Washington : Government Printing Office
The authorizations, funds, and appropriations available pursuant to sections 1452 and 1453 of this title shall constitute a fund, to be known as the "Urban Renewal Fund", and shall be available for advances, loans, and grants to local public agencies for urban renewal projects in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, and all contracts, obligations, assets, and liabilities existing under or pursuant to said sections prior to August 2, 1954 are transferred to said Fund. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 100, as added Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 302, 68 Stat. 622, and amended Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, § 417(1), 73 Stat. 676.)
(a) Local responsibilities considered by Secretary in extending financial assistance.
In entering into any contract for advances for surveys, plans, and other preliminary work for projects under this subchapter or for grants pursuant to section 1453(d) of this title, the Secretary shall give consideration to the extent to which appropriate local public bodies have undertaken positive programs (through the adoption, modernization, administration, and enforcement of housing, zoning, building and other local laws, codes and regulations relating to land use and adequate standards of health, sanitation, and safety for buildings, including the use and occupancy of dwellings) for (1) preventing the spread or recurrence in the community of slums and blighted areas, and (2) encouraging housing cost reductions through the use of appropriate new materials, techniques, and methods in land and residential planning, design, and construction, the increase of efficiency in residential construction, and the elimination of restrictive practices which unnecessarily increase housing costs.
(b) Encouragement of operations of local public agencies.
In the administration of this subchapter, the Secretary shall encourage the operations of such local public agencies as are established on a State, or regional (within a State), or unified metropolitan basis or as are established on such other basis as permits such agencies to contribute effectively toward the solution of community development or redevelopment problems on a State, or regional (within a State), or unified metropolitan basis. The Secretary shall particularly encourage the utilization of local public agencies established by the States to operate on a statewide basis in behalf of smaller communities within the State which are undertaking or propose to undertake urban renewal programs whenever that arrangement facilitates the undertaking of an urban renewal program by any such community, or provides an effective solution to community development or redevelopment problems in such communities, and is approved by resolution or ordinance of the governing bodies of the affected communities.
(c) Requirements; exceptions; minimum standards housing code.
No contract shall be entered into for any loan or capital grant under this subchapter, and no mortgage shall be insured, and no commitment to insure a mortgage shall be issued, under section 1715k of Title 12, unless (1) there is presented to the Secretary by the locality, a workable program for community improvement (which shall include an official plan of action, as it exists from time to time, for effectively dealing with the problem of urban slums and blight within the community and for the establishment and preservation of a well-planned community with well-organized residential neighborhoods of decent homes and suitable living environment for adequate family life) for utilizing appropriate private and public resources to eliminate, and prevent the development or spread of, slums and urban blight, to encourage needed urban rehabilitation, to provide for the redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated, or slum areas, or to undertake such of the aforesaid activities or other feasible community activities as may be suitably employed to achieve the objectives of such a program, and (2) on the basis of his review of such program, the Secretary determines that such program meets the requirements of this subsection and certifies that the Federal assistance may be made available in such community: Provided, That this sentence shall not apply to the insurance of, or commitment to insure, a mortage under section 1715k of Title 12, if the mortgaged property is in an area referred to in clause (A)(i) of paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of said section, except that no such mortgage shall be insured, and no commitment to insure such a mortgage shall be issued, with respect to property in any community for which a workable program for community improvement was required and in effect at the time a contract for a loan or capital grant was entered into under this subchapter, unless there is a workable program for community improvement which meets the requirements of this subsection in effect in such community at the time of such insurance or commitment: Provided further, That commencing three years after September 2, 1964 or, in the case of an Indian tribe, band, or nation, commencing January 1, 1970, no workable program shall be certified or recertified unless (A) the locality has had in effect, for at least six months prior to such certification or re-certification, a minimum standards housing code, related but not limited to health, sanitation, and occupancy requirements, which is deemed adequate by the Secretary, and (B) the Secretary is satisified that the locality is carrying out an effective program of enforcement to achieve compliance with such housing code. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of a contract with an Indian tribe, band, or nation (or a public housing or other public agency for such tribe, band, or nation established under State or tribal law), the workable program and minimum standards housing code, referred to in the preceding sentence, may be presented to the Secretary by such tribe, band, or nation, and it shall be subject to the requirements of law with respect to such program and code only to the extent that such tribe, band, or nation has the legal jurisdiction and power to carry out such requirements.
(d) Facilities for furnishing urban renewal service and assembly of information.
The Secretary is authorized to establish facilities (1) for furnishing to communities, at their request, an urban renewal service to assist them in the preparation of a workable program as referred to in the subsection (c) of this section and to provide them with technical and professional assistance for planning and developing local urban renewal programs (including rehabilitation projects requiring no additional assistance under this subchapter or self-liquidating redevelopment projects), and (2) for the assembly, analysis and reporting of information pertaining to such programs.
(e) Workable program requirements.
No loan or grant contract may be entered into by the Secretary for an urban renewal project unless he determines that (1) the workable program for community improvement presented by the locality pursuant to subsection (c) of this section is of sufficient scope and content to furnish a basis for evaluation of the need for the urban renewal project; and (2) such project is in accord with the program. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 101, 63 Stat. 414; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 303, 68 Stat. 623; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, § 108(a), 69 Stat. 638; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title IV, § 402, 70 Stat. 1103; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title I, § 110(a) (3), (4), title IV, §§ 401, 417(2), 73 Stat. 659, 670, 677; June 30, 1961, Pub. L.
87-70, title I, § 101(b), title III, § 314 (a), 75 Stat. 153, 172; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, §§ 301(a), 302, 78 Stat. 785; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title I, § 101(f), title III, §§ 302(a)(1), (b), 305(b), 79 Stat. 453, 474, 476; Sept. 9, 1965, Pub. L. 89-174, § 7(d), 79 Stat. 670; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), (c), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 513, 82 Stat. 525; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 217(a), 83 Stat. 390.)
(a) Temporary and definitive loans; amounts; interest rates; security; repayment.
To assist local communities in the elimination of slums and blighted or deteriorated or deteriorating areas, in preventing the spread of slums, blight or deterioration, and in providing maximum opportunity for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, and conservation of such areas by private enterprise, the Secretary may make temporary and definitive loans to local public agencies in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter for the undertaking of urban renewal projects. Such loans (outstanding at any one time) shall be in such amounts not exceeding the estimated expenditures to be made by the local public agency for such purposes, bear interest at such rate (not less than the applicable going Federal rate), be secured in such manner, and be repaid within such period (not exceeding, in the case of definitive loans, forty years from the date of the bonds or other obligations evidencing such loans), as may be deemed advisable by the Secretary. In any case where, in connection with its undertaking and carrying out of an urban renewal project, a local public agency is authorized (under the circumstances in which the temporary loan herein provided is requested) to acquire real property in the urban renewal area, the Secretary, in addition to all other authority under this subchapter and notwithstanding any other provisions of this subchapter, regardless of the stage of development of the urban renewal plan and whether before or after the approval thereof, may make a temporary loan or loans to any such local public agency to finance the acquisition of such real property: Provided, That no loan for such purpose shall be made unless (1) the governing body of the locality involved shall have approved by resolution or ordinance the acquisition of real property in the urban renewal area, and (2) either (A) the Secretary shall have determined that such loan is reasonably secured by a first mortgage or other prior lien upon such real property or is otherwise reasonably secured, or (B) the governing body of the locality shall have assumed the responsibility to bear any loss that may arise as the result of such acquisition in the event that the property so acquired is not used for urban renewal purposes because the urban renewal plan for the project is not approved, or is amended to omit any of the acquired property, or is abandoned for any reason: Provided further, That the Secretary may, in his discretion and subject to such conditions as he may impose, permit any structure so acquired to be demolished and removed, and may include in any loan authorized by this section the cost of such demolition and removal, together with administrative, relocation, and other related costs and payments, if the approval of the local governing body extends to such demolition and removal: And provided further, That the loan contract shall provide that the local public agency shall not dispose of such real property (except in lieu of foreclosure) until the local governing body of the locality involved shall have either approved the urban renewal plan for the project or consented to the disposal of such real property. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary may make a temporary loan, as described in the first two sentences of this subsection, for two or more urban renewal projects being carried out by the same local public agency. The principal amount of any such loan which is outstanding at any one time shall not exceed the estimated expenditures to be made by the local public agency for such projects.
(b) Projects on open or predominantly open land.
In connection with any project on land which is open or predominantly open, the Secretary may make temporary loans to municipalities or other public bodies for the provision of public buildings or facilities necessary to serve or support the new uses of such land in the project area. Such temporary loans shall be in such amounts not exceeding the expenditures to be made for such purpose, bear interest at such rate (not less than the applicable going Federal rate), be secured in such manner, and be repaid within such period (not exceeding ten years from the date of the obligations evidencing such loans), as may be deemed advisable by the Secretary.
(c) Renegotiation of loans; supplemental grants; pledge of loan contract; payment of principal and interest; construction of contracts and other obligations; incontestability; full faith and credit.
Loans made pursuant to subsection (a) or (b) of this section may be made subject to the condition that, if at any time or times or for any period or periods during the life of the loan contract the local public agency can obtain loan funds from sources other than the Federal Government, it may do so with the consent of the Secretary at such times and for such periods without waiving or surrendering any rights to loan funds under the contract for the remainder of the life of such contract, and, in any such case, the Secretary is authorized to consent to a pledge by the local public agency of the loan contract, and any or all of its rights thereunder, as security for the repayment of the principal of and the interest on the loan funds so obtained from other sources: Provided, That at any time during the undertaking of the project the Secretary may make a supplemental grant to the local public agency in the amount of the difference between the interest cost from a source other than the Federal Government and the interest cost at the contract rate or a supplemental grant in an amount which he determines is necessary to enable a local public agency to obtain funds from a source other than the Federal Government, and no part of the amount of any such grant shall be required to be contributed as a part of the local grant-in-aid. In connection with any such pledge of a loan contract, including loan payments thereunder, as security for the repayment of obligations of the local public agency held by other than the Federal Government, the Secretary is authorized to agree to pay, through operations of a paying agent or agents, and to pay or cause to be paid when due, from funds obtained pursuant to subsection (e) of this section, to the holders of such obligations (or to their agents or designees) the principal of and the interest of such obligations, subject to such conditions as the Secretary may determine but without regard to any other condition or requirement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any contract or other instrument executed by the Secretary which by its terms, includes an obligation of the
Secretary to make payment pursuant to this subsection shall be construed by all officers of the United States separate and apart from the loan contract and shall be incontestable in the hands of a bearer and the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged to the payment of all amounts agreed to be paid by the Secretary pursuant to this subsection.
(d) Advances for surveys and plans; repayment; interest rate; application; General Neighborhood Renewal Plans.
The Secretary may make advances of funds to local public agencies for surveys of urban areas to determine whether the undertaking of urban renewal projects therein may be feasible and for surveys and plans for urban renewal projects which may be assisted under this subchapter, including, but not limited to, (i) plans for carrying out a program of voluntary repair and rehabilitation of buildings and improvements, (ii) plans for the enforcement of State and local laws, codes, and regulations relating to the use of land and the use and occupancy of buildings and improvements, and to the compulsory repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or removal of buildings and improvements, and (iii) appraisals, title searches, and other preliminary work necessary to prepare for the acquisition of land in connection with the undertaking of such projects. The contract for any such advance of funds shall be made upon the condition that such advance of funds shall be repaid, with interest at not less than the applicable going Federal rate, out of any moneys which become available to the local public agency for the undertaking of the project involved. No contract for any such advances of funds for surveys and plans for urban renewal projects which may be assisted under this subchapter shall be made unless the governing body of the locality involved has by resolution or ordinance approved the undertaking of such surveys and plans and the submission by the local public agency of an application for such advance of funds. Notwithstanding section 1460 (h) of this title or the use in any other provision of this subchapter of the term "local public agency" or "local public agencies" the Secretary may make advances of funds under this subsection for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project (including General Neighborhood Renewal Plans as hereinafter defined) to a single local public body which has the authority to undertake and carry out a substantial portion, as determined by the Secretary, of the surveys and plans or the project respecting which such surveys and plans are to be made: Provided, That the application for such advances shows, to the satisfaction of the Secretary, that the filing thereof has been approved by the public body or bodies authorized to undertake the other portions of the surveys and plans or of the project which the applicant is not authorized to undertake.
In order to facilitate proper preliminary planning for the attainment of the urban renewal objectives of this subchapter, the Secretary may also make advances of funds (in addition to those authorized above) to local public agencies for the preparation of General Neighborhood Renewal Plans (as herein defined). A General Neighborhood Renewal Plan may be prepared for an area consisting of an urban renewal area or areas, together with any adjoining areas having specially related problems, and which is of such size that the urban renewal activities in the urban renewal area or areas may have to be initiated in stages, consistent with the capacity and resources of the respective local public agency or agencies, over an estimated period of not more than eight years. No contract for advances for the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan may be made unless the Secretary has determined that:
(1) in the interest of sound community planning, it is desirable that the urban renewal activities proposed for the area be planned in their entirety;
(2) the local public agency proposes to undertake promptly an urban renewal project embracing at least 10 per centum of such area, upon completion of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and the preparation of an urban renewal plan for such project; and
(3) the governing body of the locality has by resolution or ordinance (i) approved the undertaking of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and the submission of an application for such advance and (ii) represented that such plan will be used to the fullest extent feasible as a guide for the provision of public improvements in such area and that the plan will be considered in formulating codes and other regulatory measures affecting property in the area and in undertaking other local governmental activities pertaining to the development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and conservation of the area.
The contract for any such advance of funds for a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan shall be made upon the condition that such advance shall be repaid, with interest at not less than the applicable going Federal rate, out of any moneys which become available to the local public agency for the undertaking of the first urban renewal project in such area: Provided, That in the event of the undertaking of any other project or projects in such area an appropriate allocation of the amount of the advance, with interest, may be effected to the end that each such project may bear its proper allocable part, as determined by the Secretary, of the cost of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan. As used herein, a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan means a preliminary plan (conforming, in the determination of the governing body of the locality, to the general plan of the locality as a whole and to the workable program of the community meeting the requirements of section 1451 of this title) which outlines the urban renewal activities proposed for the area involved, provides a framework for the preparation of urban renewal plans and indicates generally, to the extent feasible in preliminary planning, the land uses, population density, building coverage, prospective requirements for rehabilitation and improvement of property, and any portions of the area contemplated for clearance and redevelopment.
(e) Amount of funds outstanding for loans.
The total amount of loan contracts outstanding at any one time under this subchapter shall not exceed the aggregate of the estimated expenditures to be made by local public agencies as part of the gross project cost of the projects assisted by such contracts. To obtain funds for advance and loan disbursements under this subchapter, the Secretary may issue and have outstanding at any one time notes and obligations for purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury in an amount which shall not, unless authorized by the President exceed $1,000,000,000. For the purpose of establishing unpaid obligations as of a given date against the authorization contained in the preceding sentence, the Secretary shall estimate the maximum amount to be required to be borrowed
from the Treasury and outstanding at any one time with respect to loan commitments in effect on such date.
(f) Notes and obligations; form and denomination; maturity date; interest rate; purchase and sale by Treasury; public debt transaction.
Notes or other obligations issued by the Secretary under this subchapter shall be in such forms and denominations, have such maturities, and be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Such notes or other obligations shall bear interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, taking into consideration the current average rate on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States as of the last day of the month preceding the issuance of such notes or other obligations. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to purchase any notes and other obligations of the Secretary issued under this subchapter and for such purpose is authorized to use as a public debt transaction the proceeds from the sale of any securities issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under such Act, as amended, are extended to include any purchases of such notes and other obligations. The Secretary of the Treasury may at any time sell any of the notes or other obligations acquired by him under this section. All redemptions, purchases, and sales by the Secretary of the Treasury of such notes or other obligations shall be treated as public debt transactions of the United States.
(g) Tax exemption.
Obligations, including interest thereon, issued by local public agencies for projects assisted pursuant to this subchapter, and income derived by such agencies from such projects, shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 102, 63 Stat. 414; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 304, 68 Stat. 624; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, §§ 301, 303, 70 Stat. 1097, 1099; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, §§ 402-404, 73 Stat. 671; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, §§ 302(a), 314(b), 75 Stat. 166, 172; 7; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III(, § 303(a), 78 Stat. 785; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, § 303, 79 Stat. 475; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 507(a), 82 Stat. 522; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub L. 91-152, title II, § 208, 83 Stat. 387.)
(a) The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to make grants, subject to such terms and conditions as he shall prescribe, to public bodies (including cities and other political subdivisions) and nonprofit organizations, to assist them in developing, testing, and reporting methods and techniques, and carrying out demonstrations and other activities for the prevention and the elimination of slums and urban blight. In the case of any such grant to a nonprofit organization, the Secretary shall require that the assisted activities and undertakings are not inconsistent with the program of the local public agency. No such grant shall exceed 90 per centum of the cost, as determined or estimated by the Secretary, of the assisted activities and undertakings, but such a grant may in addition cover the full cost of writing and publishing the reports on such activities and undertakings. In administering this section, said Secretary shall give preference to those activities and undertakings which in his judgment can reasonably be expected to (1) contribute most significantly to the improvement of methods and techniques for the elimination and prevention of slums and blight, and (2) best serve to guide renewal programs in other communities.
(b) The Secretary is further authorized to pay for the cost of (1) writing and publishing reports on activities and undertakings financed by grants made under this section, as well as reports on similar activities and undertakings, not so financed, which are of significant value in furthering the purposes of this section, and (2) writing and publishing summaries and other informational material on such reports.
(c) The aggregate amount of grants made under subsection (a) of this section, and other costs incurred pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, shall not exceed $20,000,000 and shall be payable from the grant funds provided under and authorized by section 1453(b) of this title. The Secretary may make advance or progress payments on account of any contract entered into pursuant to this section, notwithstanding the provisions of section 529 of Title 31.
(Aug. 2, 1954, c. 649, Title III, § 314, 68 Stat. 629; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, Title III, § 313, 78 Stat. 792; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 10(a), (c), 81 Stat. 22; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, Title XVII, § 1702, 82 Stat. 603.)
(a) Considerations.
The Secretary is authorized, through the utilization of local public and private agencies where feasible, to make loans as herein provided to the owners and tenants of property to finance the rehabilitation of such property. No loan shall be made under this section unless—
(1) (A) the property is situated in an urban renewal area or an area in which a program of concentrated code enforcement activity is being carried out pursuant to section 1468 of this title, and the rehabilitation is required to make the property conform to applicable code requirements or to carry out the objectives of the urban renewal plan for the area and, in addition, to generally improve the condition of the property; or
(B) (i) the property is in an area (other than an area described in subparagraph (A) which the governing body of the locality has determined and so certifies to the Secretary, contains a substantial number of structures in need of rehabilitation, (ii) there is in effect for the locality a workable program meeting the requirements of section 1451(c) of this title; (iii) the property is residential and owner-occupied, (iv) the property is in need of rehabilitation and is in violation of the local minimum housing or similar code, and (v) the area is definitely planned for rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement within a reasonable time, and the rehabilitation of such property is consistent with the plan for rehabilitation or code enforcement; or
(C) (i) the property has been determined to be uninsurable because of physical hazards after an inspection pursuant to a statewide property insurance plan approved by the Secretary under title XII of the National Housing Act, and (ii) the loan is made to the owner or tenant
of the property to finance rehabilitation which the Secretary determines to be necessary to make the property meet reasonable underwriting standards:
(2) the applicant is unable to secure the necessary funds from other sources upon comparable terms and conditions; and
(3) the loan is an acceptable risk taking into consideration the need for the rehabilitation, the security available for the loan, and the ability of the applicant to repay the loan.
In making loans with respect to residential property under this section, priority shall be given to applications made by persons whose annual income, as determined pursuant to criteria and procedures established by the Secretary, is within the limitations prescribed by the Secretary for occupants of projects financed with below-market interest rate mortgages insured (in the area involved) under section 1715l(d)(3) of Title 12.
(b) Definitions.
For the purposes of this section—
(1) the term "rehabilitation" means the improvement or repair of a structure or facilities in connection with a structure, and may include the provision of such sanitary or other facilities as are required by applicable codes, the urban renewal plan, or a statewide property insurance plan to be provided by the owner or tenant of the property;
(2) the term "urban renewal area" means a slum area or a blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area as defined in section 1460(a) of this title
(3) the term "tenant" means a person or organization who is occupying a structure under a lease having a period to run at the time a rehabilitation loan is made under this section of not less than the term of the loan; and
(4) the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
(c) Limitations.
A rehabilitation loan made under this section shall be subject to the following limitations:
(1) The loan shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary.
(2) The term of the loan may not exceed twenty years or three-fourths of the remaining economic life of the structure after rehabilitation, whichever is less.
(3) The loan shall bear interest at such rate as the Secretary determines to be appropriate but not to exceed 3 per centum per annum of the amount of the principal outstanding at any time, and the Secretary may prescribe such other charges as he finds necessary, including service charges and appraisal, inspection, and other fees.
(4) The amount of the loan may not exceed—
(A) in the case of residential property, the amount of a loan which could be insured by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under section 1715k(h) of Title 12: Provided, That, within the limitations otherwise applicable on the amount of a loan under such section, the loan may exceed the cost of rehabilitation in order to include an amount approved by the Secretary to refinance existing indebtedness secured by such property if such refinancing is necessary to enable the applicant to amortize, with a monthly payment of not more than 20 per centum of his average monthly income, such loan and any other indebtedness secured by his property; and
(B) in the case of nonresidential property, whichever of the following is the least: $50,000, or the cost of rehabilitation, or an amount which when added to any outstanding indebtedness related to the property securing the loan creates a total outstanding indebtedness that the Secretary determines could be reasonably secured by a first mortgage on the property.
(5) A loan shall be secured as determined by the Secretary.
(d) Authorization of appropriations; revolving fund.
There is authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $150,000,000 for each fiscal year which shall constitute a revolving fund to be used by the Secretary in carrying out this section. All moneys in such revolving fund shall be available for necessary expenses of servicing loans made pursuant to this section, including reimbursement or payment for services and facilities of the Government National Mortgage Association and of any public or private agency for the servicing of such loans.
(e) Additional functions, powers and duties of Secretary.
In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in him by this section, the Secretary shall have (in addition to any authority otherwise vested in him) the functions, powers, and duties set forth in section 1749a of Title 12 (except subsection (c)(2)).
(f) Use of Federal or local public or private agency or organization as agent of Secretary.
The Secretary is authorized to delegate to or use as his agent any Federal or local public or private agency or organization to the extent he determines appropriate and desirable to carry out the objectives of this section in the area involved.
(g) Rules anal regulations; requirements and conditions.
The Secretary is authorized to issue such rules and regulations and impose such requirements and conditions (in addition to those specified in this section) as he determines to be desirable to carry out the objectives of this section, including limitations on the amount of a loan and restrictions on the use of the property involved.
(h) Termination date.
No loan shall be made under the authority of this section after June 30, 1973, except pursuant to a contract, commitment, or other obligation entered into pursuant to this section before that date. (Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 312, Sept. 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 790; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, §§ 311(e), 312, 79 Stat. 479; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 21(b), 81 Stat. 25; Aug. 1. 1968. Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 509, title VIII, § 807(b), 82 Stat. 523, 544; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 207, 83 Stat. 387.)
(a) authorization; aggregate amount; limitation on grants for individual projects.
(1) The Secretary may make capital grants to local public agencies in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter for urban renewal projects: Provided, That the Secretary shall not make any contract for capital grant with respect to a project which consists of open land (other than land within the purview of section 1460(c)(1)(v) of this title), except that he may contract for a grant in an amount not to exceed two-thirds of the difference between the proceeds from any land disposed of pursuant to
section 1457 of this title and the fair value of the land without regard to such section.
(2) The aggregate of such capital grants with respect to all of the projects of a local public agency (or of two or more local public agencies in the same municipality) on which contracts for capital grants have been made under this subchapter shall not exceed the total of—
(A) two-thirds of the aggregate net project costs of all such projects to which neither subparagraph (B) nor subparagraph (C) applies, and
(B) three-fourths of the aggregate net project costs of any such projects which are located in (i) a municipality having a population of fifty thousand or less according to the most recent decennial census, or (ii) a municipality situated in a labor market area which, at the time the contract or contracts involved are entered into or at such earlier time as the Secretary may specify in order to avoid hardship, or at any time after such contract or contracts are entered into and prior to the time the final grant payment has been made pursuant thereto, is designated as a redevelopment area under the second sentence of section 2504(a) of this title or any other legislation enacted after August 10, 1965, containing standards for designation as a redevelopment area generally comparable to those set forth in the second sentence of section 2504(a) of this title, and
(C) three-fourths of the aggregate net project costs of any of such projects (not falling within subparagraph (B)) which the Secretary, upon request, may approve on a three-fourths capital grant basis.
(3) A capital grant with respect to any individual project shall not exceed the difference between the net project cost and the local grants-in-aid actually made with respect to the project.
(b) Limitation on aggregate amount of grants; authorization of appropriations; repayment of certain uncollectible loans.
The Secretary may, with the approval of the President, contract to make grants under this subchapter aggregating not to exceed $7,600,000,000, which amount shall be increased by $1,400,000,000 on July 1, 1969, by $1,700,000,000 on July 1, 1970, and by $1,500,000,000 on July 1, 1971. Not less than 35 per centum of the amounts available to the Secretary for grants under this subchapter during each of the fiscal years commencing after June 30, 1969 and ending prior to July 1, 1974, shall be for grants under part B. In addition to the authority to make grants provided in the first sentence of this subsection, the Secretary may contract to make grants under this subchapter, on or after July 1, 1967, in an amount not to exceed $600,000,000: Provided, That the authority to contract to make grants provided by this sentence shall be exercised only with respect to an urban renewal project which is identified and scheduled to be carried out as one of the projects or activities included within an approved comprehensive city demonstration program assisted under the provisions of section 3305(c) of this title. Such grants shall not be used for major long-term capital improvement; shall not exceed two-thirds of the cost, as determined or estimated by the Secretary, of the project for which the grant is made; and shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as he may prescribe. The Secretary is authorized, notwithstanding the provisions of section 529 of Title 31, to make advance or progress payments on account of any grant contracted to be made pursuant to this section.
The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all grants contracted for under this subchapter, and there are authorized to be appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amounts necessary to provide for such payments: Provided, That any amounts so appropriated shall also be available for repaying to the Secretary of the Treasury, for application to notes of the Secretary, the principal amounts of any funds advanced to local public agencies under this subchapter which the Secretary determines to be uncollectible because of the termination of activities for which such advances were made, together with the interest paid or accrued to the Secretary of the Treasury (as determined by him) attributable to notes given by the Secretary in connection with such advances, but all such repayments shall constitute a charge against the authorization to make contracts for grants contained in this section: Provided further, That no such determination of the Secretary shall be construed to prejudice the rights of the United States with respect to any such advance.
(c) Restriction on financial assistance to localities or local public agencies.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other Act, if financial assistance authorized by this subchapter to be made available to a locality or local public agency may be made available to any locality or local public agency within the limitations provided in subsection (b) of this section and sections 1452(e) and 1456(e) of this title, and the second paragraph following the paragraph numbered (6) of section 1460(c) of this title, the amount of such financial assistance made available to any locality or local public agency upon submission and processing of proper application therefor shall not otherwise be restricted except on the basis of (1) urgency of need, and (2) feasibility, as determined by the Secretary.
(d) Grants for preparation or completion of community renewal programs; requirements; approval by governing body; submission of application; limitation on amount of grants.
The Secretary may contract to make grants for the preparation or completion of community renewal programs, which may include, without being limited to, (1) the identification of slum areas or blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating areas in the community, (2) the measurement of the nature and degree of blight and blighting factors within such areas, (3) determination of the financial, relocation, and other resources needed and available to renew such areas, (4) the identification of potential project areas and, where feasible, types of urban renewal action contemplated within such areas, and (5) scheduling or programing of urban renewal activities. Such programs shall conform, in the determination of the governing body of the locality, to the general plan of the locality as a whole. The Secretary may establish reasonable requirements respecting the scope and content of such programs. No contract for a grant pursuant to this subsection shall be made unless the governing body of the locality involved has approved the preparation or completion of the community renewal program and the submission by the local public agency of an application for such a grant. Notwithstanding section 1460(h) of this title or the use in any other provision of this subchapter of the term "local public agency" or "local public agencies", the Secretary may make grants pursuant to this subsection for the preparation or completion of a community renewal program to a single local public body authorized
to perform the planning work necessary to such preparation or completion. No grant made pursuant to this subsection shall exceed two-thirds of the cost (as such cost is determined or estimated by the Secretary) of the preparation or completion of the community renewal program for which such grant is made. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 103, 63 Stat. 416; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 305, 68 Stat. 625; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, § 106(a), 69 Stat. 637; July 12, 1957, Pub. L. 85-104, title III, §§ 301, 302(1), 71 Stat. 299; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, §§ 405, 417(1), 73 Stat. 672, 676; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, §§ 301(a), 303, 75 Stat. 165, 166; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 304, 78 Stat. 785; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, §§ 304, 313(a), 79 Stat. 475, 479; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title I, § 113, title VII, § 704, 80 Stat. 1260, 1281; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), (d), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, §§ 502, 506, 82 Stat. 521, 522; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 201, 83 Stat. 385; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title II, § 201, title VII, § 741(a), 84 Stat. 1776, 1805.)
Every contract for capital grants under this subchapter shall require local grants-in-aid in connection with the project involved. Such local grants-in-aid, together with the local grants-in-aid to be provided in connection with all other projects of the local public agency (or two or more local public agencies in the same municipality) on which contracts for capital grants have theretofore been made, shall be at least equal to the total of one-third of the aggregate net project costs of such projects undertaken on a two-thirds capital grant basis and one-fourth of the aggregate net project costs of such projects undertaken on a three-fourths capital grant basis. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 104, 63 Stat. 416; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 306, 68 Stat. 625; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, § 306, 70 Stat. 1101; July 12, 1957, Pub. L. 85-104, title III, § 302(2), 71 Stat. 300; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 301(b), 75 Stat. 166.)
Contracts for loans or capital grants shall be made only with a duly authorized local public agency and shall require that—
(a) Approval of urban renewal plan.
The urban renewal plan for the urban renewal area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated, and that such approval include findings by the governing body that (i) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the urban renewal plan; (ii) the urban renewal plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; and (iii) the urban renewal plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (iv) the urban renewal plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the plan;
(b) Obligations of purchasers, lessees, and assignees of property; and Federal agencies.
When real property acquired or held by the local public agency in connection with the project is sold or leased, the purchasers or lessees and their assignees shall be obligated (i) to devote such property to the uses specified in the urban renewal plan for the project area; (ii) to begin within a reasonable time any improvements on such property required by the urban renewal plan; and (iii) to comply with such other conditions as the Secretary finds, prior to the execution of the contract for loan or capital grant pursuant to this subchapter, are necessary to carry out the purposes of this subchapter: Provided, That mortgagees and others who acquire an interest in such property as the result of the enforcement of any lien or claim thereon: And provided further, That, with respect to any improvements of a type which it is otherwise authorized to undertake, any Federal agency (as defined in section 472(b) of Title 40, and also including the District of Columbia or any agency thereof) is authorized to become obligated in accordance with this subsection, except that clause (ii) of this subsection shall apply to such Federal agency only to the extent that it is authorized (and funds have been made available) to make the improvements involved;
(c) Temporary relocation of individuals and families displaced from urban renewal area; relocation assistance program; review of relocation plan.
(1) There shall be a feasible method for the temporary relocation of individuals and families displaced from the urban renewal area, and there are or are being provided, in the urban renewal area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the individuals and families displaced from the urban renewal area, decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings equal in number to the number of and available to such displaced individuals and families and reasonably accessible to their places of employment. The Secretary shall issue rules and regulations to aid in implementing the requirements of this subsection and in otherwise achieving the objectives of this subchapter. Such rules and regulations shall require that there be established, at the earliest practicable time, for each urban renewal project involving the displacement of individuals, families, and business concerns occupying property in the urban renewal area, a relocation assistance program which shall include such measures, facilities, and services as may be necessary or appropriate in order (A) to determine the needs of such individuals, families, and business concerns for relocation assistance; (B) to provide information and assistance to aid in relocation and otherwise minimize the hardships of displacement, including information as to real estate agencies, brokers, and boards in or near the urban renewal area which deal in residential or business property that might be appropriate for the relocating of displaced individuals, families, and business concerns; and (C) to assure the necessary coordination of relocation activities with other project activities and other planned or proposed governmental actions in the community which may affect the carrying out of the relocation program, particularly planned or proposed low-rent housing projects to be constructed in or near the urban renewal area.
(2) As a condition to further assistance after August 10, 1965, with respect to each urban renewal project involving the displacement of individuals and families, the Secretary shall re-
quire, within a reasonable time prior to actual displacement, satisfactory assurance by the local public agency that decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings as required by the first sentence of this subsection are available for the relocation of each such individual or family.
(3) Within one year after December 24, 1969, and every two years thereafter, the Secretary shall review each locality's relocation plan under this subsection and its effectiveness in carrying out such plan.
(d) Acquisition of land; public hearings.
No land for any project to be assisted under this subchapter shall be acquired by the local public agency except after public hearing following notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of such hearing.
(e) Public disclosure by redevelopers.
No understanding with respect to, or contract for, the disposition of land within an urban renewal area shall be entered into by a local public agency unless the local public agency shall have first made public, in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary, (1) the name of the redeveloper, together with the names of its officers and principal members, shareholders and investors, and other interested parties, (2) the redeveloper's estimate of the cost of any residential redevelopment and rehabilitation, and (3) the redeveloper's estimate of rentals and sales prices of any proposed housing involved in such redevelopment and rehabilitation: Provided, That nothing in this subsection shall constitute a basis for contesting the conveyance of, or title to, such land.
(f) Standard hoasing units, for low and moderate income families or individuals; minimum number of units in projects; waiver of minimum number requirement; report to Congressional Committees.
A majority of the housing units provided in each community's total of such approved urban renewal projects as will be redeveloped for predominantly residential uses and which receive Federal recognition after August 1, 1968, shall be standard housing units for low and moderate income families or individuals: Provided, That the units in each community's total of such approved urban renewal projects which are for low-income families or individuals shall constitute at least 20 per centum of the units in such projects, except that the Secretary may waive the requirement of this proviso in any community to the extent that units for low-income families and individuals are not needed. The Secretary shall promptly report any waiver under the proviso in the preceding sentence to the Committees on Banking and Currency of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
(g) Sewer systems in urban renewal areas.
Consideration has been given to development of a sewer system to serve the urban renewal area which will, to the maximum extent feasible, provide for effective control of storm and sanitary wastes.
(h) Demolition or removal of residential structures in urban renewal projects; replacement with standard housing units; number of units; waiver of provisions.
If any urban renewal project which receives Federal recognition after December 24, 1969 includes the demolition or removal of any residential structure or structures (whether or not it is a project taken into account for purposes of applying subsection (f) of this section), there shall be provided in the area within which the local public agency has jurisdiction (by construction or rehabilitation) standard housing units for occupancy by low and moderate income families (including but not limited to units provided under Federal- or State-assisted housing programs and including units of low-rent housing in private accommodations assisted under section 1421b of this title) at least equal in number to the number of units occupied by such families prior to the demolition or removal of such structure or structures: Provided, That the Secretary shall have authority where he deems it appropriate to take into account suitable housing outside such area for purposes of meeting the requirement of this subsection. If the Secretary finds that the percentage of vacancies for all existing housing units in the area within the local public agency has jurisdiction is 5 per centum or greater, he may waive the requirements of this subsection to the extent that he determines there are existing standard housing units in such area which will be available for occupancy by low and moderate income families who are being displaced by the urban renewal project. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 105, 63 Stat. 416; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III; § 307, 68 Stat. 625; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, § 302(a)(1), 70 Stat. 1097; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, §§ 406, 407, 73 Stat. 673; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 315, 75 Stat. 172; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 305(a)(1), (b), 78 Stat. 786; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, § 305(a), 79 Stat. 475; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title VII, §§ 703(a), 706, 80 Stat. 1281; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 512, 82 Stat. 524; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, §§ 209, 210, 83 Stat. 388.)
Every contract for a loan, grant, or contribution under this subchapter, for the construction of a project shall require the submission of specifications with respect to such construction prior to the authorization for the award of the construction contract and the submission of data with respect to the acquisition of land prior to the authorization to acquire such land. (Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title VIII, § 815, 68 Stat. 647.)
(a) Preparation and submission of annual budget; maintenance and audit of accounts.
In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in him by this subchapter, the Secretary, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, shall—
(1) prepare annually and submit a budget program as provided for wholly owned Government corporations by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended;
(2) maintain an integral set of accounts which shall be audited annually by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial transactions as provided by the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended, and no other audit shall be required: Provided, That such financial transactions of the Secretary as the making of advances of funds, loans, or grants and vouchers approved by the Secretary in connection with such financial transactions shall be final and conclusive upon all officers of the Government.
(b) Deposit of funds; use of assets and receipts.
Funds made available to the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall be deposited in a checking account or accounts with the Treasurer of the United States. Receipts and assets obtained or held by the Secretary in connection with the performance of his functions under this subchapter shall be available for any of the purposes of this subchapter (except for grants pursuant to section 1453 of this title), and all funds available for carrying out the functions of the Secretary under this subchapter (including appropriations therefor, which are authorized), shall be available, in such amounts as may from year to year be authorized by the Congress, for the administrative expenses of the Secretary in connection with the performance of such functions: Provided, That necessary expenses of inspections and audits, and of providing representatives at the site, of projects being planned or undertaken by local public agencies pursuant to this subchapter shall be compensated by such agencies by the payment of fixed fees which in the aggregate will cover the costs of rendering such services, and such expenses shall be considered nonadministrative; and for the purpose of providing such inspections and audits and of providing representatives at the sites, the Secretary may utilize any agency and such agency may accept reimbursement or payment for such services from such local public agencies or the Secretary, and credit such amounts to the appropriations or funds against which such charges have been made.
(c) Specific powers, duties, and liabilities.
In the performance of, and with respect to, the functions, powers, and duties vested in him by this subchapter, the Secretary, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, may—
(1) sue and be sued;
(2) foreclose on any property or commence any action to protect or enforce any right conferred upon him by any law, contract, or other agreement, and bid for and purchase at any foreclosure or any other sale any project or part thereof in connection with which he has made a loan or capital grant pursuant to this subchapter. In the event of any such acquisition, the Secretary may, notwithstanding any other provision of law relating to the acquisition, handling, or disposal of real property by the United States, complete, administer, dispose of, and otherwise deal with, such project or part thereof: Provided, That any such acquisition of real property shall not deprive any State or political subdivision thereof of its civil jurisdiction in and over such property or impair the civil rights under the State or local laws of the inhabitants on such property;
(3) enter into agreements to pay annual sums in lieu of taxes to any State or local taxing authority with respect to any real property so acquired or owned, and such sums shall approximate the taxes which would be paid upon such property to the State or local taxing authority, as the case may be, if such property were not exempt from taxation;
(4) sell or exchange at public or private sale, or lease, real or personal property, and sell or exchange any securities or obligations, upon such terms as he may fix;
(5) obtain insurance against loss in connection with property and other assets held;
(6) subject to the specific limitations in this subchapter, consent to the modification, with respect to rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal or interest, security, amount of grant, or any other term, of any contract or agreement to which he is a party or which has been transferred to him pursuant to this subchapter;
(7) include in any contract or instrument made pursuant to this subchapter such other covenants, conditions, or provisions (including such covenants, conditions, or provisions as, in the determination of the Secretary, are necessary or desirable to prevent the payment of excessive prices for the acquisition of land in connection with projects assisted under this subchapter) as he may deem necessary to assure that the purposes of this subchapter will be achieved. No provision of this subchapter shall be construed or administered to permit speculation in land holding; and
(8) make advance or progress payments on account of any grant contracted to be made pursuant to this subchapter, notwithstanding the provisions of section 529 of Title 31, or any other provisions of this subchapter.
(d) Repealed. Pub. L. 89-754, title X, § 1020(a), Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1295.
(e) Limitation on expenditures within one State.
Not more than 12 ½ per centum of the grant funds provided for in this subchapter shall be expended in any one State: Provided, That the Secretary, without regard to such limitation, may enter into contracts for grants aggregating not to exceed $100,000,000 (subject to the total authorization provided in section 1453(b) of this title) with local public agencies in States where more than two-thirds of the maximum grants permitted in the respective State under this subsection has been obligated.
(f) Repealed. Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 310(c), Sept. 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 790.
(g) Construction of hotels and other transient housing.
No provision permitting the new construction of hotels or other housing for transient use in the redevelopment of any urban renewal area under this subchapter shall be included in the urban renewal plan unless the community in which the project is located, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, has caused to be made a competent independent analysis of the local supply of transient housing and as a result thereof has determined that there exists in the area a need for additional units of such housing.
(h) Redevelopment in accordance with urban renewal plan.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, no contract shall be entered into for any loan or capital grant under this subchapter with any local public agency establishes, by evidence satisfactory to the Secretary, that any urban renewal project with respect to which such local public agency has received a loan or capital grant under this subchapter has been, or will be, undertaken and carried out in substantial accordance with the urban renewal plan, and any amendments thereto, approved with respect to such project, and the terms of the contract for loan or capital grant covering such project.
(i) Early closeout of urban renewal projects; project completion prior to disposition of certain property; additional grant based on estimated disposition proceeds; approval of disposition; payment of net proceeds to Secretary.
Upon determination of the Secretary that the local public agency does not expect to be able in the reasonably near future, due to circumstances
beyond its control, to dispose of urban renewal project land acquired in accordance with the urban renewal plan and that all other project activities are completed except local grant-in-aid activities designated in the third proviso to section 1460(d) of this title under the conditions specified therein, and that a closeout of the urban renewal project pursuant to this subsection would be in the financial interest of the Federal Government, the urban renewal project may be deemed completed, net project cost may be computed, and the capital grant paid. To facilitate these actions, the Secretary may pay to the local public agency a grant, in addition to the capital grant otherwise payable, equal to one-third (or one-fourth in the case of projects funded on the three-fourths capital grant basis) of the estimated disposition proceeds of such land as accepted by the Secretary. No local grant-in-aid shall be required on account of this additional grant. The approval of the Secretary shall be obtained prior to the disposition of such land by the local public agency and net proceeds realized from the disposition of such land after project closeout shall be paid to the Secretary by the local public agency. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 106, 63 Stat. 417; June 3, 1952, ch. 362, 66 Stat. 98; June 30, 1953, ch. 170, § 22, 67 Stat. 127; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 308, title VIII, § 802(e), 68 Stat. 625, 643; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, § 106(b), 69 Stat. 637; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, § 304, 305, 70 Stat. 1100; July 12, 1957, Pub. L. 85-104, title III, §§ 303, 304, 71 Stat. 300; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. 86-372, title IV, §§ 408, 409(a)(1), (b), 410, 417(1), 73 Stat. 673, 674, 676; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 304, 75 Stat. 167; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 310(c), 78 Stat. 790; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, § 306, 79 Stat. 476; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title X, § 1020(a), 80 Stat. 1295; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), (e), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L 90-448, title V, § 508(a), 82 Stat. 522; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title II, § 213(a), 84 Stat. 1779.)
(a) Upon approval of the Secretary and subject to such conditions as he may determine to be in the public interest, any real property held as part of an urban renewal project may be made available to (1) a limited dividend corporation, nonprofit corporation or association, cooperative, or public body or agency or other approved purchaser or lessee, or (2) a purchaser or lessee who would be eligible for a mortgage insured under section 1715l (d) (3) or (d) (4), section 1715l(h)(1), section 1715z(j) (1), or section 1715z-1 of Title 12, for purchase or lease at fair value for use by such purchaser or lessee in the provision of new or rehabilitated housing for occupancy by families or individuals of low or moderate income: Provided, That when property is made available under clause (1) to an approved purchaser or lessee other than a limited dividend corporation, nonprofit corporation or association, cooperative, or public body or agency, the Secretary shall assure that the benefits of this subsection will go to the occupant of the property rather than to such purchaser or lessee.
(b) When it appears in the public interest that real property acquired as part of an urban renewal project should be used in whole or in part for a low-rent housing project assisted under the United States Housing Act of 1937, or under a State or local program found by the Secretary to have the same general purposes as the Federal program under such Act, the property shall be made available to the public housing agency undertaking the low-rent housing project at a price equal to its fair value, as determined in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, and such amount shall be included as part of the development cost of such low-rent housing project: Provided, That the local contribution in the form of tax exemption or tax remission required by section 1410(h) of this title, or by analogous provisions in legislation authorizing such State or local program, with respect to the low-rent housing project into which such property was incorporated on or after September 23, 1959, shall (if covered by a contract which, in the determination of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will assure that such local contribution will be made during the entire period that the project is used as low-rent housing within the meaning of such Act, or by provisions found by the Secretary to give equivalent assurance in the case of State or local programs) be accepted as a local grant-in-aid equal in amount, as determined by the Secretary, to one-half (or one-third in the case of an urban renewal project on a three-fourths capital grant basis) of the difference between the cost of such property (including costs of land, clearance, site improvements, and a share, prorated on an area basis, of administrative interest, and other project costs) and its sales price, and shall be considered a local grant-in-aid furnished in a form other than cash within the meaning of section 1460(d) of this title. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 107, 63 Stat. 419; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 309, 68 Stat. 626; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, § 411, 73 Stat. 674; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 306(a), 75 Stat. 1969; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 306, 78 Stat. 786; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), (f), 81 Stat. 21, 22; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 505, 82 Stat. 522.)
The President may at any time in his discretion, transfer, or cause to be transferred, to the Secretary any right, title, or interest held by the Federal Government or any department or agency thereof in any land (including buildings thereon which is surplus to the needs of the Government and which a local public agency certifies will be within the area of a project being planned by it. When such land is sold to the local public agency by the Secretary, it shall be sold at a price equal to its fair market value, and the net proceeds from such sale shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 108, 63 Stat. 419; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title II, § 206, 84 Stat. 1777.)
In order to protect labor standards—
(a) any contract for loan or capital grant pursuant to this subchapter shall contain a provision requiring that not less than the salaries prevailing in the locality, as determined or adopted (subsequent to a determination under applicable State or local law) by the Secretary, shall be paid to all architects, technical engineers, draftsmen, and technicians employed in the development of the project involved and shall also contain a provision that not less than the wages prevailing in the locality, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act, shall be paid to all laborers and mechanics, except such
laborers or mechanics who are employees of municipalities or other local public bodies, employed in the development of the project involved for work financed in whole or in part with funds made available pursuant to this subchapter; and the Secretary shall require certification as to compliance with the provisions of this paragraph prior to making any payment under such contract; and
(b) the provisions of section 874 of Title 18, and of section 276c of Title 40, shall apply to work financed in whole or in part with funds made available for the development of a project pursuant to this subchapter. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 109, 63 Stat. 419; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 310, 68 Stat. 626; May 25, 1967; Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21.)
The following terms shall have the meanings, respectively, ascribed to them below, and, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall include the plural as well as the singular number:
(a) "Urban renewal area" means a slum area or a blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area in the locality involved which the Secretary approves as appropriate for an urban renewal project.
(b) "Urban renewal plan" means a plan, as it exists from time to time, for an urban renewal project, which plan (1) shall conform to the general plan of the locality as a whole and to the workable program referred to in section 1451 of this title and shall be consistent with definite local objective respecting appropriate land uses, improved traffic, public transportation, public utilities, recreational and community facilities, and other public improvements; and (2) shall be sufficiently complete to indicate, to the extent required by the Secretary for the making of loans and grants under this subchapter, such lands acquisition, historic and architectural preservation, demolition, and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements, and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the urban renewal area, zoning and planning changes, if any, land uses, maximum densities, and building requirements.
(c) "Urban renewal project" or "project" may include undertakings and activities of a local public agency in an urban renewal area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve slum clearance and redevelopment in an urban renewal area, or rehabilitation or conservation in an urban renewal area, or any combination or part thereof, in accordance with such urban renewal plan. Such undertakings and activities may include—
(1) acquisition of (i) a slum area of a deteriorated or deteriorating area, or (ii) land which is predominantly open and which because of obsolete platting, diversity of ownership, deterioration of structures or of site improvements, or otherwise, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the community, or (iii) open land necessary for sound community growth which is to be developed for predominantly residential uses, or (iv) air rights in an area consisting principally of land in highways, railway or subway tracks, bridge or tunnel entrances, or other similar facilities which have a blighting influence on the surrounding area and over which air rights sites are to be developed for the elimination of such blighting influences and for the provision of housing (and related facilities and uses) designed specifically for, and limited to, families and individuals of low or moderate income or, if the area is found by the local public agency to be unsuitable for use for low or moderate income housing, for use for the development of industrial or educational facilities, or (v) land or space which is vacant, unused, underused, or inappropriately used (including infrequently used rail yards and rail storage facilities, and excessive or vacated railroad rights-of-ways; air rights over streets, expressways, railroads, waterways, and similar locations; land which is occupied by functionally obsolete nonresidential buildings or is used for low-utility purposes or is covered by shallow water or is subject to periodic flooding or consists of unused or underused slips or dock areas or other waterfront property; which land or space the Secretary determines may be developed (at a cost reasonably related to the public purpose to be served) without major residential clearance activities, and with full consideration to the preservation of beneficial aspects of the urban and natural environment, for such uses as are consistent with income families, including the provision of schools, hospitals, parks, and other essential public facilities, and, where appropriate, all uses associated with new communities in town or similar large scale undertakings related to inner city needs, including concentrated sources of employment: Provided, That the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section that the area be a slum area or a blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating area shall not be applicable in the case of projects under clauses (iii), (iv), and (v) hereof: Provided further, That the aggregate amount of capital grants for projects under clause (iv) shall not exceed 5 per centum of the aggregate amount of grants authorized by this subchapter to be contracted for after September 2, 1964;
(2) demolition and removal of buildings and improvements;
(3) installation, construction, or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds, pedestrian malls and walkways (including in the case of an enclosed mall or walkway any necessary roofs, walls, columns, lighting, and climate control facilities), and other improvements necessary for carrying out in the urban renewal area the urban renewal objectives of this subchapter in accordance with the urban renewal plan;
(4) disposition of any property acquired in the urban renewal area (including sale, leasing or retention by the local public agency itself) at its fair value for uses in accordance with the urban renewal plan or as provided in section 1457 of the title;
(5) carrying out plans for programs of code enforcement or voluntary repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements in accordance with the urban renewal plan;
(6) acquisition of any other real property in the urban renewal area where necessary to eliminate unhealthful, insanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen density, eliminate obsolete or other uses deterimental to the public welfare, or otherwise to remove or prevent the spread of blight or deterioration, to promote historic and architectural preservation, or to provide land for needed public facilities;
(7) construction of foundations and platforms necessary for the development of air rights sites in accordance with the provisions of clause (iv) or (v) of paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(8) acquisition and repair or rehabilitation for resale by the local public agency, of structures which are located in the urban renewal area and
which, under the urban renewal plan, are to be repaired or rehabilitated for dwelling use or related facilities;
(9) relocation within or outside the project area of structures which will be restored and maintained for architectural or historic purposes; and
(10) restoration of acquired properties of historic or achitectural value.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, (A) no contract shall be entered into for any loan or capital grant under this subchapter for any project which provides for demolition and removal of buildings and improvements unless the Secretary determines that the objectives of the urban renewal plan could not be achieved through rehabilitation of the project area, and (B) not less than 10 per centum of the aggregate amount of (i) grants authorized to be contracted for under this subchapter by the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 and subsequent Acts, and (ii) loans authorized to be made under section 1452b of this title, shall be available for projects assisted with such grants or loans which involve primarily code enforcement and rehabilitation.
For the purposes of this subchapter, the term "project" shall not include (except as provided in paragraph (3) with respect to enclosed pedestrian malls and walkways and as provided in paragraphs (7), (8), (9), and (10) above) the construction or improvement of any building, and the term "redevelopment" and derivatives thereof shall mean development as well as redevelopment. For any of the purposes of section 1459 of this title, the term "project" shall not include any donations or provisions made as local grants-in-aid and eligible as such pursuant to clauses (2) and (3) of subsection 1460(d) of this title.
Financial assistance shall not be extended under this subchapter with respect to any urban renewal area which is not predominantly residential in character and which, under the urban renewal plan therefor, is not to be redeveloped for predominantly residential uses: Provided, That, if the governing body of the local public agency determines that the redevelopment of such an area for predominantly nonresidential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community, the Secretary may extend financial assistance under this subchapter for such a project: Provided further, That the aggregate amount of capital grants contracted to be made pursuant to this subchapter with respect to such projects after September 23, 1959 shall not exceed 30 per centum of the aggregate amount of grants authorized by this subchapter to be contracted for after such date: And provided further, That the aggregate amount of capital grants made available under this subchapter with respect to such projects after August 10, 1965, may be in an amount not to exceed (in addition to amounts previously available for such projects) 35 per centum of the amount of additional capital grants authorized under this subchapter by the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
In addition to all other powers hereunder vested, where land within the purview of clause (1)(ii) or (1)(iii) of the first paragraph of this subsection (whether it be predominantly residential or nonresidential in character) is to be redeveloped for predominantly nonresidential uses, loans and advances under this subchapter may be extended therefor if the governing body of the local public agency determines that such redevelopment for predominantly nonresidential uses is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the community in accordance with sound planning standards and local community objectives and to afford maximum opportunity for the redevelopment of the project area by private enterprise: Provided, That loans and outstanding advances to any local public agency pursuant to the authorization of this sentence shall not exceed 2 ½ per centum of the estimated gross project costs of the projects undertaken under other contracts with such local public agency pursuant to this subchapter.
(d) "Local grants-in-aid" shall mean assistance by a State, municipality, or other public body, or (in the case of cash grants or donations of land or other real property) any other entity, in connection with any project on which a contract for capital grant has been made under this subchapter, in the form of (1) cash grants to defray expenditures within the purview of subsection (e)(1) of this section; (2) donations, at cash value, of land or other real property (exclusive of land in streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way which may be vacated in connection with the project, or of air rights over streets, alleys, and other public rights-of-way) in the urban renewal area, and demolition, removal, or other work or improvements in the urban renewal area, at the cost thereof, of the types described in clauses (2), (3), (7), (9), and (10) of the second sentence of subsection (c) of this section; and (3) the provision, at their cost, of public buildings or other public facilities (other than publicly owned housing and revenue producing public utilities the capital cost of which is wholly financed with local bonds or obligations payable solely out of revenues derived from service charges) which are necessary for carrying out in the area the urban renewal objectives of this subchapter in accordance with the urban renewal plan: Provided, That in any case where, in the determination of the Secretary, any park, playground, public building, or other public facility is of direct benefit both to the urban renewal area and to other areas, and the approximate degree of the benefit to such other areas is estimated by the Secretary at 20 per centum or more of the total benefits, the Secretary shall provide that, for the purpose of computing the amount of the local grants-in-aid for the project, there shall be included only such portion of the cost of such facility as the Secretary estimates to be proportionate to the approximate degree of the benefit of such facility to the urban renewal area: Provided further, That any publicly owned facility, the construction of which was begun not earlier than three years prior to November 3, 1966, shall be deemed to benefit an urban renewal project or projects to the extent of 25 per centum of the total benefits of such facility, or $3,500,000, whichever is less, if such facility (A) (i) is used, or is to be used, by the public predominantly for cultural, exhibition, or civic purposes, or is a city hall or a public safety building, or (ii) is a facility, constructed or rehabilitated by or on behalf of a public university, which is or will be devoted to the treatment of physical or mental disabilities and illness or to medical research; (B) is located within, adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of such urban renewal project or projects; (C) is found to contribute materially to the objectives of the urban renewal plan or plans for such project or projects; and (D) is not otherwise eligible as a local grant-in-aid: And provided further, That for the purpose of computing the amount of local grants-in-aid under this subsection with respect to any project covered by a Federal-aid contract under this subchapter, the estimated cost (as
determined by the Secretary) of parks, playgrounds, public buildings, or other public facilities may be deemed to be the actual cost thereof if (i) the construction or provision thereof is not completed at the time of final disposition of land in the project to be acquired and disposed of under the urban renewal plan, and (ii) the Secretary has received assurances satisfactory to him that such park, playground, public building, or other public facility will be constructed or completed when needed and within a time prescribed by him: And provided further, That in any case where a public facility furnished as a local grant-in-aid is financed in whole or in part by special assessments against real property in the project area acquired by the local public agency as part of the project, an amount equal to the total special assessments against such real property (or, in the case of a computation pursuant to the proviso immediately preceding, the estimated amount of such total special assessments) shall be deducted from the cost of such facility for the purpose of computing the amount of the local grants-in-aid for the project. With respect to any demolition or removal work, improvement or facility for which a State, municipality, or other public body has received or has contracted to receive any grant or subsidy from the United States, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, the portion of the cost thereof defrayed or estimated by the Secretary to be defrayed with such subsidy or grant shall not be eligible for inclusion as a local grant-in-aid.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (except the second sentence of this paragraph), no donation or provision of a public improvement or public facility of a type falling within the purview of this subsection shall be deemed to be ineligible as a local grant-in-aid for any project solely on the basis that the construction of such improvement of facility was commenced without notification to the Secretary or prior to Federal recognition of such project, if such construction was commenced not more than three years prior to the authorization by the Secretary of a contract for loan or capital grant for the project. In connection with any project for which an application is filed not later than December 24, 1969 and which has not received Federal recognition (other than a project to which clause (2) of the second sentence of section 1469b(a) of this title applies), the three-year period referred to above shall be extended to a period of four years prior to the authorization by the Secretary of a contract for loan or capital grant for the project.
Where a project in any municipality includes an area affected by an underground mine fire or by a coal mine subsidence and where it is necessary in such project to remove any underlying coal deposits in order to stabilize the soil or to control the underground mine fire, then any royalities received by the project from the removal and sale of such coal deposits shall be credited to the project as a local grant-in-aid made by such municipality.
(e) "Gross project cost" shall comprise (1) the amount of the expenditures by the local public agency with respect to any and all undertakings necessary to carry out the project (including the payment of carrying charges, but not beyond the point where the project is completed), and (2) the amount of such local grants-in-aid as are furnished in forms other than cash. There may be included as part of the gross project cost, under any contract for loan or grant heretofore or hereafter executed under this subchapter with respect to moneys of the local public agency which are actually expended and outstanding for undertakings (other than in the form of local grant-in-aid) necessary to carry out the project, in the absence of carrying charges on such moneys, an amount in lieu of carrying charges which might otherwise have been payable thereon for the period such moneys are expended and outstanding but not beyond the point where the project is completed, computed for each six-month period or portion thereof, at an interest rate to be determined by the Secretary after taking into consideration for each preceding six-month period the average interest rate borne by any obligations of local public agencies for short-term funds obtained from sources other than the Federal Government in the manner provided in section 1452(c) of this title: Provided, That such amount may be computed on the net total of all such moneys of the local public agency remaining expended and outstanding, less other moneys received from the project undertaken in excess of project expenditures, in all projects of the local public agency under this subchapter, and allocated, as the Secretary may determine, to each of such projects. With respect to a project for which a contract for capital grant has been executed on a three-fourths basis pursuant to section 1453(a)(2)(C) of this title, gross project cost shall include, in lieu of the amount specified in clause (1) above, the amount of the expenditures by the local public agency with respect to the following undertakings and activities necessary to carry out such project:
(i) acquisition of land (but only to the extent of the consideration paid to the owner and not title, appraisal, negotiating, legal, or any other expenditures of the local public agency incidental to acquiring land), disposition of land, staff services in connection with programs of code enforcement and voluntary rehabilitation and repair (including community organization), demolition and removal of buildings and improvements, and site preparation and improvements, all as provided in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10) of subsection (c) of this section; and
(ii) the payment of carrying charges related to the undertakings in clause (i) (including amounts in lieu of carrying charges as determined above), exclusive of taxes and payments in lieu of taxes, but not beyond the point where such project is completed; but not the cost of any other undertaking and activities (including, but without being limited to, the cost of surveys and plans, legal services of any kind, and all administrative and overhead expenses of the local public agency) with respect to such project. Where real property in the project area is acquired and is owned as part of the project by the local public agency and such property is not subject to ad valorem taxes by reason of its ownership by the local public agency and payments in lieu of taxes are not made on account of such property, there may (with respect to any project for which a contract of Federal assistance under this subchapter is in force or is hereafter executed, other than a project on which a contract for capital grant is made on a three-fourths basis pursuant to section 1453(a)(2)(C) of this title) be included, at the discretion of the Secretary, in gross project cost an amount equal to the ad valorem taxes which would have been levied upon such property if it had been subject to ad valorem taxes, but in all cases prorated for the period during which such property is owned by the local public agency as part of the project, and such amount shall also be considered a cash local
grant-in-aid within the purview of subsection (d) of this section. Such amount, and the amount of taxes or payments in lieu of taxes included in gross project cost, shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary and such rules, regulations, limitations, and conditions as he may prescribe.
Where a project includes the acquisition of property which has been damaged because of the collapse or subsidence of underlying coal mines, or underground mine fires, and the property is to be acquired from an individual, family, business concern, or nonprofit organization, which was the owner of such property at the time the damage first occurred, the amount otherwise allowable as the acquisition price of such property may be increased by an amount equal to so much of any diminution in the value of such property as is determined to be reasonably attributable to such damage and to represent an otherwise uncompensated and (but for such acquisition) uncompensable loss actually sustained by such owner.
(f) "Net project cost" shall mean the difference between the gross project cost and the aggregate of (1) the total sales prices of all land or other property sold, and (2) the total capital values (i) imputed, on a basis approved by the Secretary, to all land or other properly leased, and (ii) used as a basis for determining the amounts to be transferred to the project from other funds of the local public agency to compensate for any land or other property retained by it for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan.
(g) "Going Federal rate" means (with respect to any contract for a loan or advance entered into after the first annual rate has been specified as provided in this sentence) the annual rate of interest which the Secretary of the Treasury shall specify as applicable to the six-month period (beginning with the six-month period ending December 31, 1953) during which the contract for loan or advance under this subchapter is authorized by the Secretary, which applicable rate for each six-month period shall be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury by estimating the average yield to maturity, on the basis of daily closing market bid quotations or prices during the month of May or the month of November, as the case may be, next preceding such six-month period, on all outstanding marketable obligations of the United States having a maturity date of fifteen or more years from the first day of such month of May or November, and by adjusting such estimated average annual yield to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum. Any contract for a loan or advance, authorized by the Secretary after September 2, 1964, shall provide for a single interest rate which shall be applicable also to future amendments of the contract which provide additional funds thereunder, and shall further provide for a periodic revision of the interest rate on the balance outstanding or to be outstanding of such loan or advance based on the going Federal rate on the date of such revision: Provided, That any contract for a loan or advance authorized prior to September 2, 1964 shall be amended (with the first amendment to such contract authorized after September 2, 1964) to provide for such a single interest rate (based on the going Federal rate at the time such amendment is authorized) and for periodic revision thereof.
(h) "Local public agency" means any State, county, municipality, or other governmental entity or public body, or two or more such entities or bodies, authorized to undertake the project for which assistance is sought. The term "State" includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the territories and possessions of the United States, and Indian tribes, bands, groups, and nations, including Alaska Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos, of the United States.
(i) "Land" means any real property, including improved or unimproved land, structures, improvements, easements, incorporeal hereditaments, estates, and other rights in land, legal or equitable.
(j) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
(k) "Federal recognition" means execution of any contract for financial assistance under this subchapter or concurrence by the Secretary in the commencement, without such assistance of surveys and plans. (June 30, 1949, ch. 288, title I, § 103, 63 Stat. 380; July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 110, 63 Stat. 420; June 30, 1953, ch. 170, § 24(a), 67 Stat. 127; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title III, § 311, 68 Stat. 626; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, § 196(c), 69 Stat. 637; Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, 302(a)(2), (b)—(d), 70 Stat. 1097; July 12, 1957, Pub. L. 85-104, title III, §§ 302(3)—(5), 305, 306, 71 Stat. 300, 301; Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86-372, title IV, §§ 412—414(a), 415, 416, 417(3), 73 Stat. 675, 677; June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, §§ 301(c), 306(b), 307, 308, 314(c), 75 Stat. 166, 168, 172; Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, §§ 301(b), (c), 303(b), 307—309, 311(a), 78 Stat. 785, 787, 788, 790; Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, §§ 307-309, 310(a), 311(b), 314(a), 79 Stat. 476—479; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title VI, §§ 601, 602, title VII, §§ 701, 702, 80 Stat. 1278, 1280, 1281; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), (g), 81 Stat. 21, 22; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, §§ 504, 508(b), 511, title XVII, § 1722(a)—(c), 82 Stat. 521, 523, 524, 610; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, §§ 202(a), 203(a), 204, 206, 83 Stat. 385—387; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title II, § 213(b), title VII, § 741(c), title VIII, § 801(b), 84 Stat. 1779, 1805.)
Where the local governing body certifies, and the Secretary finds, that an urban area is in need of redevelopment or rehabilitation as a result of a flood, fire, hurricane, earthquake, storm, or other catastrophe which the President, pursuant to section 1855a(a) of this title, has determined to be a major disaster, or which the Secretary has determined is in need of such redevelopment or rehabilitation as a result of a riot or civil disorder, he is authorized to extend financial assistance under this subchapter for an urban renewal project with respect to such area without regard to the following:
(1) the "workable program" requirement in section 1451(c) of this title, except that any contract for temporary loan or capital grant pursuant to this section shall obligate the local public agency to comply with the "workable program" requirement in section 1451(c) of this title by a future date determined to be reasonable by the Secretary and specified in such contract:
(2) the requirements in section 1455 (a) (iii) and section 1460 (b) (1) of this title that the urban renewal plan conform to a general plan of the locality as a whole and to the workable program referred to in section 1451 (c) of this title;
(3) the "relocation" requirements in section 1455 (c) of this title: Provided, That the Secretary finds that the local public agency has presented a plan for the encouragement, to the
maximum extent feasible, of the provision of dwellings suitable for the needs of families displaced by the catastrophe or by redevelopment or rehabilitation activities;
(4) the "public hearing" requirement in section 1455 (d) of this title;
(5) the requirements in sections 1452 and 1460 of this title that the urban renewal area be a slum area or a blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area; and
(6) the requirements in section 1460 of this title with respect to the predominantly residential character or predominantly residential reuse of urban renewal areas.
In the preparation of the urban rnewal plan with respect to a project aided under this section, the local public agency shall give due regard to the removal or relocation of dwellings from the site of recurring floods or other recurring catastrophes in the project area. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 111, as added Aug. 7, 1956, ch. 1029, title III, § 307(a), 70 Stat. 1101, and amended May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title XI, § 1106(c), 82 Stat. 567.)
(a) Authorization; local grant-in-aid.
In any case where an educational institution or a hospital is located in or near an urban renewal project area and the governing body of the locality determines that, in addition to the elimination of slums and blight from such area, the undertaking of an urban renewal project in such area will further promote the public welfare and the proper development of the community (1) by making land in such area available for disposition, for uses in accordance with the urban renewal plan, to such educational institution or hospital for redevelopment in accordance with the use or uses specified in the urban renewal plan, (2) by providing, through the redevelopment of the area in accordance with the urban renewal plan, a cohesive neighborhood environment compatible with the functions and needs of such educational institution or hospital, or (3) by any combination of the foregoing, the Secretary is authorized to extend financial assistance under this subchapter for an urban renewal project in such area without regard to the requirements in section 1460 of this title with respect to the predominantly residential character or predominantly residential reuse of urban renewal areas. The aggregate expenditures made by any such institution or hospital (directly or through a private redevelopment corporation or municipal or other public corporation) for the acquisition within, adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of the project area, of land, buildings, and structures to be redeveloped or rehabilitated by such institution for educational uses or by such hospital for hospital uses in accordance with the urban renewal plan (or with a development plan proposed by such institution, hospital, or corporation, found acceptable by the Secretary after considering the standards specified in section 1460 (b) of this title, and approved under State or local law after public hearing) and for the demolition of such buildings and structures if, pursuant to such urban renewal or development plan, the land is to be cleared and redeveloped, and for the relocation of occupants from buildings and structures to be demolished or rehabilitated, as certified by such institution or hospital to the local public agency and approved by the Secretary, shall be a local grant-in-aid in connection with such urban renewal project: Provided, That no such expenditure shall be eligible as a local grant-in-aid in any case where the property involved is acquired by such educational institution or hospital from a local public agency which, in connection with its acquisition or disposition of such property, has received, or contracted to receive, a capital grant pursuant to this subchapter: Provided further, That no such expenditure shall be deemed ineligible as a local grant-in aid in connection with an urban renewal project, to the extent that the expenditure is otherwise eligible, if the facilities, land, buildings, or structures with respect to which the expenditure is made are located within one mile of the project.
(b) Expenditures by educational institutions and hospitals; eligibility as a local grant-in-aid; extension of eligibility.
Subject to the second sentence of this subsection, no expenditure made by any educational institution or hospital, as provided in subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed ineligible as a local grant-in-aid (1) in connection with any urban renewal project if made not more than seven years prior to the authorization by the Secretary of a contract for a loan or capital grant for such project, or (2) in connection with any such project for which the Secretary, prior to September 25, 1963, has authorized a loan or capital grant contract if made not more than five years prior to the submission of an application for financial assistance under this subchapter for such urban renewal project. In connection with any project for which an application is filed not later than December 24, 1969 and which has not received Federal recognition (other than a project to which clause (2) of the second sentence of section 1469b(a) of this title applies), the seven-year period referred to in clause (1) of the preceding sentence shall be extended to a period of eight years prior to the authorization by the Secretary of a contract for a loan or capital grant for the project.
(c) Aggregate expenditures by public authority deemed a local grant-in-aid.
The aggregate expenditures made by any public authority, established by any State, for acquisition, demolition, and relocation in connection with land, buildings, and structures acquired by such public authority and leased to an educational institution for educational uses or to a hospital for hospital uses shall be deemed a local grant-in-aid to the same extent as if such expenditures had been made directly by such educational institution or hospital.
(d) Definitions.
As used in this section—
(1) The term "educational institution" means any educational institution of higher learning, including any public educational institution or any private educational institution, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual; and
(2) the term "hospital" means any hospital licensed by the State in which such hospital is located, including any public hospital or any nonprofit hospital, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
(July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 112, as added Sept. 23, 1959, Pub. L. 86,372, title IV, § 418, 73 Stat. 677, and amended June 30, 1961, Pub. L. 87-70, title III, § 309, 75 Stat. 169; Nov. 3, 1966, Pub. L. 89-754, title VII, § 705, 80 Stat. 1281; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 203(b), 83 Stat. 386.)
(a) Urban renewal assistance.
Whenever the Secretary of Commerce certifies to the Secretary (1) that any county, city, or other municipality (in this section referred to as a "municipality") is situated in an area designated under section 5 of the Area Redevelopment Act as a redevelopment area, and (2) that there is a reasonable probability that with assistance provided under such Act and other undertakings the area will be able to achieve more than temporary improvement in its economy, the Secretary is authorized to provide financial assistance to a local public agency in any such municipality under this subchapter and the provisions of this section.
(b) Nonapplicability of certain requirements.
Subject to the provisions of subsection (e) of this section, the Secretary may provide such financial assistance under this section without regard to the requirement or limitations of section 1460(c) of this title that the project area be predominantly residential in character or be redeveloped for predominantly residential uses under the urban renewal plan, and without regard to any of the limitations of that section on the undertaking of projects for predominantly nonresidential uses.
(c) Disposition of lands for industrial or commercial uses; fair value; obligations of purchasers, lessees, and assignees of property.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, a contract for financial assistance under this section may include provisions permitting the disposition of any land in the project area designated under the urban renewal plan for industrial or commercial uses to any public agency or nonprofit corporation for subsequent disposition as promptly as practicable by such public agency or corporation for the redevelopment of the land in accordance with the urban renewal plan: Provided, That any disposition of such land to such public agency or corporation under this section shall be made at its fair value for uses in accordance with the urban renewal plan: And provided further, That only the purchaser from or lessees of such public agency or corporation, and their assignees, shall be required to assume the obligations relating to the commencement of improvements imposed under section 1455(b) of this title.
(d) Completion of projects notwithstanding termination of area status.
Following the execution of any contract for financial assistance under this section with respect to any project, the Secretary may exercise the authority vested in him under this section as well as other provisions of this subchapter for the completion of such projects, notwithstanding any determination made after the execution of such contract that the area in which the project is located is no longer a redevelopment area under the Area Redevelopment Act.
(e) Limitation on expenditures; exclusion of expenditures from aggregate amount of capital grants for urban renewal projects.
Not more than 10 per centum of the funds authorized for capital grants under section 1453 of this title after May 1, 1961, shall be used for the purpose of providing financial assistance under this section. Amounts used for such purpose shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the limitation contained in the second proviso of the fifth sentence of section 1460(c) of this title. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 113, as added May 1, 1961, Pub. L. 87-27, § 14, 75 Stat. 57, and amended May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21.)
(a) Financial assistance to displaced individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, an urban renewal project may include the making of payments as prescribed in this section to displaced individuals, families, business concerns, and nonprofit organizations; and any contract for financial assistance under this subchapter shall provide that the capital grant otherwise payable for the project shall be increased by an amount equal to such payments and that no part of the amount of such payments shall be required to be contributed as part of the local grant-in-aid. As used in this section, "displaced" refers to displacement from an urban renewal area made necessary by (1) the acquisition of real property by a local public agency or by any other public body, (2) code enforcement activities undertaken in connection with an urban renewal project, or (3) a program of voluntary rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements in accordance with an urban renewal plan.
(b) Payments to business concerns or nonprofit organizations; considerations; maximum amounts.
A local public agency may pay to any displaced business concern or nonprofit organization—
(1) its reasonable and necessary moving expenses and any actual direct losses of property except goodwill or profit (which are incurred on and after August 7, 1956, and for which reimbursement or compensation is not otherwise made): Provided, That such payment shall not exceed $3,000 (or, if greater, the total certified actual moving expenses): Provided further, That the Secretary may authorize payment to displaced business concerns of fixed amounts in lieu of their total certified actual moving expenses where he determines that it is impractical for a displaced business concern to calculate the amount of such expenses; and
(2) an additional $2,500 in the case of a private business concern with average annual net earnings of less than $10,000 per year which (A) was doing business in a location in the urban renewal area on the date of local approval of the urban renewal plan (or of acquisition of real property under the third sentence of section 1452(a) of this title), (B) is displaced on or after January 27, 1964, and (C) is not part of an enterprise having establishments outside the urban renewal area.
Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (1) of the preceding sentence, a business concern which is not being displaced from an urban renewal area shall be eligible for payments under such clause (1) of its moving expenses with respect to its outdoor advertising displays being removed from the urban renewal area in the same manner as though such business concern were being displaced.
(c) Payments to individuals and families; considerations; computation of amount; maximum amounts; restrictions.
(1) A local public agency may pay to any displaced individual or family his or its reasonable and necessary moving expenses and any actual direct losses of property (which are incurred on and after August 7, 1956, and for which reimbursement or compensation is not otherwise made): Provided, That such payment shall not
exceed $200: And provided further, That the Secretary may authorize payment to individuals and families of fixed amounts (not to exceed $200 in any case) in lieu of their respective reasonable and necessary moving expenses and actual direct losses of property.
(2) In addition to any amount under paragraph (1), a local public agency may pay to or on behalf of any displaced family, displaced individual sixty-two years of age or over, or displaced handicapped individual, monthly payments over a period not to exceed twenty-four months in an amount not to exceed $500 in the first twelve months and $500 in the second twelve months to assist such displaced family or individual to secure a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling. The additional payment shall be an amount which, when added to 20 percentum of the annual income of the displaced individual or family at the time of displacement, equals the average rental required, for a 12-month period, for such a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling of modest standards adequate in size to accommodate the displaced individual or family (in the urban renewal area or in other areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities): Provided, That such payment shall be made only to an individual or family who is unable to secure a dwelling unit in a low-rent housing project assisted under the United States Housing Act of 1937, or under a State or local program found by the Secretary to have the same general purposes as the Federal program under such Act or a dwelling assisted under section 1701s of Title 12: Provided further, That additional payments under this paragraph may be paid on a lump sum or other than monthly basis in cases in which the small size of the payments that would otherwise be required do not warrant a number of separate payments or in other cases in which other than monthly payments are determined warranted by the Secretary: And provided further, That no payment received under this paragraph shall be considered as income for the purpose of determining the eligibility or the extent of eligibility of any person for assistance under the Social Security Act or any other Federal Act.
(3) In addition to any amount under paragraph (1), a local public agency may make a payment to a displaced family or individual, who does not receive the additional payment authorized under paragraph (2) and who is the owner of real property which is acquired for a project assisted under this subchapter and which is improved by a single- or two-family dwelling occupied by the owner for a period of not less than one year prior to the initiation of negotiations for the acquisition of such property. Such payment, not to exceed $5,000, shall be an amount which, when added to the acquisition payment, equals the average price required for a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling of modest standards adequate in size to accommodate the displaced owner, reasonably accessible to public services and places of employment and available on the private market: Provided, That such payment may be made only to a displaced owner who purchases and occupies a dwelling within one year subsequent to the date on which he is required to move from the dwelling acquired for the project: Provided further, That no such payment may be made if the owner-occupant receives a payment required by the State law of eminent domain which is determined by the Secretary to have substantially the same purpose and effect as this paragraph and to be part of the cost of the project for which Federal financial assistance is available.
(d) Payments to individuals, families, business concerns, and nonprofit organizations for recording fees, transfer taxes, incidental expenses, penalty costs, and pro rata taxes.
In addition to payments authorized to be made under subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a local public agency may pay to any displaced individual, family, business concern, or nonprofit organization reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for (1) recording fees, transfer taxes, and similar expenses incidental to conveying real property to a project assisted under this subchapter, (2) penalty costs for prepayment of any mortgage encumbering such real property, and (3) the pro rata portion of real property taxes allocable to a period subsequent to the date of vesting of title or the effective date of the acquisition of such real property by such agency, whichever is earlier.
(e) Rules and regulations; finality of administrative decisions; promptness of payments.
The Secretary is authorized to establish such rules and regulations as he may deem appropriate in carrying out the provisions of this section and may provide in any contract with a local public agency, or in regulations promulgated by the Secretary, that determinations of any duly designated officer or agency as to eligibility for and the amount of relocation assistance authorized by this section shall be final and conclusive for any purposes and not subject to redetermination by any court or any other officer. Such regulations shall include provisions to assure that relocation payments, as authorized by this section, shall be made as promptly as possible to all families, individuals, business concerns, and nonprofit organizations found to be eligible for such payments by reason of their having been displaced from property in the urban renewal area, without regard to any subsequent proceedings, determinations, or events relating to such property which do not bear upon whether such displacement in fact occurred. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 114, as added Sept. 2, 1964, Pub. L. 88-560, title III, § 310 (a), 78 Stat. 788, and amended Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title I, § 101(i), title IV, § 404 (b), (c) (1), 79 Stat. 453, 486; May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-148, title V, § 516, 82 Stat. 526; Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91-609, title II, § 212, 84 Stat. 1779.)
(a)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary may authorize a local public agency to make grants (and the urban renewal project may include the making of such grants) as prescribed in this section. Any such grant may be made only to an individual or family, as described in subsection (c) of this section, who owns and occupies real property in an urban renewal area, and only for the purpose of covering the cost of repairs and improvements necessary to make such real property conform to public standards for decent, safe, and sanitary housing as required by applicable codes or other requirements of the urban renewal plan for the area. Any contract for financial assistance under this subchapter shall provide that the capital grant otherwise payable for the project shall be increased by an amount equal to the total amount of the grants under this section and that no part of the total amount of such grants shall be required to be contributed as part of the local grant-in-aid.
(2) In addition to the authority conferred by paragraph (1), and notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary is authorized, through the utilization of local public agencies where feasible, to make grants (payable from any grant funds provided under section 1453(b) of this title) to an individual or family, as described in subsection (b) of this section, to cover the cost of repairs and improvements necessary to make real property owned and occupied by such individual or family conform to public standards for decent, safe, and sanitary housing. No grants shall be made under this paragraph in the case of any property, unless (A) such property is in an area within a locality other than an urban renewal or code enforcement area) which the governing body of the locality has determined, and so certifies to the Secretary, contains a substantial number of structures in need of such repairs and improvements, (B) there is in effect for the locality a workable program meeting the requirements of section 1451(c) of this title, and (C) the area is definitely planned for rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement within a reasonable time, and such repairs and improvements to such property are consistent with the plan for rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement.
(b) The Secretary is authorized to make grants (payable from any grant funds provided under section 1453(b) of this title), through the utilization of local public and private agencies where feasible, to an individual or family, as described in subsection (c) of this section, who owns and occupies real property which has been determined to be uninsurable because of physical hazards after an inspection pursuant to a statewide property insurance plan approved by the Secretary under title XII of the National Housing Act. Such grants may only be made to rehabilitate such property to the extent which the Secretary determines to be necessary to make it meet reasonable underwriting standards imposed by such plan.
(c) A grant authorized by this section may be made to an individual or family whose income does not exceed $3,000 a year, and such grant may be in the amount which does not exceed the lesser of (1) the actual (and approved) cost of the repairs and improvements involved, or (2) $3,500. In case the income of the individual or family exceeds $3,000 a year, a grant may be made under this section, subject to the limitations specified in clauses (1) and (2) of the preceding sentence, but only in an amount not to exceed that portion of the cost of the repairs and improvements which cannot be paid for with any available loan that can be amortized as part of such individual's or family's monthly housing expense without requiring such monthly housing expense to exceed 25 per centum of such individual's or family's monthly income. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 115, as added Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title I, §106(a), 79 Stat. 457, and amended May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 503, 82 Stat. 521; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 205, 83 Stat. 387. )
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts to make, and to make, grants as provided in this section (payable from any grant funds provided under section 1453(b) of this title) to cities, other municipalities, counties, and Indian tribes, bands, groups, and nations, including Alaska Indians, Aluets, and Eskimos, of the United States to assist in financing the cost of demolishing structures which under State or local law have been determined to be structurally unsound, a harborage or potential harborage of rats, or unfit for human habitation, and which such city, municipality, or county has authority to demolish. The amount of any grant under this section shall not exceed two-thirds of the cost of the demolition of such structures.
(b) No grant shall be made under this section unless the structures to be demolished are located in an urban renewal area, or, in the case of structures outside an urban renewal area, (1) the locality involved has an approved workable program for community improvement in accordance with the requirements of section 1451(c) of this title, as determined by the Secretary, (2) the demolition to be assisted will be on a planned neighborhood basis and will further the over-all renewal objectives of such locality, or will be consistent with a systematic rodent control program being undertaken in the neighborhood, (3) there is in such locality a program of enforcement of existing local housing and related codes, (4) the structures to be demolished constitute a public nuisance and a serious hazard to the public health or welfare, and (5) the governing body of such locality has determined that other available legal procedures have been exhausted to secure remedial action by the owner of the structures involved and that demolition by governmental action is required. (July 15, 1949, ch. 388, title I, 116, as added Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L: 89-117, title III, § 311(a), 79 Stat. 477, and amended May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-148, title V, § 510, 82 Stat. 524; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 202(b), 83 Stat. 386.)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts to make, and to make, grants as provided in this section (payable from any grant funds provided under section 1453(b) of this title) to cities, other municipalities, counties, and Indian tribes, bands, groups, and nations, including Alaska Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos, of the United States for the purpose of assisting such localities in carrying out programs of concentrated code enforcement in deteriorated or deteriorating areas in which such enforcement, together with those public improvements to be provided by the locality, may be expected to arrest the decline of the area. Such grants shall not exceed two-thirds (or three-fourths in the case of any city, other municipality, or county having a population of 50,000 or less according to the most recent decennial census) of the cost of planning and carrying out such programs which may include the provision and repair of necessary streets, curbs, sidewalks, street lighting, tree planting, and similar improvements within such areas. The Secretary shall not make any grant under this section unless he has obtained adequate assurances (1) that the locality will maintain during the period of the contract, in addition to its expenditures for planning and carrying out any program assisted under this section, a level of expenditures for code enforcement activities at not less than its normal expenditures for such activities prior to the execution of such contract,
and (2) that the locality has a satisfactory program for the provision of all necessary public improvements for such areas. The provisions of sections 1451(e), 1456, 1465, and 1466 of this title, shall be applicable to activities and undertakings assisted under this section to the same extent as if such activities and undertakings were being carried out in an urban renewal area as part of an urban renewal project: Provided, That the Secretary may, in addition to authorizing a local public agency to make grants as prescribed in section 1466 of this title, make such grants through the utilization of local private nonprofit agencies. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 117, as added Aug. 10, 1965, Pub. L. 89-117, title III, § 311(a), 79 Stat. 478, and amended May 25, 1967, Pub. L. 90-19, § 6(b), 81 Stat. 21; Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 515, 82 Stat. 525; Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 202(c), 83 Stat. 386.)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts (in an aggregate amount not to exceed $15,000,000 in any fiscal year) to make, and to make, grants as provided in this section (payable from any grant funds provided under section 1453(b) of this title) to cities, other municipalities, counties, and Indian tribes, bands, groups, and nations, including Alaska Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos, of the United States for the purpose of assisting such localities in carrying our1 programs to alleviate harmful conditions in slum and blighted areas which are planned for substantial clearance, rehabilitation, or federally assisted code enforcement in the near future but in which some immediate public action is needed until clearance, rehabilitation, or code enforcement activities can be undertaken. Such grants shall not exceed two-thirds (or three-fourths in the case of any city, other municipality, or county having a population of fifty thousand or less according to the most recent decennial census) of the cost of planning and carrying out programs which may include (1) the repair of streets, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, publicly owned utilities, and public buildings to meet needs consistent with the short-term continued use of the area prior to the undertaking of the contemplated clearance or upgrading activities, (2) the improvement of private properties to the extent needed to eliminate the most immediate dangers to public health and safety, (3) the demolition of structures determined to be structurally unsound or unfit for human habitation and which constitute a public nuisance and serious hazard to the public health and safety, (4) the establishment of temporary public playgrounds on vacant land within the area, and (5) the improvement of garbage and trash collection, street cleaning, and similar activities. The Secretary shall encourage, wherever feasible, the employment of otherwise unemployed or underemployed residents of the area in carrying out the activities and undertakings assisted under this section. The provisions of sections 1451(c), 1456, and 1465 of this title shall be applicable to activities and undertakings assisted under this section to the same extent as if such activities and undertakings were being carried out in an urban re-
newal area as part of an urban renewal project. (July 15, 1959, ch. 338, title I, § 118, as added Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 514, 82 Stat. 525, and amended Dee. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 202(d), 83 Stat. 386.)
(a) Authorization for financial assistance to local public agencies.
To facilitate more rapid renewal and development of urban areas on an effective scale, and to encourage more efficient and flexible utilization of public and private development opportunities by local communities in such areas, the Secretary is authorized to make financial assistance availabe under this subchapter to local public agencies for undertakings and activities which are carried out under a neighborhood development program approved by him pursuant to this part.
(b) Extent of neighborhood development program.
A neighborhood development program shall consist of urban renewal project undertakings and activities in one or more urban renewal areas which are planned and carried out on the basis of annual increments in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter for planning and carrying out urban renewal projects, except as modified by the provisions of this part.
(c) Conditions for approval of applications for financial assistance.
No application for financial assistance in planning and carrying out a neighborhood development program shall be approved by the Secretary unless—
(1) the governing body of the locality has, by resolution or ordinance, approved the proposed program and the annual increment covered by the application and authorized the filing of the application for financial assistance; and
(2) the Secretary has concluded that there is the necessary capacity to carry out the undertakings and activities included under the program.
(July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 131, as added Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 501(b), 82 Stat. 518.)
(a) Upon the approval of a neighborhood development program by the Secretary, the cost of any undertakings and activities authorized as part of the program shall be financed in accordance with the loan, capital grant, and project cost provisions of part A, except that—
(1) net project cost may be calculated on the basis of costs incurred and proceeds derived for the account of the program during a specified twelve-month period, and may be recalculated for succeeding periods of twelve months to reflect additional costs and additional proceeds since the date of the last computation or recomputation; and
(2) if property has been acquired but not disposed of prior to the computation or recomputation of net project cost, temporary loans made or secured under this subchapter to finance undertakings or activities included in the
program may remain outstanding until the property has been disposed of and the proceeds thereof together with additional funds becoming available to the program, are sufficient to permit repayment of the loans.
(b) In the event that gross project cost as computed for a specified twelve-month period is exceeded, with respect to that period, by the sum of (1) the sales price of land or other property sold, and (2) the imputed capital value of land or other property leased or retained by the local public agency in accordance with the provisions of the urban renewal plan, the local public agency shall pay to the Secretary two-thirds of the excess (or three-fourths in the case of a program on a three-fourths grant basis), which amount shall be avail able to the Secretary for grant payments under section 1453 of this title. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 132, as added Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 501(b), 82 Stat. 519.)
(a) Determination of eligibility; extension of eligibility.
Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, for the purpose of determining the eligibility of local grants-in-aid in connection with undertakings and activities carried out under a neighborhood development program, the three-year period referred to in the first sentence of the second paragraph of section 1460(d) of this title shall be deemed to be a period of three years prior to the authorization by the Secretary of the first contract for financial assistance under the program which includes the urban renewal area which is benefited by the public improvement or facility for which credit is claimed; and the seven-year period referred to in clause (1) of section 1463(b) of this title shall be deemed to be a period of seven years prior to the date of authorization by the Secretary of the first contract for financial assistance under the program which includes the urban renewal area which is benefited by the expenditures for which credit is claimed. In connection with any neighborhood development program for which an application is filed not later than December 24, 1969 and for which no contract for financial assistance under the program has been authorized by the Secretary, the three-year and seven-year periods referred to above shall be extended to periods of four and eight years, respectively, prior to authorization of (1) the first contract for financial assistance under the program which includes the urban renewal area benefited by the public improvement or facility (or the expenditures) for which credit is claimed, or (2) a contract for a loan or capital grant for an urban renewal project authorized after December 24, 1969 in an area which is benefited by the public improvement or facility (or the expenditures) for which credit is claimed and which was included in the neighborhood development program application.
(b) Cost of public improvement or facility.
No portion of the cost of a public improvement or public facility (to the extent otherwise eligible) may be included as a local grant-in-aid in computing the gross project cost of an approved program for any twelve-month period—
(1) prior to commencement of construction of the improvement or facility, or
(2) in excess of the amount actually expended or obligated by contract.
(c) Excess local grants-in-aid; inapplicability of pooling povisions.
The provisions of section 1454 of this title with respect to the pooling of local grants-in-aid among the various projects undertaken by a local public agency shall not be applicable with respect to any excess local grants-in-aid resulting from the urban renewal projects contained in a neighborhood development program. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 133, as added Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V. § 501(b), 82 Stat. 519, and amended Dec. 24, 1969, Pub. L. 91-152, title II, § 203(c), 83 Stat. 386.)
(a) Workable program requirement; capital grants; relocation requirements; transient housing; demolition and removal of buildings and improvements.
For purposes of this part—
(1) the workable program requirement in section 1451(c) of this title shall apply to the authorization, rather than the execution, of any contract for loans or capital grants;
(2) capital grants on a three-fourths basis may only be made under section 1453(a)(2)(B) of this title;
(3) the relocation requirements specified in section 1455(c) of this title shall apply to each annual increment of an approved program;
(4) section 1456(g) of this title (relating to transient housing) shall apply to activities undertaken under approved programs, except that the determination as to need for transient housing shall be made with respect to any sale or lease of land for construction of such housing prior to such sale or lease; and
(5) the requirements concerning demolition and removal of buildings and improvements stated in clause (A) of the sentence following paragraph (10) of section 1460(c) of this title shall apply to each annual increment of an approved program.
(b) Obligation to provide financial assistance subsequent annual increments.
The approval by the Secretary of financial assistance for one or more annual increments of a neighborhood development program shall not be considered as obligating him to provide financial assistance for any subsequent annual increments.
(c) Extent of urban renewal plan; modification; establishment of requirements prescribing scope and content of plan.
The urban renewal plan referred to in section 1460(b) of this title may cover one or more of the urban renewal areas covered by a neighborhood development program and such plan may be modified from time to time to cover additional urban renewal areas added to the program. The Secretary may establish such requirements as he deems appropriate prescribing the scope and content of such plan, taking into consideration, among other matters, the degree of detail needed in the plan to properly and expeditiously carry out the activities and undertakings proposed in any annual increment of a neighborhood development program. (July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title I, § 134, as added Aug. 1, 1968, Pub. L. 90-448, title V, § 501(b), 82 Stat. 520.)