Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
Chap. 203 | Fort Bidwell Indian School, Cal. Patents to occupants of lands on. |
Chap. 203 | Provisos. Surveying, etc. |
Chap. 203 | Price. |
Chap. 203 | Improvements. |
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed, appraised, and conveyed by patent to R. R. Baker, P. H. Trendt, Mary E. Manning, Mrs. Fred Schadler, S. S. Garrett, A. C. Lowell, and Harry Watson, of Fort Bidwell, the tracts of land in Modoc County, in the State of California, now a part of the Fort Bidwell Indian School (formerly the Fort Bidwell Military Reservation), being a part of section seventeen, township forty-six north, range sixteen east, Mount Diablo base arid meridian, which are severally inclosed and actually occupied by the above-named parties, respectively, said tracts not to exceed in all two acres: Provided, That the cost and expense of surveying and. appraising said lands shall be added proportionately to the appraised price thereof: Provided further, That the persons mined shall pay the appraised price, including the cost of surveying and appraisement, to the proper district land office within ninety days from receipt of notice of such price, or their rights to make such purchase shall be forfeited: Provided further, That the value of the improvements placed on the land by the occupants shall not be included in the appraised price of the land.
Approved, July 21, 1914.