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1770 - 1799 | 1800 - 1809 | 1810 - 1819 | 1820 - 1829 | 1830 - 1839
1840 - 1849 | 1850 - 1859 | 1860 - 1869 | 1870 - 1890
1770 - 1799 Treaty with the Delawares, 1778 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1784 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1785 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1785 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1786 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1786 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1786 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1789 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1789 Treaty with the Creeks, 1790 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1791 Agreement with the Five Nations of Indians, Appendix, 1792 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1794 Treaty with the Six Nations, 1794 Treaty with the Oneida, etc., 1794 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1795 Treaty with the Seven Nations of Canada, 1796 Treaty with the Creeks, 1796 Treaty with the Mohawk, 1797 Agreement with the Seneca, Appendix, 1797 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1798 Return to Top 1800 - 1809 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1801 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1801 Treaty with the Creeks, 1802 Treaty with the Seneca, 1802 Treaty with the Seneca, 1802 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1802 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1803 Treaty with the Eel River, etc., 1803 Treaty with the Kaskaskia, 1803 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1803 Treaty with the Delawares, 1804 Treaty with the Piankeshaw, 1804 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1804 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1804 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1805 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1805 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1805 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1805 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1805 Treaty with the Creeks, 1805 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1805 Treaty with the Piankashaw, 1805 Treaty with the Sioux, Appendix, 1805 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1806 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1807 Treaty with the Osage, 1808 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1808 Treaty with the Delawares, etc., 1809 Supplementary Treaty with the Miami, etc., 1809 Treaty with the Wea, 1809 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1809 Return to Top 1810 - 1819 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1814 Treaty with the Creeks, 1814 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1815 Treaty with the Piankashaw, 1815 Treaty with the Teton, 1815 Treaty with the Sioux of the Lakes, 1815 Treaty with the Sioux of St. Peter's River, 1815 Treaty with the Yankton Sioux, 1815 Treaty with the Makah, 1815 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1815 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1815 Treaty with the Osage, 1815 Treaty with the Sauk, 1815 Treaty with the Foxes, 1815 Treaty with the Iowa, 1815 Treaty with the Kansa, 1815 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Treaty with the Sauk, 1816 Treaty with the Sioux, 1816 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1816 Treaty with the Wea and Kickapoo, 1816 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1816 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1816 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1816 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1816 Treaty with the Menominee, 1817 Treaty with the Oto, 1817 Treaty with the Ponca, 1817 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1817 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1817 Treaty with the Creeks, 1818 Treaty with the Grand Pawnee, 1818 Treaty with the Noisy Pawnee, 1818 Treaty with the Pawnee Republic, 1818 Treaty with the Pawnee Marhar, 1818 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1818 Treaty with the Wyandot, etc., 1818 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1818 Treaty with the Peoria, etc., 1818 Treaty with the Osage, 1818 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1818 Treaty with the Wea, 1818 Treaty with the Delawares, 1818 Treaty with the Miami, 1818 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1818 Agreement with the Piankeshaw, Appendix, 1818 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1819 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1819 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1819 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1819 Return to Top
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