Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 24—1959 | 282 |
By virtue of the authority vested in the President and pursuant to Executive Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, it is ordered as follows:
The Executive Order of December 16, 1882, withdrawing from settlement or sale and setting apart the following described tract of country in Arizona for the use and occupancy of the Moqui and such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior might see fit to settle therein, is hereby revoked:
Beginning on the one hundred and tenth degree of longitude west of Greenwich, at a point 36°30' north thence due west to the one hundred and eleventh degree of longitude west; thence due south to a point of longitude 35°30' north; thence due east to the one hundred and tenth degree of longitude west; thence due north to place of beginning.
The lands were declared by the act of July 22, 1958 (72 Stat. 402), to be held by the United States in trust for the Hopi Indians and such other Indians, if any, as theretofore had been settled thereon by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Executive Order of December 16, 1882.
This order, therefore, has no effect upon the lands involved in the wihdrawal of December 16, 1882, other than as an administrative measure to clear the records of such withdrawal.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior.