Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

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Vol. 13—1948

Executive Order 9920—Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expring During the Calender Year      1948
Addition of Certain Lands to Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation, Mont.—Proclamation
Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota—Order of Restoration
Nevada—Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey
Utah—Revocation of Departmental Order of September 26, 1933, as Modified
Stockbridge Indian Reservation, Wisconsin—Proclamation Adding Certain Lands
Wind River Reservation, Wyoming—Order of Restoration

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VOLUME 13—1948
July 1, 1948

Revocation of Departmental Order of September 26, 1933, as Modified

Margin Notes
VOLUME 13—1948 4105
VOLUME 13—1948 4106

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Pursuant to section 2 of the act of March 11, 1948 (Public Law 440, 80th Congress, 2d Sess.), the Departmental order of September 26, 1933, temporarily withdrawing the following-described lands as a grazing reserve for the Uncompahgre Ute Indians and White stockmen, under authority of section 4 of the act of March 3, 1927 (44 Stat. 1347), and the order of August 24, 1945, modifying said order of September 26, 1933 to permit the issuance of oil and gas leases on certain lands, are hereby revoked:

Beginning at the southeast corner of township 6 south, range 25 east, Salt Lake meridian; thence west to the southwest corner of township 6 south, range 24 east; thence north along the range line to the northwest corner of said township 6 south, range 24 east; thence west along the first standard parallel south of the Salt Lake base line to a point where said standard parallel will, when extended, intersect the eastern boundary of the Uintah Indian Reservation as established by C. L. Du Bois, United States deputy surveyor, under his contract dated August 30, 1875; thence along said boundary southeasterly to the Green River; thence down the west bank of Green River to the point where the southern boundary of the said Uintah Reservation as surveyed by Du Bois, intersects said river; thence northwesterly with the southern boundary of said reservation to the point where the line between ranges 16 and 17 east of Salt Lake meridian will, when surveyed, intersect said southern boundary; thence south between said ranges 16 and 17 east, Salt Lake meridian, to the third standard parallel south; thence east along said third standard parallel to the eastern boundary of Utah Territory; thence north along said boundary to a point due east of the place of beginning; thence due west to the place of beginning.

The act of March 11, 1948, extended the exterior boundaries of the Uintah and Curay Reservation in Grand and Uintah Counties, State of Utah, to include certain lands within the above described area. Effective upon the signing of this order, the remaining lands, described as follows, shall be administered for grazing purposes under applicable laws:


Tps. 8 to 11 S., R. 17 E.

Tps. 12 to 15 S., R. 17 E., partly unsurveyed, those parts north and west of the Green River.

Tps. 8 to 11 S., R. 18 E., partly unsurveyed.

Tps. 12 and 13 S., R. 18 E., partly unsurveyed, that part north and west of Green River and east of a line as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Green River and the boundary of Carbon County which is the north boundary of T. 12 S., thence southerly along Green River to a point 2 ½ miles N. 80° W., from the southwest corner of section 7.

T. 12 S., R. 19 E., thence southwesterly along the east rim of Main Tabyago Canyon approximately three and one-half miles; thence south five-eighths of a mile to the rim of the ridge; thence southwesterly cross West Tabyago Canyon approximately one-half mile to the ridge; thence southwesterly along the north rim of the ridge approximately two and one-fourth miles to Rock House Canyon; thence southwesterly across Rock House Canyon approximately three-fourths of a mile to the top of knoll in Rock House Canyon; thence southeasterly along the south rim of Rock House Canyon approximately two and three-fourths miles to a point approximately one mile north of Gray Knoll; thence south one-half mile across bench to north rim of Big Canyon; thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon approximately two miles to the head of draw approximately one mile east of Gray Knoll; thence southeasterly one-fourth of a mile across bench to north rim of Big Canyon Flat; thence southeasterly along north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately three and one-fourth miles; thence east approximately one-fourth of a mile across bench to the north rim of Big Canyon Flat; thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately one mile; thence east approximately one-fourth of a mile across bench to north rim of Big Canyon Flat; thence

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southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately two and one-half miles; thence east approximately one-fourth of a mile across bench thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately one and three-fourths miles; thence east to northwest corner of section 31, township 13 south, range east, Salt Lake meridian;

Tps. 6, 7, 9 S., R. 19 E.,

Tps. 10 to 13 S., R. 19 E., those parts lying west of the following line,

Beginning at the NW corner sec. 31, T. 13 S., Thence east one mile; thence south one mile; thence east one mile to the southeast corner of section 32; thence east on section line to CCC road; thence northerly along said CCC road to the point where said road intersects rim of a mesa south of the north line of township 13 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian; thence northeasterly along said rim to the northeast corner of section 26, T. 12 S., R. 19 E.; thence north one-fourth of a mile; thence east one-fourth of a mile; thence north one-fourth of a mile to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter south-west quarter, section 24; thence northerly along Hill Creek approximately one and one-fourth miles; thence west one-fourth of a mile; thence south one-fourth of a mile to the quarter corner between sections 13 and 14; thence west two miles to the quarter corner between sections 15 and 16; thence north along the section line one-half mile to the southeast corner of section 9 to the top of the ride; All the foregoing descriptions being in township 12 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian; Thence northerly along the top of said ridge three and three-fourths miles to the center of section 28, township 11 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian; Thence northwesterly, to the CCC road; thence northwesterly along said road to the top rim of Wild Horse Bench; Thence northeasterly along the top rim of Wild Horse Bench to the southeast corner of section 21; thence north one mile; thence diagonally northeast to the southwest corner of section 1; thence northeasterly to the north quarter of said section 1; thence east one-half mile to the intersection of CCC road at the northeast corner of said section 1; thence northeasterly along road to its intersection on the east boundary of sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 19 E.

Tps. 6 and 7 S., R. 20 E.

T. 8 S., R. 20 E., that part north and west of Green River including all secs. 1 and 2.

T. 9 S., R. 20 E.
Secs. 25, 26, 35 and 36.

T. 10 S., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1, 2, 11 to 14 inclusive, 23 to 26 inclusive, 35 and 36.

T. 11 S., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1, 2 and 3;
Sec. 4, E ½, SE ¼ SW ¼;
Sec. 8, E ½ SE ¼, SE ¼ NE ¼;
Sec. 9, S ½, NE ¼, S ½ NW ¼, NE ¼ NW ¼;
Sec. 10 to 17 inclusive;
Sec. 20 to 29 inclusive;
Sec. 32 to 36 inclusive;
Secs. 19, 30 and 31, those parts east of the west rim of Big Pack Mountain.

T. 12 S., R. 20 E.,

T. 13 S., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1 to 17 inclusive, 21 to 27, inclusive and 34 to 36 inclusive;
Secs. 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, those parts north and east of the north rim of East Squaw Canyon.

T. 14 S., R. 20 E.,
Secs. 1, 2, 3, 10 to 15 inclusive, 22;
Secs. 23, 24, 26, 27, 34 and 35, those parts north of the north rims of Flat Rock Mesa and Ute Canyon.

Tps. 6 and 7 S., R. 21 E.,

T. 8 S., R. 21 E.,
Secs. 1 to 6 inclusive.

T. 9 S., R. 21 E.,
Secs. 25 to 36 inclusive;

Tps. 10 to 13, R. 21 E.,

T. 14 S., R. 21 E.,
Secs. 1 to 17 inclusive;
Secs. 18, 19, 20, those parts north of the north rim of Ute Canyon;
Sec. 21 E ½ and that part of the NW ¼ north of the north rim of Ute Canyon;
Secs. 22 to 27 inclusive;
Sec. 28, E ½, SW ¼;
Secs. 33 to 36 inclusive.

T. 15 S., R. 21 E.,

Tps. 6 and 7 S., R. 22 E.,

T. 8 S., R. 22 E.,
Secs. 1 to 18 inclusive;
Secs. 20 to 27 inclusive;
Secs. 34, 35, 36.

T. 9 S., R. 22 E.,
Secs. 1 to 3 inclusive;
Secs. 10 to 15 inclusive;
Secs. 22 to 36 inclusive.

Tps. 10 to 15 S., R. 22 E.,

Tps. 6 to 15 S., R. 23 E.,

Tps. 7 to 15 S., Res. 24 and 25 E.,

Tps. 13 to 15 S., R. 26 E.,

approximately 580,000 acres.

The revocation of the modifying order of August 24, 1945, which permitted the issuance of oil and gas leases on certain lands, shall not be effective until 10:00 a.m. on September 2, 1948, as to such of the remaining lands as were affected by said order.

This order shall not otherwise become effective to change the status of such remaining lands until 10:00 a.m. on September 2, 1948. At that time the lands shall, subject to valid existing rights and the provisions of existing withdrawals, become subject to application, petition, location, or selection as follows:

(a) Ninety-day period for preference-right filings. For a period of 90 days from September 2, 1948 to December 2, 1948, inclusive, the surveyed public lands affected by this order shall be subject to (1) application under the homestead or the desert land laws, or the small tract act of June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 609, 43 U.S.C. sec. 682a), as amended, by qualified veterans of World War II, for whose service recognition is granted by the act of September 27, 1944 (58 Stat. 747, 43 U.S.C. secs. 279 283), subject to the requirements of applicable law, and (2) application under any applicable public-land law, based on prior existing valid settlement rights and preference rights conferred by existing laws or equitable claims subject to allowance and confirmation. Applications by such veterans shall be subject to claims of the classes described in subdivision (2).

(b) Twenty-day advance period for simultaneous preference-right filings. For a period of 20 days from August 13, 1948, to September 1, 1948, inclusive, such veterans and persons claiming preference rights superior to those of such veterans, may present their applications, and all such applications, together with those presented at 10:00 a.m. on September 2, 1948, shall be treated as simultaneously filed.

(c) Date for non-preference-right filings authorized by the public-land laws. Commencing at 10:00 a.m. on December 3, 1948, any of the lands remaining unappropriated shall become subject to such application, petition, location, or selection by the public generally as may be authorized by the public-land laws.

(d) Twenty-day advance period for simultaneous non-preference-right filings. Applications by the general public may be presented during the 20-day period from November 13, 1948 to December 2, 1948, inclusive, and all such applications, together with those presented at 10:00 a.m. on December 3, 1948, shall be treated as simultaneously filed.

Veterans shall accompany their applications with certified copies of their certificates of discharge, or other satisfactory evidence of their military or naval service. Persons asserting preference rights, through settlement or otherwise, and those having equitable claims, shall ac-

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company their applications by duly corroborated affidavits in support thereof, setting forth in detail all facts relevant to their claims.

Applications for these lands, which shall be filed in District Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, shall be acted upon in accordance with the regulations contained in § 295.8 of Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Circular No. 324, May 22, 1914, 43 L. D. 254), and Part 296 of that title, to the extent that such regulations are applicable. Applications under the homestead laws shall be governed by the regulations contained in Parts 166 to 170, inclusive, of Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations and applications under the desert land laws and the small tract act of June 1, 1938, shall be governed by the regulations contained in Parts 232 and 257, respectively, of that title.

Inquiries concerning these lands shall be addressed to District Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The lands are rolling to rough, rocky, and mountainous in character.

Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

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