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Constitution and Bylaws of the

American Indian Library Association




Article I. NAME

The name of this body shall be the American Indian Library Association. Hereafter referred to as the Association.

Article II. OBJECT

The object of the Association shall be to promote the development of and access to library and information services by American Indian people.


Any person, library, or other organization interested in promoting the development of and access to library and information services by American Indian people may become a member upon payment of the dues provided for in the bylaws.


Sec. 1. (a) The Executive board of the Association shall be the governing body of the Association. The Executive Board shall delegate to the various committees of the Association authority to plan and carry out programs and activities within ass igned fields of responsibility and in accordance with general Executive Board policy.

            (b) The Executive Board shall determine all policies of the Association, and its decisions shall be binding upon the Association, except as provided in Sec. 7 of this Article.

Sec. 2. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Association, the Newsletter Editor, the immediate past president, and committee chairpersons.

Sect. 3. Executive Board members shall be elected as specified in the Bylaws of the Association.

Sec. 4. A vacancy in the elected membership of the Executive Board shall be filled by Presidential appointment with the advise and consent of the Executive Board. The person so appointed will serve until the following election.

Sec. 5. The Executive board shall report in writing to the membership on its activities not later than thirty (30) days following its meeting.

Sec. 6. A majority shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.

Sec. 7. Any action of the Executive Board may be set aside by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at any membership meeting of the Association, or by a mail vote by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of returned ballots. Such vote by mail shall be held upon petition of twenty percent (20%) of the Association.


Sec. 1. Officers. Only personal members shall have the right to hold office. The officers of the Association shall be a president, a president-elect, who shall serve as vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Sec. 2. Terms of Office. The secretary and the treasurer shall serve on the Executive Board for a term of two (2) years. The president-elect shall serve the first year after election as vice-president, the second year as president, and the third year as immediate past president. All officers shall serve until the adjournment of the meeting at which their successors are chosen. The term of office for which Executive Board members are elected shall be determined by the Nominating Committee provide d for in the Bylaws.

Sec. 3. Duties of Officers.

            (a) President. The president is the executive officer of the Association. The president (1) presides at all Executive Board and Association meetings; (2) appoints the chairpersons of all committees with the advise and consent of the Executive Board ; and (3) performs other duties as are associated with this office.

            (b) Vice President. The vice president is elected to become the next president of the Association. The vice president (1) assists the president in carrying out the work of the Association; (2) performs the duties of the president during the preside nt's absence; and (3) performs other duties as are associated with the office.

            © Secretary. The secretary is responsible for the records of the association. The secretary (1) records the minutes of the Executive Board and Association meetings; (2) keeps official records of the Association; and (3) performs other duties a s are associated with this office.

            (d) Treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for the receipt, custody, accounting, and disbursement of the Association monies and properties as authorized by the president and the Executive Board. The treasurer (1) submits an annual report of the ac counts to the Association; and (2) performs other duties as are associated with this office.


            There shall be at least one annual meeting of the Executive board and one annual meeting of the membership as provided in the Bylaws.


            Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall originate within the Association. A proposed amendment shall become effective when it has been approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of returned ballots. The means of voting shall be determined by t he Executive Board.

            The Executive Board shall fix the time for the beginning and closing of balloting in a mail vote.

            The text of any amendment shall be mailed to members in written form at least thirty (30) days before a vote on an amendment is to be taken.


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Sec. 1. Membership of the Association shall consist of:

            (a) Personal Members

                        (1) Regular Members: American Indian librarians, other librarians, and others employed in library service or related activities.

                        (2) Student Members: Persons who are enrolled at least half-time in a program of library and information science in a four-year undergraduate school, a graduate school, or in a training program at an American Indian library.

            (b) Institutional Members: Tribal governments, libraries serving Native American communities, educational institutions with library programs serving Native Americans and others.

Sec. 2. Dues, Rights, and Privileges.

            (a) Dues shall be set by the Executive Board.

            (b) Unpaid dues: Members whose dues are unpaid thirty (30) days after the beginning of the fiscal year will have their memberships lapse. Lapsed memberships may be reinstated upon payment of dues for the current year.

Sec. 3. Fiscal Year

            (a) The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on 1 October and end 30 September of the following year.

            (b) The membership year for the Association shall be 1 July to 30 June of the following year.

Sec. 4. Only personal members of the Association shall have the right to vote and hold office.


Sec. 1. Officers of the Executive Board shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Association.

Sec. 2. The Executive Board shall be in charge of the conduct, the counting, and tabulation of votes of the elections of the Association.

Sec. 3. (a) The Executive Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee charged with presenting a slate of candidates to the annual membership meeting.

            (b) Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the annual membership meeting. Any candidate for office must be present and accept the nomination unless the candidate has expressed intent to seek office in writing to the Nominations Committ ee prior to the election.


Sec. 1. Meeting: The Executive Board shall hold a meeting just prior to the annual membership meeting, and at any other time as needed. Meetings may be held electronically.

Sec. 2. Officers: The president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and the three members-at-large shall serve on the Executive Board for a term of two (2) years. Any officer may serve consecutive terms.

Sec. 3. The first duly elected Executive Board shall assume office at the close of the 1981 annual meeting.


Sec. 1. Committees shall be created as needed by the Executive Board. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Executive Board for terms of specified duration..

Sec. 2. The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Executive Board and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Board.

Sec. 3. No committee may incur expense on behalf of the Association except as authorized by the Executive Board.

Article V. MEETING

Sec. 1. Annual Meeting: There shall be an annual meeting of the Association held at the time and place of the annual Executive Board meeting in conjunction with the annual ALA meeting. The time and place shall be determined by the Executive Boar d. Written notice of meetings shall be mailed to the Association members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Sec. 2. Votes by Mail:

            (a) Votes by mail may be authorized by the Executive Board.

            (b) The Executive Board shall determine the time limit for votes by mail when the vote is called.

            © A majority of returned ballots shall be enough to carry the motion.

Sec. 3. Quorum: A majority of members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Sec. 1. An audit of all accounts of the Association shall be made annually by an auditing committee designated by the president and Executive Board. The auditing committee shall not be composed of members of the Executive Board.

Sec. 2. A report shall be made annually by the treasurer to the membership detailing receipts, expenditures, fiscal status, and the results of the audit.


            Publication of notices in the American Indian Libraries Newsletter shall be considered sufficient to fulfill the requirement of notice by mail if the publication is made in accordance with the time limits set in the Bylaws for such notificat ion.


            Robert's Rule of Order (Revised), in the latest edition, shall govern the Association.


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Page prepared by Carolyn Jacobs
Student, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Texas at Austin
June 25, 1998





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