Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Chap. 4 | Chap. 5 | Chap. 28 | Chap. 29 | Chap. 34 | Chap. 36 | Chap. 58 | Chap. 59 | Chap. 85 | Chap. 101 | Chap. 108 | Chap. 109 | Chap. 114 | Chap. 117 | Chap. 148 | Chap. 161 | Chap. 163 | Chap. 164 | Chap. 166 | Chap. 168 | Chap. 169 | Chap. 214 | Chap. 273 | Chap. 280 | Chap. 326 | Chap. 356 | Chap. 359 | Chap. 365 | Chap. 394 | Chap. 414 | Chap. 415 | Chap. 431 | Chap. 432 | Chap. 433 | Chap. 459 | Chap. 462 | Chap. 464 | Chap. 468 | Chap. 533 | Chap. 550 | Chap. 556

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Chapter 414
March 3 1925. | [S. 4015.] 43 Stat., 1101.

An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to sell to the city of Los Angeles certain lands in California heretofore purchased by the Government for the relief of homeless Indians.

Margin Notes
Chap. 414 Los Angeles, Calif. Conveyance to, of lands purchased for homeless Indians.
Chap. 414 Description.
Chap. 414 Provisos. Restriction on sale price.
Chap. 414 Amount to be used for Indian irrigation.
Chap. 414 Balance to purchase other lands.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to sell and to convey title on behalf of the United States of America, to the city of Los Angeles, certain lands in California heretofore purchased by the Government for the relief of homeless Indians, namely: Lot 55 of the Owens Valley Improvement Company's subdivision numbered 1, as shown on a map filed in book numbered 1, page 41, of the map records of Inyo County, containing approximately sixteen and sixty-one one-hundredths acres; and the northerly four hundred and twenty-nine feet of lot 141 of the Owens Valley Improvement Company's subdivision numbered 2 as shown on a map filed in book numbered 1, page 42, of the map records of Inyo County, containing approximately thirteen acres: Provided, That the consideration to be received for the lands shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the amount for which the entire area may be sold shall not be less than the total cost of the lands and of the improvements to the Government: Provided further, That the sum of $1,060.75 shall be segregated from the proceeds of this sale and deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the reimbursable appropriation by the Act of May 24, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes at Large, page 560), for irrigation work on miscellaneous projects in district numbered 4: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to use the remainder of the proceeds, exclusive of the sum of $1,060.75 expended for irrigation improvements, in purchasing other land in California, with such

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improvements as may be appurtenant thereto, for the relief of homeless Indians of that State, and the money when deposited in the Treasury shall be set apart and reserved for that purpose.

Approved, March 3, 1925.

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