Vol. VI, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office.

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Chap. 29  | Chap. 1 | Chap. 10 | Chap. 11 | Chap. 17 | Chap. 18 | Chap. 20 | Chap. 21 | Chap. 22 | Chap. 107 | Chap. 119 | Chap. 154 | Chap. 156 | Chap. 185 | Chap. 203 | Chap. 208 | Chap. 210 | Chap. 235 | Chap. 248 | Chap. 252 | Chap. 253 | Chap. 254 | Chap. 272 | Chap. 384 | Chap. 387 | Chap. 431 | Chap. 440 | Chap. 483 | Chap. 519 | Chap. 552 | Chap. 607 | Chap. 633 | Chap. 634 | Chap. 662 | Chap. 687 | Chap. 695

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Chap. 29 An Act to consolidate and codify the internal revenue laws of the United States. 1
Chap. 1 Joint Resolution making an additional appropriation for work relief for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939. 1 | 2
Chap. 10 An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for other purposes. 2 | 3
Chap. 11 An Act making appropriations for the Executive Office and sundry independant executive bureaus, boards, commisions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 3 | 4
Chap. 17 An Act to authorize the purchase of certain lands for the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico. 4
Chap. 18 An Act to repeal section 9 of the Act of March 3, 1875 (18 Stat. L. 450), as amended. 4
Chap. 20 An Act to add certain public-domain land in Montana to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation. 4 | 5
Chap. 21 An Act to provide for conveying to the United States the land, buildings, and improvments comprising the Choctaw and Chickasaw Sanatorium and General Hospital. 5
Chap. 22 An Act to authorize an appropriation to pay non-Indian claimants whose claims have been extenguished under the Act of June 7, 1924, but who have been found entitled to awards under said Act as supplemented by the Act of May 31, 1933. 5
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Chap. 107 An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1939, and June 30 1940, and for other purposes. 5 | 6 | 7
Chap. 119 Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Chap. 154 An Act to provide for the correction of the list of approved Pine Ridge lost allotment claims, and for other purposes. 28
Chap. 156 An Act to authorize further relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and on Indian reclamation projects. 28 | 29
Chap. 185 An Act to authorize certain officers and employees to administer oaths to expense accounts. 29 | 30
Chap. 203 An Act to add certain lands to teh Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona. 30
Chap. 208 An Act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 30 | 31
Chap. 210 An Act to modify the provisions of section 14 of the Act of June 30, 1834, and section 10 of the Act of June 22, 1874 relating to the Indians. 31
Chap. 235 An Act to define the status of certain lands purchased for the Choctaw Indians, Mississippi. 31
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Chap. 248 An Act making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary, and for the Department of Commerce, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 31 | 32
Chap. 252 Joint Resolution making appropriations for work relief and relief, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940. 32 | 33
Chap. 253 An Act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 33 | 34
Chap. 254 An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, to provide appropriations required immediately for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 34
Chap. 272 An Act to prescibe rules for the enrollment of Menominee Indian children born to enrolled parents, and for other purposes. 34 | 35
Chap. 384 An Act to extend the period of restrictions on lands of the Quapaw Indians, Oklahoma, and for other purposes. 35
Chap. 387 An Act to provide for the distribution of the judgment fund of the Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming, and for other purposes. 35 | 36 | 37
Chap. 431 An Act to provide for the public auction of certain town lots within the city of Parker, Arizona. 37 | 38
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Chap. 440 An Act to reserve to the United States for the Bonneville project a right-of-way across certain Indian lands in the State of Washington, suject to the consent of the individual allottees and the payment of compensation, and for other purposes. 38
Chap. 483 Joint Resolution to approve the action of the Secretary of the Interior deferring the collection of certain irrigation construction charges against lands under the San Carlos and Flathead Indian irrigatoin projects. 38
Chap. 519 An Act amending the Act of Congress of June 25, 1938 (C. 710, 52 Stat. 1207), authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to pay salaries and expenses to the chairman, secretary, and interpreter of the Klamath General Council, members of the Klamath Business Comittee and other committees appointed by said Klamath General Council, and official delegates of the Kalamaht Tribe. 38 | 39
Chap. 552 An Act providing for the dispostion of certain Klamath Indian tribal funds. 39 | 40
Chap. 607 An Act for the relief of certain Indians of the Winnebago Agency. 40
Chap. 633 An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1939, and June 30, 1940, and for other purposes. 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44
Chap. 634 An Act to provide for the erection of a public historical museum in the Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, Montana. 44 | 45
Chap. 662 An Act authorizing the restoration to tribal ownership of certain lands upon the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oregon, and for other purposes. 45
Chap. 687 An Act to authorize acquisition of complete title to the Pyallup Indian Tribal School property at Tacoma, Washington, fo Indian Sanatorium purposes. 45 | 46
Chap. 695 An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contract with the State Water Conservation Board of Montana and the Tongue River Water Users' Association for participation in the costs and benefits of the Tongue River Storage Reservoir project for the benefit of lands on the Tongue River Indian Reservation, Montana. 46

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