Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 3 | CHAP. 91 | CHAP. 143 | CHAP. 210 | CHAP. 231 | CHAP. 246 | CHAP. 272 | CHAP. 276

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Chapter 272

Margin Notes
Chap. 272 Public lands.
Chap. 272 Homestead entries on former Siletz Indian Reservation, Oreg.
Chap. 272 Patents may issue in certain cases.
Chap. 272 Requirements.
Chap. 272 Provisos. Adverse proceedings.
Chap. 272 Additional payment required.

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Chapter 272
    March 4, 1911. [H. R. 27298.] | [Public, No. 512.] 36 Stat., 1356.
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An act relating to homestead entries in the former Siletz Indian Reservation in the State of Oregon.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all pending homestead entries heretofore made within the former Siletz Indian Reservation in Oregon upon which proofs were made prior to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and six, shall be passed to patent in all cases where it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that the entry was made for the exclusive use and benefit of the entry-man, and that the entryman built a house on the land entered and otherwise improved the same, and actually entered into the occupation thereof and cultivated a portion of said land for the period required by law, and that no part of the land entered has been sold or conveyed, or contracted to be sold or conveyed, by the entryman, and where no contest or other adverse proceeding was commenced against the entry and notice thereof served upon the entryman prior to the date of submission of proof thereon, or within two years thereafter, and where any such entry has heretofore been canceled the same may be reinstated upon application filed within six months from the passage of this act where at the date of the filing of such application for reinstatement no other entry is of record covering such land: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent or forestall any adverse proceedings against any entry upon any charge of fraud: And provided further, That any entryman who may make application for patent under the provisions of this act shall, as an additional condition precedent to the issuance of such patent, be required to pay to the United States the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre for the land so applied for; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue such regulations as may be necessary for carrying this act into effect.1

1 41 L. D., 310

Approved, March 4, 1911.

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