Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934, and for other purposes, namely:
Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For an additional amount for expenses of purchase and for transportation of goods and supplies for the Indian Service, fiscal year 1932, $175,000.
Probate attorneys, Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma: For an additional amount for salaries and expenses of such attorneys and other employees as the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, deem necessary in probate matters affecting restricted allottees or their heirs in the Five Civilized Tribes, and in the several tribes of
the Quapaw Agency, and for the costs and other necessary expenses incident to suits instituted or conducted by such attorneys, fiscal year 1930, $21.15.
Suppressing contagious diseases among livestock of Indians: For reimbursing Hopi and Navajo Indians for cattle that died, or were destroyed, in connection with dipping operations for the eradication of scabies, fiscal year 1926, $125.
Irrigation systems, Flathead Reservation, Montana: For an additional amount for completion of lower Crow Reservoir, Flathead irrigation project, Montana, fiscal years 1933 and 1934, $25,000, reimbursable.
Reclaiming lands, Lummi Reservation, Washington: For an additional amount for repairing flood damages, Lummi diking project, Washington, fiscal years 1933 and 1934, $17,600, reimbursable: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the benefit of any lands in private ownership until an appropriate repayment contract iii form approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall have been properly executed by the landowners whose lands may be benefited thereby.
Operation and maintenance, Wapato project, Washington: For operation and maintenance, including repairs, of the Wapato irrigation project, Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington, fiscal year 1933, $30,000, reimbursable.
Indian school buildings: For an additional amount for construction. lease, purchase, repair, and improvement of school buildings, including the purchase of necessary lands and the installation, repair, and improvement of heating, lighting, power, and sewerage and water systems in connection therewith fiscal year 1929, $228.50.
Sacaton, Arizona, Indian school building: For school building, including equipment, Sacaton, Arizona, fiscal years 1933 and 1934, $65,000.
Chilocco, Oklahoma, Indian Boarding School Building: For remodeling and repairing girls' dormitory damaged by fire at Chilocco, Oklahoma, including replacement of equipment, fiscal year 1933, to remain available during the fiscal year 1934, $40,000.
Indian boarding schools, Truxton Canyon, Arizona: For replacement of power plant and equipment destroyed by fire, $32,000, to remain available until June 30, 1934.
Education of natives in Alaska: For an additional amount for payment of obligations for freight, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $33,518.59.
Medical relief in Alaska: For an additional amount to enable the Secretary of the Interior to provide for the medical and sanatorium relief of Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $481.73.
Expenses of the Menominee advisory board and general council (tribal funds): For traveling and other expenses of the advisory board or general council of the Menominee Tribe, Wisconsin, or committees thereof, when engaged on business of the tribe, including visits to Washington, District of Columbia, when duly authorized or approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $6,000, to remain available until June 30, 1934, and to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Menominee Tribe.
Claims of individual Sioux Indians: For payment to individual enrolled Indians or their heirs under the Pine Ridge, Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Sioux Agencies in full settlement of their claims against the Government, as found due by the Secretary
of the Interior pursuant to the Act of May 3, 1928 (45 Stat., p. 484), and for payment of attorney fees in connection with the adjudication of such claims, as authorized by the Act of February 16, 1933 (Public, Numbered 359, Seventy-second Congress), fiscal years 1933 and 1934, $19,357.
For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus funds under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (U.S.C., title 31, sec. 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1930 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7,1884 (U.S.C., title 5, sec. 266), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 543, Seventy-second Congress, there is appropriated as follows:
For Indian schools, support, $37.49.
For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (U.S.C., title 31, sec. 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1930 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (U.S.C., title 5, sec. 266), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 203, Seventy-second Congress, there is appropriated as follows:
For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $1,079.43.
For conservation of health among Indians, $919.57.
Approved, March 4, 1933.