blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron, and steel for blacksmith shop, per same article and treaty, five hundred dollars;

In all, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the President of the United States shall certify the same to be for the best interests of the Indians.


For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third article of treaty of November third, eighteen hundred and four, one thousand dollars;

For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars;

For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum, per second article of treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars of this amount shall be used for the pay of a physician and for purchase of medicine:

In all, fifty-one thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to place upon the books of the Treasury to the credit of the

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Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi tribe of Indians, the unappropriated sums of two hundred thousand dollars, due under the second article of the treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven (Seventh Statutes at Large, page five hundred and forty), and eight hundred thousand dollars under the second article of the treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two (Seventh Statutes at Large, page five hundred and ninety-six).

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to pay per capita to the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi tribe of Indians in the State of Oklahoma the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, now to the credit of the tribe in the United States Treasury under the title of “Sac and Fox of the Mississippi in Oklahoma fund”; and also the sum of twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-four dollars and ninety-six cents standing to the credit of the tribe under the title of “Sac and Fox of the Mississippi fund.”


For pay of superintendent at the Union Agency, Oklahoma, four thousand five hundred dollars.

For special clerical force in the office of the United States Indian agent, Union Agency, and miscellaneous expenses in connection with entering of remittances received on account of payments of town lots and issuance of patents, six thousand dollars.

For clerical work and labor connected with the leasing of Creek and Cherokee lands for mineral and other purposes, and the leasing of lands of full-blood Indians under the act of April twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and six, and acts amendatory thereto, thirty thousand dollars.

For appraising, clerical work, and labor connected with the sale of restricted lands, Five Civilized Tribes, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For the purpose of removing intruders and placing allottees in unrestricted possession of their allotments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventeen thousand dollars.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the provisions of the act approved April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, and section one of the act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, for the removal of restrictions upon the alienation of lands of allottees of the Five Civilized Tribes, fifteen thousand dollars.


Supplemental to the funds appropriated and available for expenses connected with the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes, there is hereby appropriated for the salaries and expenses of district agents and other employees connected with the work of such agents, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ninety thousand dollars, to be immediately available as the Secretary of the Interior may direct; and all powers heretofore conferred by law on said district agents, who were designated by the act of May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, page three hundred and twelve), as “local representatives” of the Secretary of the Interior, are continued in full force and effect: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to employ of such district agents such number, not exceeding five, as he deems proper, to perform like duties as those now performed by them among the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma in other portions of that State.

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For the maintenance, strengthening, and enlarging of the tribal schools of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations, and making provision for the attendance of children of parents of other than Indian blood therein, and the establishment of new schools under the control of the Department of the Interior, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Interior, and disbursed by him under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe.


For the completion of the work heretofore required by law to be done by the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, one hundred and forty thousand dollars, said appropriation to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of the Interior is directed to so disburse this appropriation as to complete said work by July first, nineteen hundred and ten.

That allottees of the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations, having remnant allotments due them of not exceeding fifty dollars in value, shall be paid twice the value thereof in lieu of such allotment, by check from the tribal funds of their respective tribes. The Secretary of the Interior is directed immediately after July first, nineteen hundred and nine and prior to December first, nineteen hundred and nine, to pay allottees out of the funds of the Creek Nation, the amounts severally due for the equalization of their allotments. In making such payment for the equalization of the Creek allotments eight hundred dollars shall be taken as the standard value of an allotment: Provided, That the payment of such funds for the equalization of allotment shall be a final and conclusive settlement of all claims for the equalization of allotments in the Creek Nation: And provided further, That as a condition precedent to any such payment the Creek National Council shall pass an act, in form approved by the Secretary of the Interior, discharging the United States from all claim and demand on this account.

The tribal councils when meeting shall receive compensation only for the length of time authorized by the Secretary of the Interior.

The town-lot payments in default shall not work forfeiture if payment, with ten per centum interest from date of such default, is made before December first, nineteen hundred and nine. All rights to acquire land for allotment by Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen shall cease December first, nineteen hundred and ten. The surface only of the segregated coal and asphalt lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation shall be subject to condemnation under the laws of the State of Oklahoma for State penal institutions, county and municipal purposes and for sewers and water systems: Provided, That the title to the surface of any lands so condemned shall revert to the Choctaw and Chickasaw nation upon its ceasing to be used for the purpose for which it was condemned and the tribal relation is hereby continued for such purpose and no title to any mineral rights in said lands so condemned shall be acquired hereunder.

The Court of Claims is hereby authorized to allow, and, upon such allowance, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to pay out of the sum awarded to the Eastern Cherokees, under the judgment of the Supreme Court of the United States, October term, nineteen hundred and five, to the several members of the council of the Eastern Cherokees, the sum of five dollars per diem each for the period they severally rendered service in going to and from and attending the councils of the Eastern Cherokees, as shall be certified

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to the Court of Claims by the president and secretary of the council, and otherwise established to the satisfaction of said court: Provided, That in no event shall the amount thus paid exceed five thousand dollars.

To reimburse Doctor G. W. Harkins, of Coalgate, Oklahoma, for services rendered and expenses incurred in suppressing the spread of smallpox in Indian Territory from June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, to August eighth, nineteen hundred and one, six hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifteen cents, the same to be accepted by said Doctor G. W. Harkins in full payment of all demand for such services and expenses.

CHOCTAWS. (Treaty.)

For permanent annuity, per second article of treaty of November sixteenth, eighteen hundred and five, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity for support of light horsemen, per thirteenth article of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars;

For permanent annuity for support of blacksmith, per sixth article of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars;

For permanent annuity for education, per second and thirteenth articles of last two treaties named above, six thousand dollars;

For permanent annuity for iron and steel, per ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and twenty dollars;

In all, ten thousand five hundred and twenty dollars.

SEMINOLES. (Treaty.)

For five per centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid as annuity, per eighth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;

For five per centum interest on two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid as annuity (they having joined their brethren West), per eighth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve thousand five hundred dollars;

For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be paid annually, for the support of schools, as per third article of treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For interest on twenty thousand dollars, at the rate of five per centum per annum, to be paid annually for the support of the Seminole government, as per same article, same treaty, one thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-eight thousand five hundred dollars.

That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to place on the books of the Treasury to the credit of the Seminole tribe of Indians, the sum of five hundred and seventy thousand dollars, said sum, or any part thereof, so long as it remains in the Treasury, to draw interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, being the balance of the unappropriated amounts due said tribe, under article eight of the treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six (Eleventh Statutes at Large, page seven hundred

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and two), and article three of the treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six (Fourteenth Statutes at Large, page seven hundred and fifty-six).

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States, at his discretion, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, and pay out the same for the benefit of the members of said tribes for their maintenance and support, and improvement of their homesteads, for the ensuing year in such manner and under such regulations as he may prescribe.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in case, after investigation, he deems it for the best interest of the tribe, to set aside six hundred and forty acres of Choctaw land for the benefit of old Goodland Indian Orphan Industrial School, and to convey the same to said school in conjunction with the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation and the governor of the Chickasaw Nation.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue a patent in fee to the Benedictine Fathers of Sacred Heart Abbey, Oklahoma, for the following-described lands, now and for many years reserved for and occupied by the Sacred Heart Mission, to wit: The south half of section seven and the north half of section eighteen, in township six north, range five east, on the Pottawatomie Reservation, Oklahoma, containing six hundred and forty acres more or less.

That the Attorney General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to immediately move the advancement, upon the docket of the Supreme Court of the United States, of the case of J. E. Fleming and others, against Green McCurtain and others, docket numbered five hundred and thirty-five to the earliest practicable hearing.


For support and civilization of the Klamath, Modocs, and other Indians of the Klamath Agency, Oregon, including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of the confederated tribes and bands under Warm Springs Agency, and for pay of employees, four thousand dollars.

For support and civilization of the Walla Walla, Cayuse, and Umatilla tribes, Oregon, including pay of employees, three thousand dollars.


For support and education of six hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Salem, Oregon, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and two thousand two hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars;

In all, one hundred and twelve thousand two hundred dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Oregon, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians of Grande Ronde and Siletz Agencies, three thousand dollars;

Pay of employees at the same agencies, three thousand dollars;

In all, six thousand dollars.

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That within one year from the date of the approval of this act any religious or missionary society now occupying, under proper authority, for religious or educational work among the Indians, any lands on the Siletz Reservation in Oregon, shall have the right to purchase ten acres of land on said reservation, or a less quantity at the option of the purchaser, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, and the same shall be conveyed to such religious or missionary society by patent.

MOLELS. (Treaty.)

For pay of teachers and for manual-labor schools, and for all necessary materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per second article of treaty of December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars.


For support and education of Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, for transportation of pupils to and from said school, for pay of superintendent, and for general repairs and improvements, one hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars.


For pay of Indian agents in South Dakota at the following named agencies at the rates respectively indicated, namely:

At the Crow Creek Agency, one thousand six hundred dollars.

At the Pine Ridge Agency, two thousand two hundred dollars.

At the Rosebud Agency, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

At the Sisseton Agency, one thousand five hundred dollars.

At the Yankton Agency, one thousand six hundred dollars.


There is hereby granted to the State of South Dakota upon the terms and conditions hereinafter named the following-described property, known as the Chamberlain School, including the lands, buildings, and fixtures pertaining to said school: Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and maintained by the State of South Dakota as an institution of learning, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils: Provided further, That this grant shall be effective at any time before July first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of South Dakota files an acceptance thereof with the Secretary of the Interior accepting for said State said property, upon the terms and conditions herein prescribed. If said property is not accepted by the State of South Dakota, as hereinbefore provided, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to dispose of and convey the real estate, including buildings and fixtures, of the Chamberlain School, South Dakota, for a price not less than twenty-six thousand dollars, upon condition that the property shall continue to be maintained and operated as an educational institution, and that children of Indian parents shall have the same privilege of education as white children, but with tuition free: Provided, That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs is authorized and directed to dispose, by sale or transfer to other schools, such property as is not covered by the transfer of the realty, buildings, and fixtures.

56773°—S. Doc. 719, 62–2——27

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For the support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Chamberlain, South Dakota, twenty-five thousand and fifty dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, one thousand dollars;

In all, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars:

Provided, That if such school is disposed of as above authorized at any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United States shall be available.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to allot eighty acres of land on the former Yankton Reservation in South Dakota, now reserved for Indian administrative purposes to Edward N. Vandall, a Yankton Sioux allottee, in consideration that said Vandall relinquish eighty acres of land, more or less, which he now holds in allotment.


For support and education of three hundred and seventy-five Indian pupils at the Indian school at Flandreau, South Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, sixty-four thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars, of which two thousand five hundred dollars shall be immediately available;

In all, sixty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars.


For support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Pierre, South Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, twenty-six thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, four thousand five hundred dollars;

For construction of new water pipe, four thousand dollars;

In all, thirty-five thousand and fifty dollars.


For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Rapid City, South Dakota, and pay of superintendent, forty-three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars;

For installation of water plant, twenty thousand dollars;

In all, sixty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in South Dakota, including traveling expenses of agents, three thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue patents in fee to the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, organized under an act of the Assembly of Maryland entitled “An act to incorporate the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions,” approved April sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, for the land set apart to the Catholic Church on the Rosebud, Pine Ridge, Crow Creek, and Lower Brule Reservations, in the State of South Dakota, as follows:

On the Rosebud Reservation, at or near Saint Francis Mission: The east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-one, and the west half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-two,

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all in township thirty-seven north, range thirty west of the sixth principal meridian, containing three hundred and twenty acres, more or less; also, at or near Red Leaf Camp, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section two, township thirty-nine north, range thirty-three west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Oak Creek, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section one, township thirty-nine north, range twenty-six west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Antelope Creek, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-nine north, range twenty-eight west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Little White River, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-four, township forty-two north, range twenty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Ponca Creek, lot one and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section seven, township ninety-six north, range seventy-one west of the fifth principal meridian, containing seventy-eight and sixty-two one-hundredths acres, more or less; also, at or near Saint Francis Mission, for cemetery purposes, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-two, township thirty-seven north, range thirty west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less; also, at or near Little White River, for cemetery purposes, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty, township forty north, range twenty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-three, township forty-three north, range twenty-five west of the sixth principal meridian, containing forty acres, more or less.

On the Pine Ridge Reservation: The north half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section fourteen, township thirty-nine north, range forty-three west of the sixth principal meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, and the northwest quarter of section twenty, township forty-one north, range forty-three west of the sixth principal meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less.

On the Crow Creek Reservation: The northwest quarter of section four, township one hundred and nine north, range seventy-two west of the fifth principal meridian, containing one hundred and fifty-eight and forty one-hundredths acres, more or less; also the north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, shown by the tract book to be in lot eight, section twenty-three, township one hundred and seven north, range seventy-two west of the fifth principal meridian.

On the Lower Brule Reservation: On agency reserve in section fifteen, township one hundred and seven north, range seventy-three west of the fifth principal meridian, described as beginning at the corner to sections ten, eleven, fourteen, fifteen; thence west three hundred and thirty feet on the section line between sections ten and fifteen; thence south two hundred and sixty-four feet; thence east three hundred and thirty feet; thence north two hundred and sixty-four feet to the place of beginning, containing two acres.

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For pay of five teachers, one physician, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith, per thirteenth article of treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, ten thousand four hundred dollars;

For pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and other material, per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand six hundred dollars;

For pay of additional employees at the several agencies for the Sioux in Nebraska and Dakota, eighty-eight thousand dollars;

For subsistence of the Sioux, and for purposes of their civilization, as per agreement ratified by act of Congress approved February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall include transportation of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transportation, and in this service Indians shall be employed whenever practicable;

For support and maintenance of day and industrial schools, including erection and repairs of school buildings, in accordance with article seven of the treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, which article is continued in force for twenty years by section seventeen of the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, two hundred thousand dollars;

In all, eight hundred thousand dollars.


For subsistence and civilization of Yankton Sioux, heretofore provided for in appropriations under “Fulfilling treaty with Sioux of different tribes,” and so forth, twenty thousand dollars;

For the equipment and maintenance of the asylum for insane Indians at Canton, South Dakota, for incidental and all other expenses necessary for its proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, and for necessary expense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, twenty-five thousand dollars;

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey and allotment of the reservations of the Sioux Nation of Indians in North and South Dakota, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of surplus lands after the allotments are made.

To enable the President to cause, under the provisions of the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled “An act to divide a portion of the reservation of the Sioux Nation of Indians in Dakota into separate reservations and to secure the relinquishment of the Indian title to the remainder, and for other purposes,” to be allotted the lands in said separate reservations as provided in said act, including the necessary resurveys, thirty thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to the Flandreau Tribe of Indians in the State of South Dakota per capita the balance remaining in the Treasury to their credit, approximating eight thousand dollars, accruing to said Indians under the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine.

That the following-described tract of land situated in Boreman County, in the State of South Dakota, and described as follows, to wit: A strip of land ten chains wide on the west side of lot three, in section twenty-six, of township twenty north, of range twenty-five east, of the Black Hills principal meridian be, and the same hereby

{Page 419}

is, reserved for cemetery purposes for the perpetual use of the Indians of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, and the same shall not be subject to taxation so long as the same may be used for cemetery purposes.


For pay of Indian agent at the Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah (consolidated), one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Utah, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars.

For constructing irrigation system, to irrigate the allotted lands of the Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Utes in Utah, as provided by the act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, reimbursable.

There is hereby granted to the State of Utah, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter named, the property, known as the Panguitch School, including the lands, buildings, and fixtures pertaining to said school: Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held and maintained by the State of Utah as an institution of learning, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils: Provided further, That this grant shall be effective at any time before July first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of Utah files an acceptance thereof with the Secretary of the Interior accepting for said State said property upon the terms and conditions herein prescribed.

To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to perfect and protect the rights of the Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Utes in Utah in and to the waters appropriated under the laws of the State of Utah for the irrigation systems authorized by the act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, two hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the amount expended hereunder to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of lands within the former Uintah Reservation: Provided, That said sum, or any part thereof, shall be used only in the event of failure to procure from the State of Utah or its officers an extension of time in which to make final proof for waters appropriated for the benefit of the Indians, and any sum expended hereunder shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of the lands within the former Uintah Reservation.


For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and two blacksmiths, as per tenth article of treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and fifteenth article of treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

For purchase of iron and steel and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars;

For annual amount for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars;

For pay of at the several Ute agencies, fifteen thousand dollars;

In all, fifty-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars.

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For the support and education of one hundred and twenty Indian pupils at the school at Hampton, Virginia, twenty thousand and forty dollars.


For pay of the Indian agent at the Colville Agency, Washington, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For support and civilization of the D’Wamish and other allied tribes in Washington, including pay of employees, seven thousand dollars;

For support and civilization of the Makahs, Washington, including pay of employees, two thousand dollars;

For support and civilization of the Qui-nai-elts and Quil-leh-utes, including pay of employees, one thousand dollars;

For support and civilization of Yakimas, and other Indians at said agency, including pay of employees, five thousand dollars;

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Washington, including traveling expenses of agents, and support and civilization of Indians at Colville and Puyallup agencies, and for pay of employees, thirteen thousand dollars.

SPOKANES. (Treaty.)

For pay of a blacksmith and carpenter to do necessary work and to instruct the said Indians in those trades, one thousand dollars each, per sixth article of agreement with said Indians, dated March eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, ratified by act of Congress approved July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, two thousand dollars;

For purchase of agricultural implements, and support and civilization of Joseph’s Band of Nez Perce Indians, one thousand dollars;

For the extension of the irrigation system on lands allotted to Yakima Indians in Washington, fifteen thousand dollars, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of surplus lands, as provided by the act of December twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, entitled “An act to authorize the sale and disposition of surplus or unallotted lands of the Yakima Indian Reservation in the State of Washington”;

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands in the Colville Reservation in the State of Washington, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of surplus lands after the allotments are made.

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to complete the survey, allotment, classification, and appraisement of lands in the Spokane Reservation in the State of Washington, ten thousand dollars; Provided, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United States from the proceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the allotments are made.

For the third of five installments to the Indians residing on the Colville Reservation for the cession by said Indians to the United States of one million five hundred thousand acres of land opened to settlement by an act of Congress “To provide for the opening of a part of the Colville Reservation in the State of Washington, and for other purposes,” approved July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, being a part of the full sum set aside and held in the Treasury of the United States in payment for said land under the terms of the act approved June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, ratifying the agreement ceding said land to the United States under date of May ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, three hundred thousand

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dollars, to be expended for the benefit of said Indians in accordance with the provisions of the said act setting aside in the Treasury the money in payment for the land ceded.


For pay of Indian agent at the La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin, two thousand five hundred dollars.


For the support and education of two hundred and ten pupils at the Indian school at Hayward, Wisconsin, and pay of superintendent, thirty-six thousand six hundred and seventy dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, two thousand two hundred dollars;

In all, thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.


For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, and pay of superintendent, forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars;

For steel tower for water tank, three thousand dollars;

In all, forty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For support and civilization of the Chippewas of Lake Superior, Wisconsin, to be expended for agricultural and educational purposes; pay of employees, including pay of physician, purchase of goods and provisions, and for such other purposes as may be deemed for the best interests of said Indians, seven thousand dollars.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue patents in fee to the trustees of the diocese of Fond du Lac, organized under an act of the State of Wisconsin, entitled “An act to provide for the incorporation of trustees to hold property for religious purposes in certain cases, approved March second, eighteen hundred and seventy-five,” for said lands so set apart to said church, as follows: Lot X, in the southeast quarter of section three, township twenty-three north, range nineteen east, fourth principal meridian, containing one acre, more or less; the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter section twelve, township twenty-three north, range nineteen east, fourth principal meridian, containing forty acres; claim numbered one hundred and forty, in section three, township twenty-three north, range nineteen east, fourth principal meridian, containing seven acres, more or less; claim numbered one hundred and forty-seven, in section three, township twenty-three north, range nineteen east, fourth principal meridian, containing forty-eight acres, more or less, on the Oneida Indian Reservation in Wisconsin.

That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to issue a patent in fee simple to the duly authorized missionary board, or other proper authority, of any religious organization engaged in mission or school work on any Indian reservation, for such lands thereon as have been heretofore set apart to and are now being used and occupied by such organization for mission or school purposes.

That the provisions of section two of the act approved May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims in certain cases against the Menominee Indians, be, and the same hereby are, extended to the heirs of the legal representatives of William H. Stacy, formerly a trader upon the Menominee Reservation in Wisconsin, and to all other persons having claims

{Page 422}

against the Menominee Tribe of Indians and against certain members of said tribe of the character described in said act, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay to Henry S. Comstock, attorney of record for said Indians in the Court of Claims, the sum of two thousand dollars to be immediately available out of any funds in the Treasury to the credit of said tribe for the purpose of taking depositions, payment of witness fees, and other expenses necessarily incident to the preparation of the defense of said Indians against all actions brought or to be brought under the provisions of section two of the act above mentioned, the said amount to be accounted for in final settlement of fees and expenses with said court and to be deducted from the allowance made.


For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Wyoming, twelve thousand dollars.


For support and education of one hundred and seventy-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, and pay of superintendent, thirty-one thousand and twenty-five dollars;

For general repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars;

In all, thirty-four thousand and twenty-five dollars.

For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Wyoming, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars.

For continuing the work of constructing an irrigation system within the diminished Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, in Wyoming, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That said sum be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States from the sale of lands made under the provisions of the act of March third, nineteen hundred and five (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page one thousand and sixteen).

SHOSHONES AND BANNOCKS. (Treaty.) (For Bannocks, see Idaho.)

Shoshones: For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, as per tenth article of treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five thousand dollars;

For pay of second blacksmith, and such iron and steel and other materials as may be required, as per eighth article of same treaty, one thousand dollars;

In all, six thousand dollars.

Approved, March 3, 1909.

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