Vol. VI, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Chap. 46 | Chap. 164 | Chap. 165 | Chap. 166 | Chap. 167 | Chap. 168 | Chap. 198 | Chap. 285 | Chap. 412 | Chap. 414 | Chap. 415 | Chap. 418 | Chap. 419 | Chap. 548 | Chap. 549 | Chap. 550 | Chap. 551 | Chap. 743 | Chap. 744 | Chap. 745 | Chap. 746 | Chap. 747 | Chap. 748 | Chap. 749 | Chap. 750 | Chap. 771 | Chap. 772 | Chap. 773 | Chap. 785 | Chap. 788 | Chap. 789 | Chap. 813 | Chap. 928 | Chap. 1051 | Chap. 1168 | Chap. 1204 | Chap. 1205

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Chapter 165
May 5, 1950 [H.R. 5609] |  [Private Law 453] 64 Stat. A42

Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to B.M. (Bud) Phelps.
Section 2

Margin Notes
Chap. 165 B.M. (Bud) Phelps.

Page 528

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to issue to B.M. (Bud) Phelps, of Pryor, Montana, a patent in fee to the following-described lands allotted to him on the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana: Section 26 and the south half of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of southeast quarter and the northwest quarter of southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 23, township 6 south, range 27 east, Montana principal meridian, containing one thousand acres.

SEC. 2.

(a) The lands herein described shall not be sold after the date of enactment of this Act to any purchaser, other than the Crow Tribe or a member thereof, unless (1) at least sixty days prior to such sale the Superintendent of the Crow Agency shall have been served with notice of the terms thereof and a copy of such notice, together with a description of the lands, shall have been posted by the superintendent in a conspicuous public place at such agency and have remained posted for a period of sixty days, and (2) prior to the expiration of such sixty days no bona fide offer in writing to purchase such land upon the terms specified in such notice, or upon terms more favorable to the owner, shall have been made by the Crow Tribe or any member thereof and a copy thereof served upon the Superintendent of the Crow Agency.

(b) A certificate of the Superintendent of the Crow Agency stating that notice of the proposed sale was served upon him and was posted by him for a period of sixty days in accordance with the provisions of clause (1) of subsection (a) and that no offer was received in accordance with clause (2) of such subsection, when filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the county in which such lands are situated shall be conclusive evidence of compliance with this section. The superintendent shall furnish the certificate to the purchaser for filing and recording.

Approved, May 5, 1950.

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