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1770 - 1799 | 1800 - 1809 | 1810 - 1819 | 1820 - 1829 | 1830 - 1839
1840 - 1849 | 1850 - 1859 | 1860 - 1869 | 1870 - 1890
1820 - 1829 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1820 Treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa, 1820 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1820 Treaty with the Wea, 1820 Treaty with the Kickapoo of the Vermilion, 1820 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1820 Treaty with the Creeks, 1821 Treaty with the Creeks, 1821 Treaty with the Ottawa, etc., 1821 Treaty with the Osage, 1822 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1822 Treaty with the Florida Tribes of Indians, 1823 Agreement with the Seneca, Appendix, 1823 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1824 Treaty with the Iowa, 1824 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1824 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1825 Treaty with the Creeks, 1825 Treaty with the Osage, 1825 Treaty with the Kansa, 1825 Treaty with the Ponca, 1825 Treaty with the Teton, etc., Sioux, 1825 Treaty with the Sioune and Oglala Tribes, 1825 Treaty with the Cheyenne Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Hunkpapa Band of the Sioux Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Arikara Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Belantse-Etoa or Minitaree Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Mandan Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Crow Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Great and Little Osage, 1825 Treaty with the Kansa, 1825 Treaty with the Sioux, etc., 1825 Treaty with the Oto and Missouri Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Pawnee Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Makah Tribe, 1825 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1825 Agreement with the Creeks, Appendix, 1825 Treaty with the Creeks, 1826 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1826 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1826 Treaty with the Miami, 1826 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1827 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1827 Treaty with the Creeks, 1827 Treaty with the Miami, 1828 Treaty with the Western Cherokee, 1828 Treaty with the Winnebago, etc., 1828 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1828 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1829 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1829 Treaty with the Delawares, 1829 Treaty with the Delawares, 1829 Return to Top 1830 - 1839 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes,etc., 1830 Treaty with the Choctaw, 1830 Treaty with the Chickasaw, Appendix, 1830 Treaty with the Menominee, 1831 Treaty with the Menominee, 1831 Treaty with the Seneca, 1831 Treaty with the Seneca, etc., 1831 Treaty with the Shawnee, 1831 Treaty with the Ottawa, 1831 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1832 Treaty with the Creeks, 1832 Treaty with the Seminole, 1832 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1832 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1832 Treaty with the Appalachicola Band, 1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1832 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1832 Treaty with the Kickapoo, 1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Treaty with the Shawnee,etc., 1832 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1832 Treaty with the Kaskaskia, etc., 1832 Treaty with the Menominee, 1832 Treaty with the Piankashaw and Wea, 1832 Treaty with the Seneca and Shawnee, 1832 Treaty with the Western Cherokee, 1833 Treaty with the Creeks, 1833 Treaty with the Ottawa, 1833 Treaty with the Seminole, 1833 Treaty with the Quapaw, 1833 Treaty with the Appalachicola Band, 1833 Treaty with the Oto and Missouri, 1833 Treaty with the Chippewa, etc., 1833 Treaty with the Pawnee, 1833 Treaty with the Chickasaw, 1834 Treaty with the Miami, 1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1834 Treaty with the Caddo, 1835 Treaty with the Comanche, etc., 1835 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1835 Agreement with the Cherokee, Appendix, 1835 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Ottawa,etc., 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1836 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Menominee, 1836 Treaty with the Sioux, 1836 Treaty with the Iowa, etc., 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Fox Tribe, 1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1836 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1836 Treaty with the Oto, etc., 1836 Treaty with the Sioux, 1836 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw, 1837 Treaty with the Potawatomi, 1837 Treaty with the Kiowa, etc., 1837 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Treaty with the Sioux, 1837 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1837 Treaty with the Yankton Sioux, 1837 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1837 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1837 Treaty with the Iowa, 1837 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1837 Treaty with the NewYork Indians, 1838 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1838 Treaty with the Oneida, 1838 Treaty with the Iowa, 1838 Treaty with the Miami, 1838 Treaty with the Creeks, 1838 Treaty with the Osage, 1839 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1839 Treaty with the Stockbridge and Munsee, 1839 Return to Top 1840 - 1849 Treaty with the Miami, 1840 Treaty with the Wyandot, 1842 Treaty with the Seneca, 1842 Treaty with the Chippewa, 1842 Treaty with the Sauk and Foxes, 1842 Agreement with the Delawares and Wyandot, Appendix, 1843 Treaty with the Creeks and Seminole, 1845 Treaty with the Kansa Tribe, 1846 Treaty with the Comanche,Aionai, Anadarko, Caddo, etc., 1846 Treaty with the Potawatomi Nation, 1846 Treaty with the Cherokee, 1846 Treaty with the Winnebago, 1846 Treaty with the Chippewa of the Mississippi and Lake Superior, 1847 Treaty with the Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians, 1847 Treaty with the Pawnee - Grand, Loups, Republicans, etc., 1848 Treaty with the Menominee, 1848 Treaty with the Stockbridge Tribe, 1848 Treaty with the Navaho, 1849 Treaty with the Utah, 1849 Return to Top
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