Vol. VI, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office.

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Public Law 90-9 | Public Law 90-11 | Public Law 90-21 | Public Law 90-24 | Public Law 90-28 | Public Law 90-35 | Public Law 90-38 | Public Law 90-60 | Public Law 90-63  | Public Law 90-64 | Public Law 90-71 | Public Law 90-76 | Public Law 90-80 | Public Law 90-83 | Public Law 90-93 | Public Law 90-94 | Public Law 90-107 | Public Law 90-114  | Public Law 90-117 | Public Law 90-143 | Public Law 90-182 | Public Law 90-184 | Public Law 90-199 | Public Law 90-222 | Public Law 90-229 | Public Law 90-247 | Public Law 90-248

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Public Law 90-9 An Act to terminate the Indian Claims Commission, and for other purposes. 1093 | 1094
Public Law 90-11 An Act to provide for the disposition of a judgment against the United States recovered by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of indians of the Flathead Reservation in Montana. 1094
Public Law 90-21 An Act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and for other purposes. 1094 | 1095
Public Law 90-24 An Act to transfer title to tribal land on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, and for other purposes. 1095 | 1096
Public Law 90-28 An Act making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, and for other purposes. 1096 | 1097 | 1098 | 1099 | 1100
Public Law 90-35 An Act to amend and extend title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965. 1100
Public Law 90-38 Joint Resolution making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1968, and for other purposes. 1100
Public Law 90-60 An Act to provide for the distribution of judgment funds among members of the Confederated Bands of the Ute Indian Tribes. 1101
Public Law 90-63 An Act to provide for the disposition of funds appropriated to pay a judgment in favor of the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma in docket numbered 303 of the Indian Claims Commission, and for other purposes. 1101 | 1102
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Public Law 90-64 An Act to provide for the dedication of certain streets on the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation and to convey title to certain platted streets, alleys, and strips of land. 1102
Public Law 90-71 An Act to declare that the United States holds in trust for the Indians of the Battle Mountain Colony certain lands in which are used for cemetary purposes. 1102 | 1103
Public Law 90-76 An Act to provide for the disposition of the unclaimed and un paid share of the Loyal Creek Judgment Fund, and to proide for disposition of estates of intestate members of the Creek Nation of Oklahoma or estates of members of the Creek Nation of Oklahoma dying without heirs. 1103
Public Law 90-80 An Act to provide for the disposition of funds appropriated to pay judgments in favor of the Sac and Fox indians, and for other purposes. 1103 | 1104
Public Law 90-83 An Act to amend titles 5, 14, and 37, United States Code, to codify recent law, and to improve the Code. 1104
Public Law 90-93 An Act to provide for the disposition of funds appropriated to pay a judgment in favor of the Emigrant New York Indians in Indian Claims Commission Docket Numbered 75, and for other purposes. 1104 | 1105
Public Law 90-94 An Act to provide for the disposition of judgment funds now on deposit to the credit of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe of Indians on behalf of the Mississippi Bands and the Pillager and Lake Winnibigoshish Bands of Chippewa Indians. 1105 | 1106
Public Law 90-107 An Act to amend the Act of January 17, 1936 (49 Stat, 1094), reserving certain public domain lands in Nevada and Oregon as a grazing reserve for Indians of Fort McDermitt, Nevada. 1106
Public Law 90-114 An Act to Provide for the disposition of funds appropriations to pay a judgment in favor of the Upper and Lower Chehalis Tribes of Indians in Claims Commission docket numbered 237, and for other purposes. 1106 | 1107
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Public Law 90-117 An Act to provide for the disposition of judgment funds now on deposit to the credit of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. 1107 | 1108
Public Law 90-143 An Act to cancel certain construction costs and irrigation assessments chargeable against lands of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana. 1108
Public Law 90-182 An Act to provide long-term leasing for th Gila River Indian Reservation. 1108
Public Law 90-184 An Act to amend the Act of August 9, 1955, to authorize longer term leases of Indian lands on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona. 1108
Public Law 90-199 An Act to provide for the disposition of funds appropriated to pay a judgment in favor of the Iowa Tribes of Kansas and Nebraska and of Oklahoma in Indian Claims Commission dockets numbered 138 and 79, and for other purposes. 1109
Public Law 90-222 An Act to provide an improved Economic Opportunity Act, to authorize funds for the continued operation of economic opportunity programs, and for other purposes. 1109 | 1110 | 1111 | 1112
Public Law 90-229 An Act t delcare that certain lands are held in trust for the Squaxin Island Indian Tribe. 1112
Public Law 90-247 An Act to strengthen, improve, and extend programs of assistance for elementary and secondary educationm and for other purposes. 1112 | 1113 | 1114 | 1115 | 1116
Public Law 90-248 An Act to amend the Social Security Act to provide an increase in benefits under the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system, to provide benfites for additional categories of individuals, to improve the public assistance program and programs relating to the welfare and health of children, and for other purposes. 1116 | 1117 | 1118 | 1119

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