Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 21 | CHAP. 40 | CHAP. 129 | CHAP. 140 | CHAP. 146 | CHAP. 156 | CHAP. 187 | CHAP. 202 | CHAP. 203 | CHAP. 204 | CHAP. 233 | CHAP. 234 | CHAP. 257 | CHAP. 260 | CHAP. 264 | CHAP. 299 | CHAP. 310 | CHAP. 313 | CHAP. 315 | CHAP. 316 | CHAP. 327 | CHAP. 369 | CHAP. 384 | CHAP. 385 | CHAP. 400 | CHAP. 403 | CHAP. 405 | CHAP. 408 | CHAP. 431 | J. R. No. 3 | J. R. No. 5 | J. R. No. 20

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Chapter 146

Margin Notes
Chap. 146 Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn. Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company granted lands on.
Chap. 146 Provisos. Homestead entry to be relinquished.
Chap. 146 Payment for drainage.
    35 Stat., 171.

{Page 450}

Chapter 146
    Apr. 8, 1910. [H. R. 16920.] | [Public, No. 120.] 36 Stat., 292.
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An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to appraise certain lands in the State of Minnesota for the purpose of granting the same to the Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company for a ballast pit.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be appraised the south half of the southwest quarter of section four, township one hundred and sixty-one north, range thirty-four west of the fifth meridian of the Red Lake Indian Reservation, in the State of Minnesota, for the purpose of granting the same to the Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Company for a ballast pit for ballasting its line of railway in the State of Minnesota, and upon appraising said land the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to convey the same to said railroad company upon such terms as he may deem advisable: Provided, That he shall not convey said land to said railroad company until Hans M. Carlson, who has heretofore made homestead entry thereon, shall relinquish such homestead entry and claim to the land herein described which relinquishment the said Hans M. Carlson is authorized to make without prejudice to his rights as homesteader, and upon the filing of such relinquishment said land shall be withheld from public entry for the space of six months within which to complete the negotiation for the same provided for by this act: Provided, That said railroad company shall pay, in addition to the appraised value of said land, the sum of three cents an acre, as drainage charges, as required by section eight of the act of May twentieth, nineteen hundred and eight (Thirty-fifth Statutes, page one hundred and sixty-nine).

Approved, April 8, 1910.

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