Travel Information


From Phnom Penh to Siem Reap (314Km)
For Express boat:  at 6:30Am-7Am. Pay only 5 hrs  is $25
Taxi: 5Am-9Am.   Cost only 20000 Riel, 
pickup cost 15000 Riel. Pay 8hrs 
Minibus: from the Capitol Guesthouse: 6:30am $9. Pay 8hrs.
The road gets bad past Kompong Thom.
Slow boats go but have no schedule; enquire just up from the express boats and haggle over price. Take a ham mock and refreshments as it takes up to 36 hours Relax and enjoy the scenery.

From Phnom Penh to Stoeung Treng (455Km) /Ratanakiri:
It is possible to go from Kratie but the roads unsafe and the river, many robberies and shootings have occurred. Don't risk it, fly only $85 around trip if you want to Ratanakiri add only $20 (around trip). Pay only 45minute.

From Phnom Penh to Poipet (Thai border 410Km)
Taxi: 5Am-8.30Am.Cost 35000 Riel. Pickup cost 15000Riel.
Pay10-12hrs. Road has holes you can park trucks in. See Battambang, then add a further 3 hours of hell.

From Phnom Penh to Kampong Cham (124Km)
Express boat: 7Am.Cost 18000Riel. Pay 2hrs.
Taxi: 5-3Pm.Cost 7000Riel. Pickup cost 3500Riel.
Minibus: Cost 5000 Riel Pay 1.5hrs. 
Excellent road. Slow boats also go, journey time up to 7 hours
Great scenery but get them coming back downstream as it's faster and quieter as the engine isn't labouring,  making snoozing in your hammock easier.

From Phnom Penh to Battambang (291Km)
Train: 6Am. Cost  4500Riel. Pay 12hrs.
Taxi:  5Am-11Am. Coat 25000 Riel. 
Pickup cost 7000Riel.
Pay 7-8hrs. Motocross track for a road, wear padded 
clothing & look at it like a very long fairground ride. Again the train is the way to go if you have the time and enjoy scenery. A lot of short stops and you're bound to meet some interesting people.

From Phnom Penh to Vietnam Border
From Chhbar Ampov market, 5Am-9Am.)
Taxi: Cost10000riel; Pickup cost 6000 Riel; 
Minibus: Cost 8000Riel.Pay 4hrs.
Bad road Capitol Guesthouse does a bus ticket all the way to Saigon for $6 leaving at 6.45Am.


From Phnom Penh to Mondulkiri
(It is possible to get a truck from Kampong Cham, but not in the wet season. Fly there only $105 around trip.

From Phnom Penh to Svay Rieng (122Km)
From Chhbar Ampov Market. 6Pm-12Pm
Cost 7000 Riel.
Cost 5000 Riel. Pickup cost 4000Riels Pay 3hrsBad road.

From Phnom Penh to Pailin:
From Phnom Penh to Battambang, Then get from Battambang to Pailin by taxis leave from Phsar Le in Battambang, 6Pm-2Pm.)
Taxi :
Cost 10000 Riel. Pickup cost 5000 Riel. 
Crap road. Pay 4hrs. Bring back some rubies.

From Phnom Penh to Kratie (135Km)
7: am. 30000Riel. Pay 5hrs. You can go to Kampong Cham
and pick up the express boat from there (15000 Riel approx)
Trucks also go from Kampong Cham but the road is terrible and it is strongly not recommended. Slowboats, see Kampong Cham but the road is terrible and it is strongly not recommended. Slow boats.

From Phnom Penh to Koh Kong 
From Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, then get the express boat from the fishing port at 12Pm.Cost 500 baht. Then you have to cross the river by dinghy (20Baht) get a taxi or motorbike to the Thai border (20Baht sharing, 10munutes). Bangkok here we come! .

From Phnom Penh to Kampot (148Km) & Kep (164Km)
From Doeum Kor Market, Mao Tse Tong Blvd. near the Intercontinental Hotel). 
Taxi: Cost 10000 Riel, Pickup Cost 6000 Riel  
Minibus: Cost 7000Riel. Pay 3hrs.
Train: 6: 30Am, Cost 2800 Riel. Pay 6hrs.
(if you have the time, Take the train please) Kep is the forgotten beach resort in Cambodia.

From Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville (230Km)
Taxi : 5Pm-3Pm.10000 Riel.& Pickup 6000 Riel. Pay 3.5hrs.
Coach: 7:30-1.30Pm. Cost 10,000 Riel. Pay  4hrs.
For Train: 6:30Am, Cost  4500 Riel. Pay 12hrs.
Excellent road Pickups may stop a few times on the way; the coach stops once for refreshments. The train journey is idyllic if you have the time. Views from the roof are stunning.


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