Vol. VI, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Public Law 87-416 | Public Law 87-417 | Public Law 87-432 | Public Law 87-469 | Public Law 87-483 | Public Law 87-503 | Public Law 87-516 | Public Law 87-519 | Public Law 87-545 | Public Law 87-573 | Public Law 87-578 | Public Law 87-609 | Public Law 87-627 | Public Law 87-629 | Public Law 87-687 | Public Law 87-689 | Public Law 87-695 | Public Law 87-696 | Public Law 87-698 | Public Law 87-734 | Public Law 87-735 | Public Law 87-775 | Public Law 87-785 | Public Law 87-806 | Public Law 87-808 | Public Law 87-828 | Public Law 87-852 | Public Law 87-866 | Public Law 86-884

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Public Law 87-627
September 5, 1962 | [S. 1208] 76 Stat. 428

To amend Public Law 86-506, Eighty-sixth Congress (74 Stat. 199), approved June 11, 1960.

Margin Notes
Public Law 87-627 Indians. Colorado River Reservation, Ariz.-Calif.
Public Law 87-627 Leasing of lands.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Public Law 86-506, Eighty-sixth Congress (74 tat. 199), approved June 11, 1960, is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Until a determination has been made of beneficial ownership of the lands on the Colorado River Reservation, Arizona and California, that were set apart by the United States for the Indians of the Colorado River and its tributaries, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to lease any unassigned lands on the reservation and to approve leases made by the holders and assignments heretofore made, for such uses and terms as are authorized by the Act of May 11, 1938 (52 Stat. 347; 25 U. S. C. 396a et seq.), and the Act of August 9, 1955 (69 Stat. 539), as amended (25 U. S. C. 415 et seq.), including the same uses and terms as are permitted thereby on the Agua Caliente (Palm Springs), Dania, and Navajo Reservations: Provided, however, That the authorization herein granted to the Secretary of the Interior shall not extend to any lands lying west of the present course of the Colorado River and south

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of section 25 of township 2 south, range 23 east, San Bernardino base and meridian, California, and shall not be construed to affect the resolution of any controversy over the location of the boundary of the Colorado River Reservation. Income received from any leases of unassigned lands may be expended or advanced by the Secretary for the benefit of the Colorado River Indian tribes and their members. Income received from any leases of assigned lands may be expended or advanced by the Secretary for the benefit of the assignee."

Approved, September 5, 1962.

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