Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

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Title 40.—Public Buildings, Property, and Works
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Chapter 9


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§ 460. Urban planning and reserve of planned public works; definitions.

As used in sections 460 to 462 of this title, (1) the term "State" shall mean any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States; (2) the term "Secretary" shall mean the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; (3) the term "public works" shall include any public works other than housing; and (4) the term "public agency" or "public agencies" shall mean any State, as herein defined, or any public agency or political subdivision therein. (Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title VII, § 703, 68 Stat. 641; May 5, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 10(d), 81 Stat. 22.)


1967—Pub. L. 90-19 substituted in cl. (2) definition of "Secretary" meaning the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for "Administrator" meaning the Housing and Home Finance Administrator.

§ 461. Comprehensive planning.

(a) Grants by Secretary; authorization.

In order to assist State and local governments in solving planning problems, including those resulting from the increasing concentration of population in metropolitan and other urban areas and the outmigration from and lack of coordinated development of resources and services in rural areas; to facilitate comprehensive planning for urban and rural development, including coordinated transportation systems, on a continuing basis by such governments; and to encourage such governments to establish and improve planning staffs and techniques on an areawide basis, and to engage private consultants where their professional services are deemed appropriate by the assisted governments, the Secretary is authorized to make planning grants to—

(1) State planning agencies for the provision of planning assistance to (A) cities and other municipalities having a population of less than 50,000 according to the latest decennial census, and counties without regard to population: Provided, That grants shall be made under this paragraph for planning assistance to counties having a population of 50,000 or more, according to the latest decennial census, which are within metropolitan areas, only if (i) the Secretary finds that planning and plans for such county will be coordinated with the program of comprehensive planning, if any, which is being carried out for the metropolitan area of which the county is a part, and (ii) the aggregate amount of the grants made subject to this proviso does not exceed 15 per centum of the aggregate amount appropriated, after September 2, 1964, for the purposes of this section, (B) any group of adjacent communities, either incorporated or unincorporated, having a total population of less than 50,000 according to the latest decennial census and having common or related urban planning problems, (C) cities, other municipalities, and counties referred to in paragraph (3) of this subsection, and areas referred to in paragraph (4) of this subsection, and (D) Indian reservations;

(2) State, metropolitan, and regional planning agencies for metropolitan or regional planning, and to cities, within metropolitan areas, for planning which is part of comprehensive metropolitan planning and which shall supplement and be coordinated with State, metropolitan, and regional planning;

(3)(A) economic development districts designated by the Secretary of Commerce under title IV of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, and (B) cities, other municipalities, and counties which (i) are situated in redevelopment areas or economic development districts designated by the Secretary of Commerce under title IV of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, or (ii) have suffered substantial damage as a result of a major disaster as determined by the President pursuant to the Disaster Relief Act of 1970;

(4) official governmental planning agencies for areas where rapid urbanization has resulted

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or is expected to result from the establishment or rapid and substantial expansion of a Federal installation, or for areas where rapid urbanization is expected to result on land developed or to be developed as a new community under section 1749cc-1 of Title 12 or title IV of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 or under part B of the Urban Growth and New Community Development Act of 1970;

(5) States for State and interstate comprehensive planning and for research and coordination activity related thereto, including technical and other assistance for the establishment and operation of intrastate and interstate planning agencies;

(6) State planning agencies for assistance to district planning, or planning for areas within districts, carried on by or for district planning agencies;

(7) metropolitan and regional planning agencies, with the approval of the State planning agency or (in States where no such planning agency exists) of the Governor of the State, for the provision of planning assistance within the metropolitan area or region to cities, other municipalities, counties, groups of adjacent communities, or Indian reservations described in clauses (A), (B), (C), and (D) of paragraph (1) of this subsection;

(8) official governmental planning agencies for any area where there has occurred a substantial reduction in employment opportunities as the result of (A) the closing (in whole or in part) of a Federal installation, or (B) a decline in the volume of Government orders for the procurement of articles or materials produced or manufactured in such area;

(9) tribal planning councils or other tribal bodies designated by the Secretary of the Interior for planning for an Indian reservation;

(10) the various regional commissions established by the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 or under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 for comprehensive planning for the regions established under such Acts (or State agencies or instrumentalities participating in such planning); and

(11) local development districts, certified under section 301 of the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, for comprehensive planning for their entire areas, or for metropolitan planning, urban planning, county planning, or small municipality planning within such areas in the Appalachian region, and for planning for Appalachian regional programs.

Planning assisted under this section shall, to the maximum extent feasible, cover entire areas having common or related development problems. The Secretary shall encourage cooperation in preparing and carrying out plans among all interested municipalities, political subdivisions, public agencies, and other parties in order to achieve coordinated development of entire areas. To the maximum extent feasible, pertinent plans and studies already made for areas shall be utilized so as to avoid unnecessary repetition of effort and expense. Planning which may be assisted under this section includes the preparation of comprehensive transportation surveys, studies, and plans to aid in solving problems of traffic congestion, facilitating the circulation of people and goods in metropolitan and other areas and reducing transportation needs. Planning carried out with assistance under this section shall also include a housing element as part of the preparation of comprehensive land use plans, and this consideration of the housing needs and land use requirements for housing in each comprehensive plan shall take into account all available evidence of the assumptions and statistical bases upon which the project of zoning, community facilities, and population growth is based, so that the housing needs of both the region and the local communities studied in the planning will be adequately covered in terms of existing and prospective in-migrant population growth. Funds available under this section shall be in addition to and may be used jointly with funds available for planning surveys and investigations under other federally aided programs, and nothing contained in this section shall be construed as affecting the authority of the Secretary of Transportation under section 307 of Title 23.

(b) Maximum amount of grant; terms and conditions; advances or progress payments; appropriations; grants for research on State statutes affecting local governments.

A planning grant made under subsection (a) of this section shall not exceed two-thirds of the estimated cost of the work for which the grant is made: Provided, That such a grant may be made for up to 75 per centum of such estimated cost when made for planning primarily for (1) redevelopment areas, local development districts, or economic development districts, or portions thereof, described in paragraph (3)(A) and (B)(i) and paragraph (11) of subsection (a) of this section, (2) areas described in subsection (a)(4) or subsection (a)(8) of this section, and (3) the various regions, as described in subsection (a)(10) of this section. All grants made under this section shall be subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the Secretary. Except for planning for areas described in subsection (a)(4) of this section, no portion of any grant made under this section shall be used for the preparation of plans for specific public works. The Secretary is authorized, notwithstanding the provisions of section 529 of Title 31, to make advance or progress payments on account of any grant made under this section. There are authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this section not to exceed $265,000,000 prior to July 1, 1969, and not to exceed $420,000,000 prior to July 1, 1972. Of the amount available prior to July 1, 1969, $20,000,000 may be used only for district planning grants under subsection (a)(6) of this section, which amount shall be increased by $10,000,000 on July 1, 1969. Any amounts appropriated under this section shall remain available until expended: Provided, That, of any funds appropriated under this section, not to exceed an aggregate of $10,000,000 plus 5 per centum of the funds so appropriated may be used by the Secretary for studies, research, and demonstration projects, undertaken independently or by contract, for the development and improvement of techniques and methods for comprehensive planning and for the advancement of the purposes of this section, and for grants to assist in the conduct of studies and research relating to needed revisions in State statutes which create, govern, or control local governments and local governmental operations.

(c) Encouragement of planning on a unified regional, district, or metropolitan basis.

The Secretary is authorized, in areas embracing several municipalities or other political subdivisions, to encourage planning on a unified regional, district, or metropolitan basis and to provide technical assistance for such planning and the solution of problems relating thereto.

(d) Comprehensive planning.

It is the further intent of this section to encour-

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age comprehensive planning, including transportation planning, for States, cities, counties, metropolitan areas, districts, regions, and Indian reservations and the establishment and development of the organizational units needed therefor. In extending financial assistance under this section, the Secretary may require such assurances as he deems adequate that the appropriate State and local agencies are making reasonable progress in the development of the elements of comprehensive planning. The Secretary is authorized to provide technical assistance to State and local governments and their agencies and instrumentalities, and to Indian tribal bodies, undertaking such planning and, by contract or otherwise, to make studies and publish information on related problems.

(e) Consultation with officials of Federal Government; technical assistance.

In the exercise of his responsibilities under this section, the Secretary shall consult with those officials of the Federal Government responsible for the administration of programs of Federal assistance to the State and municipalities for various categories of public facilities and other comprehensively planned activities. He shall, particularly, consult with the Secretary of Agriculture prior to his approval of any district planning grants under subsections (a)(6) and (g) of this section, and with the Secretary of Commerce prior to his approval of any planning grants which include any part of an economic development district as defined and designated under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965. The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Commerce, as appropriate, may provide technical assistance, with or without reimbursement, in connection with the establishment of districts by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the carrying out of planning by such districts.

(f) Consent of Congress to agreements or compacts between States for cooperative efforts and mutual assistance in comprehensive planning.

The consent of the Congress is hereby given to any two or more States to enter into agreements or compacts, not in conflict with any law of the United States, for cooperative effort and mutual assistance in the comprehensive planning for the growth and development of interstate, metropolitan, or other urban areas, and to establish such agencies, joint or otherwise, as they may deem desirable for making effective such agreements and compacts.

(g) Grants to organizations composed of elected officials representative of political jurisdictions within metropolitan area, region, or district; studies, data, plans, programs, related activities; maximum grants.

In addition to the planning grants authorized by subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary is further authorized to make grants to organizations composed of public officials representative of the political jurisdictions within the metropolitan area, region, or district for the purpose of assisting such organizations to undertake studies, collect data, develop metropolitan, regional, and district plans and programs, and engage in such other activities, including implementation of such plans, as the Secretary finds necessary or desirable for the solution of the metropolitan, regional, or district problems in such areas, regions, or districts. To the maximum extent feasible, all grants under this subsection shall be for activities relating to all the developmental aspects of the total metropolitan area, region, or district including, but not limited to, land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural resources development, community facilities, and the general improvement of living environments. A grant under this subsection shall not exceed two-thirds of the estimated cost of the work for which the grant is made.

(h) Grants for surveys of historic structures.

In addition to the other grants authorized by this section, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to assist any city, other municipality, or county in making a survey of the structures and sites in such locality which are determined by its appropriate authorities to be of historic or architectural value. Any such survey shall be designed to identify the historic structures and sites in the locality, determine the cost of their rehabilitation or restoration, and provide such other information as may be necessary or appropriate to serve as a foundation for a balanced and effective program of historic preservation in such locality. The aspects of any such survey which relate to the identification of historic and architectural values shall be conducted in accordance with criteria found by the Secretary to be comparable to those used in establishing the national register maintained by the Secretary of the Interior under other provisions of law; and the results of each such survey shall be made available to the Secretary of the Interior. A grant under this subsection shall not exceed two-thirds of the cost of the survey for which it is made, and shall be made to the appropriate agency or entity specified in paragraphs (1) through (11) or subsection (a) of this section for, if there is no such agency or entity which is qualified and willing to receive the grant and provide for its utilization in accordance with this subsection, directly to the city, other municipality, or county involved.

(i) Definitions.

As used in this section—

(1) The term "metropolitan area" means a standard metropolitan statistical area, as established by the Office of Management and Budget, subject, however, to such modifications or extensions as the Secretary deems to be appropriate for the purposes of this section.

(2) The term "region" includes (A) all or part of the area of jurisdiction of one or more units of general local government, and (B) one or more metropolitan areas.

(3) The term "district" includes all or part of the area of jurisdiction of (A) one or more counties, and (B) one or more other units of general local government, but does not include any portion of a metropolitan area.

(4) The term "comprehensive planning" includes the following:

(A) preparation, as a guide for governmental policies and action, of general plans with respect to (i) the pattern and intensity of land use, (ii) the provision of public facilities (including transportation facilities) and other government services, and (iii) the effective development and utilization of human and natural resources;

(B) long-range physical and fiscal plans for such action;

(C) programing of capital improvements and other major expenditures, based on a determination of relative urgency, together with definite financing plans for such expenditures in the earlier years of the program;

(D) coordination of all related plans and ac-

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tivities of the State and local governments and agencies concerned; and

(E) preparation of regulatory and administrative measures in support of the foregoing.

Comprehensive planning for the purpose of districts shall not include planning for or assistance to establishments in relocating from one area to another or assist subcontractors whose purpose is to divest, or whose economic success is dependent upon divesting, other contractors or subcontractors of contracts theretofore customarily performed by them: Provided, That this limitation shall not be construed to prohibit assistance for the expansion of an existing business entity through the establishment of a new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary of such entity, if the Secretary finds that the establishment of such branch, affiliate, or subsidiary will not result in an increase in unemployment in the area of original location or in any other area where such entity conducts business operations, unless the Secretary has reason to believe that such branch, affiliate, or subsidiary is being established with the intention of closing down the operations of the existing business entity in the area of its original location or in any other area where it conducts such operations.

(5) The term "State planning agencies" includes official State planning agencies and (in States where no such planning agency exists) agencies or instrumentalities of State government designated by the Governor of the State and acceptable to the Secretary.

(6) The terms "metropolitan planning agencies", "regional planning agencies", and "district planning agencies" mean official metropolitan, regional, and district planning agencies, or other agencies and instrumentalities designated by the Governor (or Governors in the case of interstate planning), and acceptable to the Secretary, empowered under State or local law or interstate compact to perform metropolitan, regional, or district planning, respectively: Provided, That such agencies and instrumentalities shall, to the greatest practicable extent, be composed of or responsible to the elected officials of the unit or units of general local government for whose jurisdictions they are empowered to engage in planning.

(j) State, regional, and other multijurisdictional area planning.

In carrying out the provisions of this section relating to planning for States, regions, or other multijurisdictional areas whose development has significance for purposes of national growth and urban development objectives, the Secretary shall encourage the formulation of plans and programs which will include the studies, criteria, standards, and implementing procedures necessary for effectively guiding and controlling major decisions as to where growth should take place within such States, regions, or areas. Such plans and programs shall take account of the availability of and need for conserving land and other irreplaceable natural resources; of projected changes in size, movement, and composition of population; of the necessity for expanding housing and employment opportunities; of the opportunities, requirements, and possible locations for, new communities and large-scale projects for expanding or revitalizing existing communities; and of the need for methods of achieving modernization, simplification, and improvements in governmental structures, systems, and procedures related to growth objectives. If the Secretary determines that activities otherwise eligible for assistance under this section are necessary to the development or implementation of such plans and programs, he may make grants in support of such activities to any governmental agency or organization of public officials which he determines is capable of carrying out the planning work involved in an effective and efficient manner and may make such grants in an amount equal to not more than 75 per centum of the cost of such activities. (Aug 2, 1954, ch. 649, title VII, § 701, 68 Stat. 640; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, §§ 307(d), 308, 70 Stat. 1102; July 12, 1957, Pub. L. 85-104, title VI, § 606, 71 Stat. 305; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, § 419, 73 Stat. 678; May 1, 1961, Pub. L. 81-27, § 15, 75 Stat. 58; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 310, 75 Stat. 170; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, §§ 314-317, Stat. 792, 793; Mar. 9, 1965, Pub. L. 89-4, title II, § 213, 79 Stat. 17; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title XI, § 1102, 79 Stat. 502; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title IV, § 406, title VI, § 604, title X, § 1008, 80 Stat. 1273, 1279, 1286; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 10(a), 81 Stat. 22; Oct. 11, 1967, Pub. L. 90-103, title I, § 115, 81 Stat. 262; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title VI, § 601, 82 Stat. 526; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title III, § 302, 83 Stat. 391; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-606, title III, § 301(a), 84 Stat. 1758; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title III, § 302, title VII, §§ 727(e), 735, 84 Stat. 1780, 1803, 1804.)

§ 462. Reserve of planned public works.

(a) Advances for feasibility studies, surveys, designs, plans, etc.

In order (1) to encourage municipalities and other public agencies and Indian tribes to maintain at all times a current and adequate reserve of planned public works the construction of which can rapidly be commenced, particularly when the national or local economic situation makes such action desirable, and (2) to help attain maximum economy and efficiency in the planning and construction of public works, the Secretary is authorized to make advances to public agencies and Indian tribes (notwithstanding the provisions of section 529 of Title 31) to aid in financing the cost of feasibility studies, engineering and architectural surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, or other action preliminary to and in preparation for the construction of public works, including, in the case of public works to be constructed in connection with the development of a medical center, a general plan for the development of such center: Provided, That the making of advances hereunder shall not in any way commit the Congress to appropriate funds to assist in financing the construction of any public works so planned: And provided further, That advances outstanding to public agencies and Indian tribes in any one State shall at no time exceed 12 1/2 per centum of the aggregate then authorized to be appropriated to the revolving fund established pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.

(b) Requisites for advances.

No advance shall be made hereunder with respect to any individual project, including a regional or metropolitan or other area-wide project, unless (1) it is planned to be constructed within or over a reasonable period of time considering the nature of the project, (2) it conforms to an overall State, local, or regional plan approved by a competent State, local, or regional authority, and (3) the public agency or Indian tribe formally contracts with the Federal Government to complete the plan preparation promptly and to repay such advance or part thereof when due.

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(c) Repayment of advances.

Advances under this section to any public agency or Indian tribe shall be repaid without interest by such agency or tribe when the construction of the public works is undertaken or started: Provided, That in the event repayment is not made promptly such unpaid sum shall bear interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from the date of the Government's demand for repayment to the date of payment thereof by the public agency or Indian tribe.

(d) Rules and regulations.

The Secretary is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of this section.

(e) Revolving fund.

In order to provide moneys for advances in accordance with this section, the Secretary is hereby authorized to establish a revolving fund which shall comprise (1) all moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated pursuant to this section, together with all repayments and other receipts heretofore or hereafter received in connection with advances made under this section, and (2) all repayments and other receipts received after June 30, 1964, and all advances (and claims in connection with advances) outstanding as of such date, under title V of the War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944 and the Act of October 13, 1949. There are authorized to be appropriated to such revolving fund, in addition to amounts authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this section prior to September 2, 1964, such sums not to exceed $70,000,000, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

(f) Surveys of public works planning.

The Secretary is authorized to use during any fiscal year not to exceed $100,000 of the moneys in the revolving fund (established under subsection (e) of this section) to conduct surveys of the status and current volume of State and local public works planning and surveys of estimated requirements for State and local public works: Provided, That the Secretary, in conducting any such survey, may utilize or act through any Federal department or agency with its consent.

(g) Repayment of advances for projects initiated under Public Works Acceleration Act.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no advance made under this section for the planning of any public works project shall be required to be repaid if construction of such project is initiated as a result of a grant-in-aid made from an allocation made by the President under the Public Works Acceleration Act.

(h) Repayment of advances where public agency or Indian tribe undertakes portion of a public work; termination of agreement for advance.

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a public agency or Indian tribe undertakes to construct only a portion of a public work planned with an advance under this section, under title V of the War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944, or under the Act of October 13, 1949, it shall repay only such proportionate amount of the advance relating to the public work as the Secretary determines to be equitable.

(2) The Secretary is authorized to terminate, upon such terms and conditions as he shall deem equitable, all or a portion of the liability for repayment of any advance made under this section, title V of the War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944, or the Act of October 13, 1949. Whenever the Secretary determines that there is no reasonable likelihood that the public work, or a portion of the public work, planned with such advance will be constructed, he may terminate the agreement for the advance. Such determination shall be conclusive and shall be based on standards prescribed by regulations to be issued by the Secretary. (Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title VII, § 702, 68 Stat. 641; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, § 112, 69 Stat. 641; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title VIII, § 801, 73 Stat. 686; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title V, § 502, Stat. 175; Sept. 14, 1962, Pub. L. 87-658, § 6, 76 Stat. 544; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title VI, § 602, 78 Stat. 799; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title XI, § 1104, 79 Stat. 503; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 10(a), 81 Stat. 22; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title VI, § 607, 82 Stat. 534.)

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