Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and in full compensation for all offices the salaries for which are provided for herein for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, namely:
For the survey, resurvey, classification, and appraisement of lands to be allotted in severalty under the provisions of the act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians, and under any other act or acts providing for the survey and allotment of lands in severalty to Indians, including the necessary clerical work incident thereto and to the issuance of all patents in the field and in the Office of Indian Affairs, and to the delivery of trust patents for allotments under said act or any such act or acts; and for the survey and subdivision of Indian reservations and lands to be allotted to Indians under authority of law, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be repaid proportionately out of any Indian moneys held in trust or otherwise by the United States and available by law for such reimbursable purpose and to remain available until expended.
For the construction, repair, and maintenance of ditches, reservoirs, and dams, purchase and use of irrigation tools and appliances, water rights, ditches, lands necessary for canals, pipe lines, and reservoirs for Indian reservations and allotments, and for drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, to remain available until expended: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended on any irrigation system or reclamation project for which specific appropriation is made in this act or for which public funds are or may be available under any other act of Congress: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit reasonable expenditures from this appropriation for preliminary surveys and investigations to determine the feasibility and estimated cost of new
projects, for investigations and surveys for power and reservoir sites of Indian reservations in accordance with the provisions of section thirteen of the act of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, or to prevent the Bureau of Indian Affairs from having the benefit of consultation with engineers in other branches of the public service or carrying out existing agreements with the Reclamation Service; for pay of one chief inspector of irrigation, who shall be a skilled irrigation engineer, four thousand dollars; one assistant inspector of irrigation, who shall be a skilled irrigation engineer, two thousand five hundred dollars; for traveling expenses of two inspectors of irrigation, at three dollars per diem when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other expenses authorized by law, and for incidental expenses of negotiation, inspection, and investigation, including telegraphing and expense of going to and from the seat of government and while remaining there under orders, four thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred dollars: Provided also, That not to exceed seven superintendents of irrigation, who shall be skilled irrigation engineers, may be employed.
For the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors among Indians, seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter it shall not be unlawful to introduce and use wines solely for sacramental purposes, under church authority, at any place within the Indian country or any Indian reservation, including the Pueblo Reservations in New Mexico: Provided, also, That the powers conferred by section seven hundred and eighty-eight of the Revised Statutes upon marshals and their deputies are hereby conferred upon the chief special officer for the suppression of the liquor traffic among Indians and duly authorized officers working under his supervision whose appointments are made or affirmed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or the Secretary of the Interior.
To relieve distress among Indians and to provide for their care and for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, trachoma, smallpox, and other contagious and infecious diseases, including the purchase of vaccine and expense of vaccination, ninety thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service to make a thorough examination as to the prevalence of tuberculosis, trachoma, smallpox, and other contagious and infectious diseases among the Indians of the United States, full report to be made to Congress not later than February first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, with such recommendations as may be deemed advisable.
For support of Indian day and industrial schools, not otherwise provided for, and for other educational and industrial purposes in connection therewith, one million four hundred and twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter employees of Indian schools may be allowed, in addition to annual leave, educational leave not to exceed fifteen days per calendar year for attendance at educational gatherings, conventions, institutions, or training schools, if the interests of the service require, and under such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and no additional salary or expense on account of this leave of absence shall be incurred: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation, or any other appropriation provided for herein, except appropriations made pursuant to treaties, shall be used to educate children of less than one-fourth Indian blood, whose parents are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they live and where there are adequate free school facilities provided and the
facilities of the Indian schools are needed for pupils of more than one-fourth Indian blood.
For construction, lease, purchase, repairs, and improvements of school and agency buildings, and for sewerage, water supply, and lighting plants, and for purchase of school sites, four hundred and eighty thousand dollars: Provided, That out of the above amount the following expenditures shall be made, to wit, thirty thousand dollars for the construction of buildings for agency headquarters on the Coeur dAlene Reservation in Idaho; ten thousand dollars for general repairs and improvements at the Yankton Agency in South Dakota; fifteen thousand dollars for improvements at the Fort Bidwell School in California as follows, seven thousand dollars for the erection and construction of a water and electric-light system, three thousand dollars for sewerage system, three thousand dollars for a steam laundry, and two thousand dollars for complete heating system of the school and accessory buildings.
For collection and transportation of pupils to and from Indian schools, and for the transportation of Indian pupils from any and all Indian schools and placing them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of white families qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, eighty-two thousand dollars: Provided, That not to exceed five thousand dollars of this amount may be used in the transportation and placing of Indian youths in positions where a remunerative employment may be found for them in industrial pursuits. The provisions of this section shall also apply to native pupils of school age under twenty-one years of age brought from Alaska.
To conduct experiments on Indian school or agency farms designed to test the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, and fruits, for the purposes of preserving living and growing timber on Indian reservations and allotments, and to advise the Indians as to the proper care of forests: Provided, That this shall not, as to timber, apply to the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin; for the employment of suitable persons as matrons to teach Indian women housekeeping and other household duties, and for furnishing necessary equipments and renting quarters for them where necessary; for the employment of practical farmers and stockmen, in addition to the agency and school farmers now employed; and to superintend and direct farming and stock raising among Indians, four hundred thousand dollars: Provided further, That not to exceed five thousand dollars of the amount herein appropriated may be used to conduct experiments on Indian school or agency farms to test the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, and fruits: Provided, also, That the amounts paid to matrons, farmers, and stockmen herein provided for shall not be included within the limitation on salaries and compensation of employees contained in the act of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven.
For the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian service, including inspection, pay of necessary employees, and all other expenses connected therewith, including advertising, storage, and transportation of Indian goods and supplies, two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars.
For witness fees and other legal expenses incurred in suits instituted in behalf of or against Indians involving the question of title to lands allotted to them, or the right of possession of personal property held by them, two thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in the payment of attorney fees.
For expenses of the Board of Indian Commissioners, four thousand dollars, including not to exceed three hundred dollars for office rent: Provided, That hereafter the Board of Indian Commissioners is authorized to employ a secretary, not a member of said board, and pay his salary out of the appropriation herein made or which shall hereafter be made for said board: Provided further, That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby directed to approve the payment of the salary of H. C. Phillips for services heretofore rendered said board as secretary out of the appropriation provided for the expenses of said Board of Indian Commissioners in the Indian appropriation act for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twelve.
For payment of Indian police, including chiefs of police at not to exceed fifty dollars per month each, and privates at not to exceed thirty dollars per month each, to be employed in maintaining order, and for the purchase of equipments and rations for policemen at nonration agencies, two hundred thousand dollars.
For compensation of judges of Indian courts where tribal relations now exist, ten thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, three hundred and thirty thousand dollars.
For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Fort Mojave, and for pay of superintendent, thirty-five thousand one hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, three thousand three hundred dollars; in all, thirty-eight thousand four hundred dollars.
For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, nine thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred dollars.
For support and education of one hundred pupils at the Indian school at Truxton Canyon, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, four thousand dollars; in all, twenty-two thousand two hundred dollars.
For maintenance, including purchase of electricity for irrigation wells already completed, and the completion of the lateral irrigating ditches thereunder in connection with the irrigation of the lands of the Pima Indians in the vicinity of Sacaton, in the Gila River Indian Reservation, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That the proportion of the cost of the irrigation project on the Gila River Indian Reservation heretofore and herein authorized to be paid from the public funds shall be repaid into the Treasury of the United States as and when funds may be available therefor: Provided further, That in the event any allottee shall receive a patent in fee to an allotment of land irrigated under this project before the United States shall have been wholly reimbursed as herein provided, then the proportionate cost of the project, to be apportioned equitably by the Secretary of the Interior, shall become a first lien on such allotment, and the fact of such lien shall be recited on the face of each patent in fee issued and the amount of the lien set forth therein, which said lien, however, shall not be enforced so long as the original allottee or his heirs shall own the allotment; and the receipt of the Secretary of the Interior, or of the officer, agent, or employee duly authorized by him for that purpose, for the payment of the amount assessed against any allotment as herein provided shall, when duly recorded by the recorder of deeds in the county wherein the land is located, operate as a satisfaction of such lien: Provided, That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, directed to convene a board of not less than three engineers of the Army of wide reputation and large experience to make the necessary examinations, borings, and surveys for the purpose of determining the reasonability and practicability of constructing a dam and reservoir at or in the vicinity of the Box Canyon, on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, known as the site of the proposed San Carlos Reservoir on the Gila River, Arizona, and the necessary irrigation works in connection therewith to provide for the irrigation of Indian, private and public lands in the Gila River Valley. Said board of engineers to submit to Congress the results of their examinations and surveys, together with an estimate of cost, with their recommendations thereon at the earliest practicable date. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of conducting said investigations.
To enable the Secretary of the Interior to make an investigation of the conditions on the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona with a view to determining the possibility of enlarging the irrigation system for the protection and irrigation of the Indian lands and the development of a water supply for domestic and stock purposes, five thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall cause surveys, plans, and reports to be made together with an estimated limit of cost of said project and shall submit his report thereon to Congress on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve.
For beginning the construction of the Ganado irrigation project on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona, in accordance with the plans submitted by the chief engineer of the Indian Service and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary
of the Interior, in conformity with section one of the act approved April fourth, nineteen hundred and ten, thirty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That the total cost of the project shall not exceed sixty thousand one hundred dollars.
To enable the Secretary of the Interior to make an investigation of the conditions on the White Mountain or San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona, with respect to the necessity of constructing, for the use of the Indians, suitable bridges across the San Carlos Creek and the Gila River, in the vicinity of San Carlos, on said reservation, one thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authoriized and directed to cause surveys, plans, and reports to be made together with an estimated limit of cost of construction of said bridges, at such sites as he may select, and submit his report thereon to Congress on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve.
To enable the Secretary of the Interior to make an investigation of conditions on the Yuma Reservation, in California, with respect to the necessity of constructing, for the use of the Indians, a bridge across the Colorado River between Fort Yuma, California, and the town of Yuma, Arizona, one thousand dollars, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause plans, surveys and reports to be made together with an estimated limit of cost of said bridge and to submit his report thereon to Congress on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve.
For salary due Clarence I. Stacy, supervisor of ditches, Pima Indian Reservation, Arizona, from April eighth, nineteen hundred and eleven, to October twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and eleven, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, six hundred and sixty dollars.
For salary due N. D. Brayton as physician on the Pima Indian Reservation, Arizona, from April seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, to November fourteenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, inclusive, at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars a year, seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
For constructing dike to protect allotments on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For continuing the construction of necessary channels and laterals for the utilization of water in connection with the pumping plant for irrigation purposes on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, Arizona, as provided in the act of April fourth, nineteen hundred and ten (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page two hundred and seventy-three), for the purpose of securing an appropriation of water for the irrigation of approximately one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land and for maintaining and operating the pumping plant, thirty-five thousand dollars, reimbursable as provided in said act. (Act of April fourth, nineteen hundred and ten, volume thirty-six, page two hundred and seventy-three, section three.)
For support and civilization of Indians in California, including pay of employees, and for the purchase of small tracts of land situated adjacent to lands heretofore purchased, and for improvements on lands for the use and occupancy of Indians in California, fifty-seven thousand dollars.
For support and education of five hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Sherman Institute, Riverside, California, and for pay as superintendent, ninety-four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; for general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.
For the balance of the first annual reclamation and maintenance charge on Yuma allotments and for the second annual charge and maintenance, fifty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-two cents, or so much thereof as may be required, to be reimbursed from the sale of surplus lands or from other funds that may be available, in accordance with the provisions of the act of March third, nineteen hundred and eleven.
The unexpended balance of the appropriation of ten thousand dollars For relief of distress among the Seminole Indians in Florida, and for purposes of their civilization, made in the Indian appropriation act approved March three, nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby reappropriated and made available during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen.
For support and civilization of Indians on the Fort Hall Reservation in Idaho, including pay of employees, thirty thousand dollars.
For maintenance and operation of the Fort Hall irrigation system, twenty thousand dollars.
For pay of one financial clerk, at six hundred dollars, and one physician, at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum in addition to employees otherwise provided for at the Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa; in all, one thousand and eighty dollars.
For support and education of seven hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for general repairs and improvements, eleven thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.
For support and education of eighty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Kickapoo Reservation, Kansas, and for pay of superintendent, fourteen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; for general
repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; in all, seventeen thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars.
For support and education of three hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-six thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars; for general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; in all, sixty-one thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.
For support and education of two hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Pipestone, Minnesota, and for pay of superintendent, thirty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars; for general repairs and improvements, five thousand five hundred dollars, one thousand five hundred dollars of which shall be used for the installation of an electric lighting system and five hundred dollars of which shall be used for the construction of coal sheds; for the construction of a drain from the head of Pipestone Falls east in the bed of the creek to a point where it turns south, from thence east to the section line, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, forty-six thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars.
For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belknap Agency, Montana, including pay of employees, twenty thousand dollars.
For continuing the construction of irrigation systems to irrigate the allotted lands of the Indians of the Flathead Reservation, in Montana, and the unallotted irrigable lands to be disposed of under authority of law, including the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, two hundred thousand dollars, reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the act of April fourth, nineteen hundred and ten.
For continuing the construction of irrigation systems to irrigate the allotted lands of the Indians of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, in Montana, and the unallotted irrigable lands to be disposed of under authority of law, including the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates, one hundred thousand dollars, reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the act of March first, nineteen hundred and seven.
There is hereby appropriated the sum of forty thousand dollars, to remain available until expended, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to use said money, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the erection of buildings for agency purposes on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana; for the purchase of lands therein for an agency site not to exceed eighty acres if such is deemed by the Secretary of the Interior to be necessary for the proper location of such agency; for the expenses of the removal of the agency to the new site selected; and for the protection and repair of any other buildings required for the efficient conduct of the affairs of the Flathead Indians in Montana: Provided, That the entire sum expended hereunder for the purposes herein mentioned shall be reimbursed the United States from the proceeds arising from the sale of lands and timber within the Flathead Indian Reservation.
There is hereby appropriated the sum of twenty thousand dollars to remain available until expended, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to use this money, or so much thereof as he may deem necessary, in the purchase of a sawmill and logging equipment and the employment of suitable persons to manufacture and to lumber burned timber on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, and to
protect the remaining timber from fire and trespass: Provided, That the sum expended under authority of this act shall be reimbursed the United States from the proceeds arising from the sale of lands and timber within said reservation under existing acts of Congress.
For subsistence and civilization of the Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes (agreement with the Sioux Indians, approved February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven), including subsistence and civilization of Northern Cheyennes removed from Pine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, Montana, and for pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, one miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and engineer (article seven, treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), eighty-five thousand dollars.
That so much of the act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page one thousand and sixty-six), which provides for the reservation of an easement over tracts of land bordering Flathead Lake, Montana, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: That an easement in, to, and over all lands bordering on or adjacent to Flathead Lake, Montana, which lie below an elevation of nine feet above the high-water mark of said lake for the year nineteen hundred and nine, is hereby reserved for uses and purposes connected with storage for irrigation or development of water power, and all patents hereafter issued for any such lands shall recite such reservation.
For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Genoa, Nebraska, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-two thousand one hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, four thousand five hundred dollars; to complete the construction of two dormitories provided for in the Indian appropriation act of March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available; in all, sixty-six thousand six hundred dollars.
For construction of septic tank on sewer main at the Indian school at Genoa, Nebraska, one thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and civilization of Indians in Nevada, including pay of employees, eighteen thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and education of three hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars; for general
repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; for addition to girls dormitory, including heating plant, ten thousand dollars; in all, sixty-six thousand nine hundred dollars.
The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to make an investigation of the conditions on the Navajo Indian Reservation at Shiprock, New Mexico, with respect to the necessity of constructing a bridge across the San Juan River at Shiprock on said reservation, and also to cause surveys, plans, and reports to be made, together with an estimated limit cost for the construction of a suitable bridge at that place, and submit his report thereon to Congress on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve, and the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purpose herein authorized.
For fulfilling treaties with Senecas of New York: For permanent annuity in lieu of interest on stock (act of February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one), six thousand dollars.
For support and education of one hundred and eighty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Cherokee, North Carolina, and for pay of superintendent, thirty thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; for rebuilding employees quarters destroyed by fire, six thousand dollars; in all, thirty-eight thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of the Sioux of Devils Lake, North Dakota, five thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas, North Dakota, eleven thousand dollars.
For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Bismarck, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; for the purchase of water and irrigation for the growing of trees, shrubs, and garden truck, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-two thousand seven hundred dollars.
For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at Fort Totten Indian School, Fort Totten, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, sixty-eight thousand five hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, six thousand dollars; in all, seventy-four thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Wahpeton, North Dakota, and pay of superintendent, twenty-six thousand five hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, including fencing of building grounds, three thousand dollars; for erection of silo and purchase of ensilage cutter and other farm machinery, two thousand dollars; for purchase of milch cows and other live stock and poultry, two thousand dollars; for erection and completion of hospital building and equipment of same, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; in all, forty-six thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of the Wichitas and affliated bands who have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation in Oklahoma, five thousand dollars.
The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States, at his discretion, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, for the support of the agency and pay of employees maintained for their benefit, and he is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Treasury the further sum of forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, for the construction and equipment of an Indian hospital upon the Fort Sill Indian School Reservation in Oklahoma, to be used only for the benefit of Indians belonging to said tribes; in all, sixty-five thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma, including agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, two thousand dollars.
For fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma: For perpetual annuity, to be paid in cash to the Pawnees (article three, agreement of November twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two), thirty
thousand dollars; for support of two manual-labor schools (article three, treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven), ten thousand dollars; for pay of one farmer, two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer and apprentices, and two teachers (article four same treaty), five thousand four hundred dollars; for purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops (article four, same treaty), five hundred dollars; for pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, forty-seven thousand one hundred dollars.
For support of Quapaws, Oklahoma: For education (article three, treaty of May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three), one thousand dollars; for blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron, and steel for blacksmith shop (same article and treaty), five hundred dollars; in all, one thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the President of the United States shall certify the same to be for the best interests of the Indians.
That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to extend for a period of one year the time for the payment of any annual installment due or hereafter to become due on the purchase price for lands sold under the act of Congress approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and ten, entitled An act to open to settlement and entry under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States certain lands in the State of Oklahoma, and for other purposes, and upon the payment of interest for one year in advance, at five per centum per annum upon the amount due, such payment will be extended for a period of one year, and any payment so extended may annually thereafter be extended for a period of one year in the same manner: Provided, That the last payment and all other payments must be made within a period not exceeding one year after the last payment becomes due by the terms of the act under which the entry was made; that all moneys paid for interest as herein provided shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the Indians as a part of the proceeds received for the lands: Provided further, That failure to make any payment that may be due, unless the same be extended, or to make any extended payments at or before the time to which such payment has been extended as herein provided, will forfeit the entry and the same shall be canceled, and any and all payments theretofore made shall be forfeited: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall affect any valid adverse claim initiated prior to the passage of this act.
For expenses of administration of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, and the compensation of employees, two hundred thousand dollars.
For payment of salaries of employees and other expenses of advertisement and sale in connection with the disposition of the unallotted lands and other tribal property belonging to any of the Five Civilized Tribes, to be paid from the proceeds of such sales when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, as provided by the act approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, reimbursable from proceeds of sale: Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, no moneys shall be expended from the tribal funds belonging to the Five Civilized Tribes without specific appropriation by Congress, except as follows: Equalization of allotments, per capita and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, tribal and other Indian schools for the current fiscal year under existing law, salaries and contingent expenses of governors, chiefs, assistant chiefs, secretaries, interpreters and mining trustees of the tribes for the current fiscal year, and attorneys for said tribes employed under contract approved by the President, under existing law, for the current fiscal year: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to continue the tribal schools of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations for the current fiscal year.
For expenses incident to and in connection with collection of rents of unallotted lands and tribal buildings, such amount as may be necessary: Provided, That such expenditures shall not exceed in the aggregate ten per centum of the amount collected.
To enable the Secretary of the Interior to make the appraisement and sale hereinafter provided, five thousand dollars: Provided, That the houses and other valuable improvements, not including fencing and tillage, placed upon the segregated coal and asphalt lands in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, in Oklahoma, by private individuals, while in actual possession of said land and prior to February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, and not purchased by the Indian Nations, shall be appraised independently of the surface of the land on which they are located and shall be sold with the land at public auction at not less than the combined appraised value of the improvements and the surface of the land upon which they are located. Said improvements shall be sold for cash and the appraisement and sale of the same shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and ninety-five per centum of the amount realized from the sale of the improvements shall be paid over under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior to the owner of the improvements and the appropriation hereinbefore made for this purpose shall be reimbursed out of the five per centum retained form the sale of the said improvements: Provided, That any improvements remaining unsold at the expiration of two years from the time when first offered for sale shall be sold under such regulations and terms of sale, independent of their appraised value, as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Provided further, That persons owning improvements so appraised may remove the same at any time prior to the sale thereof, in which event the appraised value of the improvements and land shall be reduced by deducting the appraised value of the improvements so removed: Provided further, That this section shall not apply to improvements placed on said lands by coal and asphalt lessees for mining purposes, but improvements located on lands leased for mining purposes belonging to, or heretofore paid for
by, the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations shall be appraised and the appraised value thereof shall be added to the appraised value of the land at the time of the sale: Provided further, That where any cemetery now exists on the said segregated coal and asphalt lands, the surface of the land within said cemetery, together with the land adjoining the same, where necessary, not exceeding twenty acres in the aggregate to any one cemetery, and where a church was in existence on said lands on February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, land not exceeding one acre for each church may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be sold to the proper party, association, or corporation, under such terms, conditions, and regulations as he may prescribe, provided application to purchase the same for such purpose is made within sixty days from the date of the approval of this act.
For fulfilling treaties with Choctaws, Oklahoma: For permanent annuity (article two, treaty of November sixteenth, eighteen hundred and five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five), three thousand dollars; for permanent annuity for support of light horsemen (article thirteen, treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five), six hundred dollars; for permanent annuity for support of blacksmith (article six, treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and article nine, treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five), six hundred dollars; for permanent annuity for education (article two, treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five), six thousand dollars; for permanent annuity for iron and steel (article nine, treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five), three hundred and twenty dollars; in all, ten thousand five hundred and twenty dollars.
For the construction of a sanitary sewer system in Platt National Park, Oklahoma, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the said sum shall be available whenever a like amount is appropriated and made available by the town of Sulphur, Oklahoma, for
the same purpose: Provided further, That whenever said appropriation is made by the town of Sulphur, Oklahoma, the entire amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the total appropriation made by this act and the town of Sulphur, Oklahoma, shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior.
The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the heirs or legal representatives of John W. Noble and R. V. Belt the sum of three thousand five hundred and sixty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents, for legal services rendered to and expenses incurred on behalf of members of the Lyman family, Osage allottees, under contract made pursuant to section twenty-one hundred and three and the following of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and duly approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of the Interior, said sum to be paid as provided for in the contract out of individual funds in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the members of said Lyman family: Provided, That before such payment shall be made, the heirs or legal representatives of said John W. Noble and R. V. Belt shall sign a receipt in full for all claims for the services above specified and file the said receipt with the Secretary of the Interior.
That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to satisfy of record the judgments rendered in the district court of Oklahoma, for the eighth judicial district, on December fifteenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, in favor of Albert J. Lee and against Jack Postoak, in the sum of one thousand four hundred and forty-eight dollars, by the payment thereof out of any funds that may now or hereafter be to the credit of the heirs of Bessie Postoak; against King Isaacs and others, in the sum of one thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars, by the payment thereof out of any funds that may now or hereafter be to the credit of the heirs of Roger Isaacs; against Thompson Peters, in the sum of one thousand four hundred and seventy-six dollars, by the payment thereof out of any funds that may now or hereafter be to the credit of the heirs of Sookie Peters; and against Zeno Huff, in the sum of seven hundred and thirty-two dollars, by the payment thereof out of any funds that may now or hereafter be to the credit of said Zeno Huff: Provided, That before such payments shall be made in full, said Albert J. Lee shall sign a receipt in full for all claims for services as herein specified and file the same with the Secretary of the Interior.
The sum of three hundred thousand dollars to be expended, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, in aid of the common schools in the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nations in Oklahoma during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be subject to the limitation in section one of this act, limiting the expenditure of money to educate children of less than one-fourth Indian blood.
The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to pay for the relief of the Kickapoo Indians in Mexico the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to be expended in the payment of taxes, salary of farmers, maintenance and repairs of irrigation ditches, indebtedness for supplies already furnished, court costs, and obligations heretofore incurred in settlement of land titles, said sum to be paid to the treasurer of a corporation to be known as the Kickapoo Community of Mexico, to be organized under the laws of the State of Arizona; the organization of said corporation shall be authorized by a majority of the members of the Mexican Kickapoo Indians now residing in the State of Sonora, in the Republic of Mexico, in council assembled.
That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be sent to the First National Bank of Douglas, Arizona, checks payable to the order of the individual Indian owners who are members of the band of Mexican Kickapoo Indians now resident in the Republic of Mexico, for and in the amount of all moneys known as lease money now on deposit with or in any manner under the control of the agents and officers of the Interior Department and all like money due or becoming due or collectible by them prior to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and belonging to any of the said Mexican Kickapoo Indians.
For support and civilization of Klamath, Modocs, and other Indians of the Klamath Agency, Oregon, including pay of employees, six thousand dollars.
For continuing the construction of the Modoc Point irrigation project, including drainage and canal systems within the Klamath Indian Reservation, in the State of Oregon, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted by the chief engineer in the Indian service and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of the Interior in conformity with a provision in section one of the Indian appropriation act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven, fifty thousand dollars appropriated in the act of March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby reappropriated: Provided, That the total cost of this project shall not exceed one hun-
dred and fifty-five thousand dollars, excluding the sum of thirty-five thousand one hundred and forty-one dollars and fifty-nine cents expended on this reservation to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and that the entire cost of the project shall be repaid into the Treasury of the United States from the proceeds from the sale of timber or lands on the Klamath Indian Reservation.
That there be paid to the Tillamook Tribe of Indians of Oregon the sum of ten thousand five hundred dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; that there be paid to the Clatsop Tribe of Indians of Oregon the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; that there be paid to the Nuc-quee-clah-we-muck Tribe of Indians of Oregon the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; that there be paid to the Kathlamet Band of Chinook Indians of Oregon the sum of seven thousand dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; that there be paid to the Waukikum Band of Chinook Indians of Washington the sum of seven thousand dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; that there be paid to the Wheelappa Band of Chinook Indians of Washington the sum of five thousand dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear; and that there be paid to the Lower Band of Chinook Indians of Washington the sum of twenty thousand dollars, to be apportioned among those now living and the lineal descendants of those who may be dead, by the Secretary of the Interior, as their respective rights may appear, and for this purpose there be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of sixty-six thousand dollars: Provided, That said Indians shall accept said sum, or their respective portions thereof, in full satisfaction of all demands or claims against the United States for the lands described in the agreements or unratified treaties between the United States and said Indians dated, respectively, August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; August ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; August eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; August ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one; and August ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one: Provided further, That if, after investigation by the Secretary, he shall find that all of the Indians of either of said tribes or bands and their lineal descendants are dead, then none of the money hereby appropriated for such tribe or band shall be paid to any person for any purpose: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior shall find and investigate what attorney or attorneys, if any, have rendered services for or on behalf of said Indians, and shall fix a reasonable compensation to be paid said attorney or attorneys for their services in prosecuting the claims of said Indians hereunder, which compensation, if any, shall be paid out of the sum hereby appropriated, in full payment of services rendered; and the decision of the Secretary of the Interior with respect to the attorneys and their compensation shall be final and conclusive: Provided further, That before any money is paid to any attorney hereunder, he shall first
execute and deliver to the Secretary of the Interior a satisfaction and discharge of all claims and demands for services rendered such Indians in the matter of their claims.
For support and education of Indian pupils at the Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, twenty thousand dollars; for completing steam-heating plant, seven thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately available; in all, one hunrded and fifty-nine thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and education of three hundred and sixty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school at Flandreau, South Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, sixty-one thousand five hundred dollars; for the construction and equipment of a gymnasium building, eight thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; in all, seventy-four thousand five hundred dollars.
For support and education of one hundred and seventy-five Indian pupils at the Indian school at Pierre, South Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, thirty-two thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, eleven thousand dollars: Provided, That four thousand dollars of this amount shall be used in the construction and maintenance of an irrigation system for the use of said school; in all, forty-three thousand dollars.
For support of Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota: For pay of five teachers, one physician, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, two farmers, and one blacksmith (article thirteen, treaty of April twenty-ninth eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), ten thousand four hundred dollars; for pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and other material (article eight of same treaty), one thousand six hundred dollars; for pay of additional employees at the several agencies for the Sioux in Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, eighty-eight thousand dollars; for subsistence of the Sioux, and for purposes of their civilization (act of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven), three hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That this sum shall include transportation of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transportation, and in this service Indians shall be employed whenever practicable; and additional to the appropriation of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars herein made for the purposes of civilization, and supplemental thereto, there is hereby appropriated the balance of eighty-five thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty cents from the tribal funds of the Indians on the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, in South Dakota and North Dakota, appropriated by section eight of the act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and eight, which amount belongs exclusively to the Indians on the Cheyenne River Reservation, and to be expended for their benefit; in all, five hundred and thirty-five thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty cents.
For support and maintenance of day and industrial schools among the Sioux Indians, including the erection and repairs of school buildings, two hundred thousand dollars, to be expended under the agreement with said Indians in section seventeen of the act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, which agreement is hereby extended to and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen.
For subsistence and civilization of the Yankton Sioux, South Dakota, fourteen thousand dollars.
The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to A. C. Brink, of Pierre, South Dakota, the sum of one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents, on account of repairs to a gas engine made while said engine was rented by him to the superintendent of the Pierre Indian School and being used during September and October, nineteen hundred and eleven, in digging a test well for the purpose of securing a water supply for that school, and to charge said amount to the appropriation for Indian School, Pierre, South Dakota, Water Supply.
For pay of Indian agent at the Uintah and Ouray Agency (consolidated), Utah, one thousand eight hundred dollars.
For support of Confederated Bands of Utes in Utah: For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and two blacksmiths (article fifteen, treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; for pay of two teachers (same article and treaty), one thousand eight hundred dollars; for purchase of iron and steel and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop (article nine, same treaty), two hundred and twenty dollars; for annual amount for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food (article twelve, same treaty), thirty thousand dollars; for pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, fifty-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars
For continuing the construction of lateral distributing systems to irrigate the allotted lands of the Uncompahgre, Uintah, and White River Utes, in Utah, and to maintain existing irrigation systems, authorized under the act of June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six, to be expended under the terms thereof and reimbursable as therein provided, seventy-five thousand dollars.
the purpose of straightening the said Duchesne River at or near said bridge, with a view to protecting said bridge
.For support and civilization of the DWamish and other allied tribes in Washington, including pay of employees, seven thousand dollars.
That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to investigate the conditions on the Yakima Indian Reservation in the State of Washington with a view to determine the best, most practicable and most feasible plan for providing water for such lands of said reservation as may be irrigated and to cause surveys, plans, and reports to be made thereon, together with an estimated limit of cost of such irrigation project and to submit his report thereon to Congress on the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred and twelve, together with such facts and reasons in support of the same as may be necessary to advise Congress fully in regard thereto.
For the support and education of two hundred and ten Indian pupils at the Indian school at Hayward, Wisconsin, and pay of superintendent, thirty-six thousand six hundred and seventy dollars; for general repairs and improvements, two thousand five hundred dollars; for building additions to dormitories, eighteen thousand dollars; in all, fifty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy dollars.
For support and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, and for pay of superintendent,
forty-three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars; for repairing and rebuilding barn, two thousand five hundred dollars; for general repairs and improvements, seven thousand dollars; in all, fifty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars.
For support and civilization of the Chippewas of Lake Superior, Wisconsin, seven thousand dollars.
For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in Wyoming, twelve thousand dollars.
For continuing the work of road and bridge construction on the Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, ten thousand dollars, reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the act of March third, nineteen hundred and five: Provided, That this amount shall be expended, as far as practicable, in the employment of Indian labor.
Approved, August 24, 1912.