Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 4—1939 | 4498 |
Pursuant to Section 4 of the Act of May 31, 1933 (48 Stat. 108), I hereby designate and segregate the following described lands within the Carson National Forest for the purpose of safeguarding the interests and welfare of the Indians of the Pueblo de Taos, which lands shall not be subject to entry under the land laws of the United States:
Beginning at the northeast corner of the Pueblo de Taos Grant, thence northeasterly along the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Rio Lucero and along the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Red River to a point a half mile east of Rio Pueblo de Taos; thence southwesterly on a line half mile east of Rio Pueblo de Taos and parallel thereto to the northwest corner of township 25 north range 15 east; thence south on the west boundary of township 25 north, range 15 east, to the divide between Rio Pueblo de Taos and Rio Fernandez de Taos; thence westerly along the divide to the east boundary of the Pueblo de Taos grant; thence north to the point of beginning containing approximately thirty thousand acres, more or less.
Acting Secretary of Agriculture.