Vol. V, Laws     (Compiled from December 22, 1927 to June 29, 1938)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.

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Chapter 416
March 3, 1931.  |  [S. 6136.] 46 Stat., 1495.

An Act For the enrollment, of children born after December 30, 1919, whose parents, or either of them, are members of the Blackfeet Tribe of Indians in the State of Montana, and for other purposes
Section 2

Margin Notes
Chap. 416 Blackfeet Indians, Mont. Enrollment of children of, born since December 30, 1919.
Chap. 416 Illegitimate children.
Chap. 416 Approval of rolls.
Sec. 2 Participation in distribution of tribal property, etc.

Page 237

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for six months after the approval hereof the Secretary of the Interior shall receive applications for the enrollment of children born since December 30, 1919, and still living at the expiration of six months after the approval of this Act, one or both of whose parents have been enrolled as members of the Blackfeet Tribe of Indians, of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in the State of Montana; and for the purpose of enrollment under this sectionillegitimate children shall take the status of the mother, and said rolls shall be made and approved by the Secretary of the Interior within one year after the approval of this Act, and when so approved shall be conclusive evidence of the right of such applicants to participate in the benefits provided by this Act.

SEC. 2.

All persons enrolled under the provisions of the first section hereof shall be entitled to participate in the distribution of only such tribal property, benefits, or money, as may be hereafter distributed.

Approved, March 3, 1931.

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