Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Vol. 6—1941

Proclaming Certain Lands in Nevada to be an Indian Reservation
Executive Order—Transfer of Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the      Interior
Executive Order—Transfer of Certain Lands From the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of      Agriculture
Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota—Order of Restoration
Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota—Order of Restoration
Executive Order—Establishing a National Indian Institute in the Department of the Interior
Executive Order—Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calender Year 1942

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VOLUME 6—1941
February 8, 1941


Margin Notes
VOLUME 6—1941 1203
VOLUME 6—1941 1204

Page 1436

By virtue of authority contained in section 7 of the act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat., 984), the lands described below, acquired by purchase under the provisions of section 5 of that act, for the use and benefit of such Indians of the Te-Moak Bands of Western Shoshones resident in Nevada as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with section 19 of the Indian Reorganization Act, are hereby proclaimed to be an Indian reservation for the use and benefit of the Te-Moak Bands of Western Shoshone Indians:

Township 31 N., Range 56 E., M. D. B. & M.
     Section 1: The whole thereof;
     Section 3: The whole thereof;
     Section 4: E ½, SW ¼;
     Section 10: N ½ of NW ¼; NE ¼; E ½ of SE ¼;
     Section 11: SW ¼ of NW ¼; W ½ of SW ¼;
     Section 12: The whole thereof;
     Section 13: N ½; SW ¼; and that portion of the SE ¼ described as follows: Beginning at a point, corner No. 1 on north bank of South Fork of the Humboldt River and southeast bank of Lee Creek and on the east and west center line of said Section 13, from whence the east quarter corner of Section 13 bears easterly 1334 feet distant. From corner No. 1 so identified, thence south 25 degrees 06 minutes east 248 feet to corner No. 2, a cedar corner post of the Ogilvie-Clayton fence on the north bank of South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 0 degrees 04 minutes west 82.5 feet to corner No. 3, a cedar post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on north side of South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 82 degrees 20 minutes West 87 feet to corner No. 4, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on south bank of South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 32 degrees East 341 feet to corner No. 5, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence on the north bank of the South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 1 degree, 20 minutes West 48 feet to Corner No. 6, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on the South bank of the South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 22 degrees 40 minutes East 246 feet to corner No. 7, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on South side of South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 5 degrees 02 minutes West 86 feet to Corner No. 8, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence on South side of South Fork of Humboldt River Thence south 44 degrees 05 minutes East, 131 feet to corner No. 9, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on the south side of the South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 60 degrees 55 minutes East 116 feet to Corner No. 10, at cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on the south side of the South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 37 degrees 15 minutes East 181 feet to Corner No. 11, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on the south side of the South Fork of the Humboldt River; Thence South 52 degrees 08 minutes East 185.5 feet to Corner No. 12, a cedar corner post of Ogilvie-Clayton fence and on North bank of South Fork of Humboldt River; Thence South 63 degrees 20 minutes East 404 feet to Corner No. 13, a cedar post on west side of County Road and a portion of fence along the West side of said road; Thence South 63 degrees 20 minutes East, or extension of last course, 265 feet, more or less to Corner No. 14, a point on East boundary of Section 13, Township 31 North, Range 56 East, M. D. B. & M. Thence Southerly along the East section line 972 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Section 13; Thence Westerly along the South Section line 2640 feet to the South quarter corner of said Section 13; Thence Northerly along center line of said Section 13, 2640 feet to the center of said Section 13; Thence Easterly along center line of said Section 13, 1306 feet to Corner No. 1 the place of beginning All being a portion of the SE ¼ of Section 13, Township 31 North, Range 56 East, M. D. B. & M., and containing 123 acres, more or less.
     Section 14: The whole thereof;
     Section 24: N ½ of SE ¼; NE ¼; also that portion of the NW ¼ described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point, corner No. 1 on west section line of said Section 4, and 1,155 feet southerly from the Northwest section corner; thence South 61 degrees 0 minutes East 3 030 feet to the center of Section 24, corner No. 2; thence Northerly along subdivision line 2,640 feet to the North quarter corner of said Section 24, Corner No. 3, thence Westerly along section line to Northwest Corner of Said Section 24, Corner No. 4, thence Southerly 1,155 feet to the place of beginning, or corner No. 1, containing 115 acres, more or less.

Township 31 N., Range 57 E., M. D. B. & M.
     Section 3: W ½;
     Section 4: The whole thereof;
     Section 5: The whole thereof;
     Section 6: SE ¼; SW ¼ of NE ¼; SE ¼ of NW ¼; NW ¼ of NW ¼;
     Section 7: The whole thereof;
     Section 8: S ½ of NW ¼; SW ¼:

Page 1437

     Section 10: NW ¼;
     Section 17: NW ¼; N ½ of SW ¼; NE ¼; NE ¼ of SE ¼; NW ¼ of SE ¼, excepting therefrom all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the southerly portion of NW ¼ of SW ¼ of Section 17, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on mound of rock accepted as being the quarter corner between Sections 17 and 18, said Township and Range, running thence S. 15.61 chs. to a point at a fence which point is hereby designated and referred to as Point No. 1, thence S. 82° 15' E. 15 chs. along said fence to a point; thence S. 71° 15' E. 7.7 chs. along fence to intersection with south boundary of N ½ of SW ¼ of said Sec. 17; thence W. 22.12 chs. along said boundary to a point; thence at right angles to said last named course 4.45 chs. to fence Point No. 1, heretofore referred to.
     Section 18: N ½;
     Section 19: Lot 1, and that portion of Lot 2 described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 a point on the West boundary of said Section 19, from whence the West quarter corner of Section 19 bears Southerly 1,100 feet distant; from a corner No. 1 so identified, thence South 84 degrees East 638 feet to Corner No. 2; thence South 44 degrees 10 minutes East 110 feet to Corner No. 3; thence South 69 degrees 40 minutes East 300 feet to Corner No. 4; thence South 76 degrees 20 minutes East 400 feet, more or less, to a point on East boundary of Lot 2 of said Section 19; thence northerly 569 feet along east boundary of Lot 2, to Northeast corner of Lot 2 of said Section 19; thence Westerly 1,370 feet along the North boundary of Lot 2 to Northwest corner of Lot 2, said Section 19; thence Southerly 220 feet along section line West boundary of Section 19, to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning, including and comprising 11.5 acres. A tract of land in the NW ¼ of SW ¼ and Lots 3 and 4 of Section 19, Township 31 North, Range 57 East, M. D. B. & M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1, a point identified as the former position of the West quarter corner of Section 19, Township 31 North, Range 57 East, M. D. B. & M., running thence South 1,124.90 feet to a point in a fence line now in place, and Corner No. 2; thence along a fence line S 59 degrees 08 minutes E., 400.60 feet to Corner No. 3; thence along a fence line S 77 degrees 04 minutes E. 370.30 feet to Corner No. 4; thence along a fence line S 59 degrees 02 minutes E., 237.30 feet to Corner No. 5; thence along a fence line N 48 degrees OS minutes E., 1,051.60 feet to Corner No. 6; thence along fence line N 41 degrees 46 minutes West 156.70 feet to Corner No. 7; thence along a fence line N 24 degrees 42 minutes West, 67.20 feet to Corner No. 8; thence along a fence line N 35 degrees 03 minutes West 741.80 feet to Corner No. 9; thence along a fence line N. 87 degrees 21 minutes West 108.50 feet to Corner No. 10; thence along a fence line N 14 degrees 52 minutes West, 44.80 feet to Corner No. 11; thence West 1,012.80 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Containing 43.37 acres, more or less. Also a tract in said Section 19 described as follows: Beginning at the quarter corner between Section 19 and Section 24, Township 31 North, Range 56 East, M. D. B. & M., and running thence North 1,093.0 feet; thence East 710 feet; thence South 14 degrees 52 minutes East 1,130.8 feet; thence West 1,000 feet along the line between the Northwest quarter and the Southwest quarter to the quarter corner above mentioned, containing 21.45 acres.

Township 32 N., Range 56 E., M. D. B. & M.
     Section 35: The whole thereof;

Township 32 N., Range 57 E., M. D. B. & M.
     Section 31: The whole thereof.

Together with all water, water rights, dams and ditches now or heretofore used upon or in connection with the above described premises.

Together with all range, ranges and range watering rights of every name, nature, kind and description used in connection with the above described premises.

All of the said lands being within Elko County, Nevada, containing a total of 9,548.46 acres, more or less.

Pending the adoption of a land use code by the Indians, use of the lands shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe for the protection of the soil and proper utilization and development of the land.

Acting Secretary of the Interior.

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