The Laws of Virginia:
Being a supplement to Henning’s The Statutes at Large: 1700-1750
Page 41 - 44
April 18 to May 12, 1705

…And forasmuch as, by the 8th Act of  Assembly made at James Citty the 20th of October 1665, Entituled An Act
Concerning Indians, It is enacted that if any Englishman be Murthered, the next town of Indians shall be answerable
for it with their lives or libertys, which act is revived and reinforced by the 14th Act of the General Assembly held at
James Citty the 8th day of June 1680, and there being  strong presumptions that the Other Indians of the said Nation
of Nansiatticos were Consenting or privy to the Aforesaid Murther,…
Be it Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Burgeses of the present General Assembly and the Authority thereof,
And it is hereby Enacted, That the said as Nansiattico Indians be disposed off as followeth (to witt) That the
Children under Twelve Years of Age shall be Adjudged of what Ages they are by the Governor and Council and, by
their direction, Bound out Amongst the English there by the Clerk of the General Assembly (who is hereby
Authorised and Impowered thereunto) to be Servants, and to Serve such person or persons, to whom they or any of
them shall be bound,their Executors, Administrators, or Assignes until he, she, or they be Twenty four Years Old,
when he, she, they, or any of them, the said Indians soe bound, is to be and are hereby Declared Free,
   Provided always that if any of the said Indians, after they are Free, do presume to Settle or Inhabit in any Indian
Town, such Indian or Indians so settling or Inhabiting shall be Lyable to Transportation and shall be Transported
beyond Sea to England or Some of the Iselands and there bound or Sold for Seaven Years....
   And be it further Enacted By the Authority Afforesaid that the Bounds for the Nottoway Indians Lands shall be
Asscertained in manner Following (to witt) the Bounds of the Land on which they now live shall be laid out by a
Circle running three Miles Round their fort, and on the South side of Nottoway River they shall have Another Parcell
or Tract of Land Six Miles Square which shall be laid out and bounded as followeth...
   And Be it further Enacted that the Bounds for the Meheren Indians Lands shall ber laid out as followeth (to witt) a
Streight Line shall be runn up the Middle of the Neck of Land between Meheren River and Nottoway River, from
the Mouths of the said Rivers, so far up as will Include between that Line and Meherin River as much Land as will
be Equall in Quantity to a Circle Three Miles Round their Town....